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The Vassal Academy Ch. 09

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The Learning Curve.
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Part 9 of the 39 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 05/08/2008
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Part 09: The Learning Curve

Devon arrived upstairs after seeing Sheriff Mitchell and Robertson the County Attorney to the door. Ann's door was open so he stuck his head around the corner and saw her standing before a mirror examining her appearance as a Dominatrix for tonight's venture to the BDSM Clubs in New York.

"I'll only be a few minutes, I apologize for the late start." Devon said.

"How did it go?"

"We've reached an agreement. I'll respect his wisdom, and wishes, in regards to legal matters and law enforcement. On personal issues, such as his personal likes and dislikes, I'll listen to his argument, consider his opinion, and do as I damn well please." Devon said smiling slightly.

"So I still have a job?" Ann asked.

"Of course. I see no reason to fire you, and unless you're quitting, the issue is settled." Devon said as he turned towards his own door. "Oh, by the way, you look fabulous."

Ann smiled. She had wondered how he'd like the leather mini skirt, ankle boots, and bustier top that showed off all the cleavage that genetics and the wonder bra could manage. As usual, Devon had noticed everything, without once appearing to take note of anything.

In ten minutes Devon stepped out of his room dressed in dark slacks, a white cotton shirt, and a leather dress style vest, instead of the expected heavy strap covered vests that the predominate majority of Master's tended to favor. Ann realized that he didn't dress the part, he didn't try to fit in with anyone's idea of what a Dominant should do, he just exuded the impression that he was absolutely confident that he could do whatever was being discussed.

In the Club de Sade, Ann was introduced around and he introduced David and their student as of Monday Cathy.

Ann watched Cathy for a several minutes, and realized Devon had her pegged right. She was a manipulator, she was coyly trying to get David to take her home and have sex, rather than listen to Devon talk about training. She was subtle, but it was there, and Devon had picked it up in how short a time?

After mingling and meeting people for a while Ann noticed that Devon was looking out the mirrored windows to the club proper, and seemed interested in a table about half way across the room. She walked to him and said. "What's got your interest now? Find your boy toy?"

"No, I'm not looking for anyone in particular, just spreading the word tonight. However a lesson in domination and submission. That table, with the two couples. The fat guy and the blond. Tell me your impressions of them." Devon said softly.

"OK." Ann looked at them for a bit and shook her head. "I don't like him."


"He's an abusive bastard. Big old bully."

"How can you say that? Isn't abuse what you said I was all about too?"

"Look at his gestures, no refinement, big sweeping arm gestures. Those in this room don't behave that way they're more genteel I guess. He's not really a Dominant is he? At least, not your idea of a Dominant." Ann said.

"Ok, let's talk about the girl first, the blond on his right, the kneeling one. What about her."

Ann looked for a while and said. "She's not embarrassed, or humiliated. She's not Geneva. She's awful young though. No way is she twenty-one. She's not Jeannette, attending to him like she does to you. She's not like Diane either, she's not a wallflower hiding behind the crowd, or in this case the Master."

"She's nineteen, and she's sitting stoically to keep from making him mad." Devon said. "By the way, you pegged him about dead on. He uses the BDSM scene to cover his abusive tendencies." Devon turned and whispered near her. "Also she's on drugs. Look at her sway now and then; her brain is one big buzz right now. She would never be a candidate for us, because of her drug use and her history."

Ann looked at the girl again and sighed. She had just been told and shown that she couldn't save the world. Devon was right, if the Sheriff suspected drug use at the house, he'd bust in with the SWAT teams himself. Or the Feds, or the State, or God only knew who else. She took one last look and remembered something her instructors had said at the Police Academy. You can't save the world; you can sometimes help those who want to help themselves. She had thought it awful cynical, now she wasn't so sure.

Devon introduced her to Luke, who had toured the facility and was interested in sending Marie, but Marie had reservations. "Of course she does. Marie, you're concerned about many things, including the fact that you would have no choices out there right?"

"Yeah. Look I've talked to Luke. I dig this whole scene. I really do. But man, I'm not going to do it. If he insists, I'm leaving Devon." Marie said seriously.

Devon nodded. "Of course, I commend that attitude Marie. You see, our school is not for the people who play the part of a submissive, it's not a spa. It's a serious school for the art of Domination, and submission."

After chatting for a while Devon took Ann and they went to another club. The Executive Club. Devon explained to her. "Dominique got us the corporate membership, and I haven't been there yet. I think we'll find more clients than potential staff at this one but it's hard to tell."

"So we're going to see what?" Ann asked.

"We're going to take a look around. To introduce ourselves, and to see what develops. At the moment, we're still relatively unknown. The reputation is starting to spread however Mistress Ann."

Ann smiled. "I'm still not used to hearing that."

"You'll get used to it, give it some time." Devon said.

They went in and Devon looked around and smiled. "Oh, we're going to get rich off this club Ann."

"What do you mean?"

"Look around, all the little toy slaves that are around." Devon said as he leaned closer. "They think that Bondage is about chaining your little play toy up and fucking away. They have no idea what a trained slave of ours can do. I'll have to come back with Jeannette. Dominique was right, there are a lot of potential clients here."

They walked around and did the introduction thing. Devon watched as one Master was flicking the whip at his slave who was tied to a rack of sorts. She was glowing a slight pink, and sweating. Devon remained silent and walked along watching another group.

As Ann continued to chat with a group about the lifestyle, she was more listening, trying to understand the nuances of the language. A blond in her mid twenties approached her and hung her head submissively as she spoke. "Excuse me Mistress. May I ask you a question Mistress?"

Ann turned and found a blond about her height wearing a large leather collar. "Yes?"

"Mistress, My Master Randolph has ordered me to invite you to join him at the table." The Blond said.

"Your name?" Ann asked.

"I'm Slave Sindy, with an S."

"Of course you are. Please lead the way Slave Sindy." Ann said and hoped to catch Devon's eye.

She was presented to Master Randolph and she bowed her head in greeting, and then sat. "You wanted to see me Master Randolph?" Ann asked in what she hoped sounded like a Dominant manner.

"I'm informed that you're from this academy up the coast. Is that true?" Randolph said.

Ann took him in, Medium build, dark hair. Expensive leather jacket. Pinky ring. Suave, and confident. "Yes, that's true. I'm here with the lead trainer, Master Devon."

"Your position woman?" Randolph asked.

Ann smiled at him. "I'm an apprentice Trainer. I'm getting a feel for the community."

"An apprentice Trainer?" The man waved a hand dismissively.

Sindy was kneeling with her hands on her thighs and making no movement. Ann was not impressed by Randolph. Ann continued smiling. "If I could get Master Devon to come here, I'm sure he could answer any questions you have."

"Perhaps you know, apprentice." Randolph said. "How does he train these slaves to milk a cock with their cunts?"

Ann had only been briefed on that. "Master Devon is the lead trainer. He has authorized me to tell of our service, our training. I am not authorized to divulge our secrets."

"Fine. Slave Sindy, get your ass over to this Devon, and ask him to join me." Randolph said.

Sindy rose and walked away. She had some grace, but was not as graceful as Jeannette, more like Diane. Ann said. "Your slave Sindy moves much like Jeannette, gracefully rising. However she also glides across the floor, her ballet training I suppose."

Devon came and joined them after introductions. Ann said. "Master Randolph asked me to divulge the training secrets in getting our slaves to milk a cock with their... cunts." Ann hesitated at the end and covered it by coughing into her hand.

"Oh that." Devon waved a hand. "It's a simple thing really."

"I've read about it, felt it only once in my life. Sindy who is the best I've ever had, can't do it." Randolph admitted.

Devon smiled. "It's not her fault, the probes we use to train this task are prototypes to our academy. We begin with one probe, and then move along to multiple sensor probes."

Ann sat and wondered about that, could it be true? She listened as Devon explained that milking motion was in fact, the most difficult, first learning to control those muscles took time, and then learning to ripple them was extremely difficult.

Randolph took a card and agreed to come and see for himself. Devon took Ann's hand and stepped away. He returned to the other side of the club and found the man he had been talking to. "Thank you for your indulgence Edward."

"Certainly, I know Randolph, and he's a very demanding person." Edward said with a small indulgent smile.

Introductions were made and Ann sat. No toy with this one. "Now Devon, as I said. I have a Secretary that I've started to play with. She has a definite submissive streak, but is essentially untrained in position, grace, and some of the things that I've heard about from Dominique."

"Yes, and you're duties with business mean that you find it difficult to dedicate the time required to train up your Secretary."

"Exactly Devon. So how long would it take to get her through the entire program, and what would it cost?"

Devon leaned back and sighed. "The time depends not only upon me, but upon her. Some of the techniques we teach require a level of self-control that is beyond most of our ability to imagine. Additionally, how reluctant she may be to learn these techniques comes into play."

"Of course, that's a given. No one can be expected to exceed his or her capability. However, I was looking for a general timeline, sort of a guide." Edward replied.

"That is difficult to say. Jeannette's the product of six months of intensive training. However she's also exceptionally submissive by nature." Devon said. "Even now, her training is continuing. This evening, Andre was going to give her a workout on the rack, stretch her, and whip her into a subspace cloud of euphoria." Devon said. "Thomas is taking two of our slaves and putting them to bed, not his. They aren't to that level yet."

Edward nodded slowly. "I suppose the thing to do is to come up and take a look around, and see what if any part of the program is interesting."

"That is exactly what I was about to suggest Edward. Please do just that." Devon said.

Devon chatted a bit more and then they left and went to the car. On the drive back to the house Ann asked. "Devon, are we really going to train his mistress?"

"If she and he choose to have us train them, yes." Devon answered.

"He's cheating on his wife with her." Ann hissed.

"Yes. He will do so if we train his secretary, or not." Devon replied. "Moral judgments on the clients choices are not our affair. That is between him, and his wife. Not us."

"How about Randolph, he dismissed me as a mere woman, before he found I was an apprentice." Ann said.

"Of course he did. I don't know where he found slave Sindy, with an S, but he didn't train her." Devon said.

"I got that impression myself." Ann admitted. "He's too dismissive to take the time to train someone. Too self important."

Devon nodded. "Yes, and he's probably got another two or three little slave play things that he amuses himself with. He gives an order, and they carry it out, if they can. That is what he's facing now; he can't get them to do what he's heard about. He's not a trainer."

Ann shook her head. "What's his problem with women?"

"I haven't the slightest idea. Nor do I care." Devon said. "If you wish to be happy Ann, I'm going to suggest you focus on what you can have an affect upon, and ignore the other things."

"You seem to have no problem working for a woman, Dominique for example." Ann said teasingly.

"Of course not. I have always supported women's equality." Devon said. "Which is why I hope that Dominique and Rebecca are successful in finding us a male slave."

"Why the demand for that? I haven't figured it out yet." Ann said.

"Simply put, a male slave would be able to help train the other male slaves in servicing men. There are only three of us at this time. If we have four slaves that means all our time would be spent teaching those boys not to gag on a cock. The women students would get no attention, and that is unacceptable. Additionally, he would be available to help keep the staff happy."

"The staff? You mean Rebecca and myself?" Ann asked somewhat coolly.

"No, I mean the slaves. We have three highly sexual women right now. Soon, two of them will be going through training to increase their arousal. In short, they're going to be needing lots of sex to manage continuing with their training."

"Devon, you're telling me you're looking for a male slave to fuck those women?" She looked at him through narrowed eyes. "What, you three men are too soft to manage us women by yourselves?"

Devon ignored the sarcasm and said. "I'm the lead trainer. From a status point of view, I can't be with the trainee's very often, or they'll consider themselves my favorite. If that happens, they get cocky, and cause disharmony among the house slaves, and we have problems and resentment. Andre and Thomas are only two, and frankly, they'd be hard pressed to keep the girls happy alone. Not at the moment of course, but with their training duties, they're the stunt dicks if you will, they're going to be pretty busy. You have no idea what those girls are going to be doing yet. Nor how they'll react. An additional male slave would be helpful. Especially if I relax the playtime rule."

"Yeah, you took playtime from Jeannette. What is that?" Diane asked remembering Jeannette's punishment in the kitchen.

"When they are out of phase one. they're allowed to play after their chores are done, with the lead slave. A fringe benefit of working there. Especially when their training is going to be sporadic at times as work takes precedence." Devon explained. "Slaves out of phase two may play with any slave of equal or grater status, still Jeannette at the moment, and qualified slaves may play with other qualified slaves."

"Oh, they don't get to play with me?" Ann asked sarcastically. "I'm surprised Devon."

"Ann, they don't get to ask you, or suggest to you. That's not what they do." Devon began. "You may invite any trainer to your bed using the terms you've become accustomed to. They may, or may not accept." Devon said and then smiled. "OK, they probably will, but the point is you're both of equal status, and they are free to do as they choose. You won't invite a slave to your bed, you'll command one if you want his or her attentions."

"So I order the slave girls to pleasure me?" Ann asked with a sarcastic tone. "Tell Geneva to get the strap on and let's go?"

"If you so desire. Yes. So long as that attention doesn't interfere with their duties, or their training." Devon answered.

"And if we get a little slave boy? Well, let's hope he's not too little." Ann said through narrowed eyes.

"I'm guessing that Dominique will find one who's hung like the proverbial bear." Devon said. "If she's successful."

"You people are out of your fucking minds." Ann said finally losing her composure completely. "There is no way I'm walking to a slave guy and saying come on big boy, fuck my brains out."

Devon took a moment to look at her and said. "You will if you want the slave boy to do just that."

"Devon, I can't do that, I told you when you hired me." Ann said.

"Ann, let me ask you this. Please don't worry about offending me, but is there anyone at the house, a man, or woman, whom you find yourself attracted to?" Devon asked.

Ann closed her mouth into a thin line and stared out the window. Obviously refusing to dignify that question with an answer.

"Strange, I would have thought that Andre, or perhaps Thomas would have at least tickled your fancy." Devon said and shrugged. "Perhaps not. Oh well there is no telling these days."

After another ten minutes Ann asked. "Let's for the sake of argument say that I was attracted, slightly attracted to someone within the house, what would you have suggested I do about it?"

"Invite them in to your room, if it's a trainer, or ask to join them. If it's a slave, I would not suggest joining them, they're doors have no locks, and I'm assuming that you would prefer to be undisturbed." Devon said. "Then simply say you wish to experience what pleasures a woman can."

"On another subject, how did you know Jeannette would win the bet?" Ann asked.

"I know her, and unless you'd been a mutant, you would respond." Devon answered.

Ann rode in silence for a while. Damn him and his casual attitude. Ann just wasn't one who could casually say, fuck me. "Devon, I'm not the type of girl who can just walk up to someone and say, slave boy, or whatever, come on and fuck me."

Devon nodded. "Yes, you were raised to believe that girls didn't do that. You were raised to believe that they could respond, or not, but that subtle hints were all that a proper lady ever gave right?"

"Yes." Ann admitted.

"In this world, our lifestyle, that will get you rather frustrated quickly. Slaves don't respond to subtle hints. Well, they do, but only when performing a task they've been given." Devon said.

"So I'm supposed to walk up and say, hey insert name here, please allow me to join you? If I'm feeling a little on edge as Jeannette puts it, and wish to have a romp?"

"That wouldn't be a bad way to start, if you were talking about a fellow trainer. If you're talking about a slave, Jeannette for example, then that would not be a good way to start, and she'd point that out to you." Devon answered smiling slightly.

They drove in through the gate and Devon parked in back. He got out and entered the house. Thomas was waiting for them.

"Devon, we've found part of Diane's problem. Her throat, the thingy that hangs down, is a little overlarge. So she can't help snoring if she's laying on her back, she can't help it." Thomas said excitedly.

"OK, so we've put her on her stomach?" Devon asked frowning slightly.

"Yes, She's sleeping like a baby now. We've just got to teach her to always roll over to her stomach, and she's got this whipped."

"I'll live with that. Show her as a pass tomorrow, and let her spend the night in the staff wing, tell her to always roll over and sleep on her stomach." Devon said. "Any other breakthroughs while I was out and about?"

"No. Geneva is getting really frustrated though. She's about to start humping the banister to the sleeping level."

"Yeah. Let's see if we can pass her through phase one, and then we'll give her a chance to put a show on for us." Devon said. "I'm going to presume that Andre showed Jeannette a good time downstairs?"

"Yeah. She came up with a grin plastered on her face that will probably take a week to fade." Thomas smiled.

Ann shook her head. "I don't believe you two."

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