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The Vassal Academy Ch. 19

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Cleaning up the mess.
10.1k words

Part 19 of the 39 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 05/08/2008
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Chapter 19: Cleaning up the mess

At breakfast, Devon filled the trainers in on what he and Dominique had figured out, the obvious thing they had missed with Matt. Ann had shook her head in regret at missing it as well. Devon sat at the breakfast table and toyed with his food. Despite being up all night, he couldn't find any appetite for food. "Ok, Andre, you're teaching oral arts to Suzanne this morning, then I'll take cunt control while you sleep this afternoon."

"Devon, why not let me get a nap, and I'll take cunt control this afternoon." Ann said. "You are exhausted. You should sleep now."

Devon shook his head. "I'm going to see about Geneva, they have her in the hospital, and Thomas called just before breakfast to say they were almost done with her and were going to send her home in another couple hours."

"Fine, then she'll be here shortly, and you can see her when you wake up. Devon, you're not doing anyone any good if you kill yourself from overwork." Ann insisted. "Take the morning, get some sleep."

Devon frowned and shook his head stubbornly. "No, I have things that only I can do."

Rebecca cleared her throat with a glance at Ann. "Devon, she's right. Sleeplessness murders judgment."

Devon glared at Rebecca. "I screwed up and missed the sign, this is my fault."

"Devon, I missed it too. I know what you said, I'm the apprentice, I'm supposed to make mistakes. Bullshit. I'm a former cop, and I'm supposed to ask questions, and I missed it too." Ann said.

Andre joined in. "Devon, I can teach this morning, no problem. Ann and I talked earlier, she's going to sleep this morning for a few hours, and then teach this afternoon. Rebecca is going to take the slaves for the day, giving them a schedule with Jeannette. You need to crash today, get some sleep."

Devon glared at Andre and shook his head significantly.

"Devon, I'm you're number two, I'm supposed to back you up, and take over in your absence." Rebecca said next. "You haven't had six hours of sleep in the past two days. If you don't go to bed after breakfast, I'm going to call Dominique."

Devon glared at Rebecca. "Threatening to go over my head now Rebecca?"

She shook her head. "Taking care of a friend who is blaming himself for something that everyone else missed too. You and Ann both told us about Matt, and none of us asked the question either. We're all tired, you're more tired. Devon, get some sleep, that goes double for Jeannette. We're going to run a kitchen detail today. Diane after breakfast, Crystal after lunch. Jeannette and the others are going to rotate with us in watching Geneva."

Devon glared at the table and sighed. His face softened as he finally heard the words. "You're right, I'm so tired, I'll screw something else up."

"Devon, we're human, we make mistakes, it's in our nature. You can blame God for not making us perfect. We do the best we can." Ann told him.

Devon shrugged and almost smiled. "I would but I'm afraid of upsetting Her."

Ann chuckled. "I'm off to bed, I'm tired, and unlike Superman here, I know I'm exhausted."

Devon rose from the chair and looked at his food. It had hardly been touched. He swallowed the rest of the Orange Juice and then turned to go to bed.

Rebecca walked into the Slave Dining room. "OK, Jeannette, you're going to bed, no argument."

"Yes Mistress." Jeannette said without hesitation.

"Crystal you're in bed too, you have five hours to sleep, and then you're in the Kitchen. Diane, you're in the Kitchen until lunch. Listen to me all of you. Under no circumstances are you to wake Master Devon, short of a house fire." Rebecca said seriously.

"Yes Mistress." The three house slaves said almost in unison.

"Suzanne, you have Oral Arts with Master Andre this morning, and you'll have classes after lunch. I personally apologize for the situation last night."

"Mistress, I don't think it's your fault. Sometimes a Nut just shows up." Suzanne said simply. "I'm off to class gang."

"Diane, when Geneva gets back, she's supposed to soon. I want you to let me know, I'll be on radio channel four, and listen to this everyone. If anything strange happens when you're on watch, notify us immediately." Rebecca said sternly.

The trio again agreed.

"When Geneva is here, I want someone in with her for the first day or two. I think she's going to be hurting, and unable to move about too much, we'll play that by ear of course." Rebecca said as she glanced at the three. "Any questions?"

"Mistress, are we going to cover Geneva like we do with the Kitchen?" Crystal asked.

Rebecca shook her head no. "Diane can fill you in, we covered her when she got Laser Hair removal. We tag in and out, keeping an eye on the sick or injured, while we move the house generally forward."

"Mistress, if Geneva can go to admin to sit in a few days, I can keep her company there." Jeannette said. "I can also pop up and check on her."

"Right now Jeannette, my plan is to have her sleeping in my room for today. I'm assuming she's as tired as the rest of us, and it will be easier that way." Rebecca said significantly.

"Yes Mistress."

"Get to work, and get to bed. All of you right now." Rebecca said sternly.

Diane rose to gather the trays and Jeannette and Crystal left the dining room. After they left Rebecca walked into the kitchen and said. "Diane, congratulations on level three."

"Thank you Mistress." Diane answered.

Rebecca went upstairs and set her watch to channel four. She plugged it in and turned it up before crashing exhausted into bed.

It was just after ten when Thomas and Geneva arrived back at the house. Thomas had taken the van to follow the ambulance. They found Diane in the Kitchen, and Geneva sat and drank some juice and ate some Jello that Chef had left for her.

"Master, Mistress Rebecca instructed me to notify her upon your arrival." Diane began.

Thomas frowned. "Where's Master Devon?"

"Master is asleep and our orders are not to disturb him for any reason." Diane said. She looked at the door for a moment and then said. "Master, I believe that Master Devon is exhausted, and the others are taking up some of the slack. No one got any sleep last night."

Thomas nodded. "I think I understand. Master Devon was out most of the night before, and last night was the first to find Geneva."

Geneva looked at Diane and tried to ask. "What chores for me." But the tape holding her nose straight and the stitches in her lip made it very tough to speak.

"You Geneva, are going to bed." Diane said taking her friends hand. "Mistress Rebecca also said you were to sleep in her room, until the rest of us got some sleep and were able to help out."

Geneva shook her head. "My bed, don't disturb Master."

Diane frowned and raised her wrist. "Mistress, Master Thomas and Geneva are here."

"Send them up." Came from the small speaker.

Geneva looked accusingly at her friend. "Disturbed Master."

"New orders." Diane said. "We must call Master immediately."

Geneva shook her head and then nodded. If she had called Master upon finding the open door, she wouldn't be hurting now.

She knelt on the floor of Mistress Rebecca's room while Master Thomas reported. When asked how she was she tried to answer "OK Mistress." But it was so badly slurred it was almost unintelligible.

"Thomas, get some sleep. You're not teaching today. Andre is teaching this morning, Ann has the afternoon shift. No sleep training will be handled tonight. Our first priority is to see to the welfare of the slaves, and number two is to train Suzanne. I intend to discuss the possibility of a partial refund or credit for Suzanne's owner. Her training has suffered on this last day, and I'm not thrilled, but it can't be helped."

"Dominique was here?" Thomas asked.

"Yes, and she left without comment. After a long discussion at breakfast, some changes were implemented without further discussion. You've seen the first of them, the Slaves may not hesitate to call us in the event of any problem." Rebecca said. "Geneva is going to sleep here with me, so I may keep an eye on her and make sure she's well."

Geneva shook her head and managed to slur out the words. "Mistress, I'm fine, I'll sleep in my room. I don't want to keep you awake."

Rebecca waved Thomas out of the room and then turned back to Geneva. "Geneva, there are some changes going on around here. The first one is we expect more communication from the Slaves, less of the unwilling to disturb Master mindset." Rebecca said taking Geneva's hand and lifting her gently from the ground. "The second is we're going to make sure we take good care of our slaves, and that means that you're to sleep here with me today. I know you're exhausted, and I know you're hurting. If you need to get up, do so. Right now, the first concern is seeing to your recovery from the injuries sustained in the performance of your loyal and dedicated service."

Geneva had a tear in her eye as she crawled into bed. Master loved her, so much that they were willing to do anything and everything to help her. The fellow soldiers would have taken care of her, but they were Medics too. No officer would have taken her into their bed, to give them comfort, and support. Geneva appreciated this more than she could explain, and she felt gratitude as Mistress Rebecca lay next to her.

"Geneva, wake me without any hesitation if you need anything. If you don't, I'll punish you severely." Rebecca said with a small smile and a gentle touch on Geneva's shoulder.

Geneva nodded and mumbled "Thank you Mistress." There was no way she would ever leave, or betray Master.

Jeannette woke at noon, and headed downstairs after a quick shower. She found Crystal and Diane eating with Suzanne in the slave-dining hall. "Hey girls, what's up?"

"I'm going off duty, she's coming on. Nothing else is happening. I've had the cordless phone, and it's only rung once, I took the message for Master Devon. Geneva is in with Mistress Rebecca," Diane said between bites. "I'm about to get some sleep while the Groupie cleans up."

Crystal playfully pushed at Diane's shoulder and said. "Be nice or I'll come and wake you up with a lick to something."

Jeannette rolled her eyes and said. "Which of the Masters is up?"

"Master Andre was teaching me this morning." Suzanne said.

"Mistress Ann is dining with him in the Masters hall." Diane said. "She's teaching you this afternoon."

Jeannette felt she had at least a small grasp of what was going on. She could tell the Masters where the slaves were at least. "Ok, Suzanne, you're training this afternoon, and I don't know about this evening yet. Figure that we'll let you know."

"Right Jeannette, they said Geneva's going to be OK." Suzanne answered.

"She's home, looking rough. She's got two black eyes, they're nearly swollen shut. Her nose is taped up, and her lip is swollen as hell." Diane said. "Matt sure did a number on her."

Jeannette frowned. "If Master Devon isn't up before dinner, I'll call the Sheriff and get an update, to brief Master."

Crystal nodded. "The cops took his luggage, and I know you told security to shoot on sight."

Jeannette shook her head. "I told them to arrest on sight, not shoot. I don't know if they're even armed."

"Give them a gun, and tell them to shoot him on site. Jeannette you haven't seen her, I have." Diane said firmly. "She got her ass royally kicked, what the fuck was Matt's problem anyway?"

Jeannette took a breath and considered. Devon had told her, but she wasn't sure what she could tell the others. "It looks like Matt is a little unstable. We aren't sure, but we think he saw himself as Master's favorite, and all he had to do was steal one of our slots, and he could then get my collar."

Crystal blinked at her in shocked amazement. "Are you shitting me? He fucking thought he could upset your slot?"

Diane shook her head. "He is nuts. Jeannette no one can take your place, you're the best slave in the nation."

Jeannette lowered her head slightly. "Thanks, but I'm just a slave, and I serve Master. If he chooses to give the red collar to another, I will obey."

"That will never happen." Crystal said. "No wonder he was in the files. He thought he could learn about us, but what is this shit about taking our slots? Master doesn't do that does he?"

Jeannette shook her head. "No. You're here until either you choose to leave, or you violate our rules in such a way to make us throw you out. You know those rules, Matt broke one. Never attack another student."

Diane nodded her head. "I saw what happened to Geneva when she moved to hit Cathy, Master hung chains all over her and she was bruised for a week afterward."

Suzanne swallowed hard. She looked at the group and said. "I'm not one of you, the house slaves. But everyone knows that Jeannette is number one, no one could possibly believe that they could take her slot on the first day."

"It seems Matt thought so." Jeannette said. "It was my file he was reading."

Crystal shook her head. "I thought Master was going to kill him personally."

"He was very angry." Diane agreed. "I've never seen him so angry before."

"We've chatted long enough girls, time for class, and for some of us to get to work. Diane get some sleep." Jeannette said ending the gab session.

Crystal hopped up and started to collect the dishes. Jeannette followed her and got a bowl from the fridge and nuked it for a couple minutes. Then she took it to Admin to start to organize the paperwork for the day. Andre came in and was surprised to find her there.

"Master, I woke up, I'm not tired, so I thought I would do some administrative work, just to keep from falling too far behind." Jeannette said.

Andre nodded and walked to her desk and sat down in a chair near it. "I'm going to type up my morning training with Suzanne, and then I'm going to get some sleep."

"Master, Diane is also on her way upstairs, Crystal is on duty in the Kitchen, Geneva is reported as in with Mistress Rebecca." Jeannette reported the location of the others.

"Good." Andre said reaching up and rubbing his face. "Jeannette, I don't think you or the others did anything wrong, I understand they're upset, but Geneva is home, and going to be fine."

"Yes Master, they know that." Jeannette replied and looked down sheepishly. She looked around and standing quickly stepped to the hallway and then back into the office and quietly said. "Master, for the first time I wished we were back at the farms, so Matt could be properly punished."

Andre looked up at Jeannette and nodded before standing and just as quietly replied. "I know how you feel." He then walked to the Trainers office to start to work on his report.

The staff would be off schedule for the next day or two, but would adjust. Jeannette was sure of that. Geneva would be on very light duty for the next week or two, until she had healed enough to take on additional duties. For the most part she would have the aide station to attend to, and that would be all.

Jeannette turned her attention to future training and scheduled trainee's. The next trainee's were two slaves belonging to Master Theodore. Yvette and Donna, were 24/7 live in slaves who attended to his needs. They were described as good at oral arts, needing training in poise and grace, as well as the full cunt control arousal training. Jeannette thought that a course heavy in Oral Arts would also be involved.

According to the file, they were used in performances to entertain Master's guests. Jeannette hadn't heard of slaves being used in performances before. She assumed that they would explain later.

Jeannette was going over the files on pending contact or appointments when Devon walked into Admin. "Master, did you rest?"

"Yes Jeannette, and I feel much better, how's Geneva?"

"Master, Diane informed me that she was sleeping with Mistress Rebecca, and the others are either working or asleep."

"I saw Crystal in the Kitchen, she was bopping along to a radio Chef has put in there." Devon said with a thin smile.

Jeannette smiled and shook her head. "Teenagers, what are you going to do?"

"They do seem to be almost boundless sources of energy." Devon said shrugging. "Anything going on I should know about?"

"The slaves are very upset about Matt attacking Geneva. No surprise there Master." Jeannette answered.

"Anything else?"

"No Master." Jeannette said. "Nothing else."

Devon nodded. "Wake Diane for dinner, the rest too. That way we're on a normal schedule again in a few days. I'm going to call the Sheriff's office, and see what's going on with all that mess."

"Yes Master." Jeannette agreed.

Geneva woke and found Mistress Rebecca sitting in a chair reading a book. She shifted and groaned. Her face really hurt.

"Good afternoon Geneva, I'm assuming that hurts. The pain pills you brought back are here." Rebecca said lifting the bottle. "I'll get you a glass of water."

Geneva took the pill and swallowed the water. "I must look a mess." Her words were even more slurred and had to be enunciated slowly to be understandable.

"You do, but we know why, and we appreciate your service and dedication Geneva." Rebecca said softly. "We won't forget this."

Geneva sat up and winced in pain. She looked at the door and softly spoke. "I thought I had left all this behind, all the violence."

Rebecca sat next to her on the bed and smiled as she said. "You traded war for floggings."

Geneva tried to smile and groaned. "Oh that hurts."

"I think I understand what you mean Geneva. You didn't expect to get hurt like this here. I didn't expect it either, none of us did. I recently watched a series on DVD I got for entertainment. A Tom Hanks mini series on the journey to the Moon. Did you ever see it?" Rebecca asked.

"No Mistress." Geneva said honestly.

"The reason I bring it up is something that happened. Gus Grissom and the other members of his crew died in a training and equipment test. A fire broke out and killed them in seconds." Rebecca explained. "When the investigation was complete, the explanation was interesting. The cause of the deaths was a failure of imagination. They just didn't think the test would be dangerous, or they would have classified it as hazardous, and taken more precautions."

Geneva nodded slowly understanding the meaning of Mistress Rebecca's words and her tone. "You didn't think we'd be attacked."

"It never occurred to us Geneva. If it had, we certainly would have taken precautions." Rebecca said softly. "We've never had this problem, of a slave attacking another. It was a first for us, and we never imagined it would happen."

Geneva sighed. "I understand Mistress."

"I'm glad. You see, we think you're all doing so well, becoming such good slaves, that we don't want you to think we would allow you to come to harm casually. We want to be the ones who hurt you." Rebecca said smiling wickedly.

Geneva smiled out of the side of her mouth that was not swollen. "You do that so well too Mistress."

"Do you want to eat downstairs? Or do you want us to bring a tray up to you here?"

"Downstairs Mistress."

Rebecca nodded. "I understand. Light duty for you slave. Only the aide station, and if you get restless, go to Admin and answer phones or help Jeannette file or something."

"Yes Mistress." Geneva said rising. "I'm going to shower now Mistress."

"Good, let me know how you're doing later OK?"

"Yes Mistress, thank you for everything." Geneva slurred.

Rebecca watched her leave the room and sighed. They could do so little for her right now, except give her support, love, and understanding. Rebecca rose and took a quick shower herself, and then dressed casually before heading down to admin.

Jeannette watched Mistress Rebecca walk into Master Devon's office. She closed the door and Jeannette went upstairs to check on Geneva. Finding her in the dayroom. "God Geneva, he did a number on you."

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