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The War to End all Worlds Pt. 01


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I nodded slowly. To be fair, if she had been speaking utter nonsense (and it was growing increasingly hard to tell if what she said counted as such) I would have still been watching attentively, for every step made her body move like liquid perfection. My throat felt increasingly dry -- my mind torn in the two directions. The one, marveling at these revelations. The other, was merely wondering if she could be convinced to wear even less.

"Those men caught me as I have not foreseen in a long time. And I do not know what they wished..." She bit her lip.

"But they already have one," I said, nodding.

Her head snapped to look at me. "What?"

"The copper said that a call had come in five minutes ago about a fight that had happened bare seconds before. Almost like, you know, someone else had a forewarning." I shrugged.

Her brow furrowed. "The only reason to wish two of us would be to ensure accuracy on a prediction." She shook her head. "We know too little about this. I require a foretelling, to discover some clue about my enemies." She nodded, her straight black hair brushing her bared shoulders. I felt a thrill of excitement rush through me...and then recede, like the high tides revealing jagged rocks. I closed my eyes, put my hands over my face, then stood.

"I can't," I said, shaking my head. "Tjen, I'm sorry, but...but I'm no one special! I'm just the son of an exiled Englishman with no king nor country." I shook my head again. "My only skill is in using a flamethrower on red weed growths. I...I'm not cut out for this. Enemies with foretellers, thugs with guns, maybe even Tammany Hall? Bigger?" I shook my head. "No. I...I should back out of this before I get in too deep."

Tjen bit her lower lip. "I understand your reluctance Gipp. I will need to find my drug elsewhere...and I do not bear you any ill will, nor any ire." She inclined her head. "I will not even trespass on you for currency. I believe I can find some." Her lips ghosted with a smile. "Or, maybe, steal some."

I grinned. "You could bet on horse races."

She shook her head. "No, I cannot foresee without the drug. And I do not know where one such as I will easily find semen."

I nodded, then leaped backwards into the wall, almost knocking my three-vee player off the desk and smashing it to the ground. "What!?"

She looked at me with those blue on blue eyes, her brow furrowing. "It is not an exact match for the foretelling drugs, and not nearly as effective, as it is administered vaginally or orally, but it can still work."

I gaped at her. "I'm in!" I said, nodding.

She blinked slightly. "You...will help me?"

I nodded so fast my head felt as if it might fall off.

Tjen smiled slightly. She stepped forward, her bared hands touching mine. She guided my hands upwards, then pressed my palms to her breasts. Her breastbands were made of a silky material that felt divine on my skin, almost as divine as the firmness of her breasts, the hard eagerness of her nipples. She sighed quietly as I cupped, then squeezed. Other than a single short, drunken fondle with another day laborer -- a hard bitten woman named Tessa -- I had never felt a breast before. Feeling these now, though, felt as if I had been launched from the great gun the Martians had used to invade in the first place. My head spun and I whispered, quietly. Very quietly. "Oh wow."

She chuckled, softly. "Gipp, am I the first woman you have been with?"

"You don't know?" I asked, my hands sliding along her lean flanks, feeling the hard muscle beneath. She felt almost stronger than I, though her skin was unmarked by scars or burns or even callouses. My hands went to her hips, then slipped back, finding her rump was as perfectly squeezable as I had hoped, as I had dreamed. She sighed softly, her eyes closing as she shook her head.

"I saw your name and your..." she paused. "There is a word among we Red Martians. It means ones entirety. It lacks detail, but...I knew you." She opened her blue on blue eyes, her lips spreading into a slight smile. "You are brave when thoughtless, cowardly when considering. Eager to accept others for what they are, but quick to judge on first glances. Adoring of the female form, and yet terrified of it-"

"I am feeling slightly attacked..." I said.

"But, in totality, a good soul," she said, nodding. "And well hung."

I flushed. "I thought you said you read my mind!"

She shrugged, as if to say: Well, close enough.

Her hands, unlike mine, did not explore. They attacked. My shirt and my jacket were sent to the ground, bowtie going with them. Belt hit the floor next, clattering with the buckle, and then my pants were skimmed away. My thatch of unruly pubic hair crinkled as my pants tugged against it, but then my member sprang free. It was as excited as I had ever been, straining and hard. Pre glistened on my tip and Tjen's coppery hand closed around my pale member as she pressed her mouth to mine. Her tongue plunged home and my hands reached back, squeezing her against me. Our bodies pressed together -- her firm, high breasts to my work hardened chest. She was still clothed, but only barely. I fixed that, finding the metal clasps on her breast band, tugging and unwrapping as her tongue and mine danced.

I may not have known what I was doing, but her tongue guided mine...and then, as her breasts were exposed to the warm air of my apartment, she gasped into my mouth. Her lips drew away, a thin line of gleaming spittle connecting us, a sign of our passion. Her eyes were hooded and she husked, softly.

"May I?"

Her palms pressed to either side of my head -- and I felt a prickling along my spine. But despite my fear and my nerves, I nodded. A quick, jerky, eager nod. Tjen smiled and I felt something crash into my mind. It was not the sharp pain of a spike...rather...it was like a wave, which left my whole body dripping with knowledge. It felt as if, in one moment, her totality had been mine. And as that totality faded, I panted...and reached down. I caressed thighs as familiar as mine, and my fingers touched her just where she wished it. I slipped a single calloused finger into her softness and Tjen's head rolled back as she crooned.

"Much better than, ah, fumbling?" she gasped -- not even trying to be quiet.

I reached over with my free hand and turned up the football game to cover that sound as I kissed her red neck, licking the place I knew would send her heart racing. My thumb rubbed her red clitty and she whimpered against me, her nose mashing against my hair as I bit her neck. Hard. She quivered and cried out, mewling like a cat as the two fingers -- I had added a second -- plunged into her sex. Her thighs spread and her knees buckled, her fingernails digging into my back as she came. Her eyes closed and she shuddered as her juices soaked my palms.

"Much better," I whispered.

Tjen pushed me. I was eager to be pushed. We ended up on my bed, and here, the fact we were in a small New York flat reared its ugly head. The window was closed tight, but I noticed that our neighbors across the way were in their bedroom, reading. I scrambled and tugged down the blinds, but that did not change that a bed that barely fit my own bulk was cramped indeed with a lithe, muscular Red Martian on it. That did not actually seem to matter very much as she pressed herself against me, as if we were both sardines in the same can. But rather than oil, the simple lubrication of raw lust kept us from rubbing each other raw. Her thighs interlocked between mine, so that when I lifted my knee, I brushed against the heat of her cunny. Her mouth and mine locked as my hands squeezed her breasts, my elbow bumping against the wall in my desperation to hold her close and hold her breasts at the same time. When I found and tweaked her nipples with just the right mixture of roughness and tenderness, Tjen rolled her head back and moaned in desperate, wanton eagerness.

"When you empty your balls into me," she whispered, her voice coarse and yet still oddly clinical. "And fill my sex with your maleness, I will go into a trance. You will just leave me in the bed. I shall not harm myself or others. It may take some time to foresee. Do you understand?"

I nodded quickly. Then, quietly, I whispered. "S-Should we...my father has, ah, some...condoms."

She chuckled, softly. "No."

Her mouth pressed to mine and I figured there was no risk. After all, she was from another planet, was she not? There was...little...her sex was grinding against my hardness, slicking me up, her hips undulating, her whole body writhing in mine. Any thought of possible risks were gone, gone to the far side of the moon. She reared back, her palm going down to caress my member. She pressed my cocktip to her sex, poised up on her knees. The moment stretched for what felt like an eternity. I had never been...ever...like this, I had never imagined this would be my first time. Her eyes flared with lust and she licked her lips. Slowly, as if she was taking great delight in my desperate urge to grab her hips and force the issue, she started to lower herself on my member.

Finally, her ruby red cuntlips pressed to the wildness of my own pubic hair. Contrasted against her entirely hairless body -- save for that on her head and eyebrows -- it was stark. Fierce. I shuddered inside of her, my eyes closing to slits, not wanting to miss a moment of this. She started to rock her hips up and down, the slick slurp of her pussy around my cock as musical as anything I had ever heard. I barely heard the football game that covered for us as she moaned, her voice growing louder and more insistent.

It was then that I learned, there was nothing as beautiful as the sound of a gorgeous woman sighing and gasping and breathing your name as she rode atop you. My hands, desperate, cupped her ass, slid to her hips. My back arched, my hips driving up. Soon, it was not a leasiurely paced bit of lovemaking. Soon, she was scoring my chest with her fingernails, hanging her head forward, her hair tickling my face as she rose up and down, up and down, gasping eagerly as I fucked up into her as desperately as she ground back down.

"Yes! Yes! Oh! Yes!" She moaned. "Ah Gipp! Yes!"

She threw her head back, her straight hair snapping behind her. Sweat droplets gleamed in the air, catching and reflecting the light of the lamp beside the bed and the three-vee's glittering holographic crystals. Her whole body shuddered, her breasts gleaming with diamonds of sweat. Her nipples dripped with droplets as she opened her mouth, her jaw going slack.

It was then that I learned that there was nothing as beautiful as the sight of a gorgeous woman in the throws of an intense orgasm. And that was what sent me over the edge. My balls clenched and I emptied myself deep into her. Her belly twitched and her eyes closed and her face went even more slack, her fingers spreading against my chest. She panted, panted. Whispered.

"Oh...that was...better than...I expected... "she whispered as I felt the hot, sticky mess that I had made in her drip past my softening member. Just hearing that alone almost made me hard enough to go again, immediately. But her eyes were opening and I saw that her blue eye shad started to turn black. "The trance is beginning..."

I slipped out of her, squirmed and writhed, and managed to stand up before she collapsed onto the bed, my cum dripping from her pussy. Her head was turned to the side, her eyes looking off into infinity. Blackness swirled in those orbs -- starry flecks filling them. I knelt down beside her, sliding my hand along her back as the announcer for the football game cried out: "Oh the humanity! The Germans are now behind forty goals! Forty! Oh!"

I turned off the three-vee. I didn't know if it would harm the foretelling, but the last thing I wanted to know was who would win the next world cup. I instead got a cigarette, sticking it into my mouth and lightning it. I breathed in the smoke, shuddered as the ef-backo hit my lungs. The effect, my father claimed, was nothing like the old stuff. But with the swamps and marshy lands of the Deep South overrun by the red weed despite the best efforts of reclamation teams, we had to do with what Darwin Labs worked up.

I watched Tjen sleep for a cigarette, before dressing and brushing my hand through my hair. When I came downstairs, I heard my father reading -- the rasp of paper almost as loud to my sensitive ears as his voice had been. When I walked past the room, father said: "Did you wear a condom, Gipp?"

I froze in my place -- and drew a fierce, bursting laugh from him. He rolled his head back and guffawed for a whole minute straight or an eternity, which was how it felt. I turned to face him, feeling as red as the Red Martian upstairs. I looked at my father as he wiped a tear away with a hand that shook -- and his laugh dissolved into some thick coughs. I walked forward, concerned, but he waved me off, shaking his head.

"So, that is why you were so nervous, Gipp, as if I'd upbraid you!" he laughed. "What socialist would I be?"

I shrugged, shyly. "Love may be free, but..." I paused. "It's nice to be private too."

Father nodded, then gestured. "Come. Tell me about her, where you met, and...and..." He trailed off, looking past me.

I turned -- and felt my earlier embarrassment return ten fold, for standing there in the door to the sitting room, was Tjen. Her eyes had become blue once more, and my cum still dripped along her coppery thighs. Utterly careless of her nudity, she pressed her palms to the doorframe, leaning against it. Her face, though...it was ashen. She looked terrified and warn, a complete opposite of the almost smug pleasure I had seen mere minutes before. I stepped back as she stepped into the room.

"We have to stop him," she whispered. "The man, I saw him, we have to stop him!"

"Stop who!" My father said -- and I had to admit, he sounded less offended and more attentive to the actual issue. That shamed me into ignoring my embarrassment to step forward, taking Tjen's arms.

"You must...stop..." Tjen's knees shook and she almost collapsed, despite me holding her up. "Adolph Hitler..."

And then her head slumped forward and her near faint became complete. As she sagged in my arms I looked from her to my father.

And in unison, we both said...



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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
very promising

good idea to set your story in an after "war of the worlds" scenario, the hero having the opportunity to help out with his sperm :-) and now this big surprise involving Hitler - I'm looking forward to the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Nice one

Would be great if human sperm can help women foretell the future

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
That's what you get....

.. for demolishing the germans 0:40... Adolph Hitler.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

It may not be steampunk, but it’s a lot more “punk” than most of what people call steampunk.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great start

A good start

already some character development

Looking forward to seeing the direction you take


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

But I thought Hitler ran a bunch of rapid weight loss facilities? What's the big deal?

DragonCoboltDragonCoboltover 6 years agoAuthor
Glad everyone's enjoying this!

BUT...and this is a distinction that ONLY MATTERS TO ME.

But this isn't steampunk. While there are coal burning steamships, this is actually based on the technology of the 20th century if HG Wells' War of the Worlds actually happened (with bits of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom series thrown in for...well, for the sexy red chicks, mostly.)

So, all the exoframes and heat rays and airships are based off technology used by Martians in WotW. Which I do suggest everyone read, it's still remarkably modern feeling despite being more than a century old!

FormerReaderFormerReaderover 6 years ago
Semen LOL

A red Martian needs semen to foretell the future in a steampunk universe...hmm...I like this. Looking forward to more.

lostboyz87lostboyz87over 6 years ago
Sexy steampunk

I liked it

DragonCoboltDragonCoboltover 6 years agoAuthor
Thanks for Reading!

This story is brought to you by the following harem members (and patreon supporters)

Jeter Latenight, Joe Johnson, Dasm, Masterhobbes, Pancor and special thanks for B.C. McGuire for the editing help.

If you enjoyed my work, check out my Purgatory War novellas, available on Amazon right now.

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Get in on the ground floor of the upcoming Worldshard trilogy by checking out the first book, Cadet!

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And if you want to see more stories, please consider my Patreon! If you subscribe, you get to vote on upcoming stories and can get free access to my self published works.

Link: patreon.com/DragonCobolt

Finally, if you want to ask me any question about this story or others, feel free to ask me anything on Tumblr: />

Thanks for Reading!

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