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The Wedding Dress


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By now the voice of Margarita and the words she spoke were going through my thought processes like a recording ... over and over again. Words like 'pussy,' 'slut' or 'Mistress' were words that I had only read of before. Yet here now, right before me was a very beautiful, very self-confident, very powerful woman, speaking these words to me ... and my mind was absorbing very one of them like a sponge soaking up water!

Margarita put the scissors in the 'V' of my blouse. I felt the cold steel of the scissors on my skin as she began to cut. She cut down through my blouse, and down through my bra. My blouse which was now cut down through the front and the two pieces of my bra which has also been cut through the middle, hung loosely on my arms. For a moment I imagined myself like a banana ... being 'peeled' and all the 'fruit' of my body was being exposed. For some reason I thought it would end here ... but it didn't!

Margarita put the scissors inside the front of my skirt ... and again she began to cut through the material of my skirt. She only stopped for a moment ... when she reached my panties. She put the scissors in the elastic of my panties, re-gathered the material of my skirt between the scissor blades, and continued to cut. As the cold scissor blades brushed again my pubic hair and then against my outer vagina lips, I felt a new tingling sensation pass through my body. I knew it wasn't a sensation of fear because for the first time today, I could feel myself getting wet! Margarita let the material of my skirt and panties fall to my ankles.

"Now my sweet little Kitten, let's get these remnants off your arms," Margarita said.

'My sweet little Kitten' ... the words were pounding in my mind. "God," I thought to myself, "the way these words were coming from Margarita makes me feel so natural ... it just feels so natural to let her have her way with me."

"Yes Miss Margarita," I answered as she took the cut remnants of my blouse and my bra off of my arms. Then she held my hand while I stepped out of what was left of my skirt and panties. I was now, except for my shoes, naked ... naked in front of this beautiful Margarita. The realization of being fully exposed was in and of itself like an aphrodisiac, raising my sexual arousal to a new level.

"Now Kitten," I heard Margarita's voice speaking again somewhere mixed in with the feelings that were taking 'hold' of me and that I was trying to understand. "Kneel down and put your head under my dress."

"Oh God ... oh God ...," I felt my mind going into high gear again, "what did she say ... put my head under her dress???? ... Oh God, ... can I do this???" my thought processes seem to be questioning my will power ... my conscience ... my sense of reason. But my body seemed to be on 'automatic pilot' ... my body didn't any longer need my brain to function ... it was responding on its own. Even as my mind was trying to sort out every thing that was happening my knees touched the highly polished wooden floor ... and I put my head underneath Margarita's dress.

I could feel my heart begin beating faster as soon as my nostrils picked up the slight scent of woman. But as soon as I did as I was directed, I stopped! I didn't dare do anything else. It seemed as though I couldn't do anything any longer without being instructed by Margarita.

"Now my sweet little Kitten slut, you are on your own," I heard the voice of Margarita above me. "This is your first test. Let's see what you learned about yourself yesterday. Let's see what gets your slutty little pussy hot. Let's see if you know how to bring pleasure to your Mistress," the voice above me continued.

'Mistress ... Kitten ... slut ... pussy,' ... the words Margarita was using and the way she used them seemed to have a hypnotic effect on me ... like a sweet song playing off in the far distance drawing me more and more toward the truth and ... and toward Margarita and my destiny.

"On my own ... what did that mean?" I thought in silence. "A test ... a test ... my test," I kept thinking. I brushed my face against Margarita's thigh and felt the clasp from her garter belt holding up her nylon stockings on my face cheek. 'You know what you want Dottie,' I heard my mind telling me again. 'This is what you always wanted Dottie ... do it ... do it,' the voice inside of my head kept telling me.

I slowly pushed my face closer ... closer until I felt the soft silkiness of Margarita's pubic hair on my face. Margarita had a garter belt on ... but not panties. I stuck my tongue out, lowered my face just a little bit ... just until I tasted Margarita's moisture ... her 'love juices' as she had called them yesterday ... and then I felt the muscles inside of my own vagina begin to contract, to pulsate, and to come alive with the feeling of desire ... with the need to be penetrated, the need to have something inserted there ... anything.

I felt the sweet experience of releasing all of my prior inhibitions, the psychic freedom of any impediment to sexual activity that I had ever had stored in my soul ... and the feeling was exhilarating! I lowered my tongue downward, ran it across Margarita's puffy outer vagina lips, scooped up the moisture and liquid I found there ... and swallowed! Then I was back again with my tongue, exploring, searching, scooping, and swallowing. I felt Margarita push her hips forward. "Yes," I thought to myself, "I know what that means ... I remember from yesterday what that meant." I was proud of myself for remembering ... for doing what Margarita expected of me. Then I heard the sweet female voice above me again.

"Yes ... yes, my little Kitten ... yes, my little slut," Margarita said in a voice that was much higher in tone ... a voice that had an unmistakable sound of excitement in it. "Deeper now ... good baby," the voice of Margarita continued, "in deeper honey ... yes, that's right ... damn, you are a good girl ... a good slut."

Margarita's voice spurred me on. I wanted to prove to her more than anything in the world that I was what she expected. I wanted to 'pass my test' ... I wanted to please her. I wanted to hear the words 'good girl, 'good baby,' ... no, I needed to hear them!!! But I wanted to do more ... something to prove beyond any doubt that I was hers ... that I was indeed a 'slut.' The more I thought of it ... the more wound up I got! I moved my mouth down to the very bottom of her vagina ... and even went a little further. I hesitated for only moment ... then I did it. I pushed my tongue between the cheeks of her beautiful ass until I felt the aperture there ... the little cringley rosebud, and pushed my tongue inside.

"Oh damn baby ... on God, my little sweetheart ... yes, honey, yes ... do it Kitten ... do it," I heard the highly energized voice of Margarita above me. "Yes ... yes, ... wonderful ... back in front of me now ... yes, yes ... that's it ... good ... find my clittie ... that's it Kitten ... my sweet Kitten ... up a little bit ... yes, that's it honey girl ... take it between your lips and suck ... oh God, yes, yes, yes ... shit I'm going to cum ... don't touch yourself Kitten ... not yet ... just me ... just make your Mistress cum ... yes, yes ... oh God ... aaahhh, ooohhh, shit ... I'm cuuummmmminnng."

It seemed like an eternity ... it sounded as though firecrackers, explosions, earthquakes ... everything was happening at once! I could feel Margarita's hips shove forward, and could actually feel the contractions and shuddering of her thighs as she pushed closer to me as though she was trying to swallow my face up with her vagina. Then there was an eerie calm and quiet ... almost as though a turbulent sea and large thundering waves had suddenly become tranquil and the waves had smoothed themselves out. Then I heard the lower tone of Margarita's voice in between her breathing as it seemed to be subsiding.

"Come out here and stand up Kitten," she said to me. As I came out from under Margarita's dress, I was still shaking with emotion and desire. My arousal was still somewhere close to its peak. I had not experienced release of my now pent up desires and needs and I felt very weak. My face was completely covered with the lubricants Margarita had let loose during her orgasm ... and yet, as soon as I reached a standing position in front of Margarita she took me in her arms.

"Come here baby," Margarita said to me in the sweetest tone of voice I had heard coming from her lips yet. "Are you excited sweetie," she continued and she reached her hand down and rubbed her fingers along the entire opening of my vagina. "I know ... I know ... Kitten. You're soaking wet baby. I know what you want, but now yet. You must learn to control yourself. You must learn to release yourself only when your Mistress tells you to."

The lovability tone of her voice gave me a comfort and a peace I had never known before. Even as I felt my arousal dwindling in it urgency and myself relaxing, I lowered my head until the top on my head was resting under her chin and my own chin was laying at the very beginning of the cleavage of her magnificent breasts.

"Mis ... Mistress ... Mistress Margarita," I said again surprisingly myself at the sound of my words acknowledging Margarita as my Mistress. "I ... I love you."

"Yes ... yes, my little Kitten ... I know ... your Mistress understands," Margarita answered as she raised my head directly in front of her by putting her hands on both of my face cheeks. I looked into the beautiful eyes of Margarita. They had become a soft blue again and for some reason and for just a moment I mentally compared her eyes to the eyes of a feline ... a cat who had the ability to change their eyes from a wide and full pupil in the iris of their eyes when fully excited to a small and softer pupil as their excitement subsided. But my thoughts only lasted for a moment ... the next moment I felt the beautiful hands of my Mistress softly tug my head forward until our lips met!

My face ... my nose, my lips, my chin ... were still completely soaked with Margarita's 'love juices.' Yet ... yet Margarita kissed me like never before. She almost sucked my lips into her mouth and moved her mouth back and forward and for a moment it felt like she was trying to swallow me ... to take me deep inside of her ... and she did! I felt my heart beating so fast I thought it would rip through my chest. I could feel my veins pumping blood to keep my heart fully nourished as though someone had turned the pumps on the fastest speed possible.

"Oh my God," I thought to myself, "I truly love this woman ... this woman who had discovered a very deeply imbedded part of me, this beautiful woman who made me feel as though I was soaring and bursting with feelings of devotion and love that I never had any knowledge of before today ... and here she was, kissing me, tasting me, and holding me as though I was an extension of herself.

Margarita took her hands away. She turned me so I was facing the desk. Then she got behind me and put her arms around my waist. "It's time for you to make a decision," Margarita said. "It is time for you to decide the rest of your life."

The tone of Margarita's voice was still soft and alluring, yet it made me quiver with anticipation ... or was it fear? Just the way Margarita said it made me realize this was important. I looked on the desk and saw forms of some kind and a pen. Then Margarita began to speak again now in a changed tone of voice that was much more 'business-like' yet still has a mixture of softness to it.

"Kitten, my special baby," she said, 'on your left hand side of the desk is a check for one million dollars made out in your name. It is yours. There is also a contract that is completely legitimate and already witnessed by the judge who married you. It is a contract that will pay you twenty-five thousand dollars a month for the rest of your natural life or as long as you remain married to Richard. I can assure you, Richard will never have my permission to divorce you. And Richard never does anything without my permission. All it requires to be put in force is your signature."

"Geeze," I thought to myself. "It is right here in front of me. I could see it ... I could touch it." I took a very deep breath ... then another! I had never seen so much money in my life and I knew I would never see it again.

"On the right hand side of the desk is another contract of sorts," Margarita's voice interrupted my thought processes. "It is a form that once signed by you will give me complete power of attorney over all of your affairs, financial and personal. For all practical purposes Kitten, you will become my ward in legal terms. In very explicit and personal terms, you will belong to me and ... I am sure we both know what that means! You can have ... one or the other."

"You will belong to me ... we both know what that means ..." the last words of Margarita's statement filled my inner being! In my own mind, I knew what my choice was. It became very evident to me as soon as I felt my eyes begin to tear up. No, they weren't tears of fear; rather they were tears of joy. It became even more evident if that was possible when I felt Margarita push up against me, when I felt her magnificent breasts against my bare back, when I felt her hands leave my waist and travel upward, first along my rib case and then when she cupped my own breasts in her hands letting her fingers ... her beautiful fingers make little circles around my nipples. When I felt Margarita's soft lips, soaked with her own 'love juices' she had taken from my own lips, begin kissing my shoulders and neck ... I knew the 'deal' was just about to be signed, sealed and delivered.

I bent over the desk, took the pen in my hand and signed the 'contract' on the right! And I did it with the most wondrous feeling I ever had. "Yes, yes, yes ... I belong to Margarita ... I belong to her ... this is what I want ... more then anything else in the world," I thought to myself. Then I turned to face Margarita ... to face my owner!

"Miss ... Margarita ... Mistress Margarita ..." my lips were shaking as I tried to force out the words that my mind was telling me to say ... and my soul was confirming. "Mistress Margarita ... my darling ... my sweetheart ... my honey ... my everything ... I love you ... I love you with all my heart ... I love you more than anything else in the ... in the world."

Margarita took my head in her hands again by holding both of my face cheeks. I knew she was going to kiss me ... and I knew this was going to be a very special kiss. "It always was when Margarita gripped my face like this," I thought to myself. And I wasn't disappointed.

"Kitten my sweet little slut ... my own little honey pot ... it's time baby, it's time for your Mistress to grant you release ... to take you to heights you have never been before ... to make you explode as you have never exploded before," Margarita said to me moving her lips only an inch away from mine. I felt Margarita pulling up her skirt. I felt her bending me over the desk. I felt her pubic hair rubbing against my swollen and longing vagina lips. I put my legs around her as best I could. It didn't take much ... I was already almost there. Tears filled my eyes as I was fast reaching the 'point of no return.'

"Yes ... Oh my God, yes ..." I heard my voice so loud it was echoing around the room and coming back to fill my ears. "Oh God, yes ... please, please, Mistress Margarita ... make me ... make me cum ... make me cum."

My explosive orgasm had twice the force of yesterday's ... yesterday when I had to use my own fingers to take myself 'over the edge.' I took in a deep breath and let myself go with the force of the explosion ... somewhere to a place I had never been before ... someplace that was brand new! I felt the warm arms of Margarita holding me tight ... oh God ... so tight! I felt her warm breath on my face, on my neck ... and on my ear as I heard her wonderful voice ... "yes my sweet tender one ... let go honey ... let go baby ... your Mistress has you ... your Mistress loves you baby."


My five minutes of assessing my predicament were almost up ... still I didn't dare raise my head without being told to by my Mistress ... my beloved Mistress Margarita. Four years has passed and I knew the routine of my life well by now. I knew my life was a system of 'earning' rewards or being 'punished' when I didn't live up to the standards my Mistress had set for me. Oh God, how I loved my 'rewards' ... to lie in the arms of Mistress Margarita, to touch her, to have my head between her legs, to feel her shake and tremble at the pleasure I would give her, to feel her take me on that wonderful flight of bliss when she brought me to an explosive orgasm and then to have her hold me tight and tell me how much she loved me ... they were the 'rewards' I needed from my Mistress Margarita ... they were the 'rewards' that were now deeply ingrained in my thought processes!!!

I glanced over to the other side of the very large bedroom we were in. I saw my six foot square cage ... the cage I was kept in last night while Mistress Margarita had Richard make love to her. I remembered the times when Jesse ... Jesse, my best girlfriend in the world ... would visit my Mistress and they would make love while I stayed in my cage. Yes, there were times when I was permitted to join them but only at the invitation and direction of my Mistress. I loved those 'times' ... each and every one was deeply imbedded in my memory. I looked at the sign on the cage that read: 'Kitten's Cage' ... and remembered how frightened I was the very first night I had spent there. I remembered the very first time I came in this house immediately after my 'wedding' and Richard had told me 'this is Mistress Margarita, she is Mistress of this house ...'

Yes ... strange as it may seem, I found the place I belong. I found the person I loved and who loved me in return in their own way. I remembered now ... I remembered the 'rule' I had been in 'violation' of this morning ... this start of a new day. "How stupid can I be," I thought to myself and I lowered my head and kissed the feet of my beloved Mistress.

"Mistress Margarita, Kitten is sorry for her forgetfulness," I began apologizing for my 'lack of manners' this morning remembering to address myself in the third person as Margarita had taught me long ago.

Miss Margarita reached down and patted me on the head with her beautiful hand. "Well Kitten," Margarita began speaking. "You did have a long night in your cage. Not that it is any reason for your lack of respect and manners. But I feel in a forgiving mood this morning and you did receive your punishment to some degree for your infraction. Now go prepare my bath," Margarita continued.

"Yes Mistress Margarita," I answered, thankful for her pardon.

As I began to get up, Margarita put her hand on my shoulder to stop me and I heard her voice again. "Kitten, my sweet little Kitten ... would you like to kiss me this morning?"

Almost immediately I could feel my heart begin to pound against the wall of my chest. "Oh God ... yes, yes ... yes, Mistress Margarita ... oh God yes!" I answered in a very high pitched tone of voice that sounded like I was on the verge of breaking into tears at my excitement.

Margarita took my face in her hands. She lowered her face until her lips were aligned with mine ... then she stopped. It was up to me now ... I knew it. It was up to me to fulfill the invitation I was just given ... and I did! As soon as I moved my lips forward to meet the beautiful full lips of Margarita, I could feel the anticipation start building up in my loins. Then, after a minute or two of this deep kissing, Margarita took her lips away.

"Now go and prepare my bath," Miss Margarita said, "and Kitten ... use the master bathroom this morning. Fill the large sunken Jacuzzi. I want you to join me in my bath today."

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