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The Weight of It...

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How my wife ended up fucking a big cock as I watched.
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***This story contains wifesharing and non-humiliation cuckolding. If you don't like the genre please feel free to check the archives for something more your speed.***


The evening started as a simple barbeque. Joe and I used to work in the same company as managers of different departments. We often had to run projects together and became friends over the years. I was sad to see Joe go when he moved on to a better opportunity at another company. We still stayed in touch and our friendship moved outside the workplace. Joe, being unmarried, became a monthly or even weekly regular at our house.

We'd grilled some steaks and opened a few more bottles of wine than we probably should have. Tammy doesn't drink often so she got pretty hilarious as the night progressed. It was the first cool night of autumn following a long sweaty summer and prime time for the hot tub. I brought this up to Tammy at dinner too buzzed to even think of the "third wheel" in our midst.

Tammy agreed enthusiastically and the conversation moved on without a thought.

After dinner and some music, the night started to wind down. The hot tub caught my eye and I asked Joe to help me pull the cover off.

"Perfect." I said dunking my hand into the water.

Joe was in no condition to drive. Seeing Tammy and my excitement about doing some soaking he said, "Hey I'm a bit too foggy to drive home. You mind if I sober up on your couch for a while?"

"Just come hot tub with us Joe." Tammy pleaded. Joe was in jeans and there was no way any of my trunks would fit him.

"Babe do you have any spare bikinis that'll fit him?" I gestured at Joe.

We all laughed at that one.

"Joe come on...just hot tub with us.." She pleaded again.

"Yeah dude just wear your boxers in there." I chimed in.

"I'm not wearing any." He replied.

"Really...?" I was a bit taken back.

"Never liked the things." Joe confided.

"Huh..." I trailed off at that.

"Then just don't wear anything." Tammy giggled. "Don't worry I've seen twigs 'n' berries before."

Joe seemed reluctant.

"Just turn on the jets and get in while we're changing and I'll keep the lights off." I gave myself a mental pat-on-the-back for my impeccable logic despite inebriation.

Looking back I wouldn't say there was a sexual charge to any of this. It all just seemed like drunken playful banter.

Joe relented and was in the tub when we returned in our swim clothes. The first thing I did when we got to the tub was turn on the lights that I had previously said I wouldn't turn on. I let out a loud "Whoops". We laughed again and you really couldn't see shit through the jet currents anyway so I turned the lights back off.

We kept the wine flowing and soaked and joked for a bit. Tammy was more drunk than I'd seen her in decades. The ruckus didn't really start until Joe said he was overheating and told us not to look for a bit while he sat on the edge of the tub.

"Just do it Joe." Tammy scorned. "I've seen plenty of dongs before and we're all adults here."

While I teased tammy about the number of dongs she'd seen before, Joe sat on a towel on the ledge and that was when Tammy first saw it.

"Holy shit Joe..." Tammy was aghast.

I looked. "Jesus Christ dude..." Joe's cock was huge!

"Yeah I get that a lot." Joe replied trying to act casual.

Apparently being naked in the tub with all the jets and bubbles had done something for Joe. His enormous cock was semi-erect and jutting up at nearly a 45-degree angle.

"Maybe I should just go in now." Joe offered.

"Nah don't sweat it." I averted my gaze to Tammy. She was still staring at it in awe. She finally snapped out of it and looked up at Joe trying to act casual.

"Yeah, stay Joe..." She trailed off quietly and feigned a smile before looking at it one last time and turning away.

Joe reached for a towel and draped it over his lap. The tent his erection pitched just made it stand out even more. What seemed like several uncomfortable and silent minutes went by before I broke it.

"Alright...I think we need to address the elephant's trunk in the room." I said pointing at the leaning teepee in his lap. Tammy laughed so hard she spit her wine out and Joe gave an uncomfortable chuckle.

"Yeah. Sorry about this. Its got a mind of its own." Joe apologized.

"How big is that thing?!" Tammy blurted out, the booze making her sound like an excited kid who just discovered a caterpillar.

"It's ten and a half inches when I'm fully erect." He relented.

"That's not fully erect?!" She again blurted.

"Nah." He blushed a bit.

"I wanna see again..." She pleaded. This one really caught me off guard. Tammy was usually so reserved about stuff like this. She immediately looked at me realizing again where she was and that she may have overstepped her bounds.

"You can take the towel off. It's not helping. I don't care if she sees if you don't." I offered flatly.

"Yeah..uh..." He pulled the towel aside and his schlong swayed back and forth a few times before stabilizing back at a parade rest.

"Jeez..." Tammy said quietly. I looked away again trying to avoid staring at the thing.

"Joe have you ever considered a career in pornography." I asked wryly.

They both laughed a bit.

"Seriously must have been pretty popular with the girls in college...?" I asked. I glanced at Tammy. She was still staring at it but looked up to Joe for his reply.

"You'd be surprised how many girls I've scared off with this thing." His tone was slightly sullen.

"Scared off...?" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah I can think of about 6 or 7 girls who never called me back after seeing it. Nice girls all seem kinda scared of it and the kinda girls who aren't scared of it are usually a bit nutty. Probably why I'm still single." He added anon-committal chuckle that betrayed his disappointment.

"It is a bit daunting looking..." Tammy added, her eyes still locked on it.

"But...?" she trailed off biting her lip nervously.

"But what? Go ahead and ask. I don't mind." Joe offered.

"It really gets bigger than that?" she asked meekly and pointed at his cock.

"Yeah just a little bit." I had to look at it again after his answer. I tried to imagine how long it would be fully erect then looked away to Tammy. I'm not going to lie I was a little jealous of him as I watched her marvel at his cock. It twisted my stomach a bit but at the same time I kind of wanted her to experience this. I didn't want her to stop being curious about it while we were here. I started thinking how we'd probably never have an opportunity like this again for her to see something like this with someone safe like Joe.

Without thinking I blurted out, "Do you want to touch it babe..? I mean...when will you ever have a chance like this again? If...if you don't mind Joe."

I tried to backpedal and justify my question. "I doesn't have to be weird or anything just..uh..." I trailed off uncomfortably.

Joe chimed in to save me, "No I don't mind...I...uh..I know women are curious about these types of deformities..." He chuckled and continued. "...and you guys are...uh...friends..."

Tammy shocked me a bit with her reply. "Honestly I am a bit curious..." She crossed the hot tub to Joe getting her face within a foot of his junk. My stomach wrenched again seeing her this close to his jutting member but my cock started to twitch to life.

''Can I just grab it once to see...uh..." Now it was her turn to trail off uncomfortably.

Joe didn't miss a beat in rescuing her too. "Yeah it's no big deal. Just be gentle with me." His joke did little to cut the tension. He rose to stand in front of her.

Tammy looked back at me and I nodded my approval despite my guts twisting inside me. She slowly reached up and wrapped one wet hand around the middle of his shaft. Joe exhaled once heavily as she gripped it.

"Oh my God..! I can't believe how heavy it is..." My wife's mouth was agape as she hefted Joe's semi-erect monster cock up and down once.

"Tell me about it. My back is killing me from hauling this thing around all day." Joe cracked.

We chuckled again as the joke again failed to stabilize the situation.

I've had many strange and surreal moments when I've temporarily disconnected from the scene I was living to view it as a spectator. I came to realize the full gravity of the situation; that my wife was holding another man's huge cock in her hand while I watched.

"How did we ever get here?" I wondered.

Other than one blowjob when she was younger, Tammy's sexual repertoire up until now included only me as a sexual partner. We'd never been swingers nor cheaters. We'd both honored our marriage vows for all these years.

Yet somehow the evening had led us to this moment fairly naturally and all I could think is:

"Why..? Why had we been so exclusive...?"

"Your balls are so heavy too." I snapped back to reality when Tammy moved her other hand to his shaved sack and hefted it twice while looking back at me wide-eyed. Seeing her like this took me from semi to fully erect.

"I'd understand being a bit nervous about taking this thing on." She bit her lower lip again as she hefted its weight again. "How much bigger does it get...?"

Joe started to inhale to answer but I interrupted with a grin, "Give it a few shakes and see for yourself." I was trying to hide any jealousy or arousal in my voice.

"Come on! Just do it." I chided trying not to lose face. "I have to admit I'm a bit curious too."

"Maybe you should come hold it then!" Tammy burst out laughing as both Joe and I objected. Through her laughter she hadn't stopped holding his member and her hands now seemed to be moving almost imperceptibly on his balls and thick shaft.

As the laughter died down Joe offered in a more serious tone, "Just doing what you're doing now is going to be enough to get it there." His breathing deepened a bit.

Tammy's face got serious as she looked back at his cock in her hands. "Something like this?" Her voice became much less playful and much silkier as she began stroking a bit more.

"Yeah..." Joe replied with another heavy exhalation. The energy of the night seemed to change with the tone of her voice. My cock throbbed as I realized she was giving him a fair amount of pleasure with her slight stroking. His cock soon grew.

"Do...uh..." Tammy started nervously as she stroked.

"It's ok...ask whatever you long as you keep doing that..." Joe encouraged in a soft voice. I noticed his eyes had wandered to the small triangular patches of my wife's bikini top barely covering her natural tits.

"Are girls...actually able to suck on this...? Like do you get head...?" Tammy responded to his encouragement by rubbing even more of his length and starting to tug as his balls gently.

He moaned softly. " I said a lot of girls get scared off. I don't get deepthroated very often but blowjobs still feel good and all."

I caught Tammy licking her lips slightly as he answered her question. I started to imagine her lowering her open mouth down and trying to suck his huge cock head. I knew she had to be imagining it too. It made my cock pulse and throb and I had to adjust my it from bulging against my shorts. I realized I was really turned on by the idea. A huge part of me wanted her to suck his dick.

My wife had moved both her hands to his long shaft and was now rubbing all the way up and down its length. Joe breathed harder each time her hand reached the head of it.

"Is that as big as it gets?" Tammy asked with a half-smile.

Joe groaned and then answered. "If I say no will you keep going?"

Tammy stopped stroking and giggled like a high school girl on prom night before she started again.

"Has it been a while Joe?" She teased. Joe just grunted in affirmation as she gripped his shaft tighter.

"I won't stop until someone tells me I should. How's that sound?" Her voice was now in full seduction mode. She looked over at me expectantly while continuing to jack off his big schlong. Her busty chest was just inches from his cock now.

I felt so jealous, so aroused and so confused all at once. I was getting a bit overheated from the hot tub and the wine but I didn't want to stand up and betray my bulging swim trunks. I wanted her to start sucking on him but just couldn't imagine myself ever saying anything like that. I fidgeted slightly in my seat wanting to readjust my boner but not doing it because she was still looking at me.

Sensing my discomfort, Tammy stopped stroking and asked, "Is this...too much baby...?"

" baby. I'm good." I stammered. "Really...this is ok..."

They both stopped and looked at me expectantly. Now I had to say something. I was holding up the show.

"Honestly babe...I kinda want to...uh..." I could see her getting impatient or worried so I just blurted out, "I kinda want to see if you can fit that thing in your mouth."

Her body loosened a bit and she resumed rubbing him as she turned up to him. "I'd imagine you wouldn't mind that either?" She queried with a smile.

"Look I don't wanna...uh..." Joe was flailing for words like a drowning person reaching for a life ring.

Tammy let go of his prick and it fell by its own weight jutting out in front of him. "Joe don't worry. Just a sec..."

She crossed the hot tub back to me and got face to face with me. "Maybe it's time we stop this...and..uh..."

"No, no, no.." I interrupted in a low voice sounding a bit overeager. I tried to throttle it back some. "This is all okay by me if it's okay by you."

A serious expression on her face Tammy asked. "Are you sure you're okay with me sucking another man's cock..?"

It was so insanely hot to hear her ask that by so confusing. I couldn't find words to answer. I took her hand from my thigh and guided it up to my hard cock. She squeezed it a few times through my shorts and grinned at me. I kissed her deeply and embraced her. Our tongues lashed against each other and I brushed my hand up against the swimsuit fabric covering her pussy.

I kissed up her neck to her ear and whispered. "Anything you want to do tonight...with fine baby, really. Just promise you'll come back to me when it's all done."

She stroked my cock hard and we kissed passionately again. As we did I reached behind her and untied her bikini top. Her tits fell slightly as the stretchy string released its tension. I pulled the top off over her head and squeezed one of her tits as we kissed again.

"I'll always come back to you baby." She whispered as she squeezed my cock one last time and turned back to Joe.

Joe's eyes immediately locked on her tits as the floated on the surface of the water. She approached him slowly letting him look. His huge cock twitched upward and he breathed deeply. Tammy kneeled on the hot tub's seat and leaned forward to him. She rested her hands on his spread legs and leaned in to kiss him. Her big tits hung beautifully beneath her as they french kissed.

My emotions swirled again as I saw her pull one of his hands up to her tits. I leaned back and took a big gulp from one of the remaining plastic cups of wine. He massaged her tit while they kissed and eventually raised his other hand to grope them both. Tammy reached down and started fondling his heavy ballsack again.

She broke from his kisses and bent forward until she was face to face with his cock. It dripped pre-cum from its bright red head. The whole thing was bulging with veins and he gasped loudly when she gripped his shaft again.

When Tammy started to lick the small rivulet from the tip I couldn't take the pressure in my shorts anymore. I pulled out my cock and started to stroke it underwater as covertly as I could. Tammy licked up and down his shaft and circled the ridge of his head with her tongue eliciting groans from Joe.

For me, the arousal had won out and the jealousy had been dampened to a dull roar. All kinds of dirty thoughts and scenarios started to pour through my mind. I imagined her sucking him. I imagined her fucking him. I imagined them doing it in various positions. I needed to see these things. I wanted to see my wife fuck and suck his big cock. It was like watching a porno but so much hotter because the starlet was someone you knew and when it was all over you got to fuck her too.

Tammy started sucking on the head of his cock and opened her mouth wider and wider each time she came at it. She stroked its length with both hands while trying to take it deeper into her mouth. Joe was definitely responding to her work.

She pulled off once and asked. "I'm worried it's too much teeth..?"

"God's great." Joe replied and reached down to pinch one of her nipples. Her pace increased gradually and she was soon bottoming out his cock in her throat. She gagged herself slightly as she tried to take more of him inside her.

I was furiously stroking my cock now and no longer making any effort to hide it. As the pressure in my balls was building I had to ask. "How deep can you get it baby?" I blurted it out and Tammy smiled at me briefly before slowly lowering her mouth down as deep as she could. She gagged again and wrapped her hands around the middle of his shaft to mark how far down her lips had gotten. She pulled off, looked at it and smiled at me.

"Pretty goddamn good." Joe said with an encouraging smile. Tammy smiled back up at him before going back to her fervent stroking and sucking.

I had to stop jerking my own cock a few times as I was getting close to cumming. I was getting impatient to see more. Tammy was sucking so hard now her whole body bouncing each time she throated him. Her big tits were slapping the surface of the water as she worked up and down his long cock. Once or twice she popped off his big dick and slapped it loudly against her extended tongue.

I almost came again and had to squeeze the head of my cock closed to stop my ejaculation. A small drop of my semen squeezed out and floated away in the hot tub.

"That was too close." I thought as I got up and dropped my shorts the rest of the way. I waded over to where Tammy's ass was. Her bikini had two strings tied into bows at either side of her hips. I untied them both and peeled away her wet bottoms. Her pussy looked incredible bent over like that. Her stance widened right away when I rubbed her labia. Her pussy was already sticky with her own juices.

Fighting the urge to slide my cock into her, I sat back down to watch. "It was Joe's turn for now." I thought with a twinge of jealousy. I knew if I had started fucking her I wouldn't have been able to stop and I really wanted to watch her take that big cock in her tight cunt. She took the hint and looked back at me before standing up.

Joe and Tammy kissed again while fondling each other. Joe started kissing her neck and chest and she turned to me. "Is it ok for me to ride his big cock baby?"

A large lump in my throat prevent me from answering her so I just nodded my approval and resumed my stroking.

"I'm a little scared this will hurt." Tammy looked back at Joe for reassurance.

"I've never had a female regret doing it." Joe grinned at her before softening his tone. "You'll be ok. be on top and take your time."

Tammy reached for her wine cup and chugged the whole thing while Joe moved from sitting on the corner of the hot tub to the long side. They kissed a bit more and Joe touched her pussy for the first time as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She lifted one leg up resting her foot on the ledge. Joe steadied himself as she hung on him and pulled her other leg up. Still clutching to him she lifted her ass way up. Joe helped her by holding one hand under her ass cheek and use his free hand to aim his giant member at her wide spread cunt opening.

The view from my seat was phenomenal. I again slowed down my jacking off and eventually had to stop entirely.


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