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The Whore Next Door

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A new next door neighbor changes Dalton's life forever.
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This story could also go in Non-Consent, Reluctance; if that isn't your thing, you've been warned.


At forty four years old I, Dalton Phillips, had all of the trappings of success, including a big brokerage account, a prestigious job, a beautiful home in a ritzy neighborhood, a Tesla, and a family that by outward appearances was close knit. I also was well-regarded in the community because I gave of my time and money for worthy causes. I personally helped out at the local food bank once a week, with a panel truck that I personally rented drove boy scouts around to pick up donations on their frequent food drives, and gave more than 200 thousand dollars a year to worthy causes. While I would never be mistaken for George Clooney, I wasn't bad looking, and the roughly twelve hours a week that I spent in the gym or the jogging or bike trails kept me in good shape -- for a forty four year old with a desk job.

So why was I restless and unfulfilled?

I no longer was in love with my forty six year old wife Tiffany, and although not a cause and effect relationship she was no longer interested in sex. Trappings of success, golf, spa trips, and socializing with women similarly situated, were her joys in life. She didn't act like a mean shrew toward me -- otherwise I would have divorced her regardless of the adverse effect that it would might have on my life style (which fortunately was mitigated by a prenup that her father insisted that we sign) -- but she was merely polite; and fake. Having always had a high libido, and still in good shape, I needed release -- but my moral compass (as well as the effect that it would have on my standing in the community) ruled out having an affair. Tiffany still looked really good so I would still like to fuck her, even though my emotional attachment had waned.

My daughters were twenty and twenty two and in college and graduate school, respectively. They had been pleasant as children and early teens but to my great disappointment had not taken to giving back to the community and didn't have the social conscience that I desired. They were getting more materialistic, like their mother had over the years, and had developed a sense of entitlement.

Once I started to realize that my love for Tiffany had virtually vanished, I started salting money (that I paid tax on) away in hidden accounts. It was possible to do that while maintaining our life style since my business started increasing significantly at the same time that my love life started plummeting.

This was the state of my life at the time that new neighbors moved in next door -- Harrison and Karina Thompson with their two young daughters Haley and Kristen, who were seven and five, respectively.

Harrison and Karina were unlikely additions to the neighborhood because they were only twenty nine and twenty seven, respectively, and it was hard to understand how they could afford the multi-million house that they lived in. While Harrison was an attorney (although I was never impressed with his intellect, although he was unequivocally a nice guy who anyone would like) and someday might make big bucks, on their move-in date he was an associate with a law firm and could not possibly afford the house they moved into. I thought that maybe they had rich parents or an inheritance, but never was nosy enough to inquire about it.

Harrison and Karina are both very pleasant and decent people, and Karina is also very intelligent. Haley and Kristen are delights -- cute and well-mannered with just enough sass to make them fun. There was one other distinguishing feature that one of the members of the Thompson family had -- Karina is a sultry as any woman that I have ever seen; not just live, but in print or on any screen.

In my view of the world, sultry is the epitome of sexy. It is sexy with an allure that is impossible to define precisely, but that is apparent to anyone with any powers of observancy. Karina didn't and doesn't necessarily dress provocatively, although when even in an understated bikini or one piece suit at her backyard pool it is not possible for her to hide her assets. Nor does she act flirtatious. She simply carries herself with the confidence that someone with her outstanding looks and intelligence should have, without in the slightest way being haughty, condescending, or conceited.

I became much better friends with the Thompsons than Tiffany did. While Karina made an effort to get to know Tiffany and had several social gatherings with her when the Thompsons first moved in, that only lasted about a month. After that Tiffany had little nice to say about the Thompsons in general, and Karina in particular; I really do think that it was jealousy by Tiffany that made her dislike Karina, and my attention to the Thompson family probably irritated Tiffany. However, at that point in time I didn't give a shit whether Tiffany liked me interacting with the Thompsons or not. So I became an unofficial "uncle" to Haley and Kristen, and good friends with Harrison and Karina.

I was especially pleased that besides being fun loving kids, both Haley and Kristen were already developing a social conscience. They had natural empathy, and their parents were bringing them up to have concern for others; good parenting in my book. Several times they even rode with me in the panel truck when I was helping with food drives with the boy scouts, and they were delighted when one of the scouts would ask for their help in arranging the collected donated items in the truck interior, or in unloading the truck when we delivered the items to the food bank.

I occasionally played golf with or went to ballgames with Harrison, and when Harrison wasn't around I took Karina and the kids to the park or zoo, or to play miniature golf. I even went with Karina to two business functions when Tiffany declined to attend because it interfered with her own selfish activities -- of course with Harrison's permission and when he could conveniently watch the kids.

Bringing Karina to a business function was a real experience. Initially it had the effect of making every man there jealous of me, and having every female either think that I must really be hot shit or hate me for stepping out on my wife. However, by the end of both evenings when people became apprised of our relationship, and got to talk to Karina and were influenced by her charm, the ultimate effect was simply an enhanced level of respect for me.

After the second event, about six months after the Thompsons had moved in next door, I jokingly told Karina that I should give her a percentage of any new business my company (which I was the CEO and sole stockholder of) got as a result of her attendance. Surprisingly, instead of merely laughing with me Karina just got a diabolical smile on her face.


The Saturday morning after the second business meeting that Karina attended with me, she stopped by my house shortly after Tiffany left for a spa treatment. "Hey, Dalton -- how about we go to the park this morning."

"Sure," I replied, since I wasn't needed at the food bank that day, and always enjoyed being around Karina and her kids. "What time?"

"I'll drive," she replied, "come over to my driveway in twenty minutes, OK?"

"I'll be there," I grinned.

I was truly surprised when I got to Karina's car and the kids weren't there. "Where are Haley and Kristen?" I inquired.

"Just the two of us today -- I have some questions to ask you," Karina smiled.

Though surprised, I wasn't about to be deterred, so I got in the passenger's seat. In the quick drive to the park we just had light banter. When we got there, Karina pulled a blanket and some drinks out of the trunk and we walked over to a shady secluded spot and sat down.

"I hope that I'm not being too nosy or forward, but I'd like to ask you some questions about your business -- if you don't mind, Dalton. Maybe even some about your personal life," Karina opened the conversation after taking a swig from a twelve ounce bottle of seltzer.

"I'm fine with business questions," I chuckled, "but maybe not personal ones."

"We'll see how it goes," she replied with a diabolical grin on her face, much like the one after the last business event she attended with me.

For the next thirty minutes Karina asked questions about my business that ranged from simple to highly sophisticated, including how I went about expensing various items for my business, including whether I had an entertainment budget and whether I held any business activities off-site. I was intrigued about why she would ask some of the questions that she did, but saw no harm in answering them. While she didn't take written notes, I could tell that she understood everything and had no doubt that she could recall it all in the future.

Then the gobsmacking event.

"Now some personal observations and questions; of course at any time you can tell me to get lost and it will have no adverse effect on our present relationship. But I can assure you that your cooperation could lead to a significant enhancement in your life," she said with a no-nonsense look on her face. Without waiting for a reply from me she continued.

"Is the fact that Tiffany is such a cold fish and you're frustrated with your sex life the main reason for your restlessness and malaise?" she asked staring directly into my eyes.

Of course I was stunned, for many reasons, including that she had figured me out and would be bold enough to confront me with it.

" you thank, think, uh...I'm sexually frustrated and malaised..." is what I think that I stammered, although I can't be sure because my brain was overloaded. I'm sure that I turned red.

"Again, I guarantee that your life will improve if you'll cooperate," she said continuing her stare. "Also, I am the most discreet person that you know and will never tell anyone about our conversation. In fact, if you need to set your mind at ease, I'll sign an iron clad confidentiality agreement," she continued.

With that Karina pulled a document out from a folder under the blanket that I hadn't noticed, and handed it to me.

I'm very familiar with confidentiality agreements in my business, since I, customers, and suppliers use them frequently. In my opinion what she handed me was a very well written, enforceable, agreement. It provided that for $100, and other good and valuable consideration, that she would maintain as confidential all information that I imparted to her, as well as any advice that she provided in response, which advice we would subsequently agree upon compensation for. It had places for both of our signatures, and notary formats.

"If you want to sign two copies in front of a notary, exchange the $100, and then come back here to talk, we can; or will you accept my promise that we will do so once we conclude business here?" she said then asked.

I looked back at her after reviewing the agreement. I could swear that she had exposed a couple of inches of cleavage and moved her skirt up a few inches since I first looked at the document.

I gulped -- and though my mind was fuzzy I replied "OK; let's talk with our mutual promises that we'll sign this in front of a notary today.'

"OK, then answer my question: Is the fact that Tiffany is such a cold fish and you're frustrated with your sex life the main reason for your restlessness and malaise?"

"Yes," I mumbled.

"If there was a way for roughly $3000 a week that you could overcome your frustration with the potential for deducting the money as a legitimate business expenses, would you want to follow up on it?" she queried.

"Yes," I replied almost instantly.

"Great -- I'll reveal the details to you later. Now let's get this document executed," she said with a smile, putting the document back in her folder, gathering up the blanket, and leaving me to pick up our drink bottles.

She wouldn't answer any detailed questions as we drove to a local notary that she apparently had scoped out in advance. We signed in front of the notary, and the notary took a photo on each of our cell phones of me handing her $100 in cash as called for by the agreement. Then on the drive home she was all bubbly, recommended that we take her kids to the playground, and concluded with "Have your business rent a room at the Four Seasons for Tuesday during the day and I'll have the business plan delivered to you. Just call my cellphone with the room number."

Like an automaton I agreed. When we got back I put my copy of the confidentiality agreement in my home office safe, and then went to my car, where Karina, Haley, and Kristen were waiting, the girls jumping up and down with glee.

I started out like a zombie at the playground so much was swirling through my mind, but with constant attention from Haley and Kristen I soon got with it, and had a normal fun time at the playground with these two darling children and their enchanting mother. When we returned, for the first time in the six plus months that I had known her, Karina gave me a quick kiss on the lips as we parted.

That night, I virtually raped Tiffany. I first got her high by plying her with Drambuie, her favorite drink and one that I rarely keep around the house because she seems to guzzle it. While I maintain that she was not too drunk to consent, in actuality she had no choice in what happened to her once she was "happy-go-lucky" as a result of her excessive consumption of the golden-colored "juice."

My forty four year old seven inch cock gave a better account of itself than it had in a decade as it reamed her pussy in the "concubine" position (for those unfamiliar with the Kamasutra that position is like doggy only with the woman almost prone), and then in the "captain" position (similar to missionary only with me holding her legs far apart as I porked her), and after taking a little blue pill I fucked her ass after she was properly lubricated, something that I had done only twice before in our twenty three years of marriage.

I was especially aggressive with all three fucks, and also licked her clit forcefully when not fucking her, so that she had at least a dozen orgasms, including one when I ass-fucked her, an all-time first.

My only explanation for my activities was that I was inspired by Karina -- although I was only fucking Karina in my mind for part of our escapades. For other parts I was treating Tiffany like a three dollar whore.

Not that I gave a shit, but Tiffany was not as upset the next morning as I would have expected. While she was cold toward me and did moan "Did you really have to be so violent when getting your rocks off? You acted just like an animal;" it wasn't icy-cold, and I saw her smile several times after first grimacing when she obviously got a shot of pain from her stretched out pussy or puckerhole as she gingerly moved around the house.


I didn't know what to expect when I sat in room 1612 at the Four Seasons fifteen minutes before my expected 12:30 p. m. meeting with Karina on Tuesday; my mind was disorganized, a highly unusual condition for me. I heard a knock on the door at 12:28 and looked through the peephole to see a well-dressed small young man outside my door. When I opened the door up I heard Karina's voice say "Hi Dalton, bet that you don't recognize me," as the knocker pushed her/his way into my room.

I'm sure I had some inane or unintelligible comments as Karina removed her disguise without explanation, but when she was shortly naked I got brain freeze and my mind simply didn't work. Nude she looked even better than I could have imagined from seeing her in a modest bikini. Her apparently D-cup tits were both firm and pendulous -- figure out how that is possible -- with delicious-looking puffy nipples, and her pussy looked like it was puckering up for a kiss. Her ass and hips were divine, and the only thought running through my feeble brain was "Aphrodite and Venus would both be jealous of this goddess!"

Somehow she undressed me quickly -- except for my socks -- and with minimal foreplay we were wildly fucking on the hotel mattress. We rolled between positions with her on top and me on top, until she got "serious." Then as my hands latched onto her nipples while she enthusiastically gyrated while on top of me she started squeezing my cock with her pc muscles. I couldn't fucking believe that any woman could have a pussy that snug and muscular -- let alone a mother of two -- as she virtually vacuumed the cum out of me.

Karina drained my balls like they had never been drained before as she rapaciously strangled my cock while screaming like a banshee as her own orgasm ravaged her body.

I know that I lost awareness, if not consciousness, for a short period of time. When I regained my faculties the goddess that had just ravaged me lay limp and groaning on my chest. I reflexively stroked the sides of her ponderous boobs as she periodically lightly pussy-pinched my cock which was still ensconced in her and not yet flaccid.

After the most delicious after-fuck time of my life, interrupted by three or four after-shocks -- which rocked us both -- she pushed her heavenly body off of mine. With an evil grin on her face she said "Wow -- that was fun." (the understatement of the decade as far as I was concerned), and then quickly, passionately, and quickly kissed me on the lips.

Karina then grabbed my hand and led me on my wobbly legs to the shower, where she washed me off and only giggled when I sucked her nipples or fingered her honeypot. Once we dried off she sat us on towels -- but still naked -- on two padded chairs in the hotel room.

"So, Dalton, you're probably wondering what just happened," she chuckled.

"You think?" I laughed.

"It was my audition to be your whore-next-door. I charge $3,000 a week for two sessions every seven days, anywhere but your house or mine. I can provide you invoices which call for "business consulting services," and provide you with reports -- which I purloin from various obscure websites -- that ostensibly document my business consultations. I do pay taxes on the payments and you issue me a 1099 at the end of the year, so the money is a business deduction for you."

While listening suddenly my brain kicked in. "How many clients do you have at $3,000 per week?"

"Only two at any one time. I have to really like my clients as people, I'm not built to fuck just anyone regardless of the fact that I'm a whore, and I just jettisoned one who became too possessive and was no longer fun."

"How long is a session?" I asked, seriously considering her proposal since it was by far the best fuck of my life.

"I don't watch the clock. I guess normally it is about ninety minutes. I normally wipe my partner out with just one fuck, but if he's up for more in a session I accommodate him," she smiled.

"Do you give or receive oral?" was my next question.

"I happily both give and receive. In fact, if I receive it before we fuck the sessions can go on all morning or afternoon as far as I'm concerned," she chuckled.

"Do you do anal?"

"I do -- but my pussy fucks are so good -- I think you will agree," she said laughing, "that I very rarely have call for anal. Also, I give a mean titty fuck."

"I'll bet you do," I said to myself as I looked at her delicious D-cup boobs.

"Does Harrison know about your profession?"

"Hell no. You have to understand that Harrison is a truly nice loving person who I am very pleased to be married to, but he is the most naïve person in the world. He actually thinks that the $75,000 a year that he brings in is enough to support our lifestyle. He would be shocked to learn that I grossed $275,000 last year, and that is why we live like we do. I handle all of the finances and important decisions; he acts as a great father and enjoys making me happy."

"Do you enjoy what you do?" I asked, even though I probably shouldn't have.

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