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The Wild West and Sex Slavery Ch. 01

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Wild West Paintball Duels and Sex slavery in 2045.
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Part 1 of the 16 part series

Updated 01/03/2024
Created 05/23/2023
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Naturally, as one who has written stories involving women forced into sex slavery, I have been interested in the writings of Avicia, Carl Bradford, Gentleman Mariner, Joe Doe and others who have written stories based on the theme of legalized slavery. I have enjoyed many of these stories.

I begrudge no one their fantasies and would not purport to "correct" them. However, particularly in view of recent political events in North America, I have been toying with what I think is a slightly more realistic dystopia than that used by most of the legalized slavery writers. Perhaps the scenario I present is also impossible. I hope so.

Also, I am interested in the women long after they become slaves as opposed to focusing on grading, auctioning and branding. I do not intend to be grim, although I think anything close to reality would be grim. This is a fantasy. It is hoped it will be amusing and erotic. I am not, however, promising a happy ending.

So, here is a very different version of a society with legalized slavery, how it came to be, and what life would be like for the slaves after whatever thrill that comes from the auction and branding is over. This will necessarily include some disturbing political, social and psychological ideas with which many readers will not agree and that will not be erotic for many readers. Do not read the story if you do not want to.

If you do not like many of the views expressed by the characters, that's ok, I do not like most of them either. Also, some of the views expressed are parodies and probably not literally believed by anybody. (I hope; but some ideas I would have thought too crazy for anyone to embrace have obtained broad acceptance)

Some of the dialog occurs between Germans who would naturally be speaking in German. I do not write in German, though, unless I am trying to emphasize something or provide local color. There will be a translation of the few such phrases used.

Of course, no one under the age of 18 will participate in any sexual act whatsoever. Also, everyone will some derive pleasure from every sex act although adherence to this rule is very hard in the sex slavery context.

The first chapter naturally includes much development and sets forth most of the controversial political ideas. Future chapters will deal more with my usual themes of dangerous games, sex, BDSM, submissive women, slavery, and impregnation.

Enough explanation and excuses. Much thanks to Avicia for editing and comments.



Our story begins on a Monday night in May of the year 2045 with 8 people in a private dining room in a restaurant near the Reeperbahn in St. Pauli, Hamburg, Germany. At dinner are promoters of an event that will occur soon near Hamburg and reporters who intend to create a magazine story about the event. After some greetings and small talk, they discuss the recent history of the Free American States under God (FASUG), the Pacific and Rocky Mountain States of America (PMSA) and the Social Democratic States of America (SDSA), which formed after the short civil war and national divorce of 2030.

The 4 people at the table from the FASUG are:

Elvis ("Neck") Wallace, about 65 years old and wearing camo cargo pants and a Hawaiian shirt,

Larry Lee Lewis (the "Killer"), age 35, dark black hair, black moustache, and ruggedly handsome, dressed in black jeans, a black Cowboy shirt with white pearl snap buttons and black cowboy boots,

and the Rev. William Loman and his wife, Linda Loman. Linda Loman is dressed very modestly and is about 30 years old. Rev. William Loman is 50 and dressed in a grey suit, a light pink shirt and a tie that has "God is just" written numerous times in diagonal strips.

The four Germans at the table are Frau Direktor Marlene Sprenger, 50 years old, dressed in a business suit. She is the publisher of the multi-media magazine Kultur, Sex und Sport which is headquartered in Hamburg,

Lena Fesch 34 and an internationally notorious reporter known for taking risks to dig up salacious stories about crime, political corruption, human rights violations and the lives of the rich and beautiful. She is dressed in a skirt that is a bit too short for a woman working seriously, a necklace that has a tiny handcuffs charm on it and a blouse that is not buttoned up quite as far as most women would button up their blouse for a business meeting,

Lena's husband, Herbert Schwach, who looks like a hipster and is Lena's age, and

Angela Assad. Although only 24, Angela is perhaps the most important person at the dinner. She wants to make her reputation as a journalist by writing about and even participating in the bizarre sporting event that the FASUG visitors are in Germany to organize and promote. Assad is dressed in a low-cut, short red minidress and three-inch heels.

Neck is drinking Bourbon whiskey and Killer a dry martini. William and Linda Loman are drinking lemonade. The Germans all have white wine.

There is a hologram on a pedestal near the dining table of the women pole dancing in the bar in the front of the restaurant. Neck is sitting facing the hologram, but everyone else is trying to ignore it.

"Can we turn this disgusting display off, Neck?," the Rev. Loman said. It, as well as this restaurant in a red-light district, are entirely inappropriate for this discussion as well as immoral. We are here to meet with these magazine people to promote the Winnetou paintball gun gunfighter event and educate them about the Free American States Under God, not to cater to your prurient interests, Neck."

Frau Sprengler, Lena and Angela laughed.

Neck responded, "Reverend, I specifically picked out for us to meet in this restaurant cause I knew that there would be a disgustin display and because they have the best steaks available in a country otherwise run by vegetarians and other puritanical spoilsports. Nobody said that you and your virtuous, while damn shapely wife despite havin so many kiddies, had to come along."

"I came along to keep you and Killer from giving these reporters a bad impression of our new country and what we are doing here and to keep you out of trouble."

"Sure preacher man, and Linda is here to keep you out of trouble," Neck said.

"Us arguing in front of the reporters is not helping matters." Rev. Loman said. Turning to the Germans, Reverend Loman said, "All questions should be addressed to me except those specifically relating to the Winnetou-theme gunfighter event. Mr. Wallace did originate this monthly May through October event and organizes and runs it with the help of Mr. Lewis, Dr. Galton and others," the Reverend said.

"Na dann," Lena said, "could you first tell us why Neck is called 'Neck' and why Killer is called 'Killer.'"

"I am called 'Neck,'" Neck shot out, "because guys who appreciated my lifestyle and attitudes took to callin me 'Redneck.' I consider that a badge of honor, but that name was shortened and made a bit more presentable. Larry Lewis was named by his father after a rock n roll guy that Larry's grandfather liked who was called 'the Killer.' If you're worried, I can tell you the Killer don't kill no one, although he's been somethin of a lady-killer, if your English is good enough to know what a lady-killer is. He's certainly gotten some girls in big trouble."

"Thank you, Neck, that is quite enough background on Killer for now," Rev. Loman said.

"I was also for Rockstar named," Herbert interjected.

"Ok then," Lena said in a rather accusatory manner, "If you are the spokesman here, Mr. Loman, you can start by telling us about sex slavery in the Free American States Under God."

"There is no slavery in our country, and I do not mind telling you, Frau Fesch," Rev. Loman said, "that I do not like the tone of your voice. Also, moral judgments coming from you are a bit hard to bear. It is pretty well known that you established your reputation a decade ago by publishing a story that caused a woman that was a member of your parliament to commit suicide, and that was just the beginning."

"I wrote a story about BDSM clubs in Hamburg that did not provide any incriminating details or name any particular participant. The article was not so sexy that it could not have been published in the New York Times if it were written in English. I quoted an anonymous source who simply mentioned that there were a lot of participants in the clubs that one would not expect, including a member of the Bundestag. Linke Party leaders found out about her activities which included having a BDSM relationship with an AfD party leader. Frau Opfer deciding to kill herself probably had to do with chronic depression or schizophrenia that had nothing to do with anything I wrote," Lena said.

"Well, Lena, you have to give the Reverend some credit for preparing for this discussion," Frau Sprengler said.

"And a Hamburger newspaper article following up on the suicide, said that you were the anonymous source you quoted and that you knew about the activity of Frau Opfer because you and Frau Opfer were devotees to the same master and had even been whipped simultaneously," Loman said with a smirk. "The woman's so-called wife, a fancy French actress, blamed you for driving her over the brink."

Lena said "Arschloch" under her breath but loud enough for everyone to hear.

Turning to Rev. Loman, Sprenger said, "Lena is perhaps a bit worked up tonight, Rev. Loman. As you may not have heard, Lena is now being criticized for ruining the career of one of our leading Green politicians by revealing he ate an Italian Beef sandwich while driving a gas-powered car during a trip to Brazil. The fact she was in the car with him and rumored to have been topless and performing oral sex on him while he drove, added spice to the story but has led to further criticism of Lena."

Linda Loman looked shocked. Herbert focused on the hologram for a while to advert his eyes from everyone. Neck mused out loud saying, "People kin be so judgmental." Killer said nothing.

Lena gave an angry look at Frau Sprenger although Sprenger was theoretically her boss, and said, "Genug von mir, Zicke." (roughly "enough about me, bitch") She turned to Rev. Loman and said calmly, "We have strayed a bit from our topic for this evening, which is learning about your country and the event next weekend. Could you tell me about the institution in your country that some claim resembles that peculiar institution that was present until 1865 in many of the areas now included in your country."

"It seems you already know everything Frau Fesch."

"Yes, Lena is extremely knowledgeable," Angela said, smiling innocently, "but I really need to be told the historical background as well as the details of the paintball gun event in which I may participate."

"Very well, Frau Assad, there is no slavery, but there are two types of servitude that are recognized by the Free American States under God, contractual indentured servitude and penal servitude. Penal Servitude is not slavery and was expressly allowed by the 13th Amendment of the Constitution of the old United States of America. Indentured servitude also is not slavery, although in its current form, it is relatively new. Prior to the national divorce, the freedom of citizens to enter into contracts had been improperly limited by laws and the courts. We now recognize fully the freedom to contract, and citizens may mortgage control over their persons in an enforceable contract as security for a loan."

"In other words," Lena interjected, "desperate and destitute young women seeking medical coverage or food or shelter in your country without safety nets can sell their bodies and souls in a last-ditch effort for them or for their loved ones to survive."

"You got that right, honey," Neck blurted out, and started laughing along with Frau Sprengler. Killer looked like none of this concerned him.

"Frau Fesch," Rev. Loman said with disgust, "While obviously, wealthy individuals are unlikely to enter into such a contract, it is untrue that only destitute young women take out loans putting themselves up as collateral. A wide range of people take advantage of this freedom to obtain resources that they would not otherwise obtain. Also, naturally, the bank that makes the loan must carefully inspect the collateral. This has given rise to the false idea that women are being graded as sex slaves when women and others are being appraised to determine if their person is worth enough to cover the loan value."

"Yeah," Neck interjected again, "and there are also cute young men who, like the young women, go to households where they provide sexual favors and others, male and female, who ain't so cute who go to fast food restaurants to work like slaves. They all do get fed, a roof and healthcare, so things could be worse."

"Shut up Neck," Rev. Loman said angrily before explaining, "Obviously, we do not need laborers to pick cotton in 2045, but there are many tasks that require human labor around the homes and gardens of people who can afford to purchase the contracts of indentured persons in the event that they are foreclosed on by some bank.

Further, contrary to Neck's slander, homosexual activities of any kind are strictly illegal in the Free States under God. If some indentured females engage in natural sexual activities with the person who holds their contract, well, that man of God Abraham went to Sarah's servant Hagar as we are told in the sixteenth chapter of Genesis of the King James Bible, God's message to mankind. Some of Frau Assad's ancestors were the result of that union."

"What do the wives of these modern Abrahams think of their husbands making whoopie with indentured servants?" Lena asked.

"As Proverbs 31 wives, they naturally obey the wishes of the men that are their natural masters," Rev. Loman said. Mrs. Loman frowned. Angela said, "You shitting us?" Neck, Lena and Sprengler laughed. Killer suppressed a grin.

"Alles klar," Lena said before resuming her questioning, "Rev. Loman, so the indentured servants do household work of various sorts and work in menial jobs with no wages. What happens to the people held in penal servitude?"

"Many work making license plates or on chain gangs, of course," Rev. Loman answered. "Nothing novel there."

"What about the famous sex boats that are advertised around the world?" Lena asked.

"Yes, I understand that the women who lose the Winnetou paintball-fights go to the boats. Tell us of that." Angela said.

"I think perhaps I should put this all in more context by telling how we got here and what practical compromises were necessary as a result of the national divorce." Rev. Loman said before Neck interrupted to say, "We oughta order another round of drinks and dinner now. This is gonna get pretty long."

The Lomans ordered chicken, Neck and Killer ordered steak done rare. Frau Marlene Sprengler ordered fish. Lena and Angela ordered vegan dishes. Herbert tried to order a steak, but Lena interrupted to say, "Nein, Herbert, wir essen kein Fleisch." (No, Herbert, we don't eat meat)

"You mean a grown man ain't allowed to order what he wants for dinner?" Neck said.

"Socially responsible people do not eat meat, certainly not beef, Mister Wallace," Lena replied. Herbert ordered a vegan dish.

After the waiter left and Rev. Loman had failed again to get the stripper hologram turned off, the Reverend explained, "You probably all heard of the national divorce, what led to it and what followed, but you probably got the wrong impression if you read reports that came out of the Social Democratic States of America or even from reports from western European news sources that generally sympathized with the secular humanist, unnatural, and woke progressive states in North America.

"What caused the split is complicated, but it should be clear to everyone that Bible-believing free people could not be expected to live in the same country with a bunch of abortionists, homosexuals, transexuals, bisexuals, drag queens, free swinging, gun-confiscating, pseudo-intellectuals who would groom our children to be just as godless and sick as them if given a chance.

"After the president of the then United States in 2028 ordered, in view of the moral crisis, that he should be allowed to remain as president indefinitely, most people in the south and the west thought that that was only reasonable. Sure, the Supreme Court ordered that elections must be held, although most of the members of the court had been appointed by righteous presidents, but we all knew that the judges were following the laws of men rather than the laws of God.

"It was thought that the armed forces would follow the orders of the Commander in Chief despite the impeachment that followed the cancellation of elections, but the armed forced were paralyzed by indecision."

"What he should say," Neck said, "is that the armed forces were full of folks who couldn't see how the hell they'd profit from returnin the country to 1950, let alone 1860. Most of em brought their guns and talents to the so-called woke progressives who were resistin turnin the country back to a time when women and darker-skinned persons kept their mouths shut and did the dishes or shined shoes."

Ignoring Neck's comment, Rev. Loman went on, "Fortunately, there wasn't much fighting. It was clear to everyone that the country was too mixed up for there to be a clean break of states like was attempted in 1861. True, some people, mainly up north, thought it was a mistake to break up the country. But a lot of us knew that while Lincoln may have been right in 1861, times had changed, and a national divorce was in order.

"There were a number of reasonable treaties signed providing for transportation and market agreements, and joint defense if North America was attacked, but not to support wars just because some tom fool liberal wanted to protect what he thinks are human rights halfway across the globe.

The Mexicans, the various countries formed out of Canada, the SDSA and the PMSA agreed to support our Free State under God policy of not allowing immigration into our country and to return fugitive indentured persons from the Free States. On the other hand the SDSA and PMSA encourage immigration because of the low fertility rates in those sinful countries where God's gift of sex is abused.

"Given that the cities and much of the suburbs in all of the former states of the United States were dominated by liberals, perverts and groomers, it was clear that neat borders could not be drawn. The borders are complex Fortunately, the technology has advanced to allow tracking of people who are not where they are supposed to be. This allows more jagged borders than would otherwise be enforceable.

Everyone born in North America has an implant that gives off a signal if he is not in the country in which he's supposed to be. Corridors were built between areas that think alike so a person who believes in God and freedom like me can travel as far as what was eastern Oregon to Florida without having to go into a PMSA or SDSA state. On the other hand, people from those ill-fated countries can travel from Seattle to New Mexico or Minneapolis to Manhattan to worship the devil if that's what they want to do.

"With all the good people coming to the Free States and all the perverts going elsewhere, our voters came to consist of only right-thinking people and the political system and leaders became better and better and now most of our political leaders are men of the cloth. On the other hand, the PMSA and SDSA, without the benefit of good people or the guidance of the Holy word, became worse and worse and more degenerate than the sinners of Sodom and Gomorrah. Of course, we are commanded by God to love all people, even the liberals and other perverts, and I pray that they do find their way someday."

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