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The Wrong Party

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Couple are the treat at a Halloween party.
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"We are not lost." Eric says firmly.

"Why won't you just pull over and ask for directions? Why do you have to be so pig headed?" Emily asks angrily.

"Do you see anywhere to ask? We have not seen a house even in at least 5 miles."

"It is not this far off the highway."

"Do you want to drive? If you are so worried, why don't you call and confirm our directions?"

"I tried, there is no cell service out here." Emily huffs.

"Look you wrote down the directions, they say take the highway to route 16, go right and follow it until it ends at their house. I haven't been here before, they are your friends."

"Are you sure this is 16?"

"Yes, look, right there, another sign, County Route 16."

"Alright, I guess I'm just miss remembering, but it seems a lot farther from the highway than I remember."

"If we don't see it in the next 5 to 10 miles we'll back track to the highway, and hope we get cell service somewhere closer to civilization. You always told me they were in the boonies."

"Yeah, but this looks less like the boonies and more like the demilitarized zone separating the boonies from the maw of hell." Emily smiles a little trying to regain her sense of humor.

"It's just because its dark, and you are all into the Halloween thing, I told you not to watch all those horror movies in a row." Eric says with his own smile.

"Those clouds really make it look dark out there, it's like we are driving through a black fog, that our head lights barely carve out ahead of us." Emily says with a slight shiver.

Eric just smiles, they are already wearing their costumes for this costumes 'required' party. Emily had picked out their costumes, and Eric just felt fortunate that she hadn't gone overly couples cutesy.

He is Zoro his sword and whip sit in the back seat, along with his hat. The rest of the outfit, cape, black shirt, black pants, plastic Zoro necklace, and boots he is wearing.

Emily has dressed as Elaina, and she could certainly give Catherine-Zeta a run for her money. Emily is half Cuban, she has long dark hair, rich full lips, blue eyes, nice round ass, and firm B sized breasts on her 5'7 frame. She had stepped up her work out regimen the past couple months so that she is toned, she wants to be the best looking of her old college friends.

Eric is 5'8 his hair was light brown, his build a light-medium one, he is by no means an A&F guy, but his blue eyes show with a gentle mischief that makes him difficult for most people to dislike.

Eric places his hand on Emily's thigh and gives her a warm smile. Emily smiles back and places her hand on his.

Then they saw the house, cars were filling its drive and pouring out onto the street.

"Wow." Emily says looking at the rather large home. " I knew Tami had said they were doing some renovations but that is huge!"

"Different from last time you saw it?"

"Very, but it was 5 years ago. Her husband is a contractor so not only is he able to do a lot of the work himself, but he makes pretty good money to pay for the work."

"Must be nice." Eric says quietly as he parks on the street behind another car.

Once the car is parked they walk arm in arm up to the front door. A woman greets them with a nice body wearing a witch's costume.

"Boo!" She says playfully.

Emily and Eric smile, not really knowing whom she was so not knowing how to respond really.

"Glad you could make it, come on in, the and host and hostess are somewhere in there." She waves her hand absently towards the interior.

"Thanks, happy Halloween." Emily says with a smile before they brush by her to pass into the house.

For a moment Eric thinks he feels the girl brush her hand against his crotch, but decides that it must be his imagination and pushes it out of his mind.

The place was really nice, it had at least 3 floors with a spiral staircase in the middle of the front room. To the left was a formal living room with several people spread out among the couches and chairs chatting in lively conversation. Beyond the living room Eric and Emily come to a formal dining room, the chairs had been removed and several different items were spread on the table in a buffet style set-up.

Eric and Emily each grab a couple of items and place them on plates before continuing their self guided tour of the house. Circling through the dining room brought one to a kitchen, and on the kitchen table was spread out various desserts that looked as yet untouched. Continuing through the kitchen brought them back to the first room so they go the other direction and enter a large bar/game room.

Most of the guests are centered in this room either playing or watching others play the various games, there was a pool table in the middle, and off to one side a foosball table, and the other a Ping-Pong table, there was a dart board and a juke box on the far wall, and two arcade styled pinball machines on the nearer wall. Drinks were being served by a couple of the party goers wanting to show off their drink making skills from behind a bar counter than ran the length of the room.

Eric and Emily go up to the bar and request their drinks, which are quickly served. Eric has a Rum and Coke while Emily goes with a Hurricane, Eric disappoints the guy making his drink with the simplicity of his drink, but Emily's server is excited to make her drink. He watches avidly as she takes her first sip and when she states it to be the best Hurricane she's ever tasted he smiles and laughs with his companion behind the bar.

"I wonder where Tami is?" Emily asks bringing her mouth near Eric's ear so he could hear her over the blare over the Jukebox.

Eric shrugs his shoulders as he takes a drink from his glass. He notices an opening on one of the pinball machines and nods his head at it.

Emily smiles and nods her head at a bar stool then walks over to it as Eric goes over to the pinball machine. He starts up the game; there was a little switch that behaves as if a quarter were being dropped into the machine.

Several people brush by Eric as he plays and a couple of times he feels that they were purposely rubbing his ass with their hands, their own ass, or their crotches. He also feels two women seemingly rub their breasts into his back or arms as they pass by, but he decides it must be his mistake and brushes it out of his mind.

After he's been playing for a while Emily comes up beside him her face set in a frown.

"What's up?" Eric asks concerned.

"At first I thought it was my imagination, but I know that people are touching me every time they pass and rubbing their selves against me." Emily says quietly, almost crying.

"Shit!" Eric says angrily but softly, " I thought it was all in my head."

"I want to go." Emily says firmly.

"I agree." Eric says quietly.

The two of them begin to make their way to the front door and are soon cut off by several people.

"Leaving the party so soon?" One voice asks from the crowd.

"You haven't even seen the ritual room." Another voice says.

Suddenly both Eric and Emily feel hands from behind them grab their arms tightly so that they can't really struggle. Some one else pulls their wrists behind them and places handcuffs on their wrists binding each of their hands together. They are then marched among the group down a set of stairs into a basement.

The basement did looks more like a medieval dungeon than a room, there are prison cells, chains, a brazier in the center of the room, and the floor is concrete. The wall was painted with scenes of erotic depravity, demons raping angels with impossibly large phalluses... and among all of that, places to tie up a person, and tools were spread out on several tables around the room.

Emily is pushed into a cell while Eric is taken to a set of cuffs dangling from the ceiling.

Eric tries to struggle free, but there were at least three men holding him each one was probably stronger than Eric let alone all three working together. They quickly cuff his ankles to cuffs coming from slotted holes in the floor spreading his legs wide. Then they uncuff his wrists from each other only to pull them above his head to the cuffs dangling in the air. The straps above him are pulled tight and he fills his feet lifted from the ground, as he arms are pulled higher into the air. He is spread so that his arms and legs make an 'X'.

A woman in a devil's outfit steps into the center of the room and claps her hands.

"You have come to our party, and we have welcomed you, but now you wish to leave without compensating us?"

"We're sorry, I think we came to the wrong party." Emily says from the cell.

"Silence!" The woman says and Emily shrinks back as a metal bar is banged against the bars of her cell.

"I want no further outbursts, it does not matter how you came to our door, and you will now entertain us as we have entertained you. It is, after all, the night of Halloween the great Colden's night of triumph over the light."

First Eric feels his shoes and socks removed and hears them being tossed aside, then Eric feels a blade run along his leg underneath his pants and the sound of his pants being cut fills the almost deafening quiet. Soon his pants are cut free, and then the rest of his clothes quickly follow so that he is now naked hanging in the air.

"Oh what a pleasure! What a nicely endowed man-slave you are! Your height is deceptive, apparently we can see where all your growth went." The Devil woman says.

A man dressed in a matching devil costume walks up beside her and begins kissing her roughly, before he turns to look in Eric's direction.

"Hmmm, yes his cock does look delicious as does his ass." The man says looking over at Eric causing him to first blush and then pale.

"I think her training should begin with watching him for a little bit." The woman says.

"Oh yes I agree. Let's make sure she has to watch though."

Two men step into Emily's cell and she feels rough hands grab her and place her in cuffs similar to Eric's. Soon her clothing is removed in the same manner as Eric's and they are looking across the room at each other, both naked, both helpless, both bound, and hanging in the air.

The woman and man walk over to Eric's hanging form and circle him, appraising him, it seemed, as the rest of the party goers crowded into the room and along the walls so that they could watch. A couple of them could be seen already masturbating, so turned on by the scene of Eric and Emily helpless and nude.

The two devils run their hands over Eric's skin, sliding their hands over his legs, inner thighs, back, and chest then brushing his cock, balls, and sliding their fingers along the crack of his ass. The touch is light and delicate and despite himself Eric finds his cock hardening against his will.

"It seems he likes it." Man notes.

"He does, I think he will enjoying serving us, Colden has rewarded us well." The woman says with a cruel smile as she looks into Eric's eyes.

They walk over to one of the tables and the man comes back with something in hand. He takes Eric's cock into his hand and wraps something around the base of his cock and his balls.

Then the woman approaches, she is holding a couple of alligator clips which she places on Eric's nipples pinching them painfully in their teeth. The man moves behind Eric and starts rubbing some lotion over Eric's ass, along his crack, and then he inserts a finger into Eric's ass finally he rubs the lotion over Eric's balls and cock. He then steps back to observe Eric's reaction.

At first Eric doesn't notice anything in particular, then every place the lotion had been rubbed begins to warm, then to get hot. Soon Eric's ass and cock are on fire. As he begins to scream he notes the woman rubbing the man's crotch through his costume, smiling lustfully at Eric's suffering.

Emily's eyes are open wide in terror at Eric's suffering but she is unable to do anything but watch. When she tries to close her eyes against the image someone whips her ass and she feels it bite into her skin causing her to yelp in pain and shock she quickly re-opens her eyes to watch her husband suffer.

Finally the burning sensation begins to subside, but Eric feels weak, from exertion against the pain and he dangles limply in his restraints.

The woman comes back with a large butt plug in her hand she smiles at Eric as she moves to stand in front of him. She signals to some one and Eric feels himself lifted higher up by his arms, the straps on his legs maintaining tension but allowing his body to rise off the ground until he is high enough she can walk under his spread legs. He is lowered slightly after she passes through and now his ass is at her face level.

Eric feels teeth bite into his ass cheek and he jumps in shock. The teeth travel his ass and then a tongue trails over his ass crack, bringing a soft cooling sensation where the lotion before had scorched his nerves. He finds his cock re-hardening from the sensation. Several people in the crowd 'oooo' as they note this knowing he was enjoying how the woman was treating him.

Eric looks over at Emily helplessly hoping she could tell he couldn't control how his cock responded.

Emily watches in horror as Eric's cock hardens from whatever that woman was doing to his ass, it is even a greater horror to note moisture starting to leak from her own sex.

The woman stands back from him and places the pre-lubricated plug against Eric's asshole, he then feels himself swinging slowly forward as she applies pressure to it then the straps halt his movement and the plug starts to gain entrance. It is a sudden thing when Eric's ass gives way to the assault and the plug pops into his ass forcing his ass wide open. Eric screams from the pain of nearly being torn in two, but still the woman pushes the plug in until it finally slips into place snug in his previously virgin ass.

Eric is horrified that despite the pain his cock had actually gotten harder with the plug in his ass and then as the woman pulls it out a little ways and pushes it back in, a little bit of pre-cum leaks from the tip of his cock. She slides the plug in and out a couple of times before ramming it home deep into his ass. She then stands back leaving it there as she walks around to the front of him.

"First time with something in your ass?" The woman asks, her voice nearly dripping sensual venom.

Eric can only nod weakly as the straps are lowered slowly so that he is back to being only a couple inches off the floor.

"Well I guarantee it will not be the only thing in your ass tonight." She says with a smile and a laugh.

The man walks up to Eric's limp form and signals again for him to be raised. When Eric's cock is at his face level he licks the pre-cum seepage from his cock head causing Eric to shiver.

"His sperm is potent, very intoxicating." The devil says as he smiles and turns away to lock lips with the female devil.

When they pull away from each other the woman frowns at Eric's limp form. " He tires too easily, we will need to entertain ourselves with the woman until he recovers some strength."

"I guess it is fortunate that Colden saw fit to provide us with two then." The man says as they turn to face Emily.

"We should be sure he doesn't miss the show though, it would be a shame." The woman says looking back over her shoulder at Eric's limp form where his head hangs heavily against his chest.

The woman signals and several men come forward; they place a board against Eric's back and strap his head to it, with a mask that also forces his eyes to remain open.

"That is much better." The woman coos.

They approach Emily with the same methodical pace they had used with Eric. They circle her body, touching her skin lightly causing goose bumps to prickle her skin as her vagina continues to moisten.

They go to the table and the man returns with alligator clips similar to those on Eric. When he pinches them in place on her nipples she screams out in pain. Before walking away he pushes a finger deep inside her cunt and pulls it out, showing everyone that she was wet. Several 'awes' answer his action, and the devil woman walks up and takes his finger into her mouth sucking it clean.

"I think she liked seeing her husband take it up the ass." The man says.

"Then she'll love what we have in store." The woman says.

The woman walks up with a double dildo and presses it against Emily's openings. The ass dildo was lubricated with a thick gel and her vagina was providing plenty of lube for the other one. The woman shoves the dildos up into Emily forcefully getting more than half their lengths into her in a single push and causing Emily to scream out in pain.

The woman slides the dildos back, and then pushes them up again and again until she gets them fully buried into Emily. Tears stream down Emily's face, but when she notices that several of the watchers were in various stages of nudity and arousal observing her she lets out a mournful wail.

The two devils laugh cruelly the man brings a strappy item that he runs between Emily's legs and around her waist, when it is snapped into place it holds the double dildo in place buried deep in her ass and vagina, but it leaves the flesh of her ass bare.

The woman fingers the handle of a whip and then she puts it to the Emily's lips. Emily refuses to open her mouth for a moment, but the man twists the clip on her right nipple causing her to scream and the woman shoves the leather handle into Emily's mouth nearly causing Emily to gag.

"There's a good girl." The woman coos as she slides the whip handle back and forth between Emily's lips like it was cock fucking her mouth. " You make a good little cock sucker, I wonder how your husband will do? Well there is plenty of time to find out, Halloween is a long night tonight!"

The woman pulls the whip handle from Emily's mouth and stands back and behind her. Emily hears the crack of the whip before she feels the bite of pain on her ass cheek. It isn't until the second crack of the whip before she is able to scream out in pain.

Around them bodies are in various sexual positions, most of the participants were trying to keep their eyes on the helpless Eric and Emily, whether it was by doing it doggy style, or trying to turn to the side while performing and receiving oral pleasure from another.

None of the participants seemed to care what sex partner they were engaged with, they all just wanted to have sex with someone. Emily was horrified watching the depraved orgy about her, as pain rippled through her body.

Every crack of the whip caused her body to convulse around the dildo's buried deep inside her, and the strap allowed the items to slide slightly out of her and then back into her with her every convulsion.

Despite her horror at the situation, despite the pain of the whip biting into the flesh of her ass, the movement of the dildos however slight, in and out of her were working her closer and closer to an orgasm. Soon her screams are matched with her moans as the dildos slid back into her.

The woman stops whipping her and the man comes up to her as her body is writhing around the dildos buried in her, she was so close. Her breathing was deep and heavy, the sound of her whimpers and moans escape her lips between breaths. The man smiles as he removes the alligator clip on her right nipple. He then gently sucks on her sore right nipple as he twists the left one in its clip.

The pain and pleasure at once are too much, Emily feels her orgasm come to crash over her like a tidal wave, and as the man senses it he bites down on her right nipple with sharp teeth drawing blood and shooting pain through Emily's body even as her body spasms and convulses in orgasm washing her with pleasure. Her screams echo in the room over the moans of excitement from the other people in the room.


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