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The Wrong Way Road Trip Pt. 03


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The Wild Rose had beautiful landscaping, as you might expect, and very friendly people at checkin.

"Quiet right now. Soon as the weather warms up, folks will be flocking to the park. Freezes every night, so you can sleep in and wait for the sun to work, although lots of the main trail doesn't get sun again until March. We serve a full breakfast until 9 am."

Kate ducked under my arm and asked for a kiss. I said, "You are being awfully bridelike."

"I have a ring on my finger and a marriage certificate in my purse. You expected some other kind of behavior?"

I kicked the door to the room closed and tossed her to the bed. She completely relaxed, letting me have a sultry slitted eye look. "I dare you to come after me."

I jumped her, deflecting arms and legs, laying on a hot kiss. "Stay there. I'll bring stuff in. Do we have any cold beer with us?"

When I returned with the duffels, she was down to her underwear and said, "We need a run, not a beer. Let's do a couple of miles before it cools off."

It was already cool and she set a brisk pace, feinting a fist at my body every so often. "Brian, I've come alive again, haven't I? When you rescued me at the diner, I couldn't have lifted a fist to you for the life of me."

I tagged her butt with a gentle swat. "Between your family and the guy who hit on you, there wasn't much life left in Marigold. You were lucky Millie cared about the girl with a world of problems."

She stopped for a hug. "Not to mention the silly guy who gave her a ride."

We turned around and kicked it in back to the motel. She almost caught me. As we walked through the lobby, the woman at the desk clapped and said, "You two sure look good together."

We shared the shower with a big waterfall head, letting the hot water beat down. I pinched a soapy boob tip and kissed under her ear. Toweling off, she pointed at the cooler. "There is a cold beer in there. Open it and get under the covers."

This was an excuse to sit on my chest, charms on display, and bounce. Taking a long sip from my bottle, she said, "Jacqueline says half a beer once in a while is ok."

"Have you asked Jeremy his opinion?"

"I told you already, he is floating around in there and wants everything in moderation."

"No more wild sex?"

She snuggled down and reached for me. "I'll tell you if it gets too rough. Do you like the sex you are having with the woman you married so quickly? Not ready to dump me?"

Three or four strokes of her hand and I was completely hard. Her nipples were stiff and I had to lick one. "You shouldn't tease me over sex. We'll both end up worrying about the other. I love you and I love your body. And I'm looking out for that little thing you are carrying in your belly."

She pounded my ass and pulled me tight. "You. are. to. fuck. me. until. I. scream!"

It took more than a few energetic minutes. She was wild but graceful, taking my cock with moans, flipping us around, pulling my hair, and finally wailing a big climax, "Briaaan!"

Lying there, sweaty and gasping, I groaned, "Wow. I'm going to start calling you Tiger."

She crawled onto me. "That was to make up for the tease. I promise not to do it again."

I sat up and reached for the beer. "You know this blog/travelogue business?"

She had the sheet pulled up and said, "Yes? Is there anything really there?"

"Just what I was thinking. Problem is, the only way to find out is to try."

"You said in Death Valley we were doing a road trip until I was too big to travel. That gives us time to try and fail. Maybe more than once!"

I ran my hand through her hair. "Try and fail. Isn't that what startups do? Mostly?"

She crouched over me, tits in my face, and said, "Another problem, Brian. You're not a fail kind of guy."

I palmed those magnificent boobs and she stuffed her tongue in my mouth.

"Damn, you're bad." I pulled her into a cuddle. As she squirmed around, I was thinking we needed to find a place to hole up for a few days and get serious about blog systems. A place with broadband Internet connections. She quieted down and whispered, "What are you thinking about?"

"How am I going to live with a partner who is smarter than I am, and chases me for good sex?"

"Hmmm. We seem to have come aways from rescued girl. What are you really thinking?"

"We need to find a place to work on the blog idea. For better or worse, that is not in a tent in red rock country."

She pulled tighter, "It's still winter here. What if we go south? Phoenix? Tucson?"

"I like that. We'll take the scenic route to Page and down to Flagstaff. The road through Zion goes in the right direction."

The woman at the front desk sent us down the road to the Bit and Spur for dinner. Kate edged in tight against me and said, "This is still working, isn't it?" A waitress came up before I could answer and said, "You are newlyweds. I can tell because after the glow wears off, they don't sit as close as you are."

Kate said, "I don't want the glow to wear off. He has promised me weeks of road trip for an endless honeymoon..."

The waitress did a doubletake and smiled, "You need company? Headed south? I know a great place on the Gulf of California near Baja."

I got an elbow. "See, I told you we needed to go south."

I had a second beer and marinated in the Tex-Mex atmosphere, my girl by my side. We got this far, I thought, and the three of us will work on the rest. Felt foolish. Kate pulled my hair and said I was silly.

"Nice silly."

Chapter 8 - Awed by Zion

It was still pitch black and you know who was wiggling at my side. "It's too early."

"Bull, we have a long way to go today. Take your shower while I make coffee."

I pulled her on top and laughed, running hands up and down her back.

"No sex for you! This is a serious trip!" The wiggling was making me very hard.

"Damn, I should have known there would be orders after you got that ring."

She was leading me to the shower. "I guess we have to do this the hard way."

She soaped our fronts and did a little dance, warning that I was not to attack. If this was married life, I was signing up.

"Is Jeremy happy to be headed south?" My hands rubbed the sexy belly.

Her voice was low, hardly audible over the noise of the shower. "Brian, this is making me emotional. You are caring for Jeremy and me in a way I could never expect."

She was very clingy as we sipped scalding coffee and a stale roll. I kissed her head and whispered, "You are a tough woman and he will be tough as well. Let's go watch the sunrise in the park."

It was below freezing but we were bundled up in clothes from the camping place. In just a few minutes we were passing the empty entrance station and driving up the road which entered a deep canyon with towering walls.

"This is scary, Brian. What about rockfall?"

"Natural hazards, Wayward! We are turning to the right at the next intersection, but the canyon gets narrower and narrower to the north. Very dangerous in the summer monsoon rains. Foolish people get trapped every year and drown."

"I'm not feeling wayward, I want my Daddy!" She laughed and punched my shoulder. "You are the best Daddy substitute ever."

We wound up the side of a canyon headed east, with early sun bright on the opposite side. There were tunnels for the highway, with openings here and there. In half an hour, we were much higher and coming out on the plateau in bright sunshine. The road turned south, with the Arizona Strip stretching away in the distance to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. As we rolled downhill toward Kanab, the Vermillion Cliffs came into view towards the eastern horizon. Kate was bouncing up and down on the new seat and pulling my hair every few minutes.

"Brian, this is fantastic! A real road trip!"

"There is even breakfast ahead," I said, my stomach grumbling over the early start on a stale roll. "Check your phone for a place to eat."

After a quick minute, she said, "Yes, there is a bakery just as we come into town. Amazing!"

I wasn't sure how amazing it was, but my new partner's enthusiasm was just fine. All the big questions were still in front of us, but today was for sightseeing and maybe some photographs.

I was halfway through a super waffle with real syrup when I decided to show her the note. I pulled out my wallet and extracted the piece of paper. "I'm not sure I should show you this."

She spread it out on the tablecloth and peered at the writing.

"I'll be damned." She leaned back with eyes closed and opened them slowly. "She was cute."

Yes, but..."

"I can understand tired of Springdale. I understand your 'but' too. She'll be in our bed the first minute."

"Kate, I don't need more female companionship than I already have."

"What if it is special pussy, and she is as smart as I am? And has good stories and funny jokes and can help with writing the blog?"

"You are not serious..."

"What if I call her instead of you? Get upfront and personal about the loving?"

"You are three days married and thinking of sharing?"

"There can be a condition that if anybody is unhappy, she splits."

"We can't take the car into Mexico. It only has temporary plates and no title. Even if we had the paperwork, we wouldn't take it across the border. Bandits would have it in a minute."

"If we really want to go, there are ways. Put my present in a secure locker and buy a used heap."

"You are truly crazy but I love you. Go ahead and call her if you are feeling wild and frisky."

She pounded on my back all the way to the car. Robin answered on the second ring. "This is Robin."

"Hi, this is Kate, the girl with that guy you gave the note to last night. Are you really needing to split from Springdale?"

"I sure am. This was supposed to be just a summer job, but things went the wrong way in my life and I'm not back in school like I'm supposed to be."

"Well, he is staring at me and I am telling you that we will take you with us, at least to the Phoenix area, if you want. I guess you must not have a car, or you would already be gone?"

"That's right. There is just me and my duffel."

"He is still staring, waiting for me to say that you are very pretty and I should be worried about sex with you."

"You mean girl sex or guy sex?"

"I already told him it didn't matter. I have a soft heart and worry about you being stuck there. We are in Kanab. He is pointing at his watch and saying one hour back to you. Are you free to go now?"

"Kate, I can't believe you are doing this! I absolutely am walking out the door by the time you get here."

"Maybe better at the Bit and Spur. Have an early beer to settle your nerves."

She clicked off and climbed into my arms. "Brian, she sounds so nice. Are you alright with this?"

"Of course not. One guy and two women? I won't survive."

She made me drive. "This is the wrong way, Brian. Are you happy taking in another stray?" The grin was truly evil. I realized in a flash that this was her opportunity to show some of the compassion that I had shown to her. Damn, there would be hell to pay if another pregnant female was joining the party.

Her hip pushed into mine as she said, "Guess what?"

"You are no end of trouble this morning, wayward one."

"We are going to camp tonight. The tent and the bags are big enough for three!"

"Oh no! I am done for!"

I pretended to grump, but she tickled me and I had a laughing fit. "Just for that, you and Robin get to cook."

"Of course we do. After you make the drinks."

The road back down the canyon into Zion was as beautiful as the way up. Kate had the camera and made me stop for a quick shot through one of the openings carved into the rock.

Chapter 9 - Robin and Anne-Marie

Robin was sitting on the wall in front of the Bit and Spur, a great big smile on her face as we drew up. Kate was out the door and into a big hug in a flash. The duffel was tossed in the back seat and Robin pushed into the middle of our bench seat.

"Oh no, you are the newlyweds. You should be next to him."

I was already headed back into the park as they teased and tickled each other. "Robin, you have to protect me. He is insatiable."

I growled and she kissed me right on the lips. "You better behave, Mister Brian, there are two of us now."

Kate applied a kiss to Robin's cheek and said, "Actually three."

This caused a doubletake. "How could you know so soon..."

I used my tough voice, "You'd better spill the beans, wife."

"He rescued me back in California, and he married me in Vegas three days ago. I'm eight weeks pregnant with someone else's baby."

"Oh. My. God." Robin sagged against my shoulder. "And you still decided to come back and get me? I can't believe this."

On the return to Kanab, they gossiped the whole story of their lives. Rapid fire girl talk. I needed to concentrate on the road and didn't get much of it except when one of them would poke me for emphasis. As we approached Kanab, I used my growly voice again, "When are you going to fess up about tonight, Wayward?"

"Brian, don't disturb girl talk. Drop us at the grocery and get the car gassed up. With two of us, we should be done in a half hour."

I was in the parking lot when they came out, a big foam cooler sticking up out of the basket of the cart.

"Brian," her smile was wide, "we have acquired a guide. Robin knows everything about this country. She has called her friends at Marble Canyon, and we even have an inside bed for tonight."

The two of them were on an adrenalin high of some kind, laughing, teasing, kissing. My growls were totally ignored. Robin gave me a hot kiss just as I pulled up to the intersection where we turned south to take the old road to Marble Canyon and the Navajo Bridge. "I have a terrible crush. She said it is ok to kiss you."

I stepped out of the car, hauling her along and turning her upside down, knees over my shoulders. As she screamed, I said, "This is the standard treatment for crushes."

To my surprise, she did a full situp, which put her crotch square on my mouth. My hands on her behind pulled tight and she screamed again, "Nooo."

Kate pounded on me, "Brute! Let her down."

The three of us lay in the dust, gasping and laughing. "Robin, I am so glad you are along. His true beastly colors are showing!" I had my hand firmly planted on a Robin boob and asked, "Where do those belly muscles come from?

"Ha! From beating off guys like you!"

Kate started pulling things out of the trunk. "Please set up the awning, and find the camp chairs. We have a deli lunch for you if the bad behavior ceases."

"Mommy, will you drive after lunch so I can have a beer?"

Robin brought me a very cold beer and sat in my lap. "You are a lot of fun. I'm not getting over my crush if you keep on this way."

"Is there a boyfriend? Am I poaching?"

She smashed a boob into my face. "Heavens no. Out here, all the guys want is a quick fuck with a 'thank you Ma'am.' "

Kate frowned. "Robin, I am sharing, but you are not to spend all your time in his lap!"

I said, to no one in particular, "Isn't it amazing how a female's behavior changes after she has a wedding ring on her finger?"

Robin pulled viciously on my ears. "Brian, that is over the line. Take it back."

I traded Robin for Kate on my knee. "She's right. I apologize."

A long newlywed kiss later, Robin said, "I wish I had a boyfriend I could kiss and makeup with like that."

Kate pointed to my other knee and said, "Consider him your boyfriend. He's big enough and tough enough for two."

Damned if the three of us weren't getting emotional in the middle of Arizona desert! I tightened my arms around both waists. "Robin, what was it that stranded you in Springdale?"

"My parents' marriage fell apart and the divorce settlement didn't leave enough money for my tuition. I am over eighteen, so they don't have a legal obligation to support me."

"If you are going to hang out with us, we need to find a way to make money for school."

Kate jumped in. "Yes, he says I have to go back to school after the baby."

I stood, making low growly noises. "It's terrible what the male has to do to protect his women."

We stowed things in the overstuffed trunk and proceeded south, Robin driving and giving travel commentary.

"We are surrounded by Navaho limestone, which is about 200 million years old. Water has dissolved various minerals and over a long time, the rock has taken on different colors. Where there was iron oxide, we get shades of red, which produced the Vermillion cliffs."

She smiled at us. "That is my river guide speech. We had a really nice geologist around to give lessons on the rocks."

I said, "Does that smile mean he gave other types of lessons?"

"He was horny as could be, and specialized in talking the youngest, cutest guides into his tent. I stayed strictly away because I was hooked up already."

Kate used her "I hate men," voice. "The one who dumped you in Springdale?"

"The very one. I was down on men forever until you and Brian showed up."

"They have uses when they behave?"

"Do you mind if I call you Wayward? That is such a fun name."

"It is now. You should have seen me ten days ago. Down and out in a roadside diner."

"So, by sheer luck, you and I have run into a guy who takes in strays and treats them right."

I intervened. "Stop this nonsense. We are a team. What do you know about blogs, Robin?"

"In school, I was majoring in computer science. I know quite a bit, actually. Why do you ask?"

Kate, who was in the middle seat, screamed and embraced Robin. "Oh my god, I cannot believe this! The answer to our prayers!"

(Cont'd in Part 4 - Journey to Flagstaff)

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