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Their First Toys Ch. 07

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He loses his virginity, having learned all about oral sex..
8.5k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/07/2022
Created 02/20/2013
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They all chuckle. The one on the toilet says:

"You can wash me too - hehe! - now that I know that you can."

He does, now with no reservations. She doesn't wash him, but then soaps her hand and also rubs him there. The other one has found a third towel for him, and they all dry themselves, grinning and snickering as they watch each other make a demonstration of drying breasts, pussies, cock and balls.

Back in the room, one girl notices the time and exclaims:

"We just missed lunch!"

"Your fault, wanting to do that too," he replies.

"It was worth it," the other replies. The others nod with grins.

"You're our guest," the first one says, asking:


"Or Chinese? I like spicy food."

"Hmm? If you really mean it, Chinese."

"Take away."

Her roommate nods, and then he does. They get dressed, chuckling as underpants and bras cover what they have been playing with. When they have all their clothes back on, Kathy remarks:

"Just normal people again."

"More like crazy people," he murmurs.

The girls nod emphatically, grinning, and they leave the room. They suppress their chuckles and snickers on the way to the Chinese restaurant, also there, waiting for their food, and then on their way back to the girls' room.

When the girls immediately start to get undressed, he snorts in surprise, murmuring:

"I thought we'd eat with our clothes on."

"Why? We like to be naked, don't we?"

"You do, when you come from the bathroom that way and want to do something."

"You too!"

"You two!" he remarks, but also starts to get undressed, murmuring:

"Is this 'next time'?"

"Not yet."

In the bag with their food, they find chopsticks and plastic forks and spoons. He shows them how to use chopsticks. They try, but then complain that it would take too long for them to finish, smirking at him.

"Hmm! Then 'next time'?"

"As soon as we finish."

"Everything we haven't done yet."


"You don't have to do much, just do it to Jane and let me do it to you. No, I want to do it first."

"And then - oh, good thing I do it first - then it's my turn again."

"But I want to, too."


"The only thing we won't have done, but you don't have to do anything, just lie there and let us."

"And then you won't be a virgin anymore."

"You think I can?! Three more times?"

"Just let us try."


"You have a name to live up to: Duong, the Virile."

"Your parents will be proud they named you so well."

"Hmm! Don't mention them; they liked that I was so studious and not interested in girls. I was, just shy, you know, boat people. And besides, I was named after an uncle who died in the war."

"Oh! Sorry."

"But the name is still appropriate; we think so."

"And we don't think you're shy anymore."

"Not with you two, at least."

They all smile and continue eating, but only for a couple more bites. Then Kathy remarks:

"I don't think we'll finish it all. Besides," and she grins: "I want my dessert."

"Uh-oh!" he responds, but nods with a smirk and adds:

"But I thought desserts were always sweet."

"Not the one I want."

"Oh! ... then: 'I guess so'."

The girls grin at his having quoted himself. He smiles and says:

"Thank you for lunch. Guess it is only appropriate that I add what little I can to the meal."

Kathy grins with an emphatic nod. Jane gives a resigned smile, also nodding, then also grins and says:

"But after Kathy's, you'll get yours, mine."

They all snicker, nodding and putting aside their eating utensils. Kathy murmurs:

"Like Jane did it."

He moves to the bed; Jane moves the chair back to where it had been before; and Kathy drops to her knees in front of him and looks at his unaroused cock. She murmurs:

"Looks sweet, like the babies I diapered as a babysitter."

"Just 'looks' sweet," Jane comments from the chair.

"Sweet enough to want to suck."

Kathy immediately raises his cock, before his foreskin slips off its head, and opens her mouth wide enough to get more than its head in her mouth without moving his skin back. She chuckles, also the others, and sucks his cock a little deeper. He chuckles again, nodding.

"Uhn-hnn," Kathy responds, holding her head still. Jane snorts and murmurs:

"I know what's happening."

He gives her a grin, as Kathy nods. She nods again with an "Uhn!" and draws her head up a little, and then a little more, and then even more. He moans. The corners of Kathy's lips curl up. He moans again and asks:

"You want your dessert already? If you keep doing that, ..."

She nods, but lowers her head. He sighs with a nod and murmurs:

"Better. Hm-hmm! Shouldn't eat so fast, gulp down your food - dessert."

Jane almost laughs. He looks over and sees that she has a hand in her crotch. She waves her fingers at him with a grin and returns them to her pussy, remarking:

"But then she will have to gulp."

They snicker, nodding. Kathy raises her head, letting his cock bob up, and complains facetiously:

"Can't you let me have my dessert without telling me how?"

While the others chuckle, grinning at each other, she grasps his cock and puts it back in her mouth. A second later, he moans, his cock twitching, and murmurs:

"I guess so."

None of them responds to his having repeated himself again. He is moaning, his eyes staring down at his twitching cock in Kathy's mouth, seeing only her cheeks drawing in and relaxing. Jane's fingers are rubbing, as she moans, her mouth open, her tongue moving on her lower lip, looking like it was wanting to lick something else. His hips twitch, once, and then again, and then again, and then quickly a couple of times. He gives a shivering groan, throwing his head back, his eyes almost closed, and then gasps, his hips rocking up more strongly, his cock thrusting in the grasp of Kathy's hand and in her mouth, as he grunts.

She moans, nodding her head, and moans again, her hand jogging on his cock, moaning with each thrust of his cock, as he gasps and grunts. His hand finds her head, holding it down further on his cock. "Uhn!" she responds, as he gives a relieved moan. She forces her head up. He response with a pained "uhn-hnn!" pressing her head down again.

She nods slightly and then holds her head still with a satisfied sounding moan. He moans again and then lets her raise her head, with another short moan before his cock escapes her lips, still in her hand. He looks back down, seeing her lick her lips, and then lick his cock again, making him moan again.

"Fuck!" he mutters.

Kathy nods, licking her lips again and then looking up at him with a nod. Jane has given up on rubbing her pussy and also nods, licking her own lips, her fingers pressing her pussy lips together.

There is a long moment of silence in the room. Then he murmurs:

"Sorry, shouldn't have said that, but sh... - not that either - that was good."

"My dessert. Very good. ... Hm-hmm! Had to gulp! A couple of times."

She kisses the head of his cock and finally lets it drop. Her fingers find his balls in his very slack sack, fondling them. She murmurs:

"I could suck them too. Would that feel good?"

"Hmm? I should know? For you or me?"

"For you."

"Probably, try," Jane suggests.

He glances at her with a smile. Kathy immediately scrunches down and shoves one between her lips, sucking it in her mouth. He hums and and says:

"It does. ... Oooh! When you lick it! ... Don't bite! I need it!"

Kathy's mouth had closed around his ball. Jane snorts and replies:

"We do too!"

Kathy nods and lets it slip out of her mouth, looking up at him with a chuckle, then rising up off her haunches, licking her lips and demanding: "Kiss!"

After watching them for several seconds, Jane remarks:

"If we also hadn't done it that good, I could become jealous."

Kathy nods and replies:

"Even if; you know what he's going to do now."

He nods with a grin. Kathy adds:

"She tastes even better than I do."

"No, I don't," Jane replies, licking her lips with a grin.

"Let him decide; we can't really taste ourselves."

"Mmmm! Oh? I'm not going to tell."

"Just taste me!" Jane replies, standing up and approaching the bed.

He and Kathy change places, she scooting back on the bed to let Jane sit in front of her. She almost grabs her breasts, as Jane draws her thighs up holding them, her pussy swelling out, her pussy lips already open. He hums with a glance up at her and lowers his head, his tongue sweeping up between her pussy lips.

"You already taste good," he murmurs, and then his tongue is back licking and trying to make her taste even better. Jane and Kathy chuckle, Jane's hands encouraging Kathy's fingers to arouse her nipples. He doesn't need any instructions this time, and Jane doesn't do anything to suggest that she wants to prolong her arousal.

When she comes with twitching hips and moans, his fingers making wet noises in her pussy, she gasps and wants more, and gets it from his now experienced tongue and fingers. When he rises up, grinning, his face wet with her pussy juice, she sees his aroused cock.

Fuck me!" she demands, then exclaiming: "ouch!"

Kathy has pinched her nipples and complains:

"That's unfair!"

"He wants to. Fuck me!"

He doesn't need a third invitation. With an apologetic expression at Kathy, he lets Jane guide his cock to her wet pussy. They both moan, as he presses it into her. Kathy moans in empathy, squeezing Jane's breasts, who reaches up and draws him to her, her mouth seeking his and finding it.

For a few moments, just their tongues are moving, then she murmurs: "Fuck!"

He does, moaning. Her hands slide down and encourage him, as she also moans, rocking her hips up to meet his thrusts. Her feet lock behind him, and their hips slap together. Kathy's thighs twitch against Jane's hips, as her fingers maul her nipples. But that only seems to increase her arousal. When she begins to exclaim softly: "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! ..." Kathy shakes her head in surprise, but continues to arouse Jane's nipples.

After only a couple more of Jane's "fucks," she and he are gasping. With a grunt, he thrusts his cock even harder into her pussy, his body spasming, waiting a moment, and then pumping it again and again in her with more grunts, her hips rocking up, meeting his hips, despite the convulsions of her body in the grasp of Kathy's hands.

He gasps a final time and drops down over them. Three stomachs rise and fall as they all recover. Kathy's hands hold Jane's sides, and hers embrace him. Finally, Jane finds his mouth again, then murmuring:

"God, that was good! It isn't always."

"It sure isn't," Kathy agrees softly."

He rises up a little, fondling Jane's breasts, and then trying to find Kathy's under Jane. Jane nods, pulling herself up so that they can, then replying:

"Yeah, for us. Guess guys always come and think that it was good, good enough."

"I won't," he replies, rising up and pulling Jane up, and they kiss again.

"Come, lie down," Kathy suggests, moving around and stretching out against the wall.

"Between us," Jane murmurs and moves to let him join Kathy.

When he has, she stretches out next to him with her thigh on his, reaching over and rubbing Kathy's breast before her hand holds his side. He gets his arm also under Kathy's head, and then her thigh also slides up on his. She rubs Jane's breast in return and also holds him. He hugs them and murmurs:

"Don't quite know how I got here, but it's being wonderful."

"Um-hmm," they agree, rubbing his sides, one adding: nap."

They all nod, and the girls roll a little closer over him. They relax, his thighs rolling apart to let theirs slip a little between them. After a moment, Jane's hand finds his and pulls it up on Kathy's breast. His other hand finds hers, and they murmur in turn: "nice," their fingers moving a little, and are silent.

Suddenly he starts, his thighs twitching, and exclaims:

"Oh shit! Sorry! Rubbers, protection?!"

"Pill," they both reply.

"Thank God! Should have asked before," and he squeezes their breasts.

"We would have told you before, in time."

"Hmm? Not so sure," Jane remarks.

"Would have been your own fault, wanting it both ways like that," Kathy replies.

"Anyway, I don't even have any."

"Hm-hmm! Virgins don't need them, as long as they stay one," Jane remarks.

"But you're not anymore."


"Hardly deserved; just doing what I was told."

"And very well!"

"Um-hmm!" the other girl agrees, hugging him.

He holds them closer, squeezing their breasts again and murmurs:

"Thanks for telling me."

"Thanks for doing it," Jane replies.

"Lots of thanks. Hmm? About - oh, I can't count them."

They all chuckle. Kathy's hand slides down over his soft cock. As her fingers gather up his balls, she murmurs:

"But one more, for sure."

"Um-hmm, but I thought we were going to take a nap," he replies.

"Like this then, just to remind us."

She moves her fingers; he nods, squeezing her breast; Jane also nods. They are silent and relax, breathing easily, eventually dozing, then slipping into deeper sleep.

The December light in the room is dimmer, when his cock stirs. Her fingers let it. His balls have slipped from from their hold. It slips passed her fingers, just her thumb resting in his hair at the base of his cock. When it begins to rise, her fingers stir, apparently missing it, and then find it, holding it loosely.

Her eyes open. She snorts softly, and her fingers hold his now erect cock more consciously. When they jog on it gently, he also snorts, and she does, holding it tighter. He nods and squeezes her breast, murmuring:

"Nice, but I've got to go; why it's like that."

"Oh? That happens, when you have to?"

"Um-hmm, wakes me up in the morning."

"Hm-hmm! Then you'd better go."

"Now I have to, too," Jane remarks

"For once, I was the last one to say so," Kathy replies.

They chuckle and get up. His cock is still sticking out. In the bathroom, Jane snickers and suggests that he go in the shower. He does, while the girls use the toilet. They all wipe themselves with Jane's washcloth and return to the room. Kathy remarks to Jane:

"You're going to have to watch again."

"I guess so," she replies, giving him a smile for her using his line, then looking at his cock and adding:

"Doesn't look like it knows what's going to happen."

"It will! Lie down again; I'll tell it."

"Hm-hmm! With your "lingua franca," your French tongue.

He nods with a smirk and lies down. Kathy grins and scrambles up between his thighs, snickering and saying:

"Hello cock. Don't know about speaking French, but you should understand my tongue just the same."

"It will," he replies.

"Looks like it already has," Jane enjoins, seeing his cock begin to lengthen, as she sits down on the chair.

Um-hmm!" Kathy agrees. A moment later, it's in her mouth again, and a few moments later, it is stiff in her hand, and he is moaning. Kathy lets it spring up and begins to rub her pussy, licking his most sensitive spot. She can only give it a lick, making it spring up. They both snort, and then she licks it again, making it spring away from her tongue. She does that a few more times, and then moans. Her finger finds her opening, and she nods with another moan.

After another lick, she moves up over him, straddling his hips. She pulls his cock back, rubbing it between her open, moist pussy lips, and finds her wet hole. They are both hardly looking at each other, their eyes half closed, moaning, as she leans forward over him and slowly lowers her hips. The head of his cock disappears in her pussy, and they both moan again, and again, as her pussy slides further down on his cock.

"Uhnn! Hold still!" he mutters and holds her hips, before they can move lower. She freezes with an "Uhm-hmm," nodding. After a moment, he gives another soft grunt. She nods, murmuring:

"I can't keep my pussy from doing that."

"Hmm? I guess so; can't keep my cock from twitching."

They exchange wry smiles, chuckling.

"Like that."

"Like that, too."

They chuckle again, this time with slight grins. He lets her hips move lower. They both stop breathing until they are touching his, and then both draw a deep breath. She relaxes, her hips pressing down on him. They nod and repeat:

"Like that."

"Like that, too."

His hands slide up and fondle her breasts. She nods and murmurs:

"You can do that," after a few moments asking: "Kiss too?"

He nods, and she drops lower over him. On the chair, Jane has been rubbing her pussy, but pauses to watch them kiss. His arms slide around Kathy. When her hips rock once, his hands slide down to hold them still. "Like," "Like," they murmur.

"Couldn't help it, my hips just wanted to," she adds.

"Mine too, but I'm afraid what will happen if they do."

"Not yet! We want to enjoy this as long as possible."

"Um-hmm!" But if they do?"

"Maybe I should sit on them again."

"I guess so. Hm-hmm."

With a chuckle, Kathy sits up straight, making him moan as his cock is drawn back. His hands find her breasts again. She nods with a smile, but murmurs:

"Going to make my pussy 'like' your cock again."

"Promise?! Maybe it can stand it."

He plays with her nipples and then grins, remarking:

"Oooh! It does!"

"It does, too!"

"Hmm! I'm going to come before you two really start," Jane complains.

They both turn to look at her. Kathy grins, replying:

"My turn, my way."

"Mine too," he agrees.

Jane snorts, wrinkling her nose. He responds:

"Oh, it was great with you, so arousing; couldn't have done anything else at that moment."

"I guess so. I couldn't have, either, and it was obviously what I wanted."

"Overworking that four-letter word for it," Kathy remarks.

"Did I?!"

"You did; must have been what you wanted."

"It sure was. Go back to enjoying yourselves, and I'll try not to disturb you."

"Same here," Kathy replies and looks back at him with a grin.

She chuckles and begins to rock her hips to and fro.

"Oooh! ... Mmmm! ... Okay, I guess."

"Uhm-hmm! I hope so; feels good."

"And how!"

"Like this too?" and she rocks her hips sidewise on his.

"Um-hmm, ... I guess so."

"Hm-hmm! Not so sure?"

"All right, ... for now."

"This is fun."

"Sure is!"

"Hm-hmm! Like 'like' and 'like'."

"Oooh, yes!"

"You made it twitch."

"Didn't you?"

"I guess so; I tried ... that time."

"Sit still and try again."

She sits still, smirking at him.

"Oooh! You did!"

"Hm-hmm! Didn't really know I could do that."

"Again; you can."

"Oh, this is so much better than I expected!"

Before he can do more than nod, she drops down on him again and cover his mouth with hers. He embraces her again, and for a while just their mouths are making wet noises. When her hips twitch, he lets them. Then they more than twitch, rising off his. He responds with moan, nodding. She moans in return and lets her hips ride further up and down on his cock, too far. It springs out of it. She gives a disappointed groan. His hand quickly finds it and then it is back in her pussy. She moans with a nod, as her hips sink back down, still for a moment, then she begins to fuck him again.

His hips begin to rise to meet hers, slapping together. Their moans both sound desperate, and then he grunts with strong thrust of his hips. She nods sharply with an "uhn-hnn!" waiting for his hips to move again, and then fucking him as fast as she can. When he groans and his hips still, she demands:

"More! Fuck!"

He does. She begins to whimper and then gasps, and their slapping hips suddenly sound very wet. She gasps and whimpers for a few more wet slaps and then collapses on him, gasping deeply and exhaling with long moans. He hugs her to him, breathing just as deeply.

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