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Therapy Ch. 02

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Ruby the redhead arrives and gives Amy new ideas.
2.6k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 02/22/2023
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This chapter brings us one final step closer to the ultimate act that was built up in chapter one.

Chapter Two - "The Nurse Arrives"

"Hello, Ma'am. I'm Ruby and I'll be visiting you daily over the next several weeks to see to your needs. Are you ready for your bath?" the nurse said quietly as she entered the room.

Jimmy was in the kitchen readying dinner for when the nurse was done. I nodded at the nurse, and she left the room to run the bath water in the master bathroom. As it was running, she came back in to help me to my feet and helped me into the bathroom.

"How is your ability to stand and walk?" she asked me.

"I have tiny fractures in the foot and ankle on this side," I said, pointing to the bandages. "They said they would give me about a week before I get a walking cast. They recommended assistance getting to and from places."

"Okay! I'll let you do what you can but I'll be walking with you to make sure you don't misstep and fall."

"Thank you," I told her as we began walking.

We arrived in the bathroom and she steadied me against the wall as she began to undress me. I was in a bad way and as she removed my clothing, I began to look at her in a way I never looked at another female. Yes, I had imagined my therapist doing things to my body, but I never took a moment to imagine her as a lover.

I would say that if I did have a thing for women at that point, Ruby wouldn't have been my type. She was very beautiful for sure. She was a red headed woman who reminded me of Dr. Crusher from the Star Trek show my ex-husband used to watch. She was pretty, but I would not have picked her out of a crowd. She was thin and had what seemed to be small tits. She also appeared older than I was, and that fact alone was likely enough to draw my attention to her. One could say my M-O was older and younger people. Those my age didn't draw my interest anymore.

I watched her gather the things she needed. I pointed out which shampoo, conditioner and body wash I used. She asked if I would like a shave and I paused before answering. Jimmy didn't give me the definitive impression she would be willing to shave everywhere that needed attention. She asked me again and I nodded timidly and fiercely debated asking if she would shave my pussy. It distracted me to the point where I failed to realize she was attempting to get me into the tub.

"Miss? Can you step in and sit on the seat?" she asked.

"Oh, Ruby, I'm sorry. My mind was elsewhere."

"I understand. I like to converse during this part of the care process. What's occupying your thoughts?" she asked as she went about her tasks.

The debate raged in my head, and I ended up losing.

"I was curious, Ruby, what shaving services do you offer?"

"Ma'am, we can provide whatever service you need. We only code major services to your insurance, not every hand movement," she informed me.

I was frustrated that she would not come out and tell me what she would do what she knew I wanted her to do. It must have shown on my face.

"Baths have a habit of making people feel significantly better both inside and out. Let's get you there," she said, again not acknowledging what I wanted from her.

She began by rinsing me down and shampooing my head. I enjoyed the feeling of her hands running through my hair. It had been a very long time since I was able to splurge on a full-service hair cut so, that was a treat. I was completely relaxed and, again, off in my own world. Minutes had flown by when I felt her apply shaving cream to my legs. My heart began to beat faster as I watched her moved the razor down in long strokes on each leg. She was slow and deliberate with her movements, paying close attention to detail.

When she was done, she rinsed me off again.

"Now, Miss, I think we're at the point of your inquiry?" she asked me.

I nodded slowly like a child overwhelmed by their surroundings.

"Then I need you to turn and face me, open your legs and lean back against the wall," she informed me. I was so happy she was doing this for me but panic suddenly struck me. I needed to tell her.

"Ruby, before you touch me there, I need you to know that I'm ultra-sensitive."

She began to dismiss my statement, thinking I was just being cautious.

"Ruby, you don't understand," I said, pausing to choose my next words, "I see a therapist about it. I'm a hypersexual," I informed her. I chose to use the word the therapist used as it might lighten the impact on Ruby.

She didn't seem moved by my confession as she continued prepping for her task.

"Ruby," I said softly, "if you touch me there, I'm certain I'll respond in a manner that will make you uncomfortable."

She seemed irritated with me. If she only knew how frustrating it was for me.

"I'm aware," she said as she looked up at me. She continued staring at me, waiting to see if I was going to protest any longer. I sighed in resignation and left her to her devices.

When she was sure I had given up, she put her hand on the inside of my legs and pushed them apart further. This simple act began the inevitable. I felt the initial feelings that would precede my masturbation sessions. Images of perversion pervaded my thoughts. Moistness permeated my pussy. I was in my own hell as I was forced to see if she would see to my needs, and not just the hair on my pussy. Her next move would tell me all I need to know if it was what I would guess ... or what I would do in her situation.

Much to my dismay, she did not trace the tips of her fingers up my thighs. Instead, she applied shaving cream to the hair on my mound. I wasn't sure if it was my over-zealous sexual imagination or if she really did take longer than necessary applying the cream. Regardless, I watched her movements closely as the tension continued to build up inside me. I watched her intently as she took the razor in her hand and moved to begin the shave.

She moved agonizingly slow. Seconds moved like minutes as I felt her put her left hand just outside my outer lips. The thumb of her left hand lazily rested against my vagina. Every nerve ending was sending erotic sensations to my brain, and I felt more turned on than I had in years. There was no way she did not feel me leaking wetness onto her hand. I closed my eyes as I felt her right hand begin shaving from the top hair line down to my slit. Never had a shave turned me on so much.

I attempted to build up the pleasure in my mind and force the orgasm before I became upset that she was not providing the sexual relief that I unintentionally expected she would. She was doing little to help me in this effort. Every movement of the razor impaired my ability to place myself somewhere else. I kept trying to imagine laying back in my bed with Jimmy's hand wrapped around my pink dildo. He was pushing it in and out of me as I rubbed my clit through my gown. In my head, it wasn't the pink cock that was giving me the most pleasure. It was thinking of Jimmy bending me over that bed and fucking me from behind.

"Is it me or the thoughts in your head making you squirm?" Ruby asked, bringing me out of my stupor.

"I told you. This is driving me crazy!" I informed her again.

"It'll be over soon and maybe that young man can assist you better than me when I leave for the day," she said.

I suddenly began to shake as my orgasm took over my body. I couldn't observe Ruby through it all as my eyes were closed, imagining all the ways Jimmy was fucking me. One hand grasped the side of the seat I was sitting on, and the other was gripping the faucet. I was riding out a simple orgasm when I felt an invasion of my body. I opened my eyes slightly and looked down as I watched her slowly insert two fingers inside my pussy.

"It's okay, honey. Release it," she whispered.

Her words sent me close to the top as if she were giving me permission to cum. I erred in my final act to bring me over the top. While her words brought me closer to the top, I was thinking of Jimmy the entire time.

"I can't fuck him! He's my son!" I said louder than I should have.

Ruby leaned in closer to me and whispered in my ear, "I know. He told me over the phone." She pushed her fingers inside me slightly deeper than they were.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh...!"

She validated my mindset and at least tolerated it, if not condoned it. I got lost in the moment as a new pathway seemed to open before my eyes. Rather, two had opened. I have experienced my first lesbian experience and my thoughts of engaging in an incestual relationship with my son was validated by my counterpart in that lesbian adventure.

As I came down from my orgasm, she held me still as I caught my breath.

"So intense," I huffed out.

She smiled widely at me.

"Given the intensity of your orgasm," she began before pausing, "I assume you're venturing into two new fields of experimentation?"

I breathed heavily for a few moments, studying her eyes and facial gestures.

"How is it possible someone like you has come to me at a time like this? A time where I'm so lost in my sexuality?"

"Dear, I wish I could tell you this all happened by some kind of design, but it would be a lie. You might think you're the only one that feels the way you do, but I've run across it more often than you could imagine. You would be surprised what people say to caregivers."

She handed me a towel as she spoke, and I began to dry off.

"I feel like a monster, but at the same time, what just happened will not be enough for me tonight. I'm afraid to be in the same room as Jimmy," I confessed.

"Because he has a dick and that's what you want?" she asked, taking the towel from me and hanging it back up. She was so cavalier about her words.

"No," I squeaked out.

She turned and looked at me sternly as she spoke, "You're afraid that you'll fuck him and have the best orgasm of your life, then."

It wasn't a question. It was like she was in my head and despite being naked in front of her, everything I had to hide was now out in the open. I was in my ultimate state of weakness and needed her to guide me. Moreover, I needed to know how she was manipulating me.

"How - "I began when she cut me off.

"Let's get you dressed and in bed and we'll talk, is that okay? She asked, genuinely seeking my approval.

I nodded and she helped me put on my robe before helping me back to my bed. Despite my orgasm at the hands of a woman for the first time and the weak mental state I felt like I was in, I was in decent spirits. I was eager to hear how she was able to know so much about me. When I was relaxed in bed, she sat in the chair and began to talk to me.

"It's not that I know so much about you. I know almost nothing about you outside of what I've learned today. You might be curious as to my history. For example, am I a lesbian or bisexual at least? Yes and yes. That explanation will come later along with some other explanations that will help you understand who I am."

"Why did you help me before and why do you seem understanding about what's happening in this house?"

She smiled and nodded, apparently approving of my thought process.

"Exactly. I helped you because I care about people's needs. Also, I do not understand what's happening in this house. I understand what's happening to you and I do have an open mind. I don't believe you're trying to establish a romantic relationship with your son. You're seeking male sexual attention and your ever-growing need for that extra step in order to achieve satisfaction suggests that your son is the next step in that adventure."

A tear began to fall down my face as she took all my thoughts, put them to words and said them out loud to my face.

"I'm a terrible person and Mother," I said loudly as I began to cry.

She put her hand on my arm, "You're neither of those people. You raised your son to be a caring man and you simply need to have a talk with him before you decide to take that next step."

"I already gave him the impression something was going to happen in this room when I was done with my shower," I informed her.

"How so?" she asked.

"I had him retrieve that dildo and put it right where it is. I told him that I when I called him back into this room, he was basically going to help me get off by using it on me."

She smiled softly.

"Baby steps. You should be proud you didn't dive right into what you know you really want."

I didn't answer her right away.

"Would you prefer I take care of that chore instead?" she asked.

"I don't know if I'll be taking that step tonight." I laughed a little before continuing. "Our time in the bath was pretty intense so maybe I should re-evaluate my baby steps?"

"It's an option but take your next step carefully. You may have woken an interest in him, and it would take a good sit-down talk for him to understand your change of heart."

She had such a way with words, that I would have mistaken her for a therapist or psychologist or something of that nature rather than a home care nurse.

"Well, this visit has turned into something else entirely for both of us, hasn't it? I need to head over to my next appointment. Will you be okay?"

I smiled, nodded and said, "Yes. I have to thank you for everything you've done. You've given me ... clarity. In more ways than one."

I gave her a small wink and she returned it in kind. She gathered her things and began to leave before stopping and coming back to me. To my surprise, she leaned down and kissed me softly full on the lips. As she raised herself back up, it looked as if she was in deep thought about her action.

"I liked that," she announced nonchalantly as she turned around.

"Me too," I admitted quietly after she turned the corner into the hallway.

"I heard that!" she yelled loudly as she continued on her way out of the house.

I rolled my eyes at the cringeworthy moment.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great dialogue! Can't wait for what's next!

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