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This One Time at Surf Camp

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At surf camp, Jake couldn't resist temptation.
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This quickie features Gay Male sex, and as such, it was really outside the comfort zone for me to write. Nevertheless, I had a ton of fun writing it. I hope you enjoy reading it!

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of the characters to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

This One Time at Surf Camp

"Pretty much every girl here wants a piece of Damien. What can I say, Jake? He's hot. You can see that, can't you? But... he's as gay as they come. Funny how that works, huh?"

Those were the words that came from my friend Roz as we bobbed on surfboards just off a beautiful beach in Bali waiting to catch the next wave. Words that made my heart pound though there was no reason why they should. Sure, Damien was objectively attractive. But I wasn't gay. So why should I care? Why should my heart be racing?

Roz was a spunky spitfire of an Asian American girl I met in a hostel in Chiang Mai. We had clicked, and since then, have been traveling all around Southeast Asia together. She had been the one to convince me that a weeklong surf camp in Bali was just the thing I needed to get over the breakup with my girlfriend of over eight years. I figured she was right, so that's how I found myself floating next to her on a surfboard right off the beach of the most stunning places I've ever been to.

I scoffed at her for her assertion. "What? No way."

"Yeah way! Wanna bet?" She replied. But before she could give any supporting evidence, a surfable wave began to form and she paddled into position to catch it, leaving me behind to reckon with the confluence of a couple of troubling facts. The first being that despite there being an insane number of very hot, single girls at this surf camp, I found my eyes and mind often wandering to Damien. The second was my involuntary reaction to the possibility that he might be gay, which was nothing short of excitement.

Damien was from Ireland. He had dirty blonde hair and the body of a Greek god. The pensive way he held his body while he stared out at the ocean horizon with his sea-green eyes, and the soft way with which he spoke, had every chick in this camp swooning. As much as I wanted to hate his cliche broodiness, I couldn't deny that I was also drawn to him. But as uncomfortable as it made me feel whenever I caught myself watching him, the most uncomfortable, was how whenever he broke his sea-green eyes off of whatever distant thing he stared at, he'd always turn those eyes to me as if it were an instinct to find me, and then he'd catch me watching him and smile. I'd glance away of course, but not before catching his smile. Because of this, I concertedly avoided interacting with him alone. I was afraid of what might happen if I did. Now more so after Roz confirmed my suspicions.

I had nothing against gay people. The problem is, for as long as I remembered, I always had an undeniable attraction to men. This was a problem because of the way I grew up. I grew up on a farm in a very conservative part of Idaho. There was a certain expectation there. Play football. Drive a pick up. Marry your high school sweetheart, and not be gay. I wasn't supposed to be into men. That would change everything about me. What would my mom and dad think of me? And my two younger brothers? It was better to suppress it. Yet... I couldn't deny the feeling. I couldn't deny that I was attracted to Damien.

Once, while preparing dinner, Damien came over to a spot next to me in the kitchen while I sliced English cucumbers for the salad. He started chopping carrots and because space was tight, he constantly brushed his arm against mine as he chopped. The brushing of his skin, the flexing of his muscles whenever he drove the knife down on the carrot, and his masculine scent -- it all filled me with unbearable electricity. I had such a throbbing hard-on, that once I was done slicing the cucumbers, I couldn't move away from my spot. I was afraid he might spot my hard dick in my sweatpants. Instead, dick-hard, I stayed at my station, and dumbly started to julienne the cucumbers into matchsticks.

That night, we all went out clubbing. I danced with Roz. A salvo of shots later, we made out on the dance floor, then we snuck away from the group. We went to her bungalow room back at the camp and fucked. This wasn't the first time she tried to fuck me. She had tried before in Chiang Mai, and that's how we became friends. She got her way with me this time because there was a lot at stake. Like, if I didn't fuck her, then that just proved that I was veritably attracted to Damien. So, fucking her was a sort of rejection of the feelings inside me that I had always been taught to reject.

That wasn't to say that I didn't find Roz attractive. Objectively speaking, she was hot. She was kinky. Better yet, she offered me the opportunity to quench my forbidden fire with her fire. Despite that my thoughts still somehow cut to Damien while we fucked. I couldn't stop the intruding fantasies. Her lips against mine made me think of Damien's lips. Putting my hand up her shirt made me think how Damien's rippled abs and taut chest might feel. Entering her made me think of... fuck! I couldn't help it. When I had my cock deep inside her, it only made sense for me to think of being inside Damien. And that did it for me.

After sex, Roz and I went out to the bonfire that had been stoked by the others who had by then lingered back from the night clubs. An unseasonable monsoon swept through. We sat out in the rain and got drenched. The bonfire turned into a smoky sizzle. I spotted Damien sitting on a log by himself on the edge of the beach. He glanced back and saw me with Roz and I spotted through the warm rain a weak smile that said he knew we had just hooked up. That smile felt like a punch to the gut.

For the remaining days of surf camp, he avoided me or when he couldn't, he'd only speak to me cordially. Still, I had him constantly on my mind. Even more so now, in fact. Frantic thoughts that I had somehow fucked it all up. What "it" was exactly that I fucked up was beside the point.

It was on the last night of the surf camp -- Roz and I were heading to Jakarta the following day -- when the deeply unsettled feeling of desperation began to boil over inside me that I stumbled onto an opportunity to make it all up with Damien in one way or another.

At sundown and after packing my bags, I went for one last walk along the beach to settle the terrible feeling of desperation when, to my surprise, I found Damien alone at the far end of the beach lying on a beach towel, leaning on an elbow, watching the sun paint the sky and the feathery clouds amber. His swim trunks were wet, and water swept his hair back and dripped freshly onto his muscular shoulders.

Seeing him cheered me up and frightened me at the same time. I stood awkwardly for a second before clearing my throat and saying, "Hey, Damien. Getting a last swim in?"

"Hiya Jake. Yeah. Had to. Really going to miss this place."

I went to sit next to him. "So what's next for you?" I asked.

He replied with a shrug, then gestured with his chin to the dipping sun. "Just taking it one sunset at a time."

We sat silently and watched the sun melt into the ocean, and listened to the roar of the breakers, and the fizzing of the shore waves sliding over the sand. I was hot from Damien's nearness. My heart raced. I was careful not to glance his way, scared that I'd catch his eyes and be forced to confront that thing I was most afraid of in myself. But there was a fundamental flaw in that plan. The more I restrained myself from committing that forbidden gesture, the more easily the taboo thoughts entered my mind. Soon enough, I felt my cock grow inside my swim trunks. I shifted uncomfortably.

That shift did me in. Damien noticed and glanced down at my crotch. And that glance made me do what I had been, until that point, diligently careful to not do. It was kind of like how they say don't look directly at a solar eclipse without the proper equipment. Of course, you're going to look. How can you not after being warned? So, I looked down at his swim trunks too, like the moon had just blotted out the sun there, and saw that he was also hard. I let out an inadvertent exhale then I glanced back up into Damien's eyes. I don't know what expression I had on my face, but likely something that made my attraction to him fairly obvious, because just then, without saying a word, he leaned in and kissed me on the lips. My mouth went open for a moment permissively, but when I felt his tongue brush against mine, I jolted and pulled away from him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I said. The words came out of me automatically, as if I were programmed to say them.

He gave me a look that was more hurt than confused. He cocked his head to one side and said,

"Shit. Sorry. I guess I read you all wrong."

No, he did not read me wrong. But I was too much of a coward, even then, even after my hard cock gave me away, to confess it.

"Well it's just... I..."

Words were too hard to say, so I shut my lips. In the ensuing silence, he returned his gaze to my cock, raised an eyebrow, and smirked. My cock was pounding hot with blood and he could see it.

"My mistake. It's just that Roz told me..."

"Told you what?"

"That you might be into me."

I snorted. "She told you I was into you? She told you that after I slept with her?"

Damien laughed, then blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. He looked at me bashfully with his green eyes and said, "She said that you spoke my name during sex."

That statement left my ears ringing. I slumped. My jaw dropped. For the life of me, I could not remember that at all. But I might have. I was thinking of him when I was fucking her after all. And I WAS very wasted. I might very well have. Or Roz was playing a dirty trick. I could see her pulling one like that. Either way, here I was, being forced to confront the very thing I had long feared confronting -- that I was into men.

"So, um, I'm gay, as you can probably tell," Damien said warily.

"Yeah...," I replied.

"...and I thought you might've been attracted to me. I guess that's not the case. If so, I'm genuinely sorry for what I just did."

"Don't be sorry," I murmured. I met his eyes again. He smiled. So, I smiled. Then, I did the scariest thing I ever did in my life. I did what was in my heart to do. I moved in for a kiss. But I hesitated, so he met me halfway. He put his tongue into my mouth, and I accepted his tongue. I felt his hand go to my crotch, finding my hard cock over the top of my swim trunks. He wrapped his fingers over the shaft and began to massage it, sending through me so much pleasure that I thought I might come right away. It wasn't the massaging that did it for me. It was finally submitting myself to the desire that hounded me for so many years of my life, to finally accept that I enjoyed having a man pleasure me. In other words, it wasn't just a sensual pleasure - it was freedom.

I mirrored Damien's action. I put my hand on the crotch of his swim trunk to feel his throbbing cock. Enthusiastically, and perhaps a bit too aggressively, I slipped my hand into his waistband and wrapped my hand completely around his hot, veiny shaft, then I slid my hand down further to massage his balls. Damien groaned and murmured, "I guess Roz wasn't wrong."

"Guess not."

A sly smile curled onto his lips. "Then let me suck your dick."

He lowered my swim trunks. My cock popped out.

He looked at it admiringly and ran a finger along the length of its shaft to make me shiver.

The sky turned a bright purple over where the sun had sunk into the ocean. A warm breeze came through to rustle the palm trees all around us. We were far from the camp, but I could hear the crackling of the bonfire and the cracking of laughter and music. Someone was playing the guitar. They were probably just starting dinner. I could smell the grilled fish. That meant we wouldn't be bothered for a while.

Damien wrapped his hand around my cock and stroked it as he planted kisses in orbits around its base. The warmth of his breathing and the coolness left behind by his tongue spun me up. I was ready to explode, and he hadn't even started sucking. I had to stop myself from coming prematurely, so like a monk, I willed myself calm with deep, concerted breaths.

He saw how this foreplay drove me insane. His sea-green eyes showed the clear light of enjoyment. He stroked me a little bit faster. He lifted my cock and kissed beneath then started to suck on my balls.

The shock of his tongue running against my balls made me weak.

"Oh fuck," I exhaled.

He stopped sucking and licking long enough to say, with a mischievous smile on his face, "You're really enjoying this."

He had put on an accusative tone as if trying to draw a confession from me. Having had my armor fully chipped away, I could only reply with the truth. "Fuck yeah, I am."

He took my cock in his mouth, his lips sliding around the concavity of its smooth tip. He sucked lightly, swirling his tongue around it, and after he had successfully elicited another 'oh fuck' from me, he proceeded to swallow more of my cock, popping his mouth off it every now and again to tongue the shaft.

I've gotten plenty of blowjobs in my life, but it was only now that I realized, by the stark contrast with which I reacted now, that I often had the habit of shutting my eyes during a blowjob to allow my mind to paint the pictures of my secret fantasies. This blowjob was different. This, I wanted to watch, eyes wide open, to drink in all of Damien, because he was beautiful, and because his blowjob was better than any fantasy blowjob my mind could ever paint. And as I watched him suck, I realized something else. I was not ashamed that I desired this, which was funny, because this wasn't a figment of my imagination. This was real. It felt more than amazing. It felt right.

He slowly jacked my cock, kissing my shaft, and watched me with his deep eyes filled with the gratification of sensing that I had just discovered myself. So much gratification in those eyes, that it made me wonder if he ever went through what I was going through now. Perhaps he did and that's why he relished watching me as I come to terms with my desires.

I put a hand on top of his head to coax him to put my cock deeper into his mouth just as my cock began to quiver, and he obliged, a sly smile curling around my cock. My orgasm was welling up inside me and I wanted him to catch all of it. And he looked more than willing to catch it. He looked eager. When it came, it came powerfully. I seized up. I threw my head back and held Damien's head with both hands as I thrust my cock into the back of his throat. He accepted it. He took it all. Not a drip left his mouth. When I finished and withdrew my still quivering cock, he swallowed it. Then he came up to lay beside me and we made out, running our hands all over our bodies, and after I had come down from the high from my orgasm, he pulled my hand down to his cock.

"Now, how about returning the favor?" he said.

"In a million years, I would have never guessed that I would..."

"Give a blowjob?" He completed for me.

"In so many words."

"Well, Jake," he pulled down his swim trunks. His hard cock sprang out. "It's either something you want to do or you don't. Now which is it?"

Then he put his lips to my ear and whispered, "I know what I want. I want to cum in your mouth."

That was fucking hot. It made me hungry. There was no denying that I wanted it. I wanted it badly. I wanted my mouth around his gorgeous dick and I wanted to coat every inch of it with my spit. I went down on him quickly. I wrapped my mouth around the smooth tip and heard a very satisfying groan from him. I bobbed my head up and down his veiny length, running my tongue along it, making it slick with my spit, and I enjoyed how it felt in my mouth. Its warmth felt right. The smoothness of skin, the throbbing, the heavy breathing that came from Damien, and his hands clutching my skull to guide me up and down his length - it all felt right. It felt so epiphanically right, like I had been living in a cave my whole life, and now, just now, I had emerged into the light.

I felt his cock strain in my mouth. He was going to come. I bobbed my head more quickly. I jacked him while I sucked. I wanted him to cum in my mouth. I wanted to taste his cum. I wanted him to explode. I needed him to. That was the only way this could end.

He tightened up. He gripped my hair with both hands, and then very abruptly, I felt his warm, bitter salty sex spurt into my mouth, and he thrusted, fucking my mouth, and I did lot let a single drop out. I swallowed all of it. 

"Fuck that was beautiful," he said. "You're a natural."

Just as I finished wiping my mouth and went up to kiss him, the bramble of flowery beach vine just behind us rustled. We both jolted upright to watch Roz burst out from the bramble and freeze. Her jaw dropped cartoonishly. The sun had gone far below the horizon, but there was enough light for her to make out exactly what had just transpired, and she confirmed that theory with a gasp and a clasping of a hand to her mouth.

Damien and I both just stared at her as she blinked out of her trance. When finally she got all her senses back, a wide grin formed on her face and with a scrape of triumph in her voice, she shouted, "I knew it!"

"Oi! A little privacy please?" Damien barked, throwing a piece of driftwood in her general direction.

Roz jumped out of the way of the incoming driftwood and replied, "Ok, ok! I'm gone! I didn't see a thing!"

She cackled gleefully as she darted away. That was all I needed to hear to know that soon enough, the entire surf camp would hear of this. Damien understood the same. "We'll never hear the end of it," he grumbled, shaking his head. "Damn, I'm sorry, Jake."

I wasn't exactly sure how I'd feel about being outed like this, but it wasn't what I expected. Not more than a half-hour ago, this would have been the stuff of my worst nightmares, being outed as gay. I was embarrassed, for sure, but also happy, and... lightened. Freed.

I turned to Damien and with a smirk, replied, "Don't worry about it. It was definitely worth whatever shit we're going to get."

And I meant it.

I brought him in for a long kiss, then after the kiss said, "You don't have any interest in seeing Jakarta, do you?"

The End

Thanks for reading my story! It was a unique challenge to write a gay male story. I hope it was sexy! In any case, let me know what you thought of the story!

Here are some songs I like:

Backslide - Smooth Hound Smith

Meet Me in the Woods - Lord Huron

Kristine - Joe Purdy

Home - Edith Whiskers

The Wind - Yusuf/Cat Stevens

Sleep Walk - Deftones

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Bluesea00Bluesea00about 1 month ago

ok jacky you got it. My first male gay story.

May be not the same level like other stories. But nice enough.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

‘Orbits around its base’ nicely done- this gay encounter might read better for women I think…or for a gay man for sure…I think most of the readers here are bi curious men looking for more ‘cock’, less kissing…over read ALL the bi stories here…great writing! Thank you!

(Maybe Roz would like to join in or watch the next step?)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago


FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 1 month ago

Traveling south east Asia is definitely a experience you should consider living …. Its not of sex, that everybody is talking about, it’s about places, beauty, peaceful friendly laughing people, tasty food and relaxing ….. its just amazing

Lovely short tale Jackie ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨🌸

MigbirdMigbirdabout 1 month ago

Outside your comfort zone to write; outside mine to read, but did so out of curiosity because I enjoy so much the storylines you create and how you draw your characters. Liked the way you crafted the “first time/coming out” scene and for a short piece the two MC felt real not to mention Roz.

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