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Thoughts, Ch. 02

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Olivia invites Cassie to an gallery to view sculptures.
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Chapter 2

I am posting this with some trepidation due to the very negative comments posted in response to chapter 1. Note that everything here is consensual.

The answer was not long in coming, and manifested itself within a couple of days, which Olivia discovered when she caught a glimpse of Cassie's laptop as she sat on the couch Saturday morning. The girl's straight blonde hair was loose and scattered over her shoulders, her green eyes wide and her mouth chewing nervously on a pencil.

Olivia stood over her shoulder for a moment, noting that her roommate was looking at classical Greek statues and other similar pieces, bringing a smile to her face. Cassie was so engrossed in her research that she was oblivious to the other girl's presence altogether. She bit her lip looking at the gentle curve of her neck, unable to prevent the image forming of her lips on them, tasting her skin, and kissing her there.

Cassie's loose fitting blue t-shirt was drooping enough to give Olivia a breathtaking view of the girls breasts, swaying as she fidgeted, her nipples in full view, a vantage point much closer than the night as she had watched her in the throes of sexual ecstasy. Now the image of kissing her roommate's neck melted into the mental picture of Olivia's lips wrapped around her nipple, making the girl moan with pleasure. She was broken from her fantasy by the sound of Cassie letting out a deep sigh.

Not wanting to startle her, Olivia stepped back a few paces and then let her feet graze the floor to tastefully indicate her presence, which made the blonde look over her shoulder at her. "Hey," she said softly.

Cassie sighed and looked back at the screen. "Hey, mornin'," she said in response.

Feeling it was safer now, Olivia stood over her, still able to see her roommate's charms, but managing to keep her eyes where they belonged. "What's got your attention today? More artsy fartsy stuff?" she asked, being careful not to touch her in any way.

Cassie giggled brightly. "Yeah pretty weird for a business major, I know, it's just a nice....diversion from what I am used to." she said, glancing up for a moment.

"Well good for you. Not finding what you want though? You seem a bit frustrated." Olivia remarked.

Cassie sighed and shrugged. "Well, I've been wanting to move from just art in general to some specific areas, and honestly sculpture seems pretty amazing."

"Uh huh. So what's the problem? Getting bored?"

Cassie glared at her. "When I try something I stick with it, you know that. This stuff is really cool, but the really old stuff is rough looking and incomplete most of the time. Would rather see something, well, newer and whole," she explained.

Olivia took in a slow breath. She had intended to plant a suggestion about a specific local sculptor in her next subliminal message, but now had the freedom to say something openly. "Hmm. Well there are a couple local artists that do that sort of thing. There are figurine shops where they make all their own stuff like angels and fairies." she offered.

"That seems less like art and more like a novelty business," Cassie started, adding, "I am looking for something more... life-like and life-sized."

Olivia smiled, noting that this is the exact direction she intended to steer her roommate to. "Well there is Alinda Merriwether, she teaches at the university part-time, but she has her own studio. Pretty successful in fact," she explained. What she had left out, however, is that Alinda was a lesbian, and an artist that specialized in the human form, usually women.

Cassie pondered for a moment and then turned back to her computer and typed in the name of the artist that her friend had just mentioned. "Alinda... Merriwether..." she repeated as she typed. Within seconds, she was in the artist's studio website, which was replete with images of marble statuary of all kinds, including animals, couples, and a few solo items. "Damn girl, this is fucking amazing," she gasped.

"Well, I know Alinda. She was an instructor I took on an elective, she is pretty cool and fun to talk to. I could probably get you a private tour of her studio, including her private collection."

Olivia knew exactly what the private collection contained; it was all remarkably tasteful but included a generous amount of nude sculptures, a majority of which were of beautiful women. She thought it was best to leave that detail out, at least until she fell in love with the unique style of art that Alinda created. Her hope was to immerse the young blonde in vivid images of the female form, in a way that was non threatening and even appealing and then guide things from there.

Cassie's reaction was even stronger than Olivia had anticipated. The girl sprang to her feet and pulled her into an enthusiastic embrace, unintentionally merging their bodies, breasts to breasts, hips to hips, which Cassie meant innocently, but for Olivia it was anything but that. Sure, they had hugged occasionally in the past, but it was always a loose, almost cautious embrace. Olivia felt every square inch of the other girl's body molded to hers, feeling the delicious warmth, the hardened nipples, and the warmth between her legs. Olivia felt moisture oozing between her legs and her own desire erupt with a mind of its own, which made her conflicted. On the one hand, the sensation of the experience was like a fantasy all its own, making her want to make love to her then and there, but on the other not wanting to jeopardize her larger goal. Reluctantly, she pulled back, and calmly replied. "I'll set something up."

Cassie giggled. "Your face is flushed. Still have the hots for your roomie huh?" she said with a wink.

Olivia's mouth dropped open. She had never seen the girl act so cavalier about her sexual tastes, let alone tease her about it. 'That's just not fucking fair!' Rather than voice her thoughts, she softly replied, "No comment. You are straight and I respect that." It was a flat out lie, but the last thing she wanted was to offend or alienate her roommate.

Cassie nodded. "You have no idea how much that means to me to hear you say that... but... the look on your face says different..."


Olivia was shocked when Cassie slipped her arms around her and pulled their bodies back together again, the warmth of the girl's larger breasts permeating hers in a clearly sexual way. "Don't... be..." she gasped.

With that whisper, Olivia lost her last vestige of self-control, her lips burning with a need to taste the other girl's mouth. She let out a deep moan as the kiss began, Cassie surprisingly melting into it without hesitation, feeling both of their nipples hardening immediately amidst more gasps and moans.

Cassie slowly began caressing her lips against Olivia's, filled with sensations that were unfamiliar but incredibly sexy. She felt a soft tongue tracing the outside of her mouth, gently pressing, almost begging for her lips to part and welcome it in. She hesitated, wondering if that might lead to things she was not prepared for, but the sensual tickling was so pleasurable she felt her lips part with a mind all their own.

Olivia smiled into the passionate kiss, satisfied that her friend had yielded access to her, even if it was tentative. Not wanting to rush things, she dipped her tongue in slightly, tickled the girl's teeth and mouth teasingly, then withdrew. Cassie's body shook and a deep moan escaped her, making her mouth open wider to her lesbian friend. This time her tongue gently slid into her trembling mouth, finding a tongue and wrapping around it as if claiming it, making the other girl's legs buckle, forcing Olivia to guide her body down on the couch behind her.

Cassie's legs moved slightly apart as her body sank into the cushions, giving Olivia the ability to kneel between them, pushing them further open but so subtly that she was certain it was not even obvious. Gently grasping her roommate's hips, she pulled their bodies together until the heat from between their legs was almost merged together.

"Oh... oh... my...." Cassie gasped, almost shouting.

Olivia pulled the girl's body firmly against her and began moving her hips in a long slow rhythm, grinding her soaked pussy into Cassie's, pulling her face back far enough to look into her eyes. "Mmmmmm feels good, doesn't it, Cass?" she purred.

Cassie couldn't speak but bit her lip and nodded, her own hips now grinding back with equal fervor. It felt completely different but intensely pleasurable, so much so that she never wanted it to end. Moaning, her wet hungry lips sought out Olivia's eagerly, fastening to hers and offering her tongue, prompting the other girl to slide her tongue back and forth, making them both tremble.

Knowing that this could be the only chance she had to make love to her straight roommate, Olivia increased her grinding, deepened the kisses, and paid attention to every cue from her body as to what pleased her. As Cassie's body began to tense, Olivia pulled her face back to make direct eye contact with her, wanting there to be no question that the best orgasm of her life was at the hand of another woman.

"Oh... Ohhhhhhhhhh. Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk," Cassie moaned, her eyes glued to Olivia's, her pussy pulsing and contracting and her body trembling almost violently. Fuck she is so sexy, Olivia thought as she drank in the images of her within the powerful clutches of a lesbian orgasm.

"Hey, are you ok?" Cassie said loudly. The sharp tone of her voice snapped Olivia out of her erotic daydream, which had been so real it was a little jarring to be brought back to reality.

"Sorry... zoned out a bit..." Olivia mumbled, hoping desperately that the girl hadn't picked up on what had been running through her own mind.

Cassie shrugged nonchalantly and reached up and scratched her nose for a moment before speaking again. "Just checking, I know we have had our disagreements but I really do care about you," she said with a slight smile.

"Thanks," Olivia said, matching her smile, and then turning to head to her room. She had a lot of planning to do for a visit to the studio that she had just promised. Truthfully she knew that this was a big turning point, one with the goal of her learning to appreciate the beauty of the female form, and with it, her own.

Later that afternoon, Olivia pulled on her university t-shirt and her favorite tattered jeans and walked out of the apartment to her car. The wind tousled her hair wildly about her head as if alive and intent on expressing its fierce independence. Not making any attempt to tame the unruly hair, she unlocked her blue Honda Prius and slid into the driver's seat. Pressing the start button, the car came to life, signaling that Olivia could start her drive to Alinda's studio. The distance was not significant, and within ten minutes she pulled into a parking space in the small town square near the studio.

Olivia kicked a small rock across the pavement, and laughed softly as she watched it tumble over and over again before coming to a stop at the curb. It reminded her that this course of action with her straight roommate was pushing her to a goal, and that could slow down on its own or run its course, the latter of course being her hope.

Trying to push the vivid images from the earlier daydream, Olivia walked across the old brick paving and after stepping over the curb, she pulled open the door of Alinda's studio. The worn hinges on the metal door screeched as she did so, making her cringe. Normally she preferred to make a more subtle entrance, particularly since she hadn't seen her former teacher for a while.

"Hello? Who's there?" a disembodied feminine voice called out. Before Olivia could answer, a slender but impeccably fit woman emerged from a divider in the middle of the large room at the front of the studio. Pulling a pair of tortoise-shell horn-rimmed glasses from the pocket of her simple black dress, Alinda slipped them over her nose and peered in the direction of the door. The woman was short, with straight jet-black hair that swayed like a curtain when she moved. She had the body of a dancer; everything about her seemed to radiate creative energy and beauty.

"Damn. Olive? Is that you?" she asked.

Olivia had nagged and even begged Alinda to stop calling her that, as it irritated her to no end and made her feel like she was back in middle school. Though inwardly bristling, she forced a laugh through her pursed lips. Why did she always feel so judged when they talked? It had been no different as a student, and though they had slept together a few times, they had never really clicked. Great sex, just no emotional attachment of any kind. Maybe that's how she preferred things to be.

"Yep. The one and only!" she said in response, standing still as her former professor and ex-lover glided up to where she stood. Clearly, she still had a dancer's soul and body and moved like she was still in the ballet, as she had been prior to her art studies.

Alinda, slipped her arms around Olivia and pulled her into a loose embrace, planting a wet kiss on the cheek before releasing her. "Well, have to say that this is a surprise," she said, her thick Norwegian accent coming through in her words. Backing up a few steps, she took a look at the younger woman, as if studying her. "You haven't changed in the least, as gorgeous as ever!" she added after a few moments elapsed.

Olivia smiled. "Look who's talking? You are still in amazing shape!"

Alinda smiled, waving her hand dismissively, and then chuckled for a moment before breaking out in a smile that showed every one of her perfect white teeth. Olivia felt butterflies in her stomach, just as she had every time she had seen her.. Something about that grin just got to her every single time. "So, is it business or pleasure that brings you to my door again," she asked, inflecting her voice slightly as the word pleasure passed through her lips. She always had been a huge flirt!

"Neither I guess?" Olivia stammered, suddenly feeling nervous and fiddling with her car keys. She drew in a deep breath before speaking again. "Well... my roommate has gotten interested in sculpture..."

"Roommate? Or lover?" Aline interrupted.

'Oh I want her to be a lover', she thought, but responded, "Yeah roommate, she's straight as an arrow and made that crystal clear time and time again."

Alinda smiled, even though she didn't entirely believe what she was hearing. Drawing in a breath, she said, "Uh huh... and?" she asked softly.

"Well she loves sculpture, just not as jazzed about the usual pieces, with arms missing and stuff. So I suggested you, I know you do whole sculptures."

Alinda giggled. "Fair enough. She know... everything about my art? Hmm?" she asked slyly, slipping her hand on Olivia's hip and winking playfully.

Olivia laughed out loud, almost snorting as she did. "Well honestly even if I was not gay I could tell you the most incredible pieces are the nudes. But that's not everything you do..." she said, her voice trailing off.

Alinda nodded. "Well she... and you... are welcome here, stop by anytime, though I have a show next weekend. Big formal event. You both should come," she offered, clearly sincere.

Olivia gave her another hug. "See you then," she said, turning to leave a moment after.

A few days later, Olivia was scowling at her image in the mirror, trying to persuade a wavy brown lock of her hair to straighten, a feat that usually required far less effort. She had managed to straighten every hair so far, which spilled around her shoulders, partly obscuring the purposely form-fitting dress she had bought for Alinda's art show that night. She pulled the straightener along the last bit of hair, delighted that it had finally succumbed to her will. "Gotcha, you little shit," she said, snickering.

"I don't know why you straighten your hair, it looks amazing just as it is," Cassie said from the doorway, a crooked smile across her pretty face.

Olivia turned to look at her, instantly struck by how amazing she looked in the short black dress she had chosen to wear. The dress had short sleeves and silver chains that held the strips of fabric that ran over her collarbones, revealing the creamy white softness of her shoulders, and dipped down enough to show enough cleavage to get anyone's attention, especially her own. She tore her gaze from the girl's breasts with some difficulty and turned back to the mirror again. "Says the girl with straight hair and an amazing body. You're going to be the center of attention dressed like that," she said, trying to sound dispassionate.

Cassie giggled. "So the men will be falling at my feet?" she said with a smile and wink, knowing that Olivia would counter with a comment about the "other" side of the fence.

"Yes and women too, Cass, even though you are immune to their powers," Olivia said with a smirk as she touched up her makeup.

"I knew you wouldn't let that one get by you, but it would be flattering nonetheless." she said, reaching up and scratching her ear for a moment.

Olivia froze for a split second. Usually her roommate's response to a playfully flirtatious comment would be a groan and an eye roll, so the response caught her off guard. 'Maybe I am making better progress than I thought', she thought, trying not to read too much into it. "I'll protect you," she said with a chuckle.

When they pulled up to the street where Alinda's studio sat, Olivia silently cursed seeing the vast number of cars jammed up in every conceivable spot along the street for the course of several blocks. "Damnit, I forgot how early I needed to be here to get a good parking space. I can drop you here and park up the street," she said with a frustrated sigh.

Cassie fiddled with her dangling silver earrings for a second, almost as if she hadn't heard anything that she had said. After a second or two, she turned to look at Olivia. "No, I would rather not march into a room full of strangers and get embarrassed," she said quietly.

"C'mon you are the most damned outgoing person I know, you'll be fine. But hey, let me circle around one more time and maybeI can get something closer to the venue."

Olivia pulled her blue two-door sedan up close to the front of the studio again, and saw back-up lights suddenly illuminate the night, from a spot fairly close to the door. "Oh YES!" she shouted jubilantly, as if she had just won a prize of some sort. She backed up a couple of yards to allow the older-looking gentleman back his fancy silver BMW out of the spot, and then claimed the parking space as soon as he was clear.

A few minutes later, Olivia opened the door of the studio, trying to lift up on it this time to prevent the loud noise it had made several days earlier. The last thing she wanted to jeopardize her plans was a noisy door that would lead to her friend's utter embarrassment, sending her for the hills. The maneuver worked successfully, and they slipped almost invisibly into the crowded room.

While not uncomfortably crowded, the room was a sea of suits and dresses, punctuated by statuary sitting on pedestals, each illuminated by free-standing lights coming up from the floor. Before Olivia could say anything, Cassie seemed to fall into a trance gazing at the closest full sculpture, which was a large wolf howling at an invisible moon. The stone object was exquisite, with a detail that made it look almost lifelike were it not for the material that it was obviously composed of. Olivia gasped as she ran her left hand along the upper back of the sculpture, feeling the cool surface and marveling at how amazing it looked.

Olivia watched as her friend's eyes drank in every detail of the wolf, from its deep eyes, to the crest of its mane, the head, to the proud tail and powerful sinewy legs, with an expression of adoration and amazement. This was more than a look of admiration or even a casual look, her face seemed as if she had fallen in love with someone, which made her feel all the more confident that the next phase of her plan was going to be successful.


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