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Three Little Words


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So, we just stared at each other for a minute, eyeing the elephant in the room, till we both started laughing.

Finally he said, "You're not going to leave me like this, are you?"

"But what about your head?"

"Which one? Because they're both throbbing pretty hard now, after that strip tease, that kiss, and you running your hands all over me, I don't think I've ever been this hard in my life."

I heaved a breath, feeling a little guilty. I really didn't want to leave him hanging. So I said, "Okay, which do you think would be the least stimulating; a hand job, blow job, or me riding you?"

His eyebrows shot to his forehead, and I could see his dick really starting to twitch as he grinned. "Does it have to be an either or kind of thing, or could I have a little of all three, you know, just to uh... check and see which one is the least likely to overstimulate me."

I rolled my eyes, not entirely convinced I should be doing this, but I still went to the foot of the bed, crawled between his legs, and slid my tongue over him from balls to tip, and gave his cockhead a little suction while rolling his balls between my fingers. "How does that feel?"

He sighed, smiling up at the ceiling. "Fucking fantastic. What else you got?"

Shaking my head at him, I wrapped my hand around him and started sliding him through my fist, lapping at the tip. "And this?"

"Aw, that feels good, too, really good. You got a nice touch, Giselle."

Then carefully I straddled his hips, took hold of him, and started sliding him up and down along my slit and asked, "Your head's not hurting too much?"

"Not the one sliding along your pussy, because he's in fucking heaven right now. And with all my attention focused on what's happening between my legs, I don't even notice the headache anymore. Maybe we should tell the doctor what we've discovered. Because this could be something they haven't thought of -- sex therapy for concussions."

I laughed while I rode him, smiling into the naughty glint in his eyes, as he wrapped his hands around my hips and thrust up as I thrust down. But if he was feeling any worse tomorrow, this would be it for him for a while. I was careful though, and noticed that he didn't seem to be wincing too much when he finally let go and came, though he did shudder pretty hard.

Luckily, within days, he was starting to feel more like himself, but I still made him rest -- on his own, just to be on the safe side.

A week later, with all signs of the concussion gone Rory was back at work, with me happily toiling away in the office, loving my new job. And he decided that April the fifth, his father birthday, would be a nice anniversary for us. So, we got married one night in a little church that he'd gone to since he was a boy. It was an intimate ceremony, with his just his mother, my sister and her family, and a few close friends.

I wore a classic little off the shoulder knee-length dress, and underneath, circling my thigh, I had a white garter with little pink rosebuds around it, that Rory later enjoyed removing with his teeth.

I've got to say when I first saw him standing at the altar waiting for me to walk up the aisle to become his wife, I had no hesitation, since I knew I was marrying my best friend, my lover and the only man I knew I'd ever need.

And he looked so good in his perfectly fitted charcoal gray tux with his crisp white shirt and black neck tie, that I could hardly believe that such a handsome, charming, fun loving man had actually picked me to be his bride.

We had a dinner reception with everyone at a beautiful restaurant by the water, and we kissed as we danced to Al Green's "Let's stay Together," that had become our song. And when Rory began to sing along to the lyrics, "I'm so in love with you," my mouth actually fell open.

"Holy crow, you can really sing. How did I not know this?"

He just shrugged and kissed the end of my nose. "I usually only sing in the shower."

His mother, who I already loved, walked by, heard him singing to me and said, "Giselle, you should hear him sing The Prayer, it'll send chills down your spine. And I have no idea where he got that voice." Of course I just looked at him stunned, wondering how much more there was to learn about him.

We honeymooned in the Bahamas, and pretty much made out like crazy till it was time for us to fly home again. I think we only visited the casino once, and maybe swam twice in the pool, because we were having so much fun in our room.

And I decided before we left, to see what would happen if I went off the pill.

And did I ever get a surprise.

Eight and a half months later, on Christmas day, we were settled in our new house, and I was baking butter tarts in our big beautiful new kitchen, overlooking the forest, when I felt a gushing sensation between my legs. Panicked, I called out, "Rory come here, something's happening."

The moment he walked in the kitchen and saw the water on the floor, he rushed over and said, "Baby, are you okay?"

I kept blinking, staring down at the puddle on the floor between my legs, feeling stunned. I looked up at him. "I think my water just broke."

"Can you feel any contractions?"

I didn't feel a thing. "No. But I think I'd better get to the hospital." Still dripping, I made my way into the bathroom to clean up and said to Rory, "Take the tarts out of the oven, while I wash up and get changed."

On the drive to the hospital, I thought about how Rory had reacted when he first found out that I was expecting twin boys. He went so pale that I thought he was going to pass out. All kinds of thoughts went through my head.

I wondered if he was upset about us having two babies at once, maybe because of my age, or because of how much more work it would be to have two little ones to take care of, instead of just one. Or the thought of being responsible for two little lives just scared him. But it was odd that he seemed upset because he'd been so over the moon happy when we first found out that we'd defied the odds, and I was pregnant.

But when we got home from the ultrasound clinic, looking uncomfortable, he sat me down in the living room took hold of my hand, and said, "There's something I've never told you that I think you should know."

I nodded and waited, hoping it wasn't something awful, because I'd never seen him looking so serious.

But I couldn't believe it when he said, "I had an identical twin brother, James."

I was so shocked I just sat and stared at him, not even sure what to say. But finally, I said, "What happened to him?"

Well, I was born first. And they took a long time to get him out, the umbilical cord got wrapped around his neck, his heart stopped and he didn't make it. They tried to revive him, but there was nothing they could do. My parents had to have a funeral for him, because he was full term. They had one baby in their arms and another baby in a coffin, so I could just imagine how hard that would have been to get through, especially knowing that we looked exactly alike. As they watched me growing up, I always knew they were thinking about the one they lost."

I reached out and squeezed his hand. "I'm so sorry, Rory. I had no idea."

"Well, I think that's why I kind of went into shock when they said you were having twin boys today."

I nodded. "I can see why. But I'm being monitored really closely, so I'm sure everything will be okay."

"You're right, and I'm sure everything will be fine. I guess it just kind of took me by surprise."

"But why have you never mentioned him?"

He shrugged. "Not many people know, because I don't really talk about him. But in a strange way, I think my brother has kind of shaped my life. Knowing how torn up my parents would be if anything ever happened to me, growing up, I never did anything too crazy. I remember when I was about ten, playing over at a neighbor's house, a kid brought out a gun and I made him put away, because I didn't want to risk getting shot, or anyone else getting hurt, because I knew it would kill my parents. And I never messed with drugs, or would ever get into a car with anyone driving under the influence. I also think because James never had a chance at life, I decided I wasn't going to squander mine."

Learning about his brother really touched me. Smiling at him, I stroked his hand. "I always knew there was something special about you, and I now I know why."

He ran his hand over my belly. "If it's okay with you, I'd rather wait till they're born to name them."

I nodded. "Sure. There's lots of time for that."


Now that we were on the way to the hospital, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened to his brother James.

The babies were due in early January, so I knew I was only a few weeks early, and I was told they were a good size. So I just hoped everything would be fine, and soon we'd be bringing home to two healthy baby boys.

They had me prepped for the birth in the delivery room with Rory at my head holding my hand. With the contractions getting closer and stronger, I was doing my breathing exercises, pushing when I was told to, and squeezing the hell out of Rory's hand. I looked down at the doctor, and I saw that he was staring really intently at the monitor, and I didn't like the look on his face. He said something quietly to one of the nurses, and that sent a chill right down my spine.

Finally, he told us what was going on. "The babies are in distress. We're going to have to do a C-section, and we're going to have to do it quickly. So we'll have to put you out, Giselle."

Rory leaned in, squeezed my hand, kissed me and surprised me when he said, "Everything's going to be okay, baby, don't worry." And though he looked nervous, he sounded like he meant it, which helped to calm me down.

When I woke up, they had me in a private room, and I was looking at my husband at the foot of the bed, holding our two tiny sons with little red Santa hats on their heads. I wiped at my eyes, feeling so relieved that they were fine and they both looked healthy.

Rory noticed I was awake, smiling from ear to ear, he said, "Look what Santa brought us, Mama."

I laughed as he brought them to me so I could hold them. Nestled in my arms, they were just so precious, both asleep with adorable little puckered mouths, and tiny hands, with wee little fingers that grasped mine as soon as I touched them. And they both had pale strawberry blond hair, just like their father. I looked up and Rory had his phone in his hand saying, "Smile." But I was already smiling from ear to ear, I just felt so happy.

He put down his phone and pulled two big red and white striped stockings out of his pocket, and said, "I got these in the gift shop downstairs, and thought they'd look cute."

Then he took the twins from me, one after the other, and slipped them into the stockings. And I had to get my phone and get a picture with our adorable little stocking stuffers, with little red Santa hats on their heads, cradled in their daddy's arms.

One of the nurses walked in just then, saw Rory with the boys in the stockings and said, "Aw, is that ever cute." She smiled over at me and said, "I just came in to see if you needed anything, Mrs. McLean."

Looking at my husband, with a baby in each arm, I said, "Actually, I think I've got everything I'll ever need."

She smiled at them and nodded. "I'd say so." As she left she said, "Merry Christmas." And we said the same.

I sent the picture with Rory and the twins to Marcie. And she texted me right back. "Oh, wow! Congrats! They are so adorable! And -- #Hottest Dad Ever!"

I showed Rory and he laughed. Then I looked at the boys and said, "I guess now we have to decide what to name them."

He dropped a kiss on each of their heads and nodded. "Yeah, I think calling them baby A and baby B will get their asses kicked pretty hard, once they get to school."

I just rolled my eyes. "I was thinking it might be nice to call one of them James after your brother."

Rory looked thoughtful for moment and finally said, "Yeah, I think that would be nice. And we should name one of them for your father."

"Oh, I could never do that."

He looked surprised. "I thought you liked your dad."

"I loved him. He was the greatest dad ever. But before he died, he made both my sister and I promise that we'd never name any of our kids after him."

"Why? What was his name?"

"Well, everyone called him Al."

"Al's not a bad name, what's it short for Allan or Alex?"

"No, nothing that normal. His real name was Aloysius."

"You've got be kidding."

I laughed. "That's what everyone said whenever he had to tell someone his real name. Apparently, my grandmother, who was very religious, fell down the stairs when she was pregnant with him. And she promised if he survived that she'd name him after whatever saint's day he was born on. And since he was born on June 21st, he was named for St. Aloysius. If he had been born a day later, she'd have called him Thomas, which obviously would have been a lot nicer."

"Yeah, a name like that would really get a kid's ass kicked, so we can't do that to either of them. But maybe we could call one of them James Allen, to honor both my brother and your dad."

I thought about it and nodded. "I like that. James Allen McLean, it's got a nice ring to it. And your father was Adam, so how about Adam Roderick for the other one, so he'd be named for both his father and grandfather."

"Yeah, I like that, too."

I looked up Rory. "Do you have a middle name?"

"Yeah, but I never liked it much."

"What is it?"


"Are you kidding? Alistair's a great name, makes me think of a hot Scottish laird in a sexy kilt."

Rory waggled his eyebrows. "You know they don't wear anything under those kilts, right?"

"I should hope not." I grinned, looking him over, imagining how hot he'd look in just a kilt, with nothing underneath. Ooh, I could already picture running my hands up his thighs under his kilt, to find out what he was hiding under his sporn. "Do you think it's too late to order you one for Christmas?"

He chuckled. "That depends on whether you'd be up for working on a little daughter to go with our sons. Because I know what would happen if you had me walking around the house in something like that, you'd be tackling me to the floor like you did last Christmas."

"Well, maybe not today, or even tomorrow, but one day soon... I'd be up for trying for a little girl." Then I laughed. "Wait, I just thought of it. So your initials spell RAM, how appropriate." I looked down at the boys, and James's would be JAM, and Adam's would spell, ARM, which both sound okay."

"And since your middle name is Anne, yours is GAM, and I do love those shapely legs of yours, so yours suits you, too."


I loved how easily we could tease and laugh with each other. She was just so much fun to be with I could hardly believe we were married sometimes, because we were the best of friends that could joke about almost anything.

But today my beautiful wife had really shown me how amazing she was.

I tipped up her chin and pressed a kiss to her lips. "I love you so much I didn't think I could love you anymore. But now after seeing what you've gone through to give us these two beautiful boys, only makes me love you that much more."

Smiling up at me, her eyes a little misty, she whispered, "And I love you, too."

Funny, we woke up this morning, just the two of us, and now we'll be going home a family of four. And those bedrooms she'd didn't think we'd ever need, are starting to fill up.

The priest and the rabbi were right, all I needed was faith to land the woman of my dreams, and also be lucky enough to be gifted with these two little Christmas miracles.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A terrific sexy love story with a sweet ending!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Old bitches like Giselle are selfish

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Giselle is a bitch. She allowed Chuck to continue harassing her when she didn't stop him the first time. Anything for big customers!! Rory deserved better

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Excellent story. Unfortunately, I was drinking and got at least three different stories confused regarding names., activities, &c. Apologies are due and are humbly offered.

SmuttyandfunSmuttyandfunover 1 year agoAuthor

Although, I'm not exactly sure what the last comment was referring to, I can assure you that no pregnant women are drinking alcohol in this, or any of my other stories.

VanescaVanescaover 1 year ago

Any story that depicts a pregnant woman [ Giselle] drinking or an asshole [Chuck Harper, 'Let's have a drink up in my room} ought not to be placed on a public forum. Yes, I know, but it's obvious neither character is referring to tea or lemonade. Too many ignorant readers might be misled to think it's ok.

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