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Three Times with a Lady

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Joy's fit daughter seduces her into a new world of ecstasy.
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My name's Joy, I'm 45 and I live in Warley near Birmingham and work as a librarian at the local university. My husband Jeff and I met at school when we were both 13 and he was the love of my life. We married after leaving university at 21, and on my 22nd birthday I gave birth to my darling daughter Leanne. We would have liked more children but after I had a bad miscarriage doctors advised us it would be a bad idea. He died from a brain aneurism nearly five years ago, it hit me very hard and I still miss him deeply.

Last October - before we'd ever heard of Covid - my niece got married. By a terrible coincidence, without realising she'd set the day for the anniversary of Jeff's death. I usually spend that day quietly reflecting and I almost turned down my wedding invite, but Leanne persuaded me how much I'd be missed and she accompanied me to the afternoon service. She looked stunning on the day, in a white shirt, a stylish dove grey trouser suit and low-heeled court shoes - at five-feet-ten she's already five inches taller than me and in high heels she would have towered over most of the other guests. Leanne's rather an extrovert, and she's something of a local celebrity, a talented athlete who's represented England in the long jump. She takes after her father in build, slim and athletic with a small chest - I'm rather more curvy and busty - and she has a six-pack many men would envy. She has my dark looks though (I have Maltese blood somewhere in my ancestry) and wears her hair in a short bob cut. She was very dedicated to her sport at school and never seemed to have time for boys.

The church service was very nice, and Leanne refused to let me duck out of the reception, which was held in the ballroom of a swanky local hotel. I was planning to go home in the evening but I knew Leanne had splashed out on a room there, and she told me "The athletics season's finished so I'm going to let myself go for once." I just picked at my dinner, but when the dancing started I did enjoy chatting with my sisters and my nieces and nephew. A couple of glasses of champagne helped too. As is often the case Leanne was the life and soul of the party, dancing energetically with both male and female guests. The bride and groom left quite early and I intended to go then, but when I looked around for Leanne to let her know I couldn't find her.

Then I heard a some laughter and a ripple of applause from the entrance to the ballroom. The small group in front of me parted and there stood Leanne - looking almost the spitting image of Jeff! She'd slicked back her hair, cleaned her face of make-up and donned a pair of glasses and a realistic looking false moustache shaped exactly like his. One of my sisters glanced nervously at me to gauge my reaction but, after a moment of open-mouthed surprise, I felt my body shaking with laughter and shook my head. I knew Leanne had done it to try and cheer me up and it was so typical of her. At that moment Come on Eileen started up on the disco and Leanne grabbed my hand and dragged me out onto the dance floor. For the first few seconds we were the only dancers, with the other guests surrounding us and clapping rhythmically as we jived, then others took to the floor too.

Leanne kept me up for another dance, by the end of which I was winded. Then the lights dropped and Up Where We Belong started up. Just as Jeff would have done, Leanne slipped an arm around my waist, took my other hand in hers, pulled me close and we shuffled around the floor together to the song. The situation just felt so romantic that I began to miss my husband terribly and, feeling tears prickle my eyes, I rested my head on Leanne's chest. When the song ended, in true Officer and a Gentleman style Leanne swept me up into her strong arms and amid laughter and clapping from our relatives, and despite my laughing protests, she carried me out of the ballroom and up the sweeping staircase of the hotel.

She had to put me down to open the door of her room and ushered me in. It was large and decorated in the colours of Wedgwood pottery, and dominated by what looked like a king-sized bed. Leanne took off the glasses and shrugged off her suite jacket. I turned to thank her and tell her I really had to go but to my surprise she pulled me into her arms again. From below we could hear the strains of Lionel Richie's Three Times A Lady, and again my daughter pulled me into a close-clinching dance. This time both her arms were around my waist and as we shuffled together she pressed herself to me and I gasped - I could clearly feel a large erection pressing into my belly! I started to ask Leanne what was going on but she shushed me and placed a finger on my lips. I acquiesced and we continued to dance, her firmness rubbing against me. Despite the fact that it was my own little girl I was dancing with, the effect of that stiffness, the sheer romanticism of the situation, and probably the champers, combined to have a strange effect on me and I felt a hot stirring in my belly and loins that I hadn't experienced for a long time.

When the song ended Leanne didn't release me from her arms. Our faces were within an inch or to of each other and we gazed into each other's eyes. We must have stood like that for several seconds before she placed a hand behind my head and gently pulled my face to hers. It felt deeply shocking, yet somehow not surprising, when she pressed her lips to mine. Her tongue flicked at my lips and of their own accord they parted to allow her entry. As her big tongue explored my mouth I sucked on it, forgetting who it was who was kissing me and simply enjoying the sensation, and the sweet taste of champagne on her tongue. I felt her unzipping my dress, and she finally broke the kiss and stood back to push it down to pool around my feet.

I felt in a trance, incapable of resisting my daughter's advances. She crouched before me and lifted each of my feet out of the dress, at the same removing my shoes. I gasped again as she slipped her thumbs into the waistband of my pants and eased them and my tights down and off, leaving me naked except for my bra. I shuddered with shameless arousal as Leanne pressed her face into my Brillo pad of black pubic hair, her hands clenching my buttocks, fingers kneading them. Still in my trance-like state, I reached behind and unfastened my bra, allowing it to fall. Leanne rose and, turning back the duvet, laid me in her bed, She stripped quickly and I gazed admiringly at her taut muscular body. Her skin was bronzed by the sun except for the pale whiteness of her bikini areas. Suspended from a belt around her waist, over her shaved mons pubis, was the enormous, realistically modelled dildo I'd felt earlier, removing from my mind any last shred of doubt that she'd planned this whole thing from the start. Finally she turned off the room lights and, lit only by the moon through the bedroom window, slipped into the bed beside me.

As she pulled me to her I think it was the feel of her warm naked body, and the cool rubber cock between us, that provoked a last moment of rationality and guilt in me. Placing my hand on her cheek I whispered, "Leanne, we can't do this, it's so wro..." She didn't let me finish, rolling on top of me and kissing me deeply. Lost in the moment I wrapped my arms around her neck, fenced back at her with my own tongue, and I felt my hips pushing up at her.

Leanne placed a hand between my spread thighs and I gasped into her mouth as she eased two fingers into my sopping pussy. She chuckled and murmured, "Ohh, so ready lover." It was true, I couldn't remember feeling so wet, and such a burning fire inside me, since the early days of my marriage. Leanne pressed the tip of her cock inside me, and slowly penetrated me inch by inch, still kissing me as I panted into her mouth. After several seconds I felt the soft scrotum of the dildo touch my bum and realised I had accommodated its entire massive length.

She raised herself above me and began humping me, slowly at first then gradually increasing her pace and the length of her thrusts. I felt as if my lungs would burst and my belly would burst into flames as my daughter fucked me. My legs wrapped themselves around hers, I was panting like a dog, and I heard myself screaming obscenities as she rammed me at full pace. My pussy clenched around her prick and a firework party exploded to life in my head as I surged into a shattering, explosive multiple orgasm. Leanne rolled off and lay beside me grinning like the cat who'd got the cream.

She allowed me a few minutes to recover, gently massaging my belly with the flat of her hand while I stared at the ceiling, marvelling at the intense joy my beautiful darling girl had given me. Then she leaned over me and kissed me again, long, deep and passionately, fingers stroking one of my breasts and tweaking my erect nipple; I responded eagerly, crushing my lips to hers, teeth bumping. Then Leanne started to work her way down my body - sucking my ear lobe, nibbling my throat, licking my salty armpit, which I found surprisingly erotic, then working her way across me to the other armpit, via a suck and chew on each of my breasts and nipples, down to my belly button which she tickled with the tip of her tongue. I was aware that I was groaning with wanton pleasure at her touch but I didn't care.

I felt my bum tensing as she stroked her nose through my pubic thatch then gripped one of my thighs with each hand. She blew softly on my sticky pussy, making me squeak and shiver, then moan wildly as she ran her tongue between my swollen labia from the base of my slit to my clit. With a chuckle she pushed her face into me and started to lick around and inside my pussy in earnest I squirmed against her face almost out of my mind in ecstasy; Jeff hadn't really liked oral sex (at least, not giving it to me) and I was feeling erotic delight beyond my wildest dreams. When Leanne switched to flicking my clit with her tongue and fucking me with several fingers my hips began to thrust upwards at her with such urgency that my poor baby must have felt as if she was riding a bucking bronco. God knows how many times I came as she feasted on me, but finally I collapsed into the mattress, feeling as if I was struggling to breathe.

Leanne wasn't done with me though. I felt my lower back being stretched as she lifted my legs over her shoulders and onto her back. Then I felt a new ecstasy as her tongue wormed its way between my bum cheeks and into my arse. I'd never even imagined much a thing but she drove at me eagerly. Then she switched targets, lapping her tongue deep into my pussy again as she deeply screwed my bum with one finger, then two. My hips were bucking again, and stars burst behind my tightly shut eyelids as my juices washed yet again onto her eager face.

I don't even remember her finishing pleasuring me but immediately she did I fell into the sleep of the dead. I think I must have been asleep for about ten hours, and when I awoke it took me a few seconds to remember where I was. Then I rolled sideways and saw Leanne's muscular back curled beside me, and it all came back to me in a rush. I felt my face flushing at the memory of my wanton behaviour the previous evening, yet I didn't feel the slightest guilt or embarrassment that it was my own beloved daughter who had introduced me to such sensual delights.

On wobbly legs, my stretched pussy aching, I tottered to the bathroom for a pee and to clean myself up a bit. On climbing back into bed I ran a fingertip down Leanne's spine, making her twitch and giggle. Feeling a long-forgotten randiness churning my tummy, I traced her spine again with the tip of my tongue, lightly rolling it between her shapely buttocks. She rolled towards me, lifting her leg over me and bringing my face into close proximity to her bald pussy. I'd never seen another woman's snatch close up and Leanne's was beautiful, her puffy labia crowned by the prominent pearl of her clit. I felt a little nervous about what I was about to do, but I shuffled closer, pressed my tongue between her lips and ran it up her length, provoking a long sigh of pleasure from her. She tasted gorgeous, sweet and salty. Encouraged by her reaction I eased her lips apart with my fingers and plunged my tongue into my daughter's gash.

She groaned and pressed her fingers to the back of my head, pushing me more firmly onto her. I wasn't sure what I was doing but I let her hands guide me and before long I was repeating what Leanne had done for me, nibbling and licking her big clitty while I fucked her hard with two fingers to the third knuckles. After several minutes she gave a little squeak and a jump and I tasted a new sweet wetness inside her. I slipped my tongue off her clit and lapped deep into her, loving the taste of her release. As she subsided I moved to lay back beside her and kissed her lovingly, she sucking her own juices from my tongue.

Leanne lives back at home with me now. Of course, to the outside world we're just a mother and daughter sharing a hose, but every night we share a bed. We've made love in the bath, in the shower, in fact in just about every room in the house, and once in the back garden. I love my daughter with a mother's passion; but I'm also very much in love with her, and I will forever be grateful to my beautiful, darling girl for the new world of pleasure into which she's drawn me.

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DeepestDesire81DeepestDesire81about 4 years ago

A simple and fun story. Short, sweet and most enjoyable

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
"...just a mother and daughter sharing a hose..."

Is it a garden hose?

Soshameless11Soshameless11over 4 years ago
A beautiful stroy

I really enjoyed this sweet, sensual love story.

AlwaystabooAlwaystabooover 4 years ago
Love can make incest happen

Love helps defeat archaic social norms. A tender and erotic story of a daughter's love for her mother. Extremely well written as Leaane orchestrated bringing Joy into her life.

subandmesubandmeover 4 years ago

Very very erotic and very believable

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