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Tidepoint Tailed Transformation

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Admiral transformed into beastman's submissive female mate.
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Author's note: May contain both male-to-female (gender bender) and nonhuman transformation. May contain monster sex, impregnation, and female submission.

I appreciate feedback, especially what you enjoyed and what you'd like to see me write.


That night I decided for sure. I would not be leaving.

This new island was mine, I thought.

I earned it. The rotting piles of beastmen corpses had proved that. It wouldn't be an easy play, but if I could hold onto this land, that meant nobility.

Admiral no more. Baron Victor, I thought with a smile. Or maybe Duke? This was my chance.

Returning personally would make it harder to hold onto the land. An appointed governor might be sent in my stead. Therefore a letter would have to suffice in place of my presence.

I wrote about our ships wrecking upon the undiscovered isle. A terrible storm had blown us way off course. Then how we had been immediately confronted by the Empire's ancient enemy, the feral beastmen.

Its astonishing, our mortal enemy, and they virtually welcomed us. Isolated here they were stepped in ignorance of our nature. They were more curious than aggressive.

I wrote how I ordered the salvaging of the broken fleet to construct the Tidepoint stronghold. And then had executed Sevantus's ploy, albeit on a much smaller scale. A two part attack, first to draw off their men, then a secret flank into their village.

Once we slaughtered all their flea-bitten females, we withdrew, and they fell right into the trap. As crudely and hastily constructed the Tidepoint stronghold was it still held strong. The enraged mongrels struck our walls where we had complete advantage, and they were nearly all finished.

The few that remained were enslaved.

While I was wrote by candle light one such slave brought me my supper. Rations were running low but the island was rich with fish and fruit.

I knew he was younger and was quite passive, which was good for a slave.

"Eventually once we made contact with the empire again, you will fetch a good price," I told him. "You beastmen are extinct on the mainland, and soon on this island too now that we exterminated your females."

He held his head low, even at my taunting. We had beaten any insubordination out of them. Yes, I nodded, this rare specimen would be quite valuable.

I however, was unaware that he had hadn't been initially captured after the Sevantus ploy, but had snuck in some days after.

I didn't know he was just a hair too young to be slaughtered upon the stronghold's walls, a few days away from being considered a 'man.' But that he had seen his tribe die. Nor had I any idea the ancient eldritch device he had dropped into our well, which lay dormant until that night's full moon.

I never noticed or cared, I was very focused on the letter. It would make or break my career.

The Rose, the new ship, would be completed soon, to embark back to the mainland. So the letter had to be finished.


That night as I slept the full moon shone. And in the stronghold's well the eldritch device activated and pulsed with a red glow, as if calling out. And the water in the well answered as did the very blood in my veins, glowing under my skin in matching oscillations.

I dreamed that night but it was unlike any dream I had before. It was a vision as real as the waking world.

I was surrounded by a beastmen tribe, but not as enemies, no they were... family?

Yes I had always lived here, always this way.

I was a beastman, and I here I was a girl.

It was like a second life.

I had always been female, I was born that way.

I was one of them.

And finally one night we gathered.

Now I was old enough to be an adult, to be claimed as a mate.

We danced around the fire, late into the night.

He grabbed me, I didn't stop the dance, grinding against him.

This was a formality, he was a faceless shadow but I knew it was him.

I was ready, overcome with arousal beyond my understanding.

In front of the tribe he would take me.

"I Torrik claim you as my mate," he said and the words seemed to come from outside the dream.

Yes, I whispered, accepting the culmination of the dance.

I was on my knees and he was taking me.

The dream changed and suddenly felt too real. I could feel it.

The smell, the feel of the sheets as I bit down, my heart pounding.

"Oh yes," I moaned as he thrust into me again. But it felt stranger still. The bonfire was gone, and my voice echoed off an empty room.

"Oh god," I realized, this isn't a dream is it? I was in my room! I was in the Tidepoint stronghold.

How was this even possible? I braced myself with arms covered in fur.

I twisted my head around, to observe the slave from earlier mounted behind a backside that shouldn't be be mine!

"Ohhh!" I moaned as he tugged a tail I shouldn't have and pulled my ass back into him. I felt his cock press into where my missing manhood should have been! How?

"What is happening?" I was so confused. I was a man damn it, yet I could not deny my pussy was being filled with a beastman's cock.

"I claim you. You will be my mate and carry our offspring."

To hell with that! I was a commander in the Ruritanian Navy!

"No stop," I shouted, "Stop!" This nightmare had to end.

"Stop?" he laughed, "You stop first."

I tried to freeze, but couldn't. Dance of the dream still pounded in my head and my body moved to the dream drum. I thumped my ass back in rhythm to the mystical beat. Dastardly disobedient hips betrayed me, working in time with his thrusts.

"No," I whimpered, as tears streamed down my face. "No!"

He paused, "See?" And it was just me, moving my ass back and forth, working my pussy over his despicable cock.

"Faster," he commanded and gave my ass a slap.

"Ohh," I moaned lewdly, and felt my rhythm speed up.

I felt him dominating me, claiming me, and I couldn't stop him. I couldn't even stop my own body from fucking him even harder.

I was driven by an uncontrollable instinct to mate with this dirty beastman slave.

He went fast and faster, rutting into me as I moaned in pleasure.

Then he dug his hand behind my head and pulled me up hard by my hair.

He leaned in and whispered "You're mine now," and I felt him begin to ejaculate into me.

"How dare y-," I began to argue, but then I felt it. I gasped in shock because I knew I was being marked as his. Like an ethereal mist the feeling billowed into me, a feeling of being claimed.

After, I curled up and began to sob uncontrollable. This couldn't even be real! And yet somehow I felt 'owned' by this slave? None of this made any sense!

"We're not done for tonight."

I hated him, I hated him so much, but I couldn't seem to refuse him.

He had claimed me as his mate and while my mind could not comprehend it my new body understood. I felt an overwhelming need to comply.

I laid on my back, and when he moved on top of me, he didn't even have to say a word, I instinctively spread my legs. He tamed this foreign body, and it knew to give him access to my pussy.

"No more," I begged "I can't take this." My body was on fire.

I burned with shame but my objections were softer than my lewd moans.

He would not let up.

We went again and again.

For hours he worked, fucking me into total submission, forcing me to accept this new role. As if to burn away my resistance.

It worked.

"Yes fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" By daybreak I was riding him as his eager lover. I giggled as he fondle my overgrown tits, and I worked to continuously run his rod up into my wet hole.

There was no fighting this.


The next morning Torrik made me dress in my uniform. The buttons bulging over my plump breasts, and the back ripping to accommodate my tail.

Then everyone was gathered in the stronghold courtyard.

My 'men' out numbered the remaining beastmen four to one, but they were left shrunken and frightened, their furry tails wagged in confused. A small crowd of animal women mashed into ill fitting Ruritanian uniforms made for human men.

I addressed the crowd.

"I am..." No. Not anymore.

"I was your leader. I was admiral Victor of the Ruritanian Empire. But no longer. I am transformed, like you all. The events of last night came as a compete surprise to me as well, but it is clear that in our new forms we are in no shape to resist. In short these Furrian people, who we ignorantly called beastmen, have conquered us."

"As my final act as commander, I hereby officially and unconditionally surrender the 7th expedition fleet to the to the Silvermoon tribe. As such, we shall submit to all of their terms and conditions."

I expected yells of outrage. 'Death before defeat.' But the crowd of frightened women just nodded numbly.

"First, ownership of all property of 7th expedition has been transferred to their tribe. This includes the Tidepoint stronghold, but also every piece of of your personal belongings will be relinquished to the tribe."

"Deprived of our base, our property, and even our humanity, we are lost. We have no home. Thankfully the Silvermoon Tribe will provide us with a new home, and in turn all former sailors and soldiers of the 7th will be assimilated into their tribe."

"You knew me once as Victor of Ruritania, but now I am proud to be called Victoria of the Silvermoon tribe. And to help you all with this transition, you will do as I have done and take upon yourselves a female name. "

"This is not a request but a requirement of our surrender, you will each take new names. If one is not chosen one will be assigned to you. Use of prior names will come with strict punishment."

"Next, our uniforms and human clothing are holdovers of our prior identities," I explained as I began to undo the buttons of my shirt. "For the foreseeable future all clothing is forbidden."

I pulled open the shirt with equal part humiliation and relief, tearing the buttons out to free my overgrown tits. It was a relief to release the ill fitting uniform, but I felt everyone's eyes on my bare breasts.

They muttered as I step out of my pants, naked before them all. Again they didn't seem as disturbed by this as I thought. They looked upon me, once their commander now standing as a naked beast-woman, only with curiosity.

I realized with all that had happened one thing above all was on their minds: they had woken up dickless. Horrified as losing their manhood, they stared at my crotch, to confirm our shared fate. Yes I too was a female to the core now.

I didn't hide my new gender. I widened my stance and motioned between my legs.

"Yes, we have been transformed into young and fertile Furrian females. But this is good! The Empire had committed unforgivable crime in bringing the glorious Furrian race to the edge of extinction. And we must acknowledge our part in this terrible affair by nearly finishing them off. Thankfully, by this miracle of each of us can pay restitution for this genocide! Each of us has ready womb to help expand this endangered race. We will strive to create anew generation by vigorously breeding with our male conquerors. "

I paused to let their fate sink in.

"It will take a short while to organize, as the females outnumber males but in time each of you will be selected by a Furrian male, claimed, and added to his breeding harem."

"My final order, I expect all of you to strive to be an asset in this endeavor. You will act with discipline, there will be no misbehaving. Offer zero resistance to your mates. Act like loving bride. You will be respectful, and be submissive, eager lovers to your new mates. You will work diligently to be impregnated."

My words would help, but they needed to see.

I nodded to Torrik. I felt nervous, but ready.

Torrik stepped forward, and with a booming voice loud enough for the crowd, "Victoria, I Torrik, claim you as my mate."

"I- ah'" started as I turned to him. I count feel the weight of all their eyes upon me, judging me. I took a deep breath. "I accept."

I bent down, pressing my the side of my face to the ground but kept my ass in the air for him.

The new woman gasped, their former admiral, pushed down, began to willingly and publicly mate with a 'beastman.'

I felt shocked how natural this was. Letting Torrik fuck me in front of my former 'men' and the remaining beastmen felt more natural than giving the speech. Submitting felt more in line with my new nature than giving orders.

Over night I hadn't only been transformed, but tamed. Being a servile Furrian mate was now core to my instincts.

I looked into their eyes as they watched me get fucked by Torrik and I knew it was their fate too.

"You will be my mate "

"I accept! I accept! Yes make me your female!"

Torrik and the males of the Silver Moon understood my new female Furian biology better than us. They knew that for the crowd, seeing their 'leader' and 'dominant female' be tamed publicly would pacify them.

And even though my 'taming' had been completed the night before, the reenactment would benefit them. Seeing me claimed by Torrik in front of them would imprint it on their brains.

It would instill the need to submit.

"You shall carry our offspring."

"Yes, please, breed me!"

I yelled for the crowd, but I pushed my pussy back into his dick for me. I was already addicted to sex and hungered to carry his young. I didn't have to fake the lewd moans.

The performance seemed to be working. I saw many of my former 'men' already had a hand between their furry female legs.

"You are mine," he grunted

"Yes, cum in side me, mark me as yours," I yelled. "Brand me, I'm yours!"

"OHHHHH YES!" My body exploded in orgaism to welcome his cum.


After our mating, a bonfire was started, and the new beastwomen were ordered to line up. Uniform after uniform was tossed into the fire, each leaving a naked but furry female in its place.

Mine too was tossed upon the flames.

I knew without the uniform I was unrecognizable. Outside of this island, no one could know who I had been. No one would believe me. I would only be Victoria from now now, and forever.

There was no going back.

Few of the others were eager to destroy their old identities, some even sobbing meekly, but each obeyed, each was compelled to comply. New submissive instincts subverted any real resistance. Tossed their cloths upon the fire and forced to walk naked.

But they did as they were ordered.

Except one.

There was one sailor missing. I never saw the uniform of the man commissioned to take the new ship, The Rose, back to Ruritania and deliver my letter.

My second in command.

Torrik was not surprised, as second in the hierarchy her resistance to the effects of our display would be less powerful. It would create less of an 'imprint' on her new psychology.

But she didn't get far.

They tore off her uniform and put her in the brig. They locked her into a pillory, her neck and wrists sealed tight into a horizontal angle.

"It's you!" she recognized, "Victor help me, we can launch the Rose together, get word to the Empire!"

"With what crew?" I asked and shook my head, "Look at me, you think they won't kill a 'beastman' on sight?"

"We have to try, better than being suck here!"

How wrong she was.

"Victor! Help me please," she pleaded, "We're men goddamn it not sex slaves for some disgusting beastmen!"

I wanted to slap her for her vile words, but hadn't that been me only last night? I too had resisted. She would learn, as I did.

"No that's the past, not anymore," Less than a day and felt like ancient history. "Victor is gone, dead, I'm Victoria now."

Torrik moved behind her,

He rubbed her bottom gently.

"Get away from me, don't touch me! I'll kill you!"

"Victoria, my mate, what is this one's true name?"

"Rose," I answered. Destined to be Captain of the Rose on its return voyage to the Empire, I found it fitting.

Behind her, he nodded to me. Chills ran down my spine, excited that I'd get to help add her to his breeding harem.

"Rose, I claim you as my mate."

"What, I would never-," she started to argue, but then she must have felt something hard touch her. Noo! Oh god! You can't do this to me I'm a man damn it!"

"Ugh!" she moaned as he thrust. "Stop!"

"There's no fighting this," I whispered to her.

"You've gone mad!"

"Rose, be logical. You're not a man. Even with all that hair and your tail, you're not even a beastman! Not like Torrik, he's a real man, and he's shoving his big hard cock into you!"

"I, I, I-" she stammered and I didn't let her finish.

"You cannot deny how much you love it!"

"I don't want to be a girl," she moaned. He face twisted in pleasure.

The diligent pounding of his dick was working on her new biology.

"I know, I remember, it felt like a twisted nightmare, hut its real. You might not want to be, but you are a Furrian female now, and you cannot resist. You can do naught but submit."

"Please I don't want this," she whined.

"Shh," i said as I leaned in, pressing my lips to her. "Trust me."

"Just enjoy it... as he claims you," I advised between my kisses.

Her eyes widened in shock, but quickly I could feel her kissing me back.

I pushed my tongue into her mouth and she didn't fight it.

Closed my eyes and listened to the sound of his thrusts, and the vibration and he shook the pillory. I stroked myself in time.

More and more as Torrik humped she relented. I felt her forcefully make out with me. Her tongue twisted with mine, and I could feel her moan into my face.

"It's time," Torrik said.

I moved back, and watched while I worked both hands between my legs.

I heard her moan in delight and her eyes glaze over.

I orgasmed as my former second in command was marked and claimed by Torrik.

"See. You're a Furrion female now aren't you Rose."


"You felt it conqueror you, felt him mark you as his?"

"I did."

I leaned in and whispered "But you want more now, don't you."

"I do," she said with a nod.

"Good that's only natural."

I unlocked her stockade, and then pushed her towards him.

They both sat on the ground. He pulled her in to a hug, pulling her legs over his.

I smiled as she licked his chin, an instinctual acknowledgment of his dominance.

He was inside her quickly and I saw all reluctance had fled from her. She pushed her knees out, throwing her crotch into his, as if if trying to fuse her lower body to his forever.

I giggled, as she pushed but awkwardly and haphazardly, like the virgin bride she was. But I was proud of her. She was now a fellow sister in Torrik harem, addicted to his cock.

"Please, breed me," she begged as her crotch slammed into his, echoed with a wet slapping sound.

It felt good to see her eagerly try to coax her mate into seeding her womb with his baby. Not just meekly surrendering her sex, but willfully attempting to be impregnated. A good sign indeed, and not just for her. Rose was to be the hardest to tame(other than me). Now all she cared about was was breeding with her Furrian mate and replenishing our new race.

Rose might have been the last true resistor of the 7th. Others should fall with ease. They didn't have the natural resistance that came with a higher command position. .

None of the others should be an issue at all.

I left Torrik and Rose alone in the the brig, and went to see if this was true.


I saw a 'new' female from afar, but before I got close another beastman approached her.

I paused.

She seemed scared and I thought she might run.

I watched, unsure if I should step in and help. Maybe I could help him claim her as I had helped Torrik?

"Female, what is your name?"

"Alice," she said with downcast eyes.

Good, first sign! Given up the pretense of being a man and admitted to being a female.


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