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Tied Up in Knotts Ch. 19


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But I was. Jason had said it many times. I told Nash as much.

"The man who was just on the phone had feelings for you," Nash continued. "Maybe he didn't realize it until you made yourself unavailable, but he's definitely got an emotional boner for you. You're going to have to call him and have a proper conversation."

I rolled over and pinned the sassy blonde to the mattress. "I would've had a proper conversation except you were on my dick."

Nash smirked. "I don't regret it."

"Were you jealous?" I asked.

"No," he said, and he meant it. "But this is new between us and I'm technically stepping on his toes, so maybe I was peeing a little."

I looked down at the man who'd had my attention since I was in high school. "This isn't new and Jason's toes are not in tripping distance."

Nash's eyes sparkled as he looked up at me and, for the first time, I saw the same deep affection I felt for him, looking back at me.

"I suppose it's not."


It was late when we left the bedroom. After ten. Even though everyone was doing their own thing, it didn't stop them from staring at us. Most everyone was by the pool. It was our last full day before heading home and we'd spent the previous day out and about.

The teenagers looked like they were about to howl but one look from Nash and I could see them second-guessing themselves. I caught Nash's eye and he shrugged. I always knew he had some voodoo magic over them. I was convinced it was pure sorcery.

"Are you a witch?" I asked as we ate breakfast. "Do you have some sort of Jedi mind trick over them?"

Nash laughed, loud and boisterously. "No, but that would be great. They're good kids, that's all."

It wasn't all but I didn't press. When we finished up, we were ordered to go swimming. I couldn't say no when a certain redhead came in with her swimsuit and duck floaty.

Nash and I went back to our room to change but not before Ryan gave us a time limit and Nash a pointed look.

Before Nash went into the bathroom, he told me to wear my wolf swim shorts, as if there was any other option. He came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Everyone clapped when we got to the pool just to embarrass me.

"So glad you two could join us," Cam hollered as we stepped onto the patio. It appeared everyone was at least semi clued into Nash and I. Our mutual late start hadn't gone unnoticed. Ryan and Logan eyed us from the pool but didn't say anything, they just winked and went back to sipping their beers.

I dropped my towel and got a few whoops, but when Nash dropped his towel, the whole patio exploded. He was wearing a pair of speedos with kittens on them.

The teenagers looked like they were about to pass-out until Nash signaled for them to do whatever it was, they wanted to do—which was to fill the air with wolf howls and cat meows. When they got their fill, Nash looked at them and smiled.

"Wasn't it worth the wait?"

"Oh hell yeah it was!" Kayde shouted back. His smile was pure joy. All their smiles were. And they were high fiving one another, celebrating. What? I didn't know. But the pure, unadulterated joy they were experiencing meant everything to me because I loved them and because Nash did that. Nash knew how to make everything good. He brought this light and this goodness with him. Yes, he had hurt me, but I knew he was more than that.

Then he turned and presented himself to me, smiling, silently asking what I thought of his hilarious swim speedos. Words couldn't describe how I felt so I cupped his neck and kissed the shit out of him, in front of everyone. Because Nash was the fucking best.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The relationships are well written-- the interactions Nash had with the kids, Kayde with Penn... great job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


That's a bit harsh on Abby when they literally don't know what Penn and Nash are planning to do lol.

Also, the situation with Jason is expected, sadly. Penn being completely wasted over his first relationship, I can see him oversharing his thoughts. Then, the fact that they did the friends with benefits thing for a year.

Well, to be fair, there are two possibilities here: Jason has feelings on Penn after all that, or Jason considers Penn to be a true friend since that short call can also be taken as someone that doesn't want Penn to go through the awful moments all over again. God, Jason, I wish you have more screentime so some of these can be clarified a bit more haha.

sm1982sm1982over 2 years ago

Great chapter minus Cockblocking Abby smh

one11one11over 4 years ago
Hope there are lots more chapters

This is such a great read. Thank you!!

Willatron420Willatron420over 4 years ago

I still hope that there's a few more chapters, I'm still in love with this series, and I check everyday to see if it's updated. Lol

BlowPopJBlowPopJover 4 years ago

This chapter was amazing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I definitely prefer Nash narrating over Penn but it’s nice to see Penn finally acting like a grown man and not a child. So happy they’re back together and it’s out in the open. Can’t wait for the last 2 chapters 💕

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