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Till Death Do We Bare Ch. 02 - The Daughter

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Becoming a nude family.
9.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/12/2022
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This is the second installment in a series. This story picks up where the first installment left off. This story will make more sense if you have already read the first chapter of Till Death Do Us Bare.

This story is a work of fiction. Some real places and institutions are mentioned or implied, but they are used fictitiously here. As far as the author knows, no real person affiliated with any of those places or institutions has done anything akin to what is described in this story. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are coincidental and unintended. I encourage comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable. Thank you for reading.


Anne and I spent the next two years in grad school. Time and money were limited, so our nuding was limited to our apartment. We did get a few opportunities to visit Monica and Ed in the Tampa area, where they lived. Each time we visited they took us to a nice resort close to their home. While the resort was officially "clothing optional," everyone went nude except for the occasional revealing outfits worn in the nightclub.

Anne and I liked the resort a great deal. The plurality of patrons lived in Florida, but we also met people from the Northeast, Midwest, upper South, and eastern Canada. Monica and Ed knew a lot of people and were always eager for us to meet their friends. That had positive consequences for us.

We visited Monica and Ed for a long weekend in the fall of our second year. Anne would receive her MBA, with high honors, the following spring. She had interviewed with a few of the big New York investment banks, but neither of us were excited about living in New York. Finding the right job for Anne was the priority. I'd be getting my Master's in environmental engineering, and my bachelor's was in geotechnical engineering. I figured I could find work wherever Anne decided to go.

During that visit, we met a couple who were about eight years older than us. Paula and Grant Toews were from a medium-sized city in the lower Midwest. Grant was a lawyer. Paula worked for a global consumer products company which, for historical reasons, had its world headquarters in their city.

Paula and Grant were easy to talk to. Before long, Anne was explaining the challenge she was having finding a job she really wanted. "I know our company has some openings in finance," Paula said. "It's a great place to work and we love the city. It's big enough that it has a lot of things but not so big that it's a pain in the ass. Wait here!"

Paula went to their room and came back with a sheet of paper which she handed to Anne. "E-mail your resume to that person at that e-mail address as soon as you can," Paula instructed. "I put my cell number and e-mail at the bottom. Let me know as soon as you send your resume. I'm in marketing, but I know people in finance. I think I can get the right people to look at your resume."

Anne sent her resume and called Paula as soon as we got home. Anne got a call inviting her to come for an interview. The city where the company was based was about 350 miles southeast of us. Thankfully, the company paid for Anne's airfare and hotel.

Anne was gone for two nights. She spent one full day interviewing, and part of a second day being shown the city by Paula. Anne returned enthusiastic about both the company and the city. "I finally asked Paula why she was so eager to help me," Anne told me. "Paula said she wanted another nudist in the company."

Anne got another call from the company asking for her business school transcripts. Once the company saw those, Anne got an offer. We talked about it, but I'd known from the moment Anne returned from her interviews that she'd take the job if it was offered. She did take it. I had less trouble than I expected finding a job with a medium-size engineering firm in the same city.

We had only been in our new city a couple of weeks when Anne came home from work on a Wednesday evening and asked, "Are you doing anything Friday night?"

"No, why?" I replied.

"Paula called me today," Anne explained. "She wants us to go somewhere with her and Grant Friday night. She won't say what it is, except that she thinks we'll enjoy it. We're supposed to meet Paula and Grant at their place on the east side at 7:15 so we can be wherever it is they are taking us by 8:00 p.m."

"A little mystery could be interesting," I said. "Paula and Grant are good folks to spend time with."

"You just like looking at Paula's tits," Anne teased. "I'll call Paula and tell her we'll join them."

Grant drove that Friday night. Just before 8:00, he pulled into the parking lot of a large fitness club. The building was mainly glass and the interior lights were off. It looked closed. Grant drove along the side of the building and down a ramp in back. The outside of the lower level was all concrete. We got out of the car and followed Grant to a solid metal door.

When Grant knocked on the door, it was opened by a young woman in a yellow polo shirt and dark blue shorts. She held a clipboard. Grant gave her all four of our names and she checked us off a list. We were standing in a small foyer. The young woman pointed to a wooden interior door and said matter-of-factly, "you can disrobe in there."

I looked at Anne. She arched an eyebrow, but we followed Grant and Paula through the door. We entered a locker room. "Get your clothes off," Paula said, "then we'll take you to meet Carl and Kay. They sort of run this group."

Anne and I had no problem with getting naked, and soon were. Paula and Grant undressed too. "Grab towels," Paula said, pointing to a stack of clean towels in a corner. We followed Paula and Grant through another door which led to a large swimming pool. We saw a nude couple standing by the end of the pool. "That's Carl and Kay," Paula said. "We need to introduce you."

I guessed Carl and Kay were in their mid-forties. I later learned my guess was correct. They were both big people. Not fat, just big. We walked up to them, and Paula said, "Kay, Carl, I'd like you to meet the couple I told you about: Anne and Will Canter."

Kay, who had a very friendly-looking face, said, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Carl said, "Paula tells me you two may be interested in joining our group."

"What is your group?" I asked.

"I kind of wanted to surprise them," Paula said apologetically.

Carl smiled. "We call ourselves 'Friday Night Nudes.' There are, in total, fifteen couples. We only allow couples. Every Friday night of the year, once the health club closes at 8:00 p.m., they let us use their pool, sauna, steam room, and jacuzzi nude until 1:00 a.m."

"We are not a clothing optional group," Kay added, "full nudity is required at all times."

"We may be a little politically incorrect in doing this, but our group is exclusively heterosexual," Carl continued. "The purpose of the group is to give us all an opportunity to get naked with like-minded people. No fucking, sucking, or masturbation is allowed on premises, the health club imposes that rule. However, we tolerate touching."

"No dear," Kay said, "we encourage touching. You're more than welcome to touch any member of the group on any part of his or her body and, by being here, you agree that anyone else can touch you. We don't have a rule against same sex touching, but it is pretty much exclusively male-female with maybe some female-female, but almost no male-male."

"We're not a swinger's group," Carl said, "but, if you make that kind of connection with another couple, that is your business, not ours. As I said, you can't have sex here. We rent this floor from the health club. They insist on having two members of their staff, one guy and one girl, here while we are here. Those staff members stay clothed all night. They are here to keep an eye on us, which I suspect they enjoy, but the people we've been assigned are pleasant and helpful." Turning to Kay, Carl asked, "Is there anything else I should tell them?"

"I think you covered the important parts," Kay replied. To us, she asked, "given Carl's explanation of what we're about, what do you think?"

"I think this may be exactly what we were looking for," Anne replied.

"Grant and I met Anne and Will at a resort in Florida," Paula explained.

"Unfortunately," Kay said, "there are no nude resorts around here. That's why we started FNN. I hope you like it. Enjoy yourselves."

Carl added, "I forgot to mention, we do allow alcohol, but it is BYOB."

Just then a black couple came out of the locker room. The woman announced loudly, "It was such a bitch day. I really needed to get naked!"

Smiling, Kay told us, "Those are our doctors. Dr. Jaycee Washington and Dr. Delman Washington." Jaycee, who was in the lead as the couple walked to us, had a stunning hardbody. When they reached us and Delman came out from behind his wife, I saw he was all muscle too.

"Jaycee, Delman," Kay said, "Paula and Grant have brought us two potential new members: Anne and Will."

Jaycee looked Anne and me up and down. "You both look great naked," she said. "You'll fit right in. I have a special greeting for every new man who comes to FNN." Jaycee stepped to me and gave me a very tight hug. Her bare body felt great against mine.

Carl laughed. "That's Jaycee," he said. Jaycee stepped to Carl and gave him a tight bare hug. I glanced at Delman, who was smiling.

"Delman," Jaycee said, "don't be rude. Give Anne a hug."

Anne spread her arms out, inviting the hug. Delman stepped to Anne, put his arms around her, and squeezed her body to his. He held her for a second before letting go. Given Delman's impressive physique and his impressive dick, I was sure Anne enjoyed the hug.

Over the next twenty or so minutes, six more couples came in. I'd say Carl and Kay were the oldest couple. Anne and I were probably the youngest. While not everyone was as physically impressive as Jaycee and Delman, and no one was as beautiful as Anne, the entire group was fit.

People put bottles of wine and beer on a table. There was a stack of plastic cups. A few people poured themselves drinks. When no more people came in, Carl announced, "Everyone, please sit down." People spread towels and sat on the pool deck in a semi-circle, including Anne and me. "Before we get on with our evening, we have a couple who are potential new members. Anne and Will, please stand up, come to the center of the circle, and introduce yourselves. We use full names here and we all know where each other work."

Anne and I stood and went to the center of the circle. I let Anne introduce herself first. When she said where she worked, Paula interjected, "You know, I had to get another nudist into the company. Although she must stay clothed at work, Anne is making a great first impression with our company."

Once Anne was done, she stood beside me while I introduced myself. When I finished, a blonde about my age who was sitting right in front of me said, "please left up your dick and let me see your balls."

"I'll do that," Anne said. She wrapped a hand around my head and lifted me up, exposing my balls to the group.

"Thank you," the blonde said.

"Before anyone asks," Anne said, "let me bend over so you can all have a good look at me." She turned her back to the group, spread her feet a little, and bent over until her head was touching her knees.

"Beautiful," a male voice said.

Anne held that position for nearly a minute. When she straightened and turned back around, her smile told me she had enjoyed exposing herself.

Paula stood up and said, "I think Will, and especially Anne, have shown that they share our ethic."

"Who in attendance is in favor of admitting Anne and Will to FNN?" Carl asked. Everyone raised their hand. To us, Carl said, "there are a couple more steps. First, I need to take a nude of you to e-mail to the members who are not here tonight so they may vote. Also, I'll need to do a background check on you. Come this way." We followed Carl back into the locker room where he took out his phone and shot a couple of full-frontal pictures of Anne and me together. He also had us sign forms consenting to a complete background check. "The formalities are done," Carl said, "enjoy your evening."

Back at the pool, Paula made a point of introducing us individually to the other couples. The blonde who has asked to see my balls was Patti Lambros. Patti was actually the youngest person there, being a year younger than Anne and me. We learned that she had been a cheerleader in high school and college, and she had the bubbly personality that is the cheerleader stereotype. She worked as a fundraiser for a local charitable foundation. Her husband, Sebastian, looked Greek and was a manager for his family's restaurant supply business. Being new to the city, Anne and I had no friends here. Carl and Kay, Jaycee and Delman, Patti and Sebastian, and Paula and Grant would become our circle of friends.

We swam for a while. Then a net was strung across the pool, and everyone played water volleyball for a time. I happened to notice that the young woman who had let us in, and a young man also in a yellow shirt and blue shorts, stayed in a corner watching.

I'm guessing it was around 11:00 p.m. when Jaycee called out "hot tub." Everyone gathered around the jacuzzi. Carl said, "we've once again got more people than this tub holds. Guys get in and sit down. Girls, you'll have to sit on the guys' laps."

"And don't sit on your partner's lap," Kay added. "How boring is that?"

I sat in the jacuzzi with the other men. The women got in and Patti came to me and asked, coquettishly, "is this lap taken?"

"All yours," I replied.

Patti sat down on my lap and wriggled her ass around as if getting comfortable. When I felt my dick slide partway into Patti's ass, she stopped wiggling. "Comfortable?" I asked her.

"Very," Patti replied. "You?"

"I'm happy," I said. Anne was sitting in Delman's lap. Jaycee was in Sebastian's.

We learned that one of FNN's traditions was that, once everyone was in the jacuzzi, each couple was expected to share a story of something erotic or exhibitionistic they had done. Jaycee and Delman had recently been in Southern California and had found a place that did couples erotic massages. They told how they lay nude on massage tables side-by-side while a nude man massaged Jaycee and a nude women massaged Delman. Of course, the massages ended with the woman stroking Delman to orgasm while the man finger fucked Jaycee to one.

That story, told in more detail than I've recounted it here, and a couple of others, along with the feel of Patti's ass, got me hard. Patti shifted so my dick pressed against her asshole. I tried to pull back a little. Patti leaned her head to my ear and softly said, "don't worry. That's the whole point of the stories. Every girl here has a hard dick in her ass right now."

"What were you whispering to Will?" Kay asked.

In a loud voice, Patti said, "I was just explaining to Will that every guy here is hard like he is right now and every one of those hard dicks is in the ass of the girl sitting in his lap, just like Will's dick is in my ass."

"He has a nice dick, doesn't he?" Anne asked.

"Yes, he does," Patti replied.

"Delman's is pretty nice too, but terribly big," Anne said.

"He can get bigger," Jaycee said with a laugh.

As we were driving away that night, Paula asked, "So, what did you think about FNN? Willing to join?"

The nudity and open sexuality, with no pressure to have sex with someone else, appealed to both Anne and me. "We loved it," Anne said.

"Where do we sign?" I asked.

Carl called the following Monday to tell us we'd been accepted into FNN. The dues were $ 1,800 per person per year, but FNN met 52 weeks a year. We paid immediately. We quickly learned that the core group, the people there every Friday, were Carl and Kay, Jaycee and Delman, Patti and Sebastian, and Paula and Grant. Anne and I became part of that core group.

As I already mentioned, Anne and I knew very few other people in the city. Those four couples became our friends. Along with FNN, we started doing clothed things with them, going out to restaurants or a ballgame. It was interesting to be out clothed with people with whom you went naked every week. Of course, it didn't take too many FNN gatherings before Kay, Patti, Jaycee, and Paula had all handled my dick and I had fondled their tits and cunts.

We were so relaxed and familiar with each other that we often forgot we were atypical. The ten of us were at an art show in a city park one Sunday. After about an hour, a woman we didn't know came up to us. "I've been watching you," she said, "You are so, uh, loose with each other that I can't figure out who is partners with who." I sensed the woman did not mean that as a compliment.

Jaycee did not miss a beat. "We all live together," she said. "We switch partners every night." The strange woman beat a quick retreat as we tried hard not to laugh. In fact, none of us ever had sex with anyone else's partner.

After we'd been at our jobs about eighteen months, Anne and I decided we were secure enough to have a child. We both wanted one child and we wanted to have the child while we were young enough that we'd be able to do things with him or her when the child grew up. We went off birth control and Anne soon got pregnant.

I've said several times already in this story how beautiful Anne was, and still is. She became even more beautiful as the pregnancy progressed. Paula introduced us to a photographer at a local ad agency the company gave work to. The photographer took a series of nudes of Anne, and Anne and me together, starting when Anne's pregnancy first showed up until days before she delivered.

Thankfully, Gwyneth, our daughter, was born without any problems. Anne and I continued to go nude at home all the time while Gwen was too young to know what was going on. However, around Gwen's first birthday, we started staying clothed around her. We decided that we would be a clothed family, when Gwen was present, until she turned eighteen. While it was dishonest and unfair to Gwen in hindsight, we also decided that she would not know about our nude lifestyle. When she turned eighteen, we'd talk to her about it and give her the option to try going nude.

For years, we hired a sitter for Gwen on Fridays so we could go to FNN. We just told Gwen that we "went out" with a group of friends on Fridays. When we went to Florida to visit Monica and Ed, Gwen stayed with Anne's parents, who only lived about one hundred miles away. Fortunately, Gwen loved her grandparents, who also did not know about our nudism.

The conversation we planned with Gwen when she turned eighteen didn't happen. She turned eighteen in the fall of her senior year of high school. That was a busy time. Gwen was applying to colleges, striving very successfully to get high grades, and working hard on her tennis. Gwen graduated high school as salutatorian and made it to the state high school tennis tournament that year.

There was another reason why I put off the planned conversation about nudism. As she entered her teens, Gwen developed into an exceptionally beautiful young woman. She had inherited some of my build, so she was taller and had a larger frame than her mother. Gwen also had a fuller figure than Anne. She did have Anne's natural gracefulness and, thankfully, Gwen's facial features were much more Anne's than mine. The two women were different, but, looking at them together, you could tell they were related. When they were together in public, they quite literally turned heads. I simply couldn't bring myself to tell my beautiful, sexy daughter that it was perfectly ok for her to get naked around me. Anne didn't completely agree with me on that, but she understood my discomfort.

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