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Timber Pack Chronicles Ch. 03

Story Info
Colton's group grows by one with the addition of Parker.
6.6k words

Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/26/2022
Created 10/04/2011
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Monday morning found Parker's nerves about to bubble over.

Was Colton really going to pick him up for school? Thinking back, it seemed like a faraway dream. Colton seemed to have done a complete one-eighty. The hunk didn't even know Parker existed, then he moved in on Parker, only to pull away. And now... now he was all possessive and aggressive.

It might have creeped Parker out if he wasn't completely and utterly turned on by it.

He had practically locked himself in his bedroom all weekend. A blush crept up his cheeks as he thought about how many times he had smelled Colton's shirt. Not to mention how many times he had worked his dick until it was practically raw while remembering the way Colton touched him and kissed him.

Parker took one last look at himself in the mirror, checking out the outfit that Shell picked out for him. Satisfied, he grabbed his backpack and gym bag, shut his bedroom door and bounded down the stairs.

"Mom?" he called out. "Dad?"

He didn't expect an answer, but when the doorbell rang instead, it startled him enough that he jumped.

Parker opened the front door to find Colton Butler standing there. Colton Butler! At his house! To see him! Oh man, he looked like a god dressed in his blue and white FVHS letter jacket, tight denim jeans and boots.

"Hi," Parker said. He bit his bottom lip to keep from sighing dreamily. He still couldn't believe that Colton was here.

"Hey, pup." Colton stepped inside the house and shut the door behind him. "Your parents around?"

"No, they're already at work."


Colton grabbed Parker by the shirt, yanked him close and then kissed him senseless. He worked his way down the left side of Parker's neck, then pulled the shirt collar aside and sucked hard on Parker's neck, darkening the fading mark. He sucked and bit at the curve of tender flesh and rubbed his bearded chin across the mark.

Parker let out a quiet whimper and grabbed onto Colton's hard body, his fingers digging into the arms of the larger boy's jacket as his knees buckled.

Colton groaned as he nipped his teeth along Parker's neck. "Damn. You taste so good."

"You didn't shave," Parker whispered. Colton's goatee scraped along Parker's skin, making him shudder with need.

Colton stopped what he was doing. "Is it bothering you?"

"God no," Parker moaned as his head rolled back, giving Colton more access.

"Good, because my beard grows fast and I always have stubble."

Colton continued kissing up and down Parker's neck. When Colton finally stepped back, Parker opened his eyes to see Colton's smug grin. Colton rubbed his thumb over the base of Parker's neck, seemingly pleased with himself.

Parker blinked. "It's warm in here," he muttered as he wiped his forehead.

Colton gave Parker one more quick kiss before picking up Parker's backpack and gym bag. "Let's go, pup."

Parker locked the door behind them while Colton tossed his bags into the wide back seat of his car. Parker jogged up behind Colton and grinned at the sexy man.

"Why do you keep calling me 'pup'?"

Colton chuckled. "Because you're cute and eager to please. Just like a puppy."

"Oh." Parker ducked his head, trying to hide the blush that was creeping up his face. The nickname was all kinds of embarrassing, but Parker decided that he liked that Colton called him 'pup'. He liked it a lot. "That's okay, I guess."

"Glad you approve," said Colton with a smirk.

Parker had the strong feeling that Colton would have kept calling him 'pup' whether or not Parker approved.

"Hi guys!"

Parker groaned and turned around at the sound of his friend's sing-songy voice. Shell was bouncing down her front steps, waving her fingers. The scheming smile on her face was enough to make Parker very nervous.

"Hi, Shell."

"Hey," Colton said.

"See you at school," Parker said before he quickly got into Colton's car, hoping to save himself from any potential embarrassment at the hands of his best friend.

Colton pulled into the parking lot, taking one of the parking spaces that was miraculously empty at front and center. Parker wondered if people purposely left it open for him. He wouldn't be surprised.

Parker got out of the car and grabbed his bags from the back seat. "Thanks for the ride, Colton. Um... so I guess I will see you later... maybe? If you want... I mean... Um..."

Parker wanted to crawl under a rock and die. God, he was such a dork.

Colton pulled his phone from his jacket pocket and looked at the screen. "We got plenty of time. Relax a little. C'mere."

Parker moved around to the other side of the car where Colton was leaning.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend before?" Colton asked.

"No. Have you?"

"Not until now," he replied. He pulled Parker close and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

Parker blushed and glanced around. He couldn't believe that Colton just kissed him in the school parking lot. The public display of affection was so inappropriate, but Parker would never deny a chance to kiss the hunky man.

Colton pulled Parker to his side and leaned back against his car. He appeared to be casual and relaxed, but somehow Parker could tell that Colton was on high alert, taking in his surroundings. Was he worried about being seen with Parker? No, that wasn't it. If that was the case, he wouldn't have kissed Parker.

A loud pickup truck pulled into the empty space next to Colton's Lincoln. Jed shut the monster truck's rumbling engine off and hopped out. He spit onto the ground as he rounded the truck to join Colton and Parker. "Hey, bub," he said to Colton. He adjusted the backwards ball cap on his head as he looked between Colton and Parker. "I miss something?"

Colton put his arm around Parker's shoulders. "Yup. Parker agreed to let me be his boyfriend."

Parker smiled. Like he had much of a choice. "I don't think Colton would have taken 'no' for an answer."

"I get what I want," Colton said, puffing up his chest.

Jed chuckled. "Good for you, man," he said with a nod of his head.

A silver sports car pulled into the spot on the other side of Colton's car. Trey got out and grabbed his backpack. He walked over and said 'hey' to Colton and Jed, holding out his fist for each to tap. When he held out his fist to Parker, the smaller boy mimicked the others and tapped Trey's fist, feeling like a total dork, but desperately wanting to fit in with Colton and his friends.

One of the varsity soccer players walked past and caught Jed's eye. Jed leaned against his truck and casually cupped his crotch. "Hey, bud," Jed called out to him, his voice low and growly.

"Hey, Jed," he mumbled. His face turned red and he picked up his pace. Jed massaged his crotch as he stared at his retreating ass. He clicked his tongue, and muttered to himself, "That's some good ass right there. Gotta hit that again."

Parker had to pick his jaw up off the ground. He couldn't believe that Jed was acting so... open. But then again, he had just kissed Colton. Even if it was a quick peck and no one had seen them.

A pair of cheerleaders walked past. "Hey, Trey," they said at the same time before giggling.

Trey nodded with a lift of his chin and winked, flashing them a dazzling smile. "Good morning, ladies."

The girls giggled again and ran off, whispering to each other.

Colton shook his head. "You guys better not get anyone pregnant or so help me..."

Jed laughed. "Don't worry. He made me wear a rubber."

"No one wants to hear all that," Trey said with a laugh.

"I thought that guy was straight," Parker said quietly to Colton about the soccer jock. "Isn't he dating that girl on the basketball team?"

Jed snorted. "Straight. Yeah, straight onto my dick."

Colton ignored Jed's boasting and looked at his phone. "Let's go."

Trey and Jed flanked Colton as they started to walk. Parker trailed behind until Colton turned back and grabbed his hand. He pulled Parker next to him, forcing the smaller boy to walk in step with him, right between Colton and Jed. He tried to pull his hand away, but Colton wasn't letting go.

As they made their way across the grass towards the school entrance, Parker could feel everyone's eyes on him. They probably wondered how Parker had managed to get in the position he was in. With Colton's tight grip on his hand, there wasn't any doubt as to who he was.

He was Colton's.

Parker smiled happily.

* * *

Parker was surprised to see Colton waiting by his locker at lunch time. He glanced around. Was he really here to see Parker? Not that he wasn't happy to see him. Parker had daydreamed about Colton all morning, barely paying attention to his classes, and grateful that the desk covered his tented lap.

"Hi, Colton."

"Hey, pup."

The sound of Colton's deep, rich voice had Parker's dick pushing against the fly of his jeans wanting to come out and play. If he kept leaking into his underwear like this, he was going to need to change them before the day was through.

Colton grabbed Parker's hand, pulling him with a gentle tug. "Come on, we're going out."

"Oh. I usually eat with Shell."

"She's a big girl. She'll be okay."

Parker bit his bottom lip and looked away. Parker didn't want to be mean to Shell, but he really wanted to go with Colton.

Colton squeezed Parker's hand and his voice softened. "She can come with us if you want."

Parker grinned. "Thanks."

Shell jogged up at that moment. "Sorry I'm late. Oh. Hi, Colton."

"We're going out for lunch," Colton said to her. "You can come with us if you want. Let's go, pup."

As they exited the school, they were joined by Jed and Trey, who took their normal positions flanking Colton.

"Wassup, girl?" Trey asked Shell as she moved up next to him.

"Boy, nothin'," she said with a giggle and a hair flip.

Parker coughed into his hand to disguise his laugh and Shell shot him a dirty look.

"You wanna ride with me?" Trey asked her.

Shell's face quickly changed into a smile for Trey just in time. "Sure."

Trey looked over at Jed. "You're in the back, bubba."

"Asshole," Jed muttered.

As soon as Parker and Colton got into his car, Colton leaned in and kissed Parker. He rubbed his hand over the top and back of Parker's head and then squeezed the back of his neck. His dark brown eyes stared into Parker's for a moment before he pulled away and started the car.

'Colton missed me,' Parker thought as he relaxed into the seat, feeling more comfortable.

They went to the burger place a couple of blocks down the street from the school. The place was crowded, but as soon as Colton walked in, it seemed like a table magically opened up.

Lunch was great. Parker couldn't believe how much food the three big guys packed in. Colton, Trey and Jed each had two double cheeseburgers with the works. That was like a full pound of meat! Parker could barely finish his single burger.

The burger was nice and juicy, one of the best he ever had. The juices dripped down Parker's hand and he leaned forward and swiped his tongue up his hand. Feeling like he was being watched, he looked up to see Colton staring at his mouth. "What?" Parker muttered, feeling self-conscious.

Colton's eyes lifted from Parker's lips to his eyes. He let out a quiet grunt and leaned in close to Parker's ear. "You're so fucking sexy," he whispered for Parker's ears only.

Parker didn't expect the lewd compliment, but he liked it. How could he not? Colton Butler thought he was sexy.

Colton nipped the skin of Parker's neck with his teeth. Parker scrunched his shoulders, hiding his neck from those biting teeth, and laughed.

He was quickly finding out that Colton was a very tactile person. Colton turned back to his lunch and Parker watched him for a moment. He had a feeling that Colton Butler was going to be a continuous source of amusement and surprise.

Shell and Trey flirted the entire lunch and it was funny to watch. Parker couldn't wait to get her alone to tease her. He was already positive that she was going to tease the hell out of him.

As they headed back to Colton's car, Colton opened the passenger door for Parker. As Parker moved to get in, Colton stumbled and spilled his entire to-go drink all over Parker.

"Oh my god," Parker gasped as the cold soda and ice splashed all over his neck and chest.

"Oops. Sorry, pup," Colton said. Before Parker could even do anything about it, Colton had pulled out a shirt from his back seat and held it out to Parker. "Here. Put this on."

Parker pulled his sopping wet shirt over his head, wiping off his bare chest with it as he did. When he looked up, he saw Colton staring at his chest and his hard nipples, his tongue practically hanging out of his mouth. Parker blushed and covered himself modestly with the wet shirt. Colton snapped out of his daze and they traded shirts. Colton casually tossed Parker's soda-soaked shirt onto the floor of the backseat.

Parker pulled the white polo shirt over his head and smoothed it down. He was swimming in it, but damn if it didn't have that distinctive smell that just screamed Colton. He looked down at the left breast, where the logo of the Timberwolves mascot profile was stitched. Below it was embroidered BUTLER and the number 66. It was the shirt they got after they made regionals last year.

Jed and Trey snickered. "He's smooth," Jed muttered to Trey, who nodded in agreement, clearly impressed.

"Are you sure you want me to wear this?" Parker quietly asked Colton, glancing towards Jed and Trey. "It has your name on it."


Colton held the car door open for Parker and shut it behind him.

* * *

When they got back to school, Colton pinned Parker in the doorway of an empty classroom, hiding him out of sight. He leaned in close, his lips hovering above Parker's. He wanted to ravish his pup, to feel his cock surrounded by Parker's body. All he had to do was move forward another couple of inches and Parker would feel his arousal. It took all of his control not to do that. He could wait. Just a little longer.

"Colton," Parker whispered as he looked around.

"Kiss me, pup," Colton whispered back.

Parker lifted onto his toes and pressed his lips against Colton's. He opened his mouth as Colton's tongue slid into his mouth.

Damn, his pup knew how to kiss. And that meant he'd be good with his mouth in other ways. Colton let out an involuntary groan. Just the thought of his cock sliding into Parker's mouth was nearly enough to make him come.

The clearing of a throat had Colton reluctantly pulling away. He didn't have to turn around to know who was behind him. He could smell him. He wanted to growl and snap at the intruder's interruption. Parker hid behind Colton, wanting to hide and shrink away.

Colton turned around, shielding Parker from Principal Shaw's probing eyes.

Shaw narrowed his eyes at Colton. "Don't you have class, Mr. Butler?"

Colton glared back at him. "I do."

The older, grey-haired man looked around Colton and lifted his brow at Parker. "Mr. Montgomery," he said with undisguised shock.

That only pissed off Colton more. As if someone as sweet and innocent as Parker wouldn't be caught dead with the likes of someone like Colton.

"Mr. Shaw," Parker muttered, not meeting his eyes. Colton could feel the trembles coming off Parker's body.

Colton moved to block Shaw's view of Parker. He ground his teeth together as he stared at Shaw. He didn't like that the man made his pup feel scared, made him feel small. Colton wasn't scared of the older wolf. Colton was bigger and stronger. He could take him without batting an eye. And Shaw knew it. Colton never moved his eyes away from Shaw's.

Finally Shaw averted his eyes, gazing down towards the floor. "Get to class."

Colton scoffed and sneered at the weaker man.

He turned back to Parker and rubbed his knuckles under his pup's chin. "Wait for me after practice, okay?" he said tenderly, trying to soothe Parker's nerves.

Parker's eyes darted to where Shaw was hovering, then looked back at Colton and nodded. "Okay. I'll see you later then."


Parker gave Colton a sweet smile, and Colton watched Parker wave and hurry off to class.

He gave Shaw one more glare before casually strolling to his own class.

* * *

After cheer practice and a quick shower, Parker met up with Shell in the parking lot. "Hey. Colton is giving me a ride home."

"I bet," she said with a snicker. "You're already the talk of the school, you know. Holding hands with the campus stud. Walking around wearing his regionals shirt."

Parker ignored her comments. "You seemed to get pretty cozy with Trey."

Shell shrugged. "He's hot and all, but he just wants one thing. And I, sir, am a lady." She flipped her ponytail and batted her eyelashes.

"Mm-hmm. That's not what I heard."

"I told you that in the strictest confidence, so if you bring it up, I get to kill you. And I told you that being the school mascot would get you laid, so you owe me big."

"I don't think the mascot has anything to do with that."

"People are shocked that Colton is gay, you know."

"Not as shocked as I am. I know people have been talking about it. When I walk into a room, it's like everyone suddenly stops talking. It's gonna take some getting used to."

"Well, I don't think you have to worry about anyone or anything-- Hey, I thought you said Colton broke TJ's arm."

"He did."

Parker turned towards the direction of Shell's gaze and watched the football team come in from their practice field. He got a nasty glare from both Seth and TJ. TJ, who was holding his helmet with his right arm -- the arm that should be in a cast.

Parker looked back at Shell, completely flabbergasted. "I... I swear, Shell. His arm was broken. I heard the snap and I saw the bone sticking out. He was all bloody."

Colton broke from the team and walked up to Parker. "Hey, pup. Gimme a few minutes to shower."

Parker got all flustered thinking about Colton in the shower, but was able to recover quickly. "Okay. Colton? I thought TJ.... Never mind."

Colton nodded and turned and caught back up with the rest of the team. Parker watched him speaking quietly with Jed and Trey, who both turned and looked at Parker. Parker immediately dropped his eyes.

Shell looked at Parker with a raised eyebrow. "Uh, 'Pup'?"

"Shut up," Parker muttered, ignoring Shell's snickers and trying his best not to blush.

* * *

"Thanks for the ride home, Colton," Parker told the big guy as he pulled into the driveway and shut the engine. "Do you want to come in?"

"Yeah. I can chill for a bit."

"Cool. Um, maybe you should park your car in front of the house in case Mom or Dad comes home."

After Colton moved his car, he followed Parker into the house.

"You got a nice place," Colton said as he looked around.

"Thanks," he replied with a humble shrug. "My parents do pretty good, so..."

They went into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of water bottles, then moved into the family room.

Colton sat down on the sofa and pulled Parker down with him. He put his arms around him and gave him a blistering kiss. As he pulled back, he nipped Parker's bottom lip with his teeth.

"I like kissing you," Parker whispered.

"And I like kissing you." Colton moved them so that Parker was laying on his back. Colton laid on his side against the back of the couch. He cradled Parker's head on his right bicep and wrapped his other arm possessively around Parker's waist.

"We should talk. Get to know each other better."

"That's a good idea," Colton said as he planted soft kisses along Parker's jaw.

Parker closed his eyes. "It's hard to concentrate when you do that."

"Mm. You smell and taste so fucking good."

"Yeah? What do I taste like?"

"Like mine."

Colton kissed Parker again, then stared down at him with an intensity like Parker had never seen before. Parker was about to laugh at Colton's corny 'mine' line, but suddenly it didn't seem to be funny. Heat was pouring off Colton. Parker could feel Colton's boner pressing against his leg.


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