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Time Never Waits Pt. 06


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"What about them?"

"They still work here?"

"Maybe, why?"

"I'm just curious."

I was starting to feel guilty again. I had grown fond of these three women. Especially after they dropped the lingo bullshit...Papi, jefe, patrone... All that shit. Fuck it.

"Tell you what. I'll let you have your jobs back. You get one chance. You pull that shit with me again. You're all out on the spot. Now go to work."

I called Sabrina over. They both came and sat down.

"Travis, this is Marilyn Fowler. She owns the domestic service business."

She had a low cut blouse on, the top two buttons open. She was obviously going for a Tit Tease here. Most likely assuming my 'youth' would make me susceptible to her feminine wiles. That mistake will cost her.

"Well, you interested in selling?"

"I haven't thought about it. If you care to make an offer?"

"One Dollar."

"Excuse me?"

"One dollar."

"Are you serious?"


She stared at me like she was unsure what dimension she was presently located in.

" Surely you're not serious."

"Look, you said make an offer. An offer indicates your willingness to negotiate. How am I supposed to know what number you have in mind? A dollar might have been it."

"I can assure you it's not."

"Ok. I opened the negotiating here. Now it's your turn."

"Two million. Includes office building. Two acres of real estate. All equipment, vehicles, cleaning supply inventory. Established customer list. Turn key business."

"Ok, two million and you take your blouse and bra off."

"Look, I'm not sure what's going on here, but this isn't funny."

"No, it's not funny. As for what's going on, we're negotiating. I thought I made that clear already."

"I'm NOT showing you my tits."

"Ok, one million."

"One point seven five."

"That with tits?"


Ok. Final offer. Anything over that requires tits. One point two five."

"No. I can't accept that."

"I understand. Hey y'all hungry? I'm about to eat some taco's. You're more than welcome to join me."

Sabrina looked at her."Oh, you just got to try these tacos."

"Ok, sure."


She hurried over.

"Tell Consuela I want a platter of tacos. Then make us a pitcher of Margaitas."

She took off. Then back to the bar and made the drinks. She brought the pitcher and three glasses over. Then poured the glasses full.

The doors opened and Alicia and her nanny came out. What the fuck was her name? Hell, I couldn't remember. I waved her over.

"You got everything you need? You happy?"

"Certainly. Everything is fine."

"Good, good. What are y'all doing?"

"She wants to play in the pool."

"Great, let me know if you need anything."

I reached out and touched her arm with my fingertips. She jerked away, drawing in a sharp breath. Now, what the fuck was that about?

I looked up into her face. She was flushed and sweating heavily.

"Are you ok? Can I get you anything? If you don't feel well, you need to sit down."

Her large, heavy breasts were rising and falling with her ragged breathing.

"No, I'm fine." She replied, unwilling to look me in the eyes.

I shrugged and turned back to my drink.

Sara brought out the platter of tacos. Corn tortillas, lightly softened in hot lard. Beef and pork roasted in spices until tender.Topped with grilled onions, fire roasted jalapeno, cilantro, with pico de gallo, and mexican hot sauce. The women just earned their money.

I went in the cabana and put on my shorts, then sat down to eat. God these were delicious. The two women were enjoying them judging by the way they were devouring them.

I filled my mug with margaita and headed for the pool. I looked back at Marilyn and Sabrina.

"Y'all come swimming!"

Marilyn looked at me, "Thanks, but I don't have a swim suit."

Sabrina took over, "I'm sure we have something that will fit that's clean."

Marilyn looked at me again, "This better not be some ploy to see my tits."

I held up my hand, "Scouts honor. No tit ogling."

They went inside and came out shortly with swimsuits on. Bikini's no less. I may have spoke too soon about refraining from ogling titties. But, alas, I am a man of my word, even if I do lack honor. Even scouts honor. I never participated in Scouting, preferring to spend all my free time developing advanced math skills and studying computer coding, even though it was in its fledgling years during this period of my education.

Sabrina got in first. Marilyn simply entranced me with the way everything about her seemed to wiggle or jiggle, including the way her large tits swayed when she walked. I distracted myself by going to where the nanny and Alicia were.

" I don't believe I've ever heard your name."

Without looking at me, she said, "Isabella Garza."

"Well, Ms Garza, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." I held out my hand.

She ignored it.

Now that's just plumb rude.

"Ms Garza, have I done something to offend you in some way?"

She just glanced at me, then asked, "Sir, do you require anything of me?"

I understood the question, what I failed to grasp was the fear i could see in her eyes.

I looked at her closer.She was 50 something. Attractive in an old fashioned matronly sort of way. Her eyes were black, with a pleasant light about them. 5'4", maybe around 160 to 170. Her large sagging breasts situated above her slightly fat tummy. Her skin a light brown with an ever so slight olive complexion. She was a 'comfortable' woman. The kind of woman you appreciate because of the order she brought to her environment.

I decided to leave well enough alone. Taking one last look at her, I shook my head,

"No, I do not."

I saw what were most likely tears in her eyes before turning away.

I went to the other women. I saw my mother, grandmother, Ruth and Angela sitting at their table eating breakfast. I approached Marilyn and Sabrina. I was looking at Marilyn's tits bobbing in the water, swaying when she moved. Her nipples the size of the end of her thumb sticking out proudly beneath the sheer bikini top that barely served to contain her spectacular tits.

My cock was waking up, telling me in a loud and booming voice, "Hey boy, fuck you and your word. Let me at them titties."

I have the power to take over the entire fucking world on a whim, but I couldn't control my wiener. How pathetic is that?

"Y'all having a good time?"

Marilyn spoke up, "Yes, thank you. Those tacos were indeed delectable."

"Glad you enjoyed them."

"Mr Miller, I must confess that I find the level and quality of your hospitality most surprising."

"Oh? How so?"

"Well, to begin with, I compare my experience with other clients of a comparable age. I find the completely lacking in social graces. You, on the other hand, manage to divulge your depravity with grace and style. I like that."

She sipped her drink. Cocking her head, she took a step toward me. "You intrigue me, Mr Miller. There's obviously more to your underlying character than meets the eye. I look forward to getting to know you better, if, of course, I'm allowed too."

I studied her face closely. "Aw shit." I jerked my head around at Isabella. Then back to Marilyn. Now I understood what was going on. That shit I had going on with my pheromones, or whatever the fuck it was. It was effecting both women. How the hell do I get ahead of this shit? I'm not trying to add anymore to my ad hoc harem. I could barely keep up with the core group as it was. I wanted to spend some more time with quality coupling with Angela, mom, grandma and Ruth.

"Well, Marilyn, I'll tell you what, I, of course, am always amenable to getting closer aquainted with my business associates."

"Is that what I am? A business associate?"

"No, not really. We concluded our association earlier. Unsuccessfully, but I acquiesce the point."

"Nonsense, I was under the impression that we had only begun in negotiating terms."

"Ok, here's my final offer. I won't pay a dime more than two point five for it. Well, let me correct that. I will go an even three if you stay on the payroll as general manager on salary."

"What sort of salary are we talking about here?"

"How much you need?"

"One fifty and benefits."

"Done. Sabrina will finish it up."

"Hold on a second. What happened to the inclusion of my tits in the process?"

"Well, babe, I'm afraid that ship has docked and sailed. I only offer that perk once per negotiation."

"Oh really? I thought you opened new negotiations with this offer? Which I don't fully understand, by the way."

"What's not to understand? I made an offer, you accepted. I had brought your tits into it earlier because I want to bury my head between them and get lost for a while. You cut me off at the knees after three attempts. That's what is referred to as a strike out. I struck out. So, no more titty involvement. I may be a lot of things, but a glutton for punishment is not one on that list of attributes."

"As far as understanding my current offer goes, I'm not selfish and I reward hardwork and devotion to a cause. I found out what you value your company at. My offer reveals my valuation. It's actually pretty simple if you think about it."

"I see. Well Mr. Miller, what else intrigues you beyond tits and devotion to hard work?"

"Now that's a loaded question."

"No. I don't think so."

"Ok, I'll answer that. But not in the water. I need a fresh drink and some shade."

I waded out of the pool, then went and sat down. Sara came over immediately.

"Beam and Coke."

Marilyn came over with Sabrina, and sat down. When Sara brought me my drink, Marilyn picked it up and tasted it.

"I'll have what he's having."

Sabrina said, "Just sweet tea."

I drained half my drink, leaned back and closed my eyes.

Marilyn said, "Ok, Mr Miller, what resides behind that handsome face beyond a tit fetish?"

I looked at her, taking her in.

"Oh many things. Like spending a summer evening with friends and family. Meat on the pit. The low conversation. The laughter of children running and playing. Good music. The smoke from meat fires wafting through the trees."

"Or perhaps standing on the beach on a clear night. The moon full. The sky filled with stars. The moonlight glistening off the rippling water, like a sea of myriad diamonds glistening across the distance. A driftwood fire casting its dancing shadows across the sand."

"Feeling the metaphysical presence of the ocean and its timeless depths. The cool breeze flowing across its vastness from distant lands, caressing your cheeks. The whispering voices of The Ancient Ones who stood there ages ago where you now stand, carried in on the wind. Holding the hand of their loved one. Gazing out into the vastness of the Galaxy. Wondering who may be out there on some distant planet, looking back. What are they thinking? What are their hopes? Their dreams?"

"The sound of your boots on the old wooden floorboards of an old hardware store. Polished and worn over decades of foot steps. The old items sitting on the dusty shelves. Some shoved to the back, long forgotten. The smells of machine oil. Iron. New boots on the shelves. The big, old ceiling fans sweeping overhead. The smells and textures of a dying era leaving you filled with the sadness of change."

"Maybe it would be the old feed store. The smells of fresh hay. Of grain. Of new leather saddles. Of liniments and snake oil ointments. The old woodstove in the corner. Surrounded by old men reminiscing about the weather. The price of heifers. All adding up to something that can't be valued in cash or currency, but only in the appreciation of a time passing us by."

"Those are the things that I hold dear in my heart. The value of devotion to a simpler life, while being surrounded by pervading technology."

"Anyway, I hope that answers your question. Sabrina?"

She had been sitting there staring at me.

"Are you alright?"

"Uh, yes, I think so."

"Ok. I got a job for you."


"I need a new pit. I don't like that little dimestore crap over there. I need a pit."

"Ok, I'll get on it right now."

She got up and left. Leaving Marilyn with me alone. I drained my glass. Sara brought two more.

I got up to go to the bathroom.

Angela came over. She was starting to show her pregnancy, as was Sara. She sat down, looking at Marilyn.

She held out her hand. "I'm Angela, his wife."

You would have thought someone shoved a cattle prod up her twat, the way she reacted.

"Wife? I didn't know he was married."

"Oh, yes, very much so. But don't worry, you can use him, you just can't keep him. He's mine. I am somewhat surprised, though."

"Surprised? How?"

"That he hasn't tried to tit fuck you already. Those are some serious mammaries you got going on there."

"Wait, you're his wife but you let him fuck other women?"

"Marilyn, I don't 'let' him do anything. He's capable of making his own decisions. He's also got a voracious sexual appetite, not to mention a cock half the size of my arm. The thing is, when he's done fucking you, he'll come home satisfied, and give me his love."

She held her hand up and Sara came over with a fresh glass of tea. Angela held her hand to Sara's swollen belly.

"This is his baby. As is the one in my belly. Anyway, I just wanted you to know."

She paused a moment.

"To be perfectly honest, I think I would truly enjoy watching him fuck you. I couldn't promise that he'd be interested, though. "

She smiled and walked away.

Marilyn watched her go. Hardly believing what she just heard. Yet, something inside her felt compelled to spread her legs for this kid. It wasn't just the way he talked or expressed his ideas. It was something more primitive. Her body was subconsciously priming itself to let him breed her. God knows she wanted a child. He obviously had the genetics. He's built like a Greek god. His intelligence is out of this world. His crotch looks like he has a fucking squirrel stuffed in there. Hell yeah, I'll take his sperm. Now, I just have to figure out how to undo the damage I've already done to my chances of enticing him between my legs.

I came out of the bathroom, went to the bar and got a fresh drink. Then turned on the island music straight out of the Caribbean islands. Well, not exactly. This is actually Mexican coastal music with a Caribbean twist. I just love the sound of the steel drum, especially when it's accompanied by spanish guitar. Anyhow, I cranked it up.

Now, back to the pool. I looked the pool over. I think I'm going to revamp the whole damn thing. I envisioned rock structures with a grotto and waterfall. A beach entry. Fire features. A swim up bar. Fountains with colored lights. A larger Tiki bar. An outdoor kitchen and fireplace. Huge fucking hot tub. Custom sound system. Like Margaritaville on steroids.

I looked around. All this wasted space. There's room over there for a sound stage. Hell why not. I'm talking about live bands.

I looked around. Where the hell is Sabrina. I remembered the radios. I spun around to go to my table and just about ran over Marilyn coming up to me.

"Oh, excuse me." I apologized. "Is there something you need? Anything I can get for you?"

I saw Sara coming out carrying a case of liquor. I let her put it down.


She came hurrying over.

"Go get Sabrina, please. I believe she's in her room."

She took off. I turned back to Marilyn.

"I'm sorry. What was it you needed again?"

She stepped up to me, moving to wrap her arms around me. I side stepped.

"Whoa there. Now, what's all this about?"

"I thought you were interested in me?"

"Well, ok. Yes, I was, earlier. But I thought we covered that already. You burned me three times. You know, the whole strike out thing and all that?"

"You were serious about that?"

"Indeed I was. I give three chances then I move on. Not an exact science or anything, but, you know, it serves me well. So, anyway, if there's anything else I can do for you?"

"No, thank you."

Three strikes? Really? No man I have ever moved on like this has refused me. Until now. He flat rejected me! What the fuck? Well, we'll see about this. I dove under water and came up topless. Facing him.Thrusting my chest out.

"Um, I'm sorry, but I have a rule concerning nudity in the pool. We have a child on the premises."

Did I just hear him correctly? No nudity in the pool? Now he's gone too far!

"Well, Mr Miller, you can shove your offer for my company up your ass."

I went to the cabana to change clothes. Deciding to leave. Why did I feel so empty, though. It was like I was already missing him or something. The more I fought the feeling, the stronger it got, until it pervaded my every pore. The feeling I got when close to him was unnatural. Fuck, what was wrong with me?

Sabrina came out. I went to my table and sat, motioning for her. After she was seated, I laid it out for her. As I was speaking, I felt a presence behind me. I turned and saw Marilyn standing there. I nodded to her and turned back to Sabrina.

"Ok, so what's the status on the warehouse build, the pipeline and the water filtration system?"

"They are finishing the concrete pour on the main building. The addition of the onsite cement plant has us a couple of months ahead of schedule on that. So it should be finished well ahead of projections. I talked to the pipeliners. I authorized the purchase of around 2,000 miles of line already in place. It runs from here to somewhere east of Denver. With some offshoots. i got with Margie and we worked out a map of all your holdings. I authorized the restoration company to begin revamping it. They're steady on it. I need to look it over with you to get an idea of where you want to supply water to. That way we can maximize production of the offshoots. I have them scheduled to begin construction of the filtration system as soon as they finish the engineering blueprints. Nobody's ever ordered a system that size. I'm having the site prepped for handling the brine. Making salt through evaporation. You said you wanted an acid plant built, so, I got an equipment manfacturer putting one together as we speak. I authorized the labor for three crews working around the clock and have active recruiting for chemists and crew. Everything's running on time."

I turned and looked. Marilyn was still standing there.

"I wish you would sit down or something."

" Can I have a word?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

"The way I acted earlier. I'm truly sorry for that."

"No problem. I hope you work out whatever's eating at you. Let me know if I can help."

"You can give me another chance."

"Another chance at what?"

"To start over. From the beginning."

"Ok, start over. Whatever that means."

"I was thinking we could go somewhere private and talk."

I laughed at that. "Honey, this is as private as my life gets right now. If you have something to say, spit it out. I'm busy, and got a lot going on."

"I see that. So, about our negotiating over my business."

I shook my head. "No, I gave you that meeting this morning. That's all you get. I'm just too busy to play these games. That ship has sailed. You can set up another appointment. I might be available to discuss business with you in a year maybe. Depending. So, thank you for stopping by."

"A year, I'm supposed to wait a year?!"

"Look, what do you expect from me? I negotiate in good faith. You turn down three offers. I wind up offering you a million cash over your initial price, plus I gave you a job paying double the going rate for your position, plus fully paid benefits. I respect your wishes and don't objectify you because you have big tits. I open up my mind to you. Sharing parts of what makes me who I am"

"I offer you my full hospitality. I feed you. Let you swim in my pool, drink my booze. Then you act like a spoiled child when I don't bow to your wishes like I'm some errant servant. Now you're back again, wasting my time, upsetting me because I offer you a second chance at another business meeting."

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