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Time Rider Ch. 06


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"Just wait until you see my cunt, then," Kiya replied, shivering beneath her sister's kisses. How she'd missed them! "And let me see if yours has become everything I've ever dreamed of."

Nanu nodded and then wiggled around until her hips were over Kiya's face. In the dim light, the older sister could see the tempting slit, glistening with arousal and shaved curiously smooth. It must have been how they did things in distant Rome, of which her little sister was now apparently queen or some such thing. Without a moment's hesitation, she craned her head up and began kissing, sending shudders through Nanu and making her moan.

The sisters kissed and lapped at one another, lovers reunited after agonizing years apart. They fell into it naturally, remembering what the other loved and craved, even if their bodies had changed in the interim. Nanu sighed in bliss at the taste of her sister, cloying and sweet on her tongue. She felt Kiya go rigid as one of her fingers slipped inside her slit.

They rolled slowly onto their sides, legs locked around each other's head as they sucked on one another's pussy hungrily, lost in mutual pleasure. Mark and Becky kept watching, undulating and squirming as quietly as they could, letting the sisters rediscover their lost love.

Nanu and Kiya were moaning into one another's pussies now, little gasps escaping them. They could see Nanu's ass cheeks clenching and pushing forward against her sister's face, even while Kiya slithered her tongue around inside her. They were both trembling and sweating now, bodies shining in the dim, flickering orange light inside the tent.

"Ooh, here we go," Becky whispered, her hand reaching back to rest on Mark's neck and help keep her braced against him. "Let's see how long this has been pent up..."

Both sisters were shaking now, but still lapping and sucking on each other relentlessly, squeaking and whimpering as they tried to hold out. But their lust would not be denied, and they both keened and strained, finally cumming. Mark and Becky watched in fascinated delight as Nanu bathed her sister's face in her glistening cum, and heard her moaning as Kiya reciprocated.

Becky shivered and pressed her ass back against Mark, hard, sighing as she began to cum as well. Mark pressed forward with his hips, pushing his cock as far inside her as he could, pumping his cum deep into her greedy pussy. They squirmed and ground against each other, with Mark biting Becky's neck and her fingers running through his hair.

"Mmmmmm, Mark..." she cooed, nuzzling against him, loving the feel of his molten cum inside her. "You have no idea how good this feels."

"If it's one tenth as good as that, then pretty damn incredible," Mark said, nodding at Nanu and Kiya, who were still kissing one another's pussies, murmuring quietly and caressing.

Nanu disengaged her mouth from Kiya's womanhood and turned around again, lying on top of her sister as they began kissing again, tasting themselves on each other's lips. Kiya moved her right leg and Nanu her left, shifting around until their gooey pussies were squashed together, which they both obviously found immensely comforting.

They ended their kiss, and Nanu looked over at Mark and Becky dreamily, her face shining with cum. "I would like to let Kiya taste you both..."

Mark and Becky nodded, remembering that they were still pretending Nanu was noble and they were mere slaves. Mark slowly pulled his cock out of Becky and rolled onto his back. He pulled his teacher on top of him, facing up, with his cock poking up between her legs. The sisters crawled over, with Kiya looking rather hesitant, but trusting her little sister. She gazed at Mark's erect member and Becky's slit in wonder.

"He's huge," she breathed, unconsciously licking her lips. "You're lucky to have such a big cock at your disposal whenever you like, Nanu."

"Don't I know it," giggled the younger sister, taking hold of Mark's tool and holding it up for Kiya, while she began kissing Becky's pussy, shivering as she tasted Mark's cum dribbling out of her mistress. "You'll love the taste of this cunt, too."

Kiya began experimenting with kissing Mark's cock, which was glistening with his and Becky's mingled cum. The Egyptian girl seemed intimidated by its size initially, but remembered that Nanu clearly loved it, so there must be nothing to fear. Her hand joined Nanu's around the base of the shaft and soon she was sliding her tongue up and down his length, much like Nanu was doing to Becky's sweet slit.

The sisters paused to kiss, tongues tangling as they shared the cum they'd both lapped up, humming contentedly into one another's mouth. To watch them, Mark would have sworn they'd done this before. They both stroked his shaft, while Nanu caressed Becky's pussy.

The two girls pressed their foreheads together, giggling at some secret between them. Nanu looked at Becky and Mark warmly. "We should sleep, my family will not leave us alone for long. And I want my sister to try fucking you both before we must leave."

"I do not want you to go," Kiya sighed. "I just got you back, Tahamet, it breaks my heart that you intend to leave again. Couldn't... couldn't you and your servants stay with us? You could even lead our family, since you are the one with the wealth. We could live wherever we wanted. I wanted to raise my daughter with you, my other half, missing for so long."

Nanu's eyes glistened as she looked over at Mark and Becky. The blonde woman smiled lovingly. "Nanu," she said gently in Latin, which Kiya didn't speak. "This is your decision. If you want to stay with your sister and your family, Mark and I will understand. We'll leave the money with you, and even come and visit you when we can."

The tear on her cheek was proof of how torn the young woman was by this decision. And it was one she had to make alone, possibly for the first time in her entire life. It had to be terrible for her. Finally, she hung her head for several moments, and when she looked back up, she was smiling.

"Ki, I must go back to my life,", she sighed, her mind made up. "Trust me, I really want to stay, or to take you with me, especially you and little Nanu, but it must be this way. I can promise to visit, and that will have to do."

"I understand," the older sister choked, nodding as her eyes welled over with tears. "I do. It's just hard. I'm so glad that you're alive and happy. It means so much to me. If the price is sending you away again, I can endure it. For you. For us. You know how in love with you I am."

"Same as I am with you," Nanu said, her voice cracking and tears flowing. "Just remember that I'll keep my promise and visit whenever I can."

The sisters grappled onto one another and began kissing feverishly, lying on their sides while their hands wandered freely. Mark chuckled and allowed Becky to clamber off him. She went to lie on the far side, spooning into Nanu and making sure she stayed pressed to her sister. Mark, meanwhile, spooned into Kiya, holding her in place against Nanu, while the two girls continued kissing and whimpering into one another's mouths. The two time travellers reached across and rested a hand on each other, smiling and relaxing, waiting for the Egyptian girls to nod off, their lips still pressed together in a forever-kiss.

It was a long-overdue night of safety and contentment for the two.


It was just dawn now, and Kiya looked like she was going into convulsions as she rocked up and down on top of Mark's cock. It was far the largest she'd ever had inside her, and it felt like it was splitting her open, like a wedge split wood. She could feel crackling and popping in her hips. How did Nanu, who was even smaller than her, endure it?

Becky was kneeling right behind Kiya over Mark's thighs, pressed into the smaller girl and smiling wickedly while she molested her breasts. Meanwhile, Nanu was kneeling over Mark's mouth, letting him lash her pussy with his tongue, while she faced into her older sister, loving the look on Kiya's face as she was almost fucked in half.

Kiya squirmed and writhed, gasping like she was being choked, her eyes rolling up into her head. It wasn't long before her pussy clenched Mark ferociously, and Nanu had to lean forward and kiss her sister before Kiya shrieked in unreal ecstasy and woke up the entire family over a over three hundred meh-ta away.

Mark ground into Nanu's pussy as he arched his hips, pushing up somehow deeper inside Kiya and then cumming, filling her so profusely that she was once again shaking like she was having a seizure. The squishy noises of his cum bubbling out of her filled the tiny tent. Nanu shivered and came on his mouth seconds later.

Becky hauled the nearly unconscious Kiya off of Mark's pole, while Nanu leaned down and sucked it clean quickly. She then moved forward quickly to lie between her sister's legs, sucking Mark's cum out of her pussy with a fiendish eagerness. Becky crawled over to join Mark and they watched the sisters quietly. Nanu finished draining Kiya of cum, finally, and crawled over her, nestling down onto her body. Not surprisingly, they were kissing again.

"Jeez, you ever seen too people more in love?" he mused, smirking as he lazily caressed her breasts while she sat in front of him.

"I ain't complaining about the show," Becky replied, nodding and grazing her fingernails along his forearm. "She must really believe in our promise to her if she's willing to leave her sister and niece behind to come with us. I feel slightly bad about it."

Mark shrugged. "She wouldn't have even had this choice without us, Becks," he pointed out. "Clearly our offer means a lot to her. 'sides, she knows she can always visit them now, just like we promised. And if the Holmes Field Device won't bring her forward, we can leave her here with them, right?"

"I guess that's true," Becky agreed, nodding and just watching.


"What is that language they speak to one another when they don't want anyone to understand them?" Kiya asked in a whisper, looking just past her sister's shoulder at Mark and Becky suspiciously.

"I don't even know," Nanu confessed. "I've never heard it before. Anywhere."

Kiya gazed up into her younger sister's eyes, giving her a skeptical look. "They're not your slaves, are they? There's no damn way two people as magnificent as that are slaves to anybody, forget a dopey little slut of a girl from Akhmim."

Nanu sighed. "Fine, you got me," she whispered, pretending to kiss her sister's ear, while Kiya squirmed and held her close. They made a show of grinding their pussies together, giving Mark and Becky something to look at. "They're not my slaves. I was hers, for a little bit. But what they really are is adventurers, from very far away. And they're taking me with them, to share their adventures. Not as a slave, but as one of them."

Kiya assessed what her sister was saying for some time, trying to parse it out. It sounded absurd, but then, so was Nanu being here at all, dressed in fine raiment that even the pharaohs would envy, with lots of gold at her disposal, and healthy and whole. It seemed a miracle.

Were these two actually gods? If they were, what could Kiya do about it?

"Are you sure it's safe, my little love?" she asked, caressing her sister's cheek gently. "I would die if you-"

"No dying," Nanu whispered firmly, her lips touching Kiya's as she spoke. "My beautiful niece needs her mommy."

"And what about her other mommy?" Kiya asked somewhat petulantly.

"You will see me again, Kiya," Nanu said, her hazel eyes locked with Kiya's darker brown ones. "Now that my life has come to this, I can make that promise. If it hadn't been for these two, I would have been lost to you forever."

Kiya bit her lip as she tried not to cry. The sister continued squirming their gooey pussies together, finally pressing as hard as they could into one another and sighing as they climaxed. They shuddered and collapsed into a sweaty tangle of limbs and cum.

"Just keep my secret from everyone," Nanu whispered as she kept kissing her sister lovingly. "Keep my secret and I'll put you in charge of all the money."

"Mmmm, you got a deal, you little slut..." Kiya moaned into her sister's mouth.


It was an emotional parting, certainly, but Nanu handled it surprisingly well. She spent loving moments with everyone in her family, even Bata, who seemed to have thought better of his ways, and begged her forgiveness, which she readily gave. His abuses of her were forgotten. She cried with her mother and father, explaining that she really did have to go, but that Kiya would be in charge of the money and would take good care of them all.

She wept while she said goodbye to her niece, her namesake, and the tiny girl seemed to understand. Nanu promised to visit again soon, to see her grow into a beautiful young woman. Lastly, she said goodbye to Kiya, the two of them crying as they kissed and hugged one another, with Kiya struggling to refrain from begging her little sister not to leave. She'd have to have faith that Nanu would keep her word.

Nanu took her sister by the hands, sniffling as she looked into her eyes. "Another boat is coming, Ki. It'll take you and Anpu to Alexandria, where there's a bank that'll set you up and look after the funds. Then you can set up wherever you, mom and dad decide, and bring the family there. Shouldn't take more than a few months. Just make sure they have enough food to last that long."

Kiya nodded. "I will. I can't believe this. Maybe you're going off somewhere with pale-skinned gods, but I believe you when you say you're coming back. I love you, Tahamet."

"I love you too, Ki..." Nanu murmured, kissing her one more time and then turning away. She was wearing a new set of radiant clothes, another veil protecting her lovely face from the sandy winds. With Becky, Mark, and the Nubians in tow, she walked back to the palanquin and stepped inside, lying down on the cushions. Her family couldn't see her, but she could see them through her tears as she was lifted and carried away. Once they'd descended the banks and were heading onto the barge, she allowed herself to cry.

One of the curtains opened and Becky looked in, smiling kindly. She stroked the younger girl's black hair soothingly.

"That took so much strength, darling," she cooed, taking Nanu by the chin with a finger and looking into her bleary eyes. "Are you sure this is the right decision for you?"

Nanu swallowed. "I... I love my family, mistress, and would lay down my life for them. But even more importantly, I can look after them now. And that is because of you and Bono- I mean, M-ark. And I... it sounds silly, but..."

"Go on, beautiful," Becky said softly. "You know you can tell me anything."

"I..." Nanu faltered. "It sounds stupid, but you and M-ark have my devotion, as much as my family does, mistress. I am in love with you both. How could I not be?"

Becky bit her lip, willing herself not to tear up. "We love you too, Nanu. Never doubt it. And we'll make sure you visit your family as often as we can safely manage it. Mark and I promise."

"I believe you, mistress," the Egyptian girl said, her eyes shining as she gazed into Becky's divine face. "I believe everything you say..."


In the darkness of the basement, a glowing field appeared, along with tiny, blinking lights of red and blue neon that twirled about in abstract patterns. Inside the glowing field, the Holmes Field Device appeared, with three passengers on the platform. A strange, quantum humming sound filled the enclosed space.

The device and passengers, fully materialized, waited quietly for a few seconds, and then Mark began powering down the consoles. Becky smiled and took Nanu by the hand.

"Welcome to my home, sweetheart," she said quietly.

Nanu's expression was a bemused one as she looked around the dim room. "It... is much smaller and darker than I expected, mistress."

"Well, I... no," Becky faltered while Mark chuckled behind her, still powering down the consoles. "This is just my basement, Nanu, it isn't where I live. My house where I really live is above us, upstairs."

"Oh," Nanu mused, considering and nodding. "This is good to hear. I was almost feeling cheated."

"This is where Mark comes in and out with his device, since it is open enough to hold it," Becky explained, shooting Mark a sour look for laughing and not helping her. He'd even told Nanu a joke in Egyptian earlier, a language Becky didn't understand. She'd make him pay. "I wouldn't want it upstairs in the middle of my house, not to mention it's a secret, so no one will ever see it down here."

"Why must it be a secret, mistress?" Nanu queried.

"Because even in the age Mark and I come from, this age, it is not a known technology," she tried to explain. "People would be quite frightened by it. And if they weren't frightened, they would try to abuse it for their own ends."

"But isn't that what you and M-ark do?" Nanu pointed out. More snickers from Mark.

Becky closed her eyes for a moment. How could this be so difficult compared to the math and calculations of operating the Holmes Field Device? "I... Mark and I are not trying to harm people when we travel like this, we merely want to experience things. Many people would use it as a weapon."

"Yes," Nanu said, nodding decisively. "If I knew how to control this god-device, I would crush all the enemies of the Black Land with it and overthrow even mighty Rome. My family's name would be one of power and fear!"

"Incredible, she's ruling the universe, and she hasn't even stepped off the platform yet," Becky said dryly while Mark continued laughing. "It's a good thing Mark's taking it with him, obviously, to spare the time stream your dreadful wrath."

Nanu tilted her head. "Where is M-ark going with the god-device?"

Becky clasped her hands together in front of her mouth as she tried to figure out how to explain this to Nanu. Mark just shook his head. "Look, Becks, you may have three months to explain this to her, but I'd better get back, or you're never gonna catch up with me."

"I know," Becky sighed forlornly. The next three months were gonna suck. At least she'd be busy with Nanu. "Fine, just put my souvenirs on the floor here, and then you'd best go, or I'll be tearing your clothes off and keeping you."

"You got it, teach," Mark said cheerfully, unloading the linen and skin bags of items his teacher had brought back for herself. A few minutes later, he joined them standing off to the side of the device, taking Becky by the hands and smiling down into her eyes.

"Gonna miss me?" he asked, smirking.

"You know damn well I will, you insufferable man," she answered, poking his nose while Nanu watched. "Worst part is that you won't even notice the time lapse, you jerk."

"I'll find a way to make it up to you, I promise," he said softly, pulling her against him and putting his strong arms around her. She melted into him and they kissed deeply.

"Mmmmm, you'd better, mister..." she purred as she lost herself in the last kiss she'd get from Mark for three months. She pulled back from him and wiped at a corner of her mouth, taking a deep breath. "Now go, before I rape you."


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