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Time Rider Ch. 06


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How did she get any of that done?

"Will I like my new life, mistress?" Nanu asked, eating another grape. "I am sure I will love living with you, but..."

Becky smiled and caressed her face lovingly. "It will be very, very different, Nanu. And at times it will seem frightening. But there are so many things I cannot wait to show you."

"Then I will wait and trust you," the Egyptian girl said softly, giving herself over to her mistress' care fully in her mind. "Because I believe you when you say you love me and want the best for me."

Nanu was silent for some time, as if deep in thought.

"What's on your mind, darling?" Becky asked, curious.

Nanu sighed. "I just miss my family. I have not seen them since I was young. And I dreamed of returning to them one day."

Becky smiled. "Oh, you want to be a free woman, of course."

"It is a nice dream," Nanu admitted. "I dreamed of returning to them free of my chains, wearing fine clothes, and heaped with wealth. I think every slave wishes it were so."

"Well, we could go visit them," Becky suggested after a moment of thought. "Would you like that?"

Nanu blushed. "On your wondrous device. Oh, mistress, what would I tell them? What would I have to show them? I am still a slave, and they sold me along time ago. They have no doubt forgotten me."

Becky shrugged. "Possibly. So, do you want to go? It can be on our way, if you like. Anywhere on earth is technically on our way with that machine."

The Egyptian girl giggled. "If you say so, mistress."

"We'll discuss what to do about it when we're done here in Rome," Becky assured her, smiling. "I've always wanted to visit a Roman bath, not to mention a few other locations..."


The Baths of Trajan...

Becky marvelled as she looked around, sitting naked on the stone chair with a small cushion under her butt. Behind her, a young girl massaged her shoulders and relaxed her muscles before she began pouring water over Becky's body, washing the massage oils off her flawless skin. She then wiped down the tall, blonde woman with linen and took her hand to help her stand up, and then step down into the heated pool in front of her.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, mistress?" the girl asked. Becky shook her head lazily and waved her away, but whispered for the girl to find her later, so that Becky could give her some money. The girl nodded and hurried off.

She sighed and settled into the water, relaxing, her neck and head resting on the small cushion she'd brought. The water was hot, and there were not many visitors in the place just yet. They seemed to have picked a good time for a quiet visit. She looked around, noting that men and women conversed casually as they sat in the water, some of them getting rather intimate. Good.

History had a lot of conflicting reports about Roman bath houses, and whether they allowed women at all, had segregated rooms for them to bathe in, or just kept the social setting as normal as possible. Clearly, it was a question of when one visited Rome.

So what did that say about history books? Why weren't temporal travellers writing more of them? Accurate history reports would no doubt make life a lot easier. Maybe the convention was that people from the future weren't allowed to enlighten previous eras about things archaeology hadn't uncovered yet, to avoid time twists.

She glanced over at Nanu, who was sitting in a stone chair next to her, receiving a massage from a young girl, and clearly enjoying it. She kept whispering to the girl, who giggled as she massaged her exotic visitor.

Then the girl poured water over Nanu, cleaning her off, and rubbing her down with linen, asking if there was anything else she might do for her. Nanu had a sly smile on her face and a glint in her eye as she made to answer.

"Nanu, would you join me, please?" Becky interrupted.

Nanu and the girl both looked over at her, but then the Egyptian girl shrugged and dismissed her attendant. She clambered down into the hot water next to Becky and snuggled into her, sighing contentedly.

"You wished to see me, Aurora?" she asked, remembering to address Becky as an equal in these circumstances, for her own safety.

"Well, I'm always wishing to see you, Nanu, but I thought I had better break up what was about to happen with you and that girl," Becky replied, putting an arm around her beloved friend.

Nanu looked at her curiously. "She did not please you? I saw you send away your girl after her offer, I noticed. Were they not attractive?"

Becky knew she had to explain this to Nanu carefully, and that it would take time. She'd be patient and indulgent. "It's not that they weren't attractive, Nanu, it's just that... the time Mark and I come from, one does not have those sorts of interactions and relations with young people under a certain age. It is considered immoral, and even criminal."

Nanu considered. "That is strange to me. I had sex frequently when I was younger, and I mostly enjoyed it. True, my brother Bata abused my sister and I, but our age changed nothing about that."

"I know, my love," Becky assured her, caressing her shoulder and looking at the ceiling.

Nanu continued her reasoning. "Besides, those girls, they're slaves, like me. They have no rights, including to their bodies. If it's legal, how can it be immoral?"

Becky smiled, knowing that educating Nanu in modern ethics was going to be at least as tough as teaching her what the heck time travel was. She'd take all the time Nanu needed. "The time and place Mark and I come from, children and young people are protected from adults using them for sexual purposes. It is a great ethical point in our society."

Nanu made a wry face as she glanced at Becky. "But... adults are better at sex than younger people. Adults always made me cum harder than my age-mates. Why would I settle for less, even if I had a choice?"

Becky closed her eyes, trying to answer succinctly and with reasonable fact, not just to blurt out 'because that's the way it is!'. After all, Nanu wasn't intruding on her world and lifestyle, was she? How could Becky explain that a society Nanu had no way of imagining was convinced that her own era was corrupt and simply wrong about sexuality?

"And besides," Nanu reasoned, as if reading her mind. "You're here in my time, yes? Shouldn't you be beholden to my society's strictures?"

Becky couldn't readily argue that point. She also had to admit, there were no doubt countless temporal travellers who went back in time specifically to take advantage of such ethics and codes of conduct, barred in their own era. She'd read about people from Germany in the Seventies and Eighties, mostly men, who would flay to southern Asia to legally have sex with young people or even children. They were called 'bumsenbombers', and eventually outlawed, but it was no doubt a lot harder to manage in the time stream.

Becky looked around, wondering how many of the people sharing the bath house with them were time travellers and she didn't know it. These were the fabled Baths of Trajan, at the height of the Roman Empire. She and Mark couldn't be the only visitors in the place, could they?

She remembered back to the two French girls she and Mark had fucked in the Sun King's France.

There was no point in trying to impose her own morals on Nanu or anyone else while they were here. Forget 'shouldn't', Becky didn't even know if she could, since she might timelock herself. What then?

She would simply have to follow her own moral code, and hope she was a good influence on Nanu.

"Let's come to an agreement, then," the blonde woman suggested. "As long as we're here, the less I know about what you do, the better, okay?"

Nanu nodded, looking up at her.

"And when we get back to my time, I'll make sure you're prepared for our moral strictures, okay?"

Nanu nodded again.

Becky waited, looking down at the Egyptian girl before finally raising an eye. "Well? Aren't you going to go chase her down?"

"You're so silly, mistress," Nanu purred in a whisper, so that only Becky could hear her. "I already told you, adults are so much better at fucking. Why would I want a scrap like that when I can have you?"

"Quite possibly the most sensible and morally upright thing I've ever heard you say, Nanu!" Becky giggled as she pulled the smaller woman into her lap for a kiss.


Behind the Atrium Vestae...

Mark kept his head down as he carried a large sack of ground wheat on his back while walking through the back entrance or the ornate building. He was bringing up the rear of a conga-line of slaves who were shuttling supplies into the storage rooms of the house where the priestesses lived, and the two soldiers guarding the entrance took no notice of him.

Mark wondered if he had a masochistic streak to him, since he was doing something absolutely insane, coming into the domicile of the Vestal Virgins, but he wanted to test a theory. A week ago, his personal time, he'd been convicted of disgracing one of the goddess Vesta's sacred virgins, and condemned to death fighting in the Colosseum. He'd survived, miraculously, but he also hankered for revenge, for a slight Rome hadn't even technically committed against him yet.

Because the incident itself wasn't even supposed to occur until next week, local time.

So if he knew he didn't get in trouble until next week, for unknowingly fucking a Vestal virgin, then he couldn't get in trouble and executed for doing it this week, right?

Following that logic, and since he wasn't allowed into the Baths with Nanu and Becky because he was dressed as a slave, he'd gone off to find his own amusement. Not surprisingly, he wanted to stick it to Imperial Rome, so he intended to try and fuck another Vestal. Take that, Rome! Knowingly committing a crime before I didn't even know I'm doing it!


He dumped off his heavy sack in the storage room, and then began walking with the other slaves back toward the doors, bringing up the rear. At the last moment, he peeled off from the group and hid around a corner, making sure no one had noticed. Once he was sure, he began skulking around, making sure that he wasn't spied.

He'd had some earnest conversations with Domitia before leaving her in Dabana, now a priestess of Nanaya, rather than Vesta. Between their heated fucking sessions, he'd found out about her life as a virgin of Vesta, and her house. She described the expansive facility in detail, and Mark felt confident in his knowledge of the layout. He'd need it to pull this off.

He found some stairs that were seldom used, according to Domitia, and crept up form the basement level to the uppermost floor, where the virgins were housed. He reached under his arm and pressed his hand against the tiny patch in his armpit, which was pumping pheromones into his system. He was reasonably confident it was working, since he felt warmer than normal.

It might have been nerves about potentially getting caught and executed, but then he reminded himself that he couldn't possibly get executed, because he hadn't committed next week's crime yet. So if anything went wrong, it was probably going to be some timelock he hadn't accounted for, and he'd get his ass clockhammered into the horizon.

Welp, too late now.

He reached the upper floor and slipped around a corner, noticing that the doors to each the personal chambers had names on them. Domitia had told him that the virgins spent a lot of time undisturbed in personal reflection when they were not performing their public duties to Rome, and they treasured their alone time.

He also remembered her talking and giggling about the personalities of each of her fellow Virgins- from the stern and dutiful Concordia, who was about as much fun as a sack of wet dog hair, to the joyous and secretly impious Aemilia, Marcia, and Licinia, all of whom whispered about their desires when no one was around. Like Domitia (until next week), they were all virgins, but knew one another very well, and yearned to indulge their desires.

A small wooden plaque on one door contained the name Aemilia. Bingo!

He looked around to make sure no one had seen him, and then slipped inside the chambers, closing the door. He looked around at the sumptuous chamber, which he realized was a dressing room. He moved through it quickly, noting another room and darted inside.

The bedroom. The bed and furnishings were simple and white, but soft and comfortable.


Mark panicked and dashed into another room, finding out it was the bathing chamber. A large, white marble basin dominated the space, along with a small stone chair in the corner, with the hole in the middle. He looked around worriedly, and noticed several long linens hanging on pegs along the wall. Without another thought, he hurried over and hid behind them. He hoped.

He now heard women talking, discussing various duties and even some giggling. Then the door to the room opened and closed. Someone was in the room with him now. He remained as still and quiet as possible, wondering what would actually happen if he was discovered.

Did temporal constraints mean he couldn't be discovered? God, he hoped so. Why was he always thinking with his dick?

He heard a sigh, and then someone entered the bathing chamber. The linens he was hiding behind concealed him (he hoped), but he could see between the long lengths of fabric to view quite a bit of the room. It wasn't long before he spied a young woman with honey-blonde hair and fair skin walking around. Unaware of his presence, she shed her ritual stola, revealing her body. It was pale and attractive, with small but pert breasts, and a cute behind. He watched as she undid the seven braids in her hair, remembering that this hairstyle was one of the hallmarks of the Vestals.

She walked over to the stone seat and sat down, sighing loudly as she peed. Mark could see her from the front now, and she did indeed seem to have a mischievous glint in her eye. Once she had finished, she stood and walked over to her marble bath, moaning in relief as she slipped into the steaming water, which came up to the level of her breasts.

The problem was, she was facing him now, keeping him stuck in place behind these damn linens. What the Hell was he supposed to do?

The girl, whom he assumed was Aemilia, used her hands to cover her body in water, taking time to pour it over her breasts, giggling as she caressed them occasionally. After some time, she also hummed as she reached down and began playing with herself. He stayed rooted to the spot in fascination as he watched her.

Her head was craned back against the edge of her basin and she sighed blissfully as she fingered her pussy. Mark willed himself not to get hard. A few minutes later, she shivered and sighed again, obviously cumming. Her head fell forward, and she murmured to herself. Mark couldn't quite make out what she was saying.

Then her head came up and her face gazed in his direction. He remained as still as possible, but slowly, her head tilted to one side in curiosity as she observed something.

Was she smirking?

"I can see your feet, you know..." she called out quietly.

Mark felt a cold chill, but also was strangely assured that she didn't begin screaming. If anything, she sounded vaguely amused. He didn't come out, but he pushed one of his hands through the linens and waved at her.

"Silly," she giggled, still smirking. "You might as well come out, because all I have to do is scream if I want help. I'm not afraid of anyone stupid enough to break into the personal chambers of a devotee of the goddess."

Mark took a deep breath and walked out from beneath the linens, stopping and looking down at her, blushing at getting caught. She looked up him curiously, although she was still clearly amused, and made no attempt to cover her nudity.

"You're a slave," she remarked, noting his attire. "What compelled you to hide in my room?"

What was the point in lying?

"I was hoping to fuck a Vestal," he confessed, shrugging and turning his palms to her in a gesture of honesty. "That's the simple truth."

She raised an eyebrow. "That's brazen of you. You know we're all virgins on purpose, right? We took a sacred vow."

Mark shrugged again. "Everyone has needs and urges, even sacred virgins."

Aemelia giggled. "I suppose that's true. But why would- excuse me, I don't know your name, slave."


"Well, then, Bonosus," she intoned, setting her arm on the edge of the basin and then resting her head against two fingers while she observed him, more than a little intrigued. "What makes you think a sacred virgin of mighty Rome would want to fuck a slave, if she were indeed subject to such base desires as you describe?"

"Well, you wouldn't need to take a vow if you weren't subject to them, would you?" he reasoned. "And as to why..."

He slowly slipped off his ragged tunic, leaving him naked. Aemelia's eyes widened slightly as his cock came into view.

"Woof," she muttered to herself as she fixated on his limp member. "Your father, is he Bacchus, or a satyr? Because only a god or a creature of sin should be lavished with a prong like that."

"Interested?" he asked, smirking back at her. "Because if you're not, maybe Marcia or Licinia would be willing to make use of me if you're not-"

"Hold on, now," the blonde interrupted in a quiet but calm voice, holding up her hand. "I didn't say that. All I asked was what you had to offer that a sacred virgin would be willing to compromise her vows for. And that thing makes up for a lot of sacred vows..."

She rose slowly, the water cascading down her body. Not surprisingly, as a sacred virgin, her pussy was unshaved, but her wet hairs were rather light and sparse, the same colour as her honey hair.

"Um, you're eighteen, right?" Mark asked, wondering for a moment.

Aemelia gave him a wry look, her hands moving up to her breasts. "I am. A little more, in fact. Is that a problem? Am I too old for you to want to fuck me?"

"No, I'm perfectly okay with you being eighteen," he assured her. "Kinda counting on it, in fact."

"Well, that is good to hear," she said, allowing her hands to fall away from her breasts and exposing herself again. She seemed strangely shameless, which was no doubt quite a trick to hide in these environs. "It'd be one thing for me to reject you, but it would be unthinkable for me to be rejected by a mere slave. And if you were indeed intent on someone younger, I would have to summon Lucia or Domi-"

"Nope, I'm intent on you, if you're willing," Mark said firmly, smiling as she watched his member swelling slowly. He wasn't getting hard, but he was getting aroused, and it had the desired effect on his potential partner. Aemelia bit her lip as she watched his cock grow.

"Normally, I just pleasure myself in the bathing basin, since it is easy to hide," she said as she stepped out of the water and walked over toward the linens he was standing in front of, drawing close to him and smiling rather saucily. "But to be fucked in the bathing basin would create too much noise, I fear. No, base slave, if you intend to have your way with me, it must be quick and dirty, and allow me to conceal any evidence after. You do not want to know what happens to a sacred virgin who has broken her vows of chastity."


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