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To Love a Stray Ch. 05


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"Get a couple of heating pads, her body temperature is down." Doc orders as he shines a light in my eyes. I realise gaps are missing from my awareness and struggle to sit up.

"No, lay down Rosy your not well," Doc tells me.

"Alex," I manage as I struggle even though I have no strength.

"He's gone. A blood clot dislodged from one of his injuries, it went to his brain. It was fast and painless. One moment he was talking about how you'd been sleeping on his bed, next he was gone." Doc says gently. I close my eyes tight as tears well in my eyes and start to trickle down my cheeks causing me to shake my head and try to roll away from him.

"Rosy, I want to give you something very gentle to help you sleep." Doc tells me.

"Alex's funeral have I missed it?" I ask softly.

"No, it's tomorrow. If you rest between now and then and you should be able to go to it," Doc says gently.

"Alex wasn't supposed to die, warriors kill strays, not the other way around ..." I sob until a hazy darkness starts to descend. I gasp and open my eyes wide in fear but my body is too weak and everything goes dark.

I wake to the soft early morning light but lay motionless, I can smell the scents of both Micah and Steven surrounding me and I vaguely remember them being with me during the night but I long for the solitariness of the forest. I don't know how long I remain laying there I only know that the sun has changed position to higher in the sky when I sense people come into the room.

"Good you're awake," Doc's voice is soft as is his touch as he checks my pulse and blood pressure.

"How is she?" I recognise Micah's voice and feel fear well up inside me.

"The funeral?" I ask and am surprised at how weak my voice is.

"That's why I'm here, to see if you're well enough to go." Doc tells me. I feel fear, anger and desperation swell inside me and I begin to tremble, Doc is going to declare I'm not well enough to go and inject me with some drug so I miss the funeral. They're going to keep me here against my will, I'm sure of it.

"Stop sniffing me!" I cry in a panic when I hear the slight noise from Micah.

"I'm not, well not intentionally," he tries to sooth me softly.

"With a nice warm coat on you can go to the funeral," Doc sounds very serious as he tells me this.

"You're not stopping me from going! I won't let you! You're not stopping me!" I cry frantically. Fear and an incredible sense of loss twine making tears stream down my face as I struggle into a sitting position and look frantically for my clothes, a small part of my mind registers the fact I have clothes on but still I search desperately.

"Here are your shoes and a warm rug to wrap yourself in," Micah sounds sad and I scream in fear and snatch at my shoes.

"I'm going! Stop stealing my stuff!" I cry even as a part of me recognises they are trying to help me another part only sees them trying to prevent me going. They are going to lock me in the cage like the strays did ... I scream as I clutch my shoes to my chest. My arm hurts and I look down at it surprised. When did I hurt my wrist?

Somehow I manage to pull my sneakers on, crying out as pain shafts viciously up my arm as I use it despite the injury. I hear a choking noise and wonder why Doc or Micah is crying when it's me who's hurting. I am too terrified to struggle when Micah wraps me in the blanket and lifts me in his arms while I whimper and look around for an escape route as I am carried outside. I see the large hole in the ground and realise it is a grave, and it comes back to me. Alex is dead.

I move away from the others to stand alone by the grave as a short service is read and I shiver as the coffin begins to sink slowly into the ground. Pain clutches at me and I struggle to take a deep breath as sense of impending doom washes over me and I begin crying again. I hug myself as the pain of loosing my Alex washes over me again and I know it is tearing me apart as I smell the warm coppery scent of my own blood. Everything wavers a moment and I blink uncertainly, I look down and I can see Alex's blood pooling slowly at my feet.

"Doc! Rosy!" I hear Mitchell's terrified cry and wonder why I am on my knees. I don't want to be here, don't want the soft sounds of concern or the hands that touch me. I just want to be alone.

* * * * *

I turn my head towards the light from the window before I open my eyes, even though the day is warm and sunny outside I don't attempt to stir from the lounge where I have been carried. It is four days since the team returned and three days since Alex died. Yesterday when Alex had been buried I had collapsed and later when I had come around Doc had told me I had lost the babies I carried.

"Want to come outside for a while?" Mitchell asks. He has been my constant companion since Alex died only leaving my side at night or when Micah became angry and sent him away. I shake my head slightly not wanting to have to interact with anyone, even Mitchell.

"Rosy?" Mitchell urges after several more minutes but I fail to respond and he walks away. Time seems to run together and suddenly noise fills the room as the warriors return for lunch.

"So do you feel like eating at the table or do you want to eat in there?" Micah asks as he leans over the back of the lounge. I don't react to his presence, it seems having to sleep in his bed in his room has made his scent familiar to me but I still feel uncomfortable around him. I smell Steven as he stops beside Micah and most likely looks down at me. I don't want them there, don't want them talking to me or touching me. I know they will, toms always want to touch me and then the bad stuff starts. Where they hurt me until I scream and beg them to stop. Toms always end up hurting me like that, stray or clan it makes no difference. Fear starts building along with fury at my own helplessness.

"Hey Rosy, we saw a few deer today. Want to come hunting tomorrow?" Steven asks. I roll over so I am facing the back of the lounge and pull the blanket up to cover all but the very top of my head to cut out the intruding sounds, I wait expecting to be forcibly removed from the lounge but surprisingly I am left alone. After a while the TV is turned on and I hear the sounds of the toms settling down around the room, the lounge moves slightly as someone settles against the front of it and I once again smell Micah.

The very presence of so many in the room grates on my nerves and I long to be able to run on all four by myself. Yes, I think, I need to shift and hunt tomorrow to build up my strength so I can escape.

I push the blanket down and roll onto my back as I realise I am missing out on a meal now, a meal that would help to build my strength. I sit up and use both hands to push my hair back off my face. My injured wrist is healing nicely thanks to shifting twice already today.

"Hungry?" Micah asks from the floor where he sits with his back to the lounge.

"No but I must shift so I must eat," I mutter. I don't talk to anyone unless I have to and they all know I am here under protest, I just hope they don't guess at what I am planning.

"Want some?" Micah asks offering me his plate but I shake my head as I swing my feet to the floor. There is no way I am touching his kill and be attacked for it.

"I'll get my own," I say in a clipped tone and head for the kitchen. I dish up generous amounts of cold roast along with heaps of salad makings and sit down at the table to dig in hungrily. I am happily eating when the toms start drifting into the kitchen with their empty plates and dirty cutlery, I am terrified by their proximity to my food and I still guard my food so they can't take it. I need to build up my strength and all they want to do is steal my food.

"Whose turn to wash up the cutlery?" Edwin asks.

"Make Timny do it he's entirely too cocky today," Chris comments.

"Hey it's not my fault that the little redhead at the service station has taken a liking to me!" Timny says happily. I listen to the banter flowing back and forth but I don't contribute to it or react when they try to draw me in. When I am finished eating I get to my feet and dispose of my plate and fork before returning to the lounge room to sit in one of the chairs away from the rest of them as I start planning how I will escape. Fear is my constant companion and it is all I can do not to hiss or growl when they come into the room, even their scents send fear spiralling through me as I pull my legs up onto the seat and away from where they might be able to grab them easily if they decided to attack.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Re previous comment: "Why is that the seeming majority (Clan Toms) claim to have the moral superiority and all the strays rapists and killers?"

It's clear from the story they don't see most strays as problems. Those just have to make a call to be allowed to pass through the clan territory etc. The story just focus on the ones that do cause problems. When it comes to claims of moral superiority, that's all too realistic. Most people tend to view themselves that way and fail to see their own flaws. For an outsider Wade is an arrogant asshole who rules by fear, but in his own mind he probably thinks that's what he has to do. I do wonder what he would have done if Rose had decided she had had enough and chosen to be exiled to the border since I think he thought it obvious that she would just submit to his show of force.

One oddity too is that this clan seems to consist only of an alpha and a bunch of warriors. How do they make a living? There has to be other people araound that are totally invisible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Is it too late?

I never know if it's too late to make comments on an older story especially when it's been complete for years now. Well here I go anyways. As much as I agree with many of the previous comments about Rosy's constant 1 step forward 2 steps backwards syndrome... it really is consistent with everyone else's conflicting actions. One minute she's this precious poor victim they all want to help and next she's being drugged and bullied into fulfilling their own needs to procure a breeder for the continuation of their clan. A reader can get whiplash from all the rapid contradictions. In the same paragraph she is referred to as Rosy in the sweetest of tones and then STRAY as if it's a racial slur. That leads to my one observation that no one else has mentioned or picked up on. Why is that the seeming majority (Clan Toms) claim to have the moral superiority and all the strays rapists and killers? Yes this is the fictional whim of the author but every population has good and bad elements. It's the one very true to life premise I wish WERE only in fiction but nothing demonstrates more how easily vilified minorities are. If the females are worth rehabilitating/saving why not some of the others. Wouldn't Rosy's twins have had some kind of moral defect being fathered by a stray? If a genetic deficit isn't the cause of the stray's penitent for violence then it really is the model of racism since the beginning of time. With Wades example of having Rosy physically harmed and threatened unless she except his authority and the conditions of her captivity with them was shocking! Not exactly a paragon of virtue. All that said I still have hope for this story just as bad still have hope for the rest of us.

southernmisfitsouthernmisfitover 11 years ago
I agree with some other comments

This story started out wonderfully promising. But after several hours of reading I find that the endless meandering of Rosy's psychological problems is beginning to grate on me.

She started to make a tiny amount of progress but by the end of this chapter we apparently got a set back to zero again. Sigh....

It's really a shame because the prose is so much better than what one gets in most of the stories on this site. And you manage to come up with compelling characters, too, and don't shy away from a realistic depiction of an abuse victim. But the non existant plotting and the ever repeating "psycho-stuff" that doesn't make any progress is making it really hard to read. And the clan continuing to pester Rosy, even knowing what she has been through, knowing that it will get her to panicking just for some additional drama is getting old after a while.

This story has too much depressing stuff in it and too little hope and positive progress to balance it. Hey, that's not something I have to read a story for, I can turn on the news to get myself depressed about cruelty and abuse and hopelessness.

I will continue to read for a while, but if this story doesn't start to go somewhere soon, I'll be out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I realize that the story is already complete. However, after spending the last couple days reading to this point, I wish I could have made a comment while you were still writing. The story has gotten stale because Rosy only has one dimension. I realize all that she's been through, but her actions have become too wearing. It's all about her, even when Alex died...it's all about her...boo hoo. She doesn't do anything to help around the house or with the clan...just eats, sleeps and has everyone fuss over her. Gah! Unfortunately it has driven me to the point of no longer wishing to continue. It's a shame too, because you are a very talented writer, just the content needs adjusting...make it a love story, maybe a couple great sex scenes with Micah...something.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Only two

I think there're only two characters I really "like" - Doc and Mitchell.

Doc's not done anything annoying yet, and he was pretty understanding 'bout everything. Mitchell's just . . . nice.

Sam is okay, I think.

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