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To Love a Stray Ch. 14


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"Can you call ahead and let everyone know we're coming home?" Donovan requests.

"Lance," a vaguely familiar voice calls and Lance looks towards the doorway.

"In here," he answers.

"We got all of the strays. Kell and I managed to take out the older Darnel, but we can't find Kendal anywhere though," a tom says as he walks into the room. I let out a startled gasp as I recognise Conner Stephan; he glances at Donovan and me and gives a huge smile as he nods.

"Rosy! It is you," Conner turns his attention back to Lance. "One of the strays got Danny before anyone could do a thing."

"Damn! Pardon the language Rosy but one of our warriors was killed," Lance says with feeling.

"Can someone bring pieces of clothes off the dead strays so I can check for scents? I'm sure some of them where in on the attack where Alex was killed. I'll know the scents if I smell them," I say quietly as I remember this.

"We certainly will do that. Now how about we get you pair out of this room and to somewhere more comfortable while you wait?" Lance asks.

Donovan guides me as we follow the two toms from the room and Conner tries to drop back to speak to me but Donovan growls on several occasions. I end up in a room where Donovan and I sit in lounge chairs that stink of strays and I stare out the window at a miserable overcast sky.

I go through the ordeal of sniffing scraps of cloth and break into tears as I find the scent that had been on Alex. By the time it is over there are four scraps of cloth in plastic bags in a pile waiting to be taken back to our clan when Donovan and I are taken home.

It is within an hour that Donovan and I are helped into a van with Conner and Lance and I watch the huge sprawling house disappear into the distance.

"How long where you there?" Conner asks Donovan quietly.

"Since the day after we were grabbed. Did you call Micah? How long before we get home?" Donovan asks.

"Did they..." Conner's voice drops off and I hear him swear violently. "We got about a four hour ride ahead of us but they're all going to be there waiting for you."

"Can we get a decent meal somewhere along the way?" Donovan asks.

"Sure, no trouble. You both look like you need a decent feed," Lance says from the driver's seat. I shift to lie down on the back seat where I am by myself and I hear a worried gasp from Donovan.

"You alright Rosy? Is something wrong?" He asks worriedly as he undoes his seatbelt and moves to squat near my feet.

"I just want to sleep," I tell him tiredly as I close my eyes.

"I'll be right there in the seat just in front of yours," he promises quietly but I shake my head.

"It's okay now," I say with a yawn.

"I'll be up the front with the guys but if you need me just call," Donovan tells me quietly.

* * * * *

It had happened so fast. One moment I was just back after returning from a successful hunt for lunch, the next moment Steven was handing me my phone with a worried look on his face after answering it.

I still find it hard to comprehend the words Conner Stephan uttered -- both Rosy and Donny were alive and rescued from the strays that held them prisoners.

The hours since the call have dragged by; we know our rescued survivors are on their way home but a phone call has warned us bad weather and Rosy's carsickness is making the travel slow.

Sam and Steven made phone calls to our warriors who were out searching and now nearly everyone was home. I glance around the lounge room at the others. Even Wade and Marissa are present; Wade finally coming into the quarters after his self imposed exile at the main house since loosing control of the clan. I know Mitchell and I have some formalities to finalise to take over complete control of the clan but I am sure we will manage them smoothly.

"They should have been here by now," Jazzy frets yet again. She has worried over every minute that has passed since the original arrival time passed without sign of them.

"The warriors stopped so Rosy could have a break from travelling," Doc says quietly. "From what Conner Stephan relayed to me of Donny and Rosy's condition both of them are weak. Your brother will benefit from the short break as much as Rosy."

When I recovered from the shock of the good news I called Doc asking him to come and tend to any illness or injury Rosy and Donny have after their ordeal.

"They both would want to get here as fast as they can!" Jazzy protests and turns to Mitchell for comfort.

I watch Jazzy for a few moments before glancing at Mitchell; I am greatly impressed by the way he is handling himself. I know he must be frantic about the delayed arrival of his sister but he is putting Jazzy's needs before his own. So far he has managed to prevent her making herself sick or becoming hysterical over the knowledge Rosy, and probably Donny as well, was so ill.

My phone rings in my pocket pulling my mind from my worries over Jazzy as well as Rosy and Donny. I take it from my pocket and open it to put it to my ear as everyone in the building goes silent.

"Another minute or two and we'll be just about to turn into your driveway," Conner says. "Where do you want us?"

"Straight to the quarters. How are they?" I demand as I head for the front door. I can hear others following me.

"Donny is just about busting at the seams to get out and Rosy is awake now but she was sick again," Conner tells me, his voice laced with worry.

"Doc is right here ... we can see your lights, you just turned into the driveway. See you in a few moments," I tell him and I close my phone hurriedly.

The quarters have every light on including the outside spotlight and the rain is falling heavily as the van comes to a stop.

"Everyone back to the lounge room so they can get in out of the rain quickly," I order.

I can hear Donny's voice inside the van. The back door is slid open and he emerges even as he glances behind him distractedly for a moment.

"Get out of the rain you brat," I call happy to see him.

Donovan turns towards me and rushes over to throw his arms around my neck. I hug him close, trying to remember not to squeeze too tight in my joy at seeing him alive. I try not to think about the fact I can feel nearly every bone in his body as I ignore the foul stench that comes from him. Combinations of unwashed body, filth, sweat, blood and stray scents.

"I tried to look after her," Donny sobs. "I did everything I could."

"Don't worry about it," I order firmly as I ease his hold on me and turn him towards the hallway. "Get into the lounge room; we're blocking the way so Conner can't get Rosy inside."

As Donny moves into the hallway I see Dwayne put an arm around his thin shoulders and I know he will be taken in where everyone can greet him. I hold the door open as Connor carries Rosy inside wrapped in a blanket. I get a glimpse of her pale face, her dark eyes seeming too large in the drawn, thin features. Her feet stick out from the bottom of the blanket and I numbly note the filth that seems ingrained in her bony feet as I follow Connor.

"Straight to the lounge room and put her on the lounge," I hear Doc order.

"Let me go," Rosy protests in a strained voice and Conner immediately sets her on her feet carefully. She stands with one hand against the wall at the end of the hallway and entrances into the lounge room and sunroom. A second's hesitation and she heads up towards the bedrooms.

"Rosy," Donovan calls worriedly from the lounge room doorway.

"I need a shower first Donovan, you know I do," Rosy calls back quietly. I follow her in case she collapses but she makes it to the bathroom door safely and glances back over her shoulder with wide frightened eyes before hurrying inside and slamming the door shut.

"Leave her be, leave her be," Donny begs behind me.

"We'll give her sometime to herself," Doc says softly as he takes Donny by the upper arm and urges him towards the lounge room. "Let's go to the lounge room so I can check you over, or do you want privacy in a bedroom?"

Donny hesitates for a moment then he shakes his head, I hear him mumble something under his breath as I follow them to the lounge room door.

"Should someone stay near the bathroom in case Rosy needs something or collapses?" I ask Doc with a worried glance towards the bathroom door.

"Someone can go and check on her if she hasn't shown signs of coming out when I finish talking to Donny," Doc says quietly. "Last thing she probably wants is to be around tom cats."

"Come and sit down Donovan," Marissa implores softly.

I walk into the room to see Donny sit in my favourite chair with a quick glance my way. Doc is already taking his pulse and temperature while Marissa holds his other hand tightly.

"Can you tell me what injuries I need to look for?" Doc asks softly when he takes the thermometer from beneath Donny's tongue.

"I'm not the one who's been hurt! Rosy needs you more than I do," Donny says even as Doc looks at a healing gash above one of Donny's eyebrows.

"It was horrible what they'd do to her! Kendal Darnel kept threatening to kill me and another tom kept trying to grab me to get me away from Rosy. He kept trying to trick Rosy so one of the ones with him could get to me to grab me," Donny says as his eyes fill with tears. "It was horrible, they kept trying to get me away from Rosy and she'd start screaming and attacking them ... a couple of them would hit her and knock her down but she just kept getting up and going after them and I couldn't protect her!"

Donny is crying as he speaks. He pushes Doc's hands way and draws his legs up against his chest as he rocks back and forth slightly. Marissa is murmuring softly to him as tears stream down her face but he isn't listening to her, I doubt he is listening to anyone.

* * * * *

I am terribly aware of everyone staring at me as I walk into the room keeping my eyes on where I am walking as I make my way around to the front of the lounge. I sit in the middle and glance around nervously at the feet of all those in front of me, somewhere in the back of my mind is the thought that they should be happy I am back but no one makes a sound.

"Hi Rosy. I just want to check and see how you are," Doc tells me quietly. I nod silently and let Doc swing my legs around so I lay back on the lounge; he squats beside me and puts a thermometer under my tongue before taking me by the wrist and feeling for my pulse.

"That's good," he comments before reaching for the thermometer, checking the reading and nodding approvingly. "That's good too, now I'd like to feel your belly."

I make no protest as he lifts the hem of the shirt I wear to expose the swell of my stomach. I have to lift my hips so the shirt can slip from beneath my hips and I hear soft gasps as my stomach can be seen. I am not sure if the gasps are for the slight swell of my stomach or the bruises showing clearly on one side of my ribs and on the top of my hip. Doc pushes the sleeve up to uncover my elbow and winces as he eyes the swollen and discoloured joint.

"That's from when Rosy jumped on this big tom called Terry when he tried to take me away ..." Donovan tells Doc but is cut off by Steven.

"Big tom, dirty long mousy brown hair with a broken nose?" Steven demands as he describes Terry. I hear angry hisses from several others and Donovan growls.

"Rosy bit a chunk out of his ear and scratched up one side of his face near his eye."

"Does the baby move?" Doc asks tensely.

"Yeah and I wasn't letting that bastard get his hands on Donovan," I hiss back defensively. I don't care what they think; I am glad I saved Donovan.

"Ok, I got the ultra sound machine here and I'd like to see how the baby is," Doc tells me.

"Please," I say softly and look away when my eyes fill with tears.

The few moments wait while Doc double checks the machine is on seem to take forever and someone hurries to turn the TV on as Doc squirts cold gel on my belly. I watch the screen as he runs the probe through the gel and then I can see the spine of my baby. I watch as the baby rolls over and kicks at the probe.

Doc laughs. "Cheeky little kitt just kicked at the probe."

"It's alive?" Micah demands.

"Alive and kicking I'm happy to say," Doc says moving the probe.

I watch as he moves the probe around as if checking the entire body of the small moving figure I can see onscreen.

"Do want to know what it is? A girl or a boy?" Doc asks.

"Out door plumbing," I say.

"Yes," Doc confirms.

"What are you talking about?" Wade asks impatiently, "Can't you just tell us what it is?"

"Rosy?" Doc asks and I nod my permission.

"It's a boy," Doc tells everyone.

"I knew it," Jazzy exclaims as she claps her hands and jumps up and down.

"You look like you need a good sleep," Doc comments to me.

"I need something to eat first," I say aware of how long it has been since food stayed down.

"What do you want to eat?" Jazzy almost demands.

"Anything as long as it's not take-away and not greasy," I tell her.

"Those weird eggs," Donovan exclaims.

"Poached Donovan, not weird," I tell him.

"I could poach some eggs. Would you like some bacon to go with them?" Marissa asks.

"Only a couple of pieces of bacon with three or four eggs," I say.

"I'm hungry too," Donovan volunteers. "They never gave us enough food for both of us!"

"I can see that," Doc tells him quietly. "Eggs are good Marissa."

Doc turns off the machine and takes his time cleaning the gel off my stomach. When he is finished he looks me in the face his expression serious.

"Any cramping, bleeding or discharge?" Doc asks.

"No, but sometimes I get muscle cramps," I answer.

"Ok," Doc says, "But you are to take things easy. I'll check on you again in the morning and until then I don't want you doing anything more than eating, sleeping or going to the toilet. Understand?" he orders firmly.

"Yes," I say with a nod.

"We'll make sure Rosy does as she's told," Sam says and I glance at him where he stands with his arms folded across his chest.

Sam glances down at me with his no-nonsense look and I give him a tentative smile. He smiles back and I feel a sense of relief. I roll onto my side and pull my knees up towards my stomach, Donovan approaches with a blanket and I close my eyes as he covers me up tucking it around my feet and shoulders.

"Come away and let Rosy sleep Donovan," Wade orders quietly.

"I'm not disturbing her," Donovan tells his father.

"You stink like stray," I tell him. I hear Donovan give a little snort but he takes my hint.

"Justin you got some clothes I can borrow? I need to have a shower." Donovan says and I notice his voice has deepened.

"I think mine might fit you better," Dwayne tells him quietly and I listen as they leave the room. Someone follows them after several moments and I rub my cheek against the old flat pillow that lives on the lounge. It has a smell that contains all the scents of those who live in the quarters all mixed and mingled together bringing a sense of security.

"Rosy? Rosy?" Jazzy's voice wakes me and I open my eyes reluctantly to find her squatting in front of me peering into my face. I jerk my head back in reaction and wince as the muscles in my neck and shoulders protest stiffly.

"Rosy, your food's ready." Jazzy tells me as she keeps eye contact. I blink several times before closing my eyes and yawning. I stretch slowly before opening my eyes and looking around.

"Where do you want your food?" Marissa asks softly and I push myself up into a sitting position.

I glance around the room and see everyone even Conner and Lance are present except for Donovan and I realise I can hear the shower running in the background. I hold my right hand out for my food and Marissa places the plate on my lap before putting a knife and fork on the plate.

"Thanks," I say and pick up the fork in my right hand as I rest my left arm on my leg on the far side of the plate.

"Here let me help you," Marissa says picking up the knife and reaching for the fork.

I hear the chorus of shouts and yells as well as the sounds of toms rushing towards us. I close my eyes tightly and turn my face away as I drop my fork and grab a handful of pillow. I am unable to do anything about the snarl that rises in my throat but I hold myself still as I feel the plate lifted from my lap and the soft rush of air as Marissa is moved away from me. Strong arms encircle me and I can smell Sam as he pulls me firmly against his chest.

"I'm sorry Mum; we should have thought to warn you," I hear Micah say quietly.

"You're doing real good Rosy," Sam says near my ear and I turn my head to bury my face against his chest.

I can hear the slight noise as my food is cut up and I catch the aroma of warm egg yolk and I swallow hungrily as my mouth waters.

"Shit! She's more stray than a feral," I hear Lance mutter.

"Have you ever seen a stray that has controlled the urge to guard their food like Rosy just did?" Wade demands and I am surprised to hear him speaking in my defence. "Rosy has had a lot to overcome and she was doing really well until Donovan and her were taken, if I say so myself."

"Maybe I was mistaken," Lance says.

"Who upset Rosy?" Donovan asks in disapproval as he walks into the room.

"Mum just wanted to cut up Rosy's food for her," Jazzy says as if nothing has happened.

"Cut it up before you give the plate to Rosy. The strays were always trying to take our food back once they'd put it in the room they had us locked in, only none of them were fast enough to get it off Rosy if she got hold of it," Donovan tells them calmly.

"They gave you food and then took it away from you?" Doc asks in concern.

"No they always dropped it on the floor or put it just inside the door. Rosy always got it because one of the strays kept telling ..." Donovan starts to explain.

"Terry, it was Terry," I say in a snarl against Sam's chest.

"Yeah him, he told the others if they got hold of me to drag me outside. Rosy never let me near the door and never let them get between me and her," Donovan says as if making everyday conversation.

"Your food is waiting for you Donovan and I got Rosy's ready so she can eat it now," Marissa says quietly.

Sam releases me slowly and guides me back onto my seat on the lounge before taking the plate from Marissa and putting it on my knees; I accept the fork he offers me and dig into the food hungrily. Donovan brings his plate of food to sit on the floor near me and he eats in silence. Slowly conversation starts among the toms and I listen to the sounds of their voices not bothering with what they are saying. Donovan finishes his food before I finish mine and although he eyes the bacon on my plate he doesn't say anything. I stab a piece of bacon with my fork and offer it to him.

"I'm right," he tells me.

"We'd best get heading off if we intend to make it to the funeral for Danny," Lance talks to the room as a whole.

"Can you pass on our condolences and apology that none of us can make it but we need to look after Donny and Rosy at the moment," Micah says formally.

"Don't forget those thermoses of coffee," Dwayne says.

"We got them," Lance reassures him. Conner walks over to squat near me and I look his way but don't quite meet his eyes. "It's been good to see you again although it hasn't been the best of circumstances." I glance at him but he is looking at the small swell of my stomach, "I had been hoping ... well a bit late for that now. I should have listened when Edwin was so full of talk about coming back here ... oh what the hell Edwin isn't here to object!" Conner mutters.

* * * * *

I watch as Conner walks over and squats down to say his farewells to Rosy, I'm shocked when he leans in and kisses Rosy on the lips. She recoils from him drawing her knees up to her stomach and raising her arms up between them to shield her face and chest.

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