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To New Beginnings Ch. 01

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Stephen joins a gym and gets assigned a personal trainer.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/11/2023
Created 10/21/2023
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I recently decided to get back into writing. This is the first story I have done in a long time. I hope you enjoy this first chapter and I have more to come. CW - This story contains forced feminization.

As always, all participants are of an appropriate age for the activities in which they engage and please leave me a comment when you're done.


Walking through the doors was like stepping into another world. The loud clanging of metal plates, grunts from men pushing themselves, and the occasional noises from women usually pushing themselves equally as hard through cardio. I was taking in all the sounds and smells when a friendly voice piped up from behind the desk,

"Hi! My name is Ashley, how may I help you?"

"Hi Ashley, my name is Stephan, and I am looking to get a membership."

She smiled and gave me the tour, showed me where all the free weights were, the cardio equipment, machines for doing assisted weighted exercises, locker rooms and showers. We walked back to the front desk, and she handed me the contract, explaining everything in it.

"Have you ever had a gym membership?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

"No, I've never even been inside a gym prior to today... Also today is my 18th birthday." I replied, knowing that I couldn't sign a contract before that.

"Well then, we should book you a time in with one of our personal trainers to show you the ropes. The first session is free to all and you are under no obligation to purchase more sessions, but for you that might be a good idea."

"I would like to do that, however, the only reason I can even afford to come here is due to my work having a deal for here."

"Oh! Where do you work?"

"I work at the grocery store, across the street." I replied flashing my ID badge to confirm.

She smiled gently, "well then let us get the contract updated to the corporate rate and get you booked in for that free training session."

With that I was booked in and excited to start losing weight. Even though graduation photos had long come and gone, I still wanted to try to look my best, get a grad date... But the chances of that were slim to nil, especially with only a few months until that day quickly approached. I had always been a loner, only had a couple of friends who I had met early on in school, other than that the only thing I had resembling a friend was the random encounters with people online through the games I was playing on PC, usually StarCraft, Warcraft, or Diablo.

The day of the training session came a few days later. Ashley had told me I was welcome to come any day, any time as it was a 24-hour gym, but I was far too nervous to try without having any instructions on what exactly to do. Cardio equipment was straightforward but the weights and even the machines were a whole other thing. I walked up to the desk and seen Ashley there, I noticed this time how cute she was with her friendly smile. She looked to be not much older than I. As she was about to hand me off to my personal trainer for the day, another woman came up and whispered something in her ear. An awkward glance came across Ashley's face. She handed the clipboard to the woman who had walked up to her.

"Hey Stephan, quick change of plans, your trainer that we had planned on had something come up, so Jennifer here is going to do your session."

I quickly looked over Jennifer, she was amazing, looked like she stepped straight out of a fitness magazine. Tall, for a woman, black hair just past her shoulders. I wouldn't say she was beautiful, but she was incredibly attractive, there was just something different about her that was turning me on. I was not unhappy to be paired up with her, but something told me that this was not a usual situation.

Jennifer led me over to the office, where she closed the door. She smiled, "that is just so that we can have a private conversation and we can check your measurements."

I stepped on the scale, 180, ouch, I guess it could be worse considering I had not done any kind of physical activity since my first year of high school when I joined the football team, until I realized two things, real life was not Madden and that I had no athletic talent at all. So, it just became an exercise in long distance running since our coach had decided that running was what was best for our team. We finished last but I was in the best shape of my life.

Jennifer hooked up these weird pads to my legs, arms, and chest. She looked at the machine,

"you have about 38% body fat, these are not completely exact, but they tend to be close... But at least that gives us a lot to work with!"

I replied with hesitation, "I am not sure what it says on the clipboard there, but I just turned 18, still in high school, and only working part time, I can only afford to come here because of the corporate rate that I get for working at the grocery store." I pointed in the vague direction of the store where I worked in the produce department.

A big smile crossed her face, "well you're in luck! You see every now and then I like to take someone on as a personal project. I like seeing people achieve their fitness goals. I grew up poor as well, I obviously know how expensive personal training is, and how impossible it would be for you to do this without help."

She must have seen the huge smile on my face and took that as an obvious yes, so she spoke again, "however, there will be some challenges with me offering this to you for free... Do you have a car?"

I replied, "yes, I do, it's one of the few things I do have other than my computer, it is just an old Honda... But it took a long time to save up for, I have been working since I was 13, first the standard paper route and then got on with the grocery store as soon as I could. Now most of my money goes towards insurance and gas."

She smiled warmly, "I could tell you were a hard worker and that you came from nothing like me. For the days that we exercise together, which will be every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, we will have to go to another location. Your membership allows you to work out at all gyms under the World Fitness group. I am not allowed to train people for free here. They frown upon it to say the least. What I would like you to do is come here, to this location, and do cardio on the days in between our sessions, except for Sundays, take as a rest day."

I nodded and she continued, "the information you provided Ashley, just said you wanted to lose weight as quickly as possible, correct?" "Yeah! I have graduation coming up and I would prefer not to go alone to another event even though I am used to it by now." "We can do our best and see how much we can get done over the next, what 3 months, it has been 6 years since I graduated."

With that we agreed to everything, she was able to do the first session at the main location, since it was included. She walked me through several free weight exercises, hip thrusts, lunges, squats, and a few other things. It seemed odd to me that we were doing exercises that mostly women did, avoiding most of the typically male ones like no bench press but I quickly shrugged it off, knowing that she knew best. After we were done, and I already had sweat pouring down my face, she had me go on to the treadmill for 30 minutes after. I thought I was going to die. I was so thankful when it was over and I could hop into the cold shower, change into my work clothes, and head off.

When I got to work and picked up the first box of bananas, I quickly realized how much the work out had done. The night was a struggle to get through every time I had to lift something heavy. When I arrived home, my bed was the most welcoming thing in my entire world. Closing my eyes, thinking about Jennifer. Her perfectly fit body, wondering how much work, time, and effort she had to put into getting a body like that. Wondering how much I would have to put into getting in shape.

The thought crossed my mind that this just might be an exercise in futility, even if I got into shape, I was still a nerd who never left my bedroom other than to go to school or work. A date to prom was likely out of the question. As that thought left my mind, I passed out harder than I had ever, at least since playing football. It was easily in the top 10 of my best sleeps ever. I woke up surprisingly refreshed, I followed Jennifer's instructions and headed to the gym in the morning for my cardio day.

I was thankful that I had taken so many spares. In other moments, I had kicked myself and was sure that I would need to take extra credits to graduate but by some miracle I had managed to get a 50.5% final grade in math, always my weakest subject. This semester by comparison was a cake walk, all of my favourite subjects; general computer studies, which I could basically sleep through and still get a perfect grade, computer programming, social studies; Canadian and some world history, the latter of which I especially loved, and English. Thankfully, getting at least my high school diploma was in the bag.

My body still sore, I tried my best to do a bit of running on the treadmill, quickly realizing that wasn't happening, I moved on the elliptical machine as I thought it would hit a little bit of everything. The skiing motion was much easier to deal with and was even able to bump up the resistance a bit. Jennifer came in as I was approaching the end of my hour to see her first client of the day. She smiled warmly, happy to see that I was there. She offered me some words of encouragement and suggested that I go back on the treadmill, walk it on an incline, flexing my ass as I walked. She giggled and said that men's butts were an underrated part, and this would help with that. The rest of my school and work day passed without as much pain, I was still sore but not nearly as bad as the previous day. I had wondered how I would feel with tomorrows work out.

I got my answer the next morning, arriving at the new World-Gym location after printing out the directions on MapQuest and following them but this being a new area it wasn't fully updated yet, just general directions to the area but I managed to find the strip mall and the sign for the gym. GPS was for rich people, a feature my 85 Honda Civic absolutely did not have. It had just started to come out in luxury vehicles. Feeling very lost as I walked through the front doors but thankfully there was Jennifer with her arms crossed with a frown upon her face,

"you're late."

I explained to her the situation, that I had never been to this part of town, when I drove, I went to exactly two places, work and school. Any other time was spent in my bedroom playing computer games, sleeping or doing homework. Gas was expensive, at least to me a kid who was barely able to afford a car. My parents did the best they could.

My mom worked her ass off to get through college at night while trying to raise my little brother and me. My dad had worked entry level service writer jobs for car companies for most of my life. My mom had worked in accounting for her entire adult life. Last year she finished her accounting manager degree, landed a sweet high paying job with an oil and gas firm but they were still paying off the debts of so many years of living on the poverty line. We always had a roof over our heads, but dinners were often mac and cheese or hamburger helper. It didn't help that my dad was a drunk who was hardly ever at home. Leaving me to cook for my brother and I, when my mom was at night school after working all day. I never understood why she stayed with my dad. There were times when she would almost leave with us kids, he would promise to change, things would be different for a month and then they would go back to our normal. Cycle would repeat over and over.

It seemed Jennifer had realized how harsh she had been, figuring out that I was a fish out of water. We signed in at the front desk with no issues, for some reason I had felt like we were going to get caught and get her in trouble. We walked over to the weighted machines, her showing me how to use each machine, my eyes never leaving her, watching her every move, both to learn how to do use it and just to watch her in action. We would trade out sets, her carefully watching over my every move, correcting me where I was making mistakes.

She explained that we both had to work out as training people privately was greatly frowned upon at most gyms, them wanting you to buy their services, of course. Once again by the end I had sweat pouring down my face. She then asked me something I didn't expect,

"did you bring swim trunks?"

"Umm, no?" I replied.

"Ah crap, I forgot to mention that this location has a pool and there is nothing like going for a light swim after a workout."

Instead, she just had me go to the treadmills and walk for a bit to cool down, bring my heart rate back down to normal. She had to leave right away, to get to the location she worked out of to see her first client for the day. Before she left, she pulled out a daily pill organizer and handed it to me.

She explained that they were just some supplements to help with my weight loss, that she got a good deal on from being a brand ambassador for them, she would hand me a full one next week and I was to bring back the empty container. She mentioned how critical it was that I take them at the same time every day, whether that be when I woke up or went to bed. It seemed odd to me that regular supplements would need to be taken at an exact time. Although I did as I was told, even two days in, I was like putty in her hands. Anything she told me to do was like a code to a computer, it was going to try to get done whether the code was right or not.

This was our routine for the next couple of months. We would work out together every other day, I would go for a swim after the weighted work outs, then I would do cardio on the days in between. At one month in, we came into the gym by my work and checked my progress. She was very impressed that I had dropped 15 pounds, getting to 165. The next month, not as impressive but still down another 10 pounds. At 155, I had started to feel great, my body was starting to shape up, toned but not muscular.

I had wonder often if this was the best way for me to be going about it, but Jennifer helped rationalize that most of the big muscle bound men had to take a lot of aggressive "supplements" to get in the kind of shape they were in. Also, they tended to have shorter life spans, so the way we were going about was the best for longevity and health. The only other odd instruction she gave me was to let my hair grow out. Something about how it would suit me better rather than the short cut I had went with since early grade school. Back then I had a ponytail and some asshole had stuck gum in it. Back then I had idolized Shawn Micheals and Bret Hart, all the WWF wrestlers of the time, but especially those two. I practically cried when I was told that all the results were predetermined, except for that time in Montreal when Vince had fucked over Bret. For me it was like being told Santa wasn't real, but I came to grips with the latter much easier.

I graduated with the exact 100 credits I needed to get my diploma. I was correct in my thought that even getting in better shape was not going to help me securing a date for the grad party. I had begged Jennifer to go with me, but she said there was no way at 24 she was going to a high school grad party, I begrudgingly agreed.

In the end, I ended up going with my two best friends. Both of them somehow managing to secure dates. I guess when high school hit, they had managed to make more friends, get involved in school activities, while I was still a loner at heart. It was another moment where I felt alone and had reminded myself why I stopped going to school dances. I was just thankful that I was 18 and could get drunk. Drinking everything in sight. Jennifer had done me a solid and gave me $100 as a grad gift and I quickly spent it all that night. I stumbled out of the event centre, flipping the bird at no one particular, rather just the world that had cursed me with my specific personality, promising that I would make something of myself now that high school was done.

The next month was unfortunately a reality of the world come to smack me in the face. I hadn't applied for any college classes, not sure what I wanted to do with my life. There weren't many jobs for people with just a high school diploma. I managed to get full time hours at the grocery store. My workouts with Jennifer continued, dropping another 8 pounds that month, down to 147. I had realized Jennifer was right about the work outs giving me a nice ass, it looked great but unfortunately most of the compliments, had been coming from guys seeing me from behind. I also began to notice that my skin was much softer, my nipples were a bit puffier and sensitive... Maybe that was in my head or maybe a random side effect of the supplements Jennifer had been giving me since we started.

Whatever the case I was in the best shape of my entire life. One day I pulled her aside after one of our workouts and told her that I wanted to put on muscle. I didn't want to be huge, but I wanted to be buff like the guys with all the girls. She frowned a little and then said we would talk about it later. That night after getting off from work she was waiting for me, which was odd, we never seen each other outside of our work outs.

She took me out to the bar in her car, I had thought that we were drinking equally but at some point, I realized I was far out pacing her. She giggled at my realization and suggested we leave before she was too drunk to drive. I agreed, unsure of where we were going. We ended up at her place, a little bachelorette suite in the downtown area.

It was very nice, all the appliances were brand new, I was sure that it had been recently renovated. Everything was out in the open except for the bathroom. Her suite was almost exactly what I expected for her, a little bit of femineity but smart choices for a very functional place. She offered me another drink, which I happily accepted. We sat down on her couch and started watching some TV show. I was way too drunk and enjoying her company to really care what it was.

After I finished my drink, she smiled and took it from me. Taking my glass over to the dishwasher and then taking my hand and leading me to her bed. She pushed me down on to it, I almost fell completely off of it, being pretty drunk. She got on top of me, each one of her powerful thighs on either side of me, squeezing me tight and began to kiss my lips, gently at first and then getting very aggressive. I could feel myself getting hard underneath her and I was sure she felt it too but made no acknowledgement of it. She ran her hands through my hair, that over the past 3 months had grown to just below my earlobes. I was amazed and how fast it was growing... must be another side effect of the supplements, I reasoned. She grabbed my hair hard, sucking a kiss equally as hard.

She then lifted off my shirt and began kissing down my now mostly flat stomach. She undid my pants and took them and my boxers off with ease, I should have expected it, a girl like this, there was no way she didn't have a lot of experience and here I was a virgin, hoping that was finally got to change that night. My cock was rock hard, it wasn't the biggest, average size or so I thought when I had measured it out of curiosity. Watching way too much porn can give you a complex about the size of most guys dicks and I was a full blown porn addict.

She took it all easily in her mouth, blowing me just as aggressively as she had done everything else, I thought I was going to cum within minutes of her starting, when she stopped and said the first thing, it felt like in hours,


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