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To Spite Another God Pt. 02


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Still, Mina strode forward, her jaw tight as a vice.

She came, at last, to Lucy's room, her palm cupped around her candle to dampen it's light. Then, realizing that even that dampened light would be too much, she blew the flame out and waited in the darkness, her ears and eyes straining. Her ears heard nothing but the quiet rumble of thunder, the patter of rain, and the pounding of blood in her own veins. Slowly, her eyes shifted to adjust to the darkness -- until she could see the door as a faintest outline and the low tables that were situated along the walls as shadowed shapes in the gloom. Her eyes were so sensitive that she could see the crackling whiteness of lightning strobing through windows around the corner -- flickering echoes of light.

It was now...or never.

Mina placed her hand upon the knob of the door, then slowly twisted it -- her heart in her throat. She was so terrified...she knew she should turn back, flee. That was what the animal part of her screamed at her. To place herself between a vampire and its prey felt so terribly futile...but...she imagined Lucy's pale flesh, exposed before the waiting fangs, her innocent body despoiled, corrupted. Her soul, lost for all eternity to the paradise that came after Earth. Her fingers tightened and she pushed the last few inches of knob, then put her shoulder to the door. The wood resisted, stubbornly, then opened and she stepped into the darkness -- and the candlestick clattered to her hands as the fingers slipped along her neck.

Before Mina could move, a mouth -- warm and wanting -- was pressed to her lips. She had no chance to even struggle before the tongue swept into her mouth, meeting hers...and she found herself kissing back. The few kisses she had shared with her Jonathan had been nothing like this -- those had been gentle, quick pecks, soft touches that had been as delightful and fleeting as the glint on the water in a lazy summer afternoon. The hands on her neck slid up, tangling into her hair, holding her close as she felt the soft, roundness of two breasts, pressing to her. That...

She lifted her hands, placing them against...fingers she knew.

Mina pushed Lucy backwards and, in the gloom, Lucy's grin was a ghostly shadow. "You feel different, Verona...I like it..." She stepped forward again, and before Mina could speak, her mouth and Mina's met again. Lucy kissed her with a wanton passion that shocked Mina to her core -- and rang a deep chord inside of her. Between her thighs, glittering want began to gather. A heat that brought a flush of shame to her cheeks. She tried to stop herself. She tried.

She tried.

Her tongue, questing, slid into Lucy's mouth, pressing together, mingling. Her hands dropped to her sides and Lucy's hands quested down, and to Mina's enduring shock, they closed around the taut pertness of her rump. She squeezed and then drew back, whispering. "Wait..." she whispered. Her hands released Mina and she stepped backwards in the shadow -- as the candle fell from Mina's nerveless fingers, clattering to the floor.

"...Mina?" Lucy whispered.

"I...I came to...rescue you..." Mina whispered.

Lucy chuckled, softly. "Rescue me from what? Immortality?"

"Y-You get that in heaven-"

"I don't want heaven, I want now. I want summer evenings in the country and winter inside with wine and...with you, Mina." Her hands slid out. She took Mina's face, now, her fingers cool and her mouth so warm, so wet, so wanting. Mina was still shocked at the electric feeling of her mouth on hers. Her nipples were hard. She couldn't think straight. She trembled, her hands reaching up, then falling back again as Lucy pressed her back. The firmness of the doorframe pressed to Mina's spine, rumpling her dress. Lucy broke the kiss, whispering. "I want the world, not...some...paradise that comes after..."

"T-This is wrong..." Mina whispered.

"Then go. If you go...I go..." Lucy said. "But if you stay...we stay. We've been too much to split, now." She caressed her cheeks, silky fingers on Mina's blush. She still felt faintly cool, as if the first feeding had still sapped a tiny bit of her vitality. Mina's hands reached out -- grabbing at the door frame, at the nightstand next to the door. She gripped onto the hard wood, trying to center herself, to not think in scatter shot fragments. The distant thunder rumbled like her hammering heart.

"Lucy, t-this is madness," she whispered.

"The world's mad, you've said it yourself." Lucy's mouth, in the darkness, did not simply have honey sweet words. She also had other means of attack. Her teeth grazed along the thundering pulse point on Mina's throat and her lips trailed molten hot kisses up to her jawline, to her ear. She crooned. "At least this madness is warm and loving and has you. Please. I...just...please..." She nibbled on the lobe of her ear and Mina felt herself sagging against the wall.


Lucy's fingers went to the collar of her gown. Tugged. The rasping of the string through the rings of her cloth was preternaturally loud to her.

Mina did not stop her.

The coolness of the night air was banished by the warmth of Lucy's breath against Mina's collar and the tops of her breasts. Her fingers knew where to go to begin to undo the corset underneath. Mina lifted her arms above her head, without thinking. "Lucy, we c...we can't..." She whispered, even as her corset clattered to the ground, leaving her achingly exposed. In the darkness, Lucy responded not with words, but by gently closing her mouth around Mina's nipple. She sucked and the pleasure was so dizzying that Mina had to bite down on her knuckle to keep from...

She trembled as Lucy drew back. She took Mina's other hand. Mina nearly drew blood as she was tugged from the wall, her knees trembling, barely able to hold herself. They gave way a mere foot from the bed -- but by then, Lucy had gotten her close, so that Mina collapsed atop her. Nightclothes rustled and crumbled and Lucy and Mina's mouth found one another as Lucy wallowed in sensual pleasure upon the bed. Mina was looming above her -- and yet, Lucy was the one in charge. She pushed Mina up and away from her, crooning quietly.

"Mina, you want me to take this nightgown off?"

Mina's throat was dry. "W-We shouldn't..." she whispered. Her fingers found the hem of Lucy's gown.

"I...meant what I said...if you stand up to go, I will go with you...Vlade will let us go." Lucy's teeth dimpled her lips in the shadows. Her eyes glittered in the pale light that came through the window -- and then, with a flash of lightning, her body was starkly visible to Mina -- a curvacious form that tempted her to...sinful thoughts and sinful deeds. She wasn't sure she was even going to heaven anymore, just for what she was thinking, what she was doing. Her fingers hooked under her hemline, then slowly began to slide it up, and up, and up, and Lucy made it terribly easy for her -- arching her spine like a cat, wriggling her shoulders, giggling like a school girl.

Lucy, nude, was even more lovely than Mina could have imagined.

Lucy's thumb pressed to Mina's lips as her palm cupped her cheek. Mina sucked on her thumb tip, her eyes half closed. "Mm," Lucy murmured. "Will you stay?" Her thumb popped free and Mina panted softly, her mouth hanging open, her eyes unfocused. Her head swam and she whispered.

"Will he...feed...on me too?"

"Only if you wish it," Lucy murmured. "But...I want to be a vampire. What do you want, Mina?"

"I want to..." Mina stopped. Her cheeks burned. "I...want to stop them."

Lucy's eyes widened. "...them..."

There was only one Them.

"I thought..." Mina paused. "I thought that...Dracula could be a hope. He has powers and strength and...and he's a great general..." She felt her stomach do a slow flop as she...realized...for all that Lucy's reasons for becoming a vampire were, inherently, emotional and sensual...her own mind was beginning to slap down concepts, like bricks in a wall. Crunch. Strength. Immunity to weapons. Eerie powers. Proof of loyalty to Dracula, who could be...a valuable ally...and under that, there was an emotional core that felt...contrasted to Lucy's bubbling delight in the physicality of the world...utterly grotesque.

Lucy wanted to live.

But deep in Mina's breast burned a desire to fight back. To rip those tripods apart. To find whatever rode within and then tear them apart.

Lucy nodded, gently. "Me too," she said, softly.

Her fingers went to Mina's breasts. She squeezed. Mina shuddered and groaned out. "Lucy..." She murmured...then leaned forward, kissing her. Their bodies interlocked closer together now -- their clothing having slipped away, allowing them to touch skin to skin, nipple to nipple. Lucy's palms slid along her sides, down to her hips. She lifted her knee, grinding her leg against the place between Mina's thighs -- and Mina felt the shuddering delight of that illicit contact. Lucy panted as Mina drew her mouth back, her voice hungry.

"Mina, my darling Mina..." she whispered. "You want to be a vampire too."

"I do..." Mina felt the dark sweetness of that admission, her belly tightening. It felt wrong...but so right. "I do."

"When he comes...he'll feed upon you. Then he will offer you some of his blood as well..." Lucy's fingers caressed along her back. Her knee rocked and continued to grind against Mina's sex and Mina couldn't stop herself -- she moaned, rolling her head back as Lucy kissed her collar, then her breasts. She found her other nipple and she sucked on her, using just a tiny bit of teeth. Mina's whole body felt like it was burning as she gripped onto the sheets above Lucy's head, her fingers digging into the silk like it was flesh.

"Yes...yes..." Mina panted, huskily.

"He says it takes three times..." Lucy paused. "I will skip this night. I want us to...I want us change at the same time."

Mina shivered. "B-But..."

"I can wait..." Lucy smiled, then paused. "Mina...I...I have long had a thought...I..." her cheeks actually flushed.

"What is it?" Mina trembled against her knee.

"I want to taste you, my dearest Mina..."

Mina nodded. Her cheeks burned and her heart hammered and the idea of speaking after such an admission felt impossible. But she did not stop herself. She simply let the sin inside of her carry her forward, crawling along Lucy's body. Her thighs spread and she sat upon her face -- as if she had been born knowing what to do, and how to do this. As if she had been born to sin. And then Lucy's hands cradled her ass, squeezing her -- her fingers tightening as her tongue delved into her sex, her nose rustling against her pubic hair. The feeling her warm, wet, questing tongue took the somewhat distant sensations of Mina's fingers -- hazy memories of the few times her self control had been overridden by her longing -- and cast them into Perdition by comparison.

Mina could not hope to resist her moan. She threw her head back and groaned, huskily, her eyes closing, her hands going to her breasts. She squeezed herself, tugging upon her own nipples, her fingers squeezing herself as she trembled -- white light flashing behind her eyes. The pleasure was indescribable -- but what was even better was the flash of lightning that cast the room in stark white. And in that whiteness was...


Dracula stood there, where once he had been utterly absent. He was clothed -- and he looked at her with a gentle warmth. His red eyes met hers and he murmured. "I see you've come as you...also want it?"

His fingers cupped her cheek. His thumb caressed along her chin.

Mina could not speak. She could only pant, her eyes unfocused as Lucy lapped at her sex, her nose finding a small pearl of raw pleasure, grinding against her...against a part of her that she hadn't even known was there. A tiny button that sang to Mina, and chased away thought.

"I can make it easier for you..."

Mina mumbled. "Mmhmm?"

His eyes...swirled. They looked like shimmering pools of blood -- rippling and sweeping around one another. Whirlpools...and Mina felt the ability to feel shame cut from her body. It was like cold fingers were deftly cradling her mind, her soul, and they were gently squeezing a part of her, then separating it, laying down distance and walls so that she felt nothing but the absense of the feeling of shame. Instead, there was the bubbling desires she hadn't known she had wanted. She grinned, fiercely, her eyes glittering.

"I want to kill those sons of bitches," she snarled.

"So, you want to be a vampire to kill?" Dracula asked, coldly.

"Yes...and..." Mina gasped as Lucy's tongue swept into her. Her eyes unfocused.


His prompt was gentle.

'A-And...I...I don't...I don't know..." She trembled. "I...oh god..." Her eyes closed and the pleasure overwhelmed her. Without shame, without restraint, she wallowed in it as white exploded behind her eyes and her back arched as if she were an animal in heat. Lucy gripped her hips, holding her in place, while Mina tried to rock herself, her hips twitching and jerking. Her breasts heaved and her skin glittered with a thousand tiny gemstones. She cried out -- a single pure note that left her throat feeling raw. Her juices flowed into Lucy's mouth and she drank of her, greedily. When Lucy slid back, Mina was a trembling wreck, her whole body kept upright by the titanic, iron hard strength of Dracula's hand on her jaw.

Her eyes, unfocused, looked up into his swirling eyes.

"I don't turn people to make them killers..." he rumbled. "Once...I allowed a killer to become one of us. He...I killed him and swore to never again be responsible for that kind of death." His eyes swirled. "Tell me. Why do you want to be a vampire? What is the deepest truth?"

Mina trembled.

Her eyes rolled back.

And she spoke words that she had never imagined -- but they rang in her soul, with truth.

"I want it..."

"Explain..." he murmured as her eyes closed. His hand drew away and she collapsed forward, her palms against the headboard of the bed. Lucy slid away from her, smacking her lips lewdly as she sighed.

"You taste amazing, M-" Lucy stopped as Dracula waved his hand, indicating silence. His hand had a secondary action though -- it caused every candle in the room to bloom with rose red flame at the same moment, casting Mina's trembling, sweat soaked body in a new light. Her sweat glittered like rubies and her skin looked as if it had been painted in blood. Lucy caressed her back, gently, as Mina tried to marshal her thoughts. the was Lucy who spoke first, with a playful giggle.

"My dearest Mina might not know how to say it, but I do..." She pressed against her back. "We both want it. The world. My whole life was a London townhouse and a country home and a wedding ahead of me. Mina's was a marriage to a solicitor and reading the newspaper." Her hand caressed Mina's breast. "And we thought we were happy with dreams that fit into top-hats and waistcoats and trainyards and stock prices."

Mina nodded. "Yes..." She bit her lip. "I want to be more than just Mina Harker, or Mina Murray. I want to be me." She licked her lips.

Dracula nodded, slowly.

Mina felt a sudden lurch in her belly. "T...That's the wrong answer...isn't it. It's selfish and shallow and-"

Dracula put his finger on her chin.

Lifted her head upwards.

He looked into her eyes and Mina...knew what it was to be a prey animal, sized up by a predator. Her skin crawled and gooseflesh spread across her and despite her deepest instincts screaming at her to run, that she was in danger, she found she could not move...and she found that another part of her wanted this deeper than she could have imagined. Her nipples were achingly hard and her cunt dripped with arousal as Dracula leaned forward, with a stately slowness. His mouth opened and his fangs glittered like rubby daggers. Mina closed her eyes to the thinnest slits, whimpering.

"D...Don't..." she breathed out through clenched teeth. A last, desperate attempt to save her soul.

Either he didn't hear...

Or he didn't care...

Or he knew it was the mousy Mina Harker that wanted nothing more but to hide from everything around her. It was the part of her she realized she hated more than any other.

Dracula ignored her and sank his fangs into her throat with a silky smoothness. Mina groaned, her hand reaching up, grabbing the back of his head, fingers curling through his hair as his fangs quivered inside of her flesh. She felt as if her virginity had been taken -- but rather than pain, it was nothing but a pure, pure pleasure. His fangs slipped free with a slick, slippery noise that reminded her of the sound of Lucy between her legs. Then his mouth pressed to the puncture wounds and he began to drink from her.

Her heart fluttered. Throbbed. It was trying to pump blood, and that blood was leaving her. And she could only feel a giddy happiness...and then he was drawing away, his tongue darting along her neck. She felt the wound sealing -- and then before she could move, his mouth pressed to hers.

Dark fluid flowed into her mouth, pushed from his lips to hers. She swallowed without thinking.

It was delicious.



Dracula drew back, chuckling, holding her back. "Hold...hold..." He rumbled. "Drink too much, too fast, and...well, the transformation won' properly." His hand went to her cheek. "Rest now, Mina Murray..." His voice made her nipples buzz and she whimpered.

"Fuck me..."

He chuckled. "No, my're currently feeling the pleasure of the Kiss. It would be an unpardonable affront, to take advantage of you in this situation..." He was drawing backwards, while Lucy giggled gaily.

"That's what he said when I begged him...I was considerably less, ah, refined and delicate..." She giggled again as Dracula vanished into the shadows again. Lucy drew Mina into her arms, then laid down. Mina felt...very tired. Very sleepy. She smiled, then closed her eyes -- and in the warmth of Lucy's embrace...she slipped into sleep.

* * * * *

Mina woke to find herself looking at Lucy -- her body lit by a slash of sunlight, her nudity somehow...innocent. Mina slowly put her finger to her throat -- and felt the two dimpled impacts on her neck. Her skin felt sensitive, and touching herself called her to mind the memory of the Kiss. The feeling of the fangs burned into her memories and she whimpered. That was enough to waken Lucy. Lucy smiled, rolling onto her back. She brushed her hair backwards, revealing her own bite marks. "It feels good, doesn't it?" she whispered.

Mina nodded. "Yes..."

Lucy leaned up, then slowly licked along the dimpled imprint of the fang bite.

Mina mewled. "Lucyyy!"

Lucy giggled. "Did that excite you, dearest Mina?"

Mina nodded, then flushed. "O-Oh god...oh god, I...Jonathan!" She drew back, her eyes widening, her hand going to her mouth. "I...I am sworn to him..."

"And?" Lucy asked, arching an eyebrow. "...oh, right."

"I'm...I...oh no..." Mina stammered.

"Oh, no, dearest Mina! I...I learned something, from the wives..." Lucy took her hands, squeezing her. "Mina...I...didn't wish to speak of it, I didn't wish to hurt you, but..."

"What?" Mina asked.

"...Jonathan...did not...fully disclose that he was, ah, to be wed to you, when he arrived here..." Lucy said, her cheeks flushing slightly. She paused. "I...a-according to Aleera...he..." Mina's eyes widened, unable to believe what she was hearing as Lucy continued: "He...laid with them...that was how he got so...confused and alarmed."

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