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Together Ssn 05 Ch. 01 - Something Else

Story Info
Girl contends with drunk father.
4.3k words

Part 38 of the 88 part series

Updated 10/26/2023
Created 02/15/2022
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***All sexually active characters depicted herein are of age, 18 years old at least. Some of what you read may be distressing. Always be safe and vigilant.***

A teenager's bedroom is a lonely place. It holds memories; trinkets of childhood, like stuffed toys once held for comfort against the monsters of the night, or games seldom played with family and friends. A teenager's bedroom is filled with promises: posters of crushes adorning the walls from the realms of music and film; their art inspiring fantasies of better lives filled with wonder, to be plucked from the safe harbour of mediocrity and whisked away in the arms of a saviour to someplace better.

For Mia Milosevic, 18, her bedroom is a grungy place, kept clean and tidy enough for what can be expected from a teenager, but she could do better. She knows she could keep it cleaner, but she has enough to worry about with her education. Her studies drain every ounce of concentration, tiring her mind, and draining her body. The light from her computer screen burns into her retinas, with Mia hoping that what she sees imprints on her brain.

She hears a crash, and banging from outside of her room, somewhere in the house, and Mia huffs heavily, putting in her ear buds, and whacking on a heavy metal playlist on her phone's music app. She feels the devastating pulses of the drums shake her to her core, and with a deep breath, she attunes to the sound thumping with the beating of her heart, tracing the flow of blood through her veins coupled with bouts of adrenaline.

Facing an impasse with her coursework, Mia saves her progress to the site, logs out, and she slumps onto the bed, picking up a rock music magazine. It's years old at this point, and she has read it a hundred times, but, she isn't going to be buying a new issue any time soon, nor is anyone else for that matter.

Flicking through the pages, Mia reads the articles: "Distinguished titans from a bygone era are bringing out a new album, and we have an exclusive interview with the band." Yeah, I have the CD. It was actually pretty decent, but Hearts of Anguish will always be what they are known for. "Frontman, Cliff Reverie, tells us, 'We really wanted to weave a fantastical tale to inspire the next generation on this one, pulling the youth away from the chokehold of technology that grips them, charmed by the Pied Piper's of corporatocracy.' We couldn't agree more." Yeah, I am inclined to agree. Everyone is so fake these days. Brainwashed.

Happily reading through the article, Mia feels herself become uncomfortable and agitated, especially as her eyes affix to the bare abs of a hot rockstar smiling with a piercing gaze right back into her eyes. Stirring in her core is a deep longing, and Mia massages her belly to no avail, with the glossy pages flopping onto her shirt. She alters her grip to hold the spine of the magazine open with one hand as the other explores down to the seat of the crotch of her jeans. With that one hand, she unbuttons the jeans, teases the zipper down, and digs her fingers down to her crotch, feeling it sodden and moist, tracing circles around her clitoris.

Mia is suddenly gripped in the clutches of anxiety as the magazine is gripped by a menacing hand, scrunching it up, and she cowers, sinking back into the corner of her bed, comforted by the embrace of the walls around her. Peeking through her fingers as she shields her face with her hands, she spots the looming giant that is her father, his face masked in shadow with her bedroom light behind his head as she peers upward.

Mia's father rants loudly, but his words are obscured by the music, and the teen hastily removes her ear buds and places them with her phone on the bedside table as her father shouts, "...idly wasting time with this drivel instead of doing what you should be doing, which is studying. Do you know what I have given to get you into college to further your education you ungrateful little bitch? Keep on like this, and you'll be good for nothing but a whore. Your mother was an ungrateful whore too, and good riddance! Are you going to take after her? Do you want to be a whore?!"

In truth, Mia is a virgin. Like anyone wanted to be with her anyway. She always dresses in skinny jeans, printed tees of her favourite bands of tours she could never see live, and adorned with cuffs and collars with as many spikes they can fit. She is always shy around others, and keeps to herself, or, more accurately, is kept around the house to act as a maid for her Dad. She feels more like a pet than a daughter. She's not allowed a voice, and she's not allowed to think.

In response to her Dad, Mia sits quietly, looking anywhere but directly at him, knowing better than to stoke the fires of his anger with a misinterpreted look she might give. He will take any excuse to be mean, and she knows this, so, she just clutches to her a cuddly toy that she can reach, and she clutches it tightly, almost making the stuffing bulge within it.

Mia's father belches a sour fume of cheap beer from his gassy guts, and he mounts the bed, scratching his bollocks in his exposed underwear under his grubby T-shirt as he stumbles onto his daughter. He finds his balance, with Mia bracing for a beating as her father raises a hand to her, saying, "I have to do everything in this fucking house. You are a completely useless waste of time and money I don't have. You know what? You are the only woman in this house, pathetic excuse for one as you are," wrenching the stuffed toy from his daughter's grip, as she sulks quietly in it's absence, and he belches vulgarly as he adds, "put you to good use for once."

Stunned, Mia chuckles, saying, "Dad, you're not serious," but he reaches into the waistband of his pants and pulls out his stubby dick squeezed in his grip. Mia recoils in terror, unable to jump back far with the walls behind her, feeling uncomfortably tight as her father leans onto her, tugging on the waistband of her jeans to bring them to her knees, and ripping aside her pink and black striped panties. Stunned, and scared, with her heart pumping frighteningly fast, Mia asks, "Dad, you're not serious, right? You don't want to do this. You're drunk. Please, Dad? Tell me you're joking?"

Mia's father rubs his growing dick against his daughter's crotch, and he bitterly shouts, "You fucking dare to talk back to me, you ungrateful little bitch?," and he punches her hard on the jaw, making her mouth bleed from her lip as it bursts open. Mia winces, but bares the pain, no stranger to her father's hand, sucking the blood from the wound as her father thrusts himself inside her.

Mia's breath is taken in this moment as she feels her Dad force himself inside her. She tries to clench her thighs together as much as she can in an attempt to make his entry more difficult, but he pushes his whole body to crushingly weigh upon her with his full stature. She strains and cycles with her legs as best she can as she says, "Dad, please? I don't want this. This is wrong. We can't do this. What if I get pregnant? Oh god, please, Dad, oh I'm sorry for whatever I did. I have learned my lesson. I've been punished enough, please, Dad, oh, please? I'm unpopular enough as it is. This would destroy me."

Angered by his daughter's pleading tone, Mia's father grips her chin hard, contorting her mouth as he exudes bad breath with his words from his grimacing lips, "You selfish, ungrateful little bitch. I am the man of this house, and you, as the woman of this household, will serve me as I deem fit." He grasps fistfuls of Mia's shirt, and tears it apart to her horror, exposing a cute pink bra. He grips the bra, and tugs, and tears, and rips it apart, leaving it draped on her body in tatters as her young tits are unveiled. He looks upon Mia's full-bodied curves, and comments, "Not the most flattering, but it will have to do."

Mia feels how her Dad fills her pussy, now conscious of how she looks with her body nude in front of him, and waves of heat burn red on her face as she wipes her head with her hands to hide her shame. She is shook by how her father thrusts himself into her, wondering when it will end, and she nervously asks, "Dad? Please, Dad? Stop now, please? I don't want to do this. I won't say a word about this to anyone."

Mia's father fucks faster, with more force, ignoring his daughter as he notices, "You are feeling really tight. It's becoming so hard to move any more," and he pulls out to a squirming and convulsing commotion from his daughter. He slaps her rolling boobs with as much power as he can muster, and squeezes her neck with a crushing choke until she becomes more still, followed by some contented moans.

Panting, Mia exclaims, "Oh thank fuck. It's over!"

Mia's father shouts, "You selfish, ungrateful whore! You think you can orgasm and get away with it? No. I am not done," and he pops his dick back inside his daughter.

So much more sensitive now, Mia is much more vocal than before, and her Dad's palm presses over her mouth. She struggles to free herself to no avail, and suddenly feels a hotness leak into her as her Dad groans hard. Her eyes lock widely on his face as she realises what he has done, and his hand slowly pulls away, and she sits in stunned silence, simply staring.

Mia's father looks down at his dick, and angrily shouts, "Is that blood? You a fucking virgin? Filthy!" He strikes his daughter's body with his hands in a blind and bitter rage, bruising her bodacious frame, and he clutches at his daughter's head, holding it tight as he wrestles the reluctant teen to come face-to-face with his bloody dick, demanding, "Clean it up."

Mia's eyes are met with the overhang of her father's belly, and she grimaces as her head is pulled, despite her best efforts to resist, to smear her pursed lips with her virgin blood. Feeling the pressure from her father sear into her from above, her lips relax, allowing her father's foreskin to brush on her clenched teeth, and she lowers her jaw, taking the dick on her tongue.

Mia's father hugs his daughter's head to his crotch, barely moving as he feels his dick settle on her tongue, feeling her cough and hearing her gag as the sliminess on his flesh slickens him and stiffens him. He holds his daughter's head firm as he grows in her mouth, in spite of her protests.

A trembling in Mia's throat turns to a rumble, and hot embarrassment washes over her anew as she spews from her mouth an eruption of bile brought on by her disgust. She shakes with rekindled fear knowing her father will be further displeased.

Mia's father springs back from the splatter of stomach juices, and hastily leaves for the bathroom. He can be heard running water from the shower, and then a loud thump as he has presumably slipped and fallen.

Mia rushes to see, and sees her father unconscious in the bath, with water spraying everywhere. Collecting her thoughts, she quietly thinks aloud, "I have wanted to have sex for so long, and now I have finally had it like all the cool girls. But, I've done it with Dad! Oh fuck, everyone is going to end me for this. I have to get out of here." Mia's ears are met by the sounds of snoring from the tub, and she whispers, "Pack up your shit, Mia. You're getting out of here."

Hazy from a heady mix of hormones, Mia scrambles to stuff a load of clothes into a backpack she uses for school, and quietly tiptoes out of her room, slipping on a fresh shirt from the laundry pile. Floating downstairs with light feet, she unlocks the front door and leaves, careful not to make any noise that could alert her father, still fearful of his retribution.

Quietly backing away from the front door, Mia stares at the frontage of the house, feeling it towering over her, like it is leaning over her in judgment, filling her with dread, thinking, 'What am I doing? He will end me when I come back here. Life won't be worth living.' The foreboding wanes as her feet land on the pavement, and she scarpers, sprinting as fast as her legs will carry her, almost immediately feeling them burn from not being athletic, but letting her adrenaline carry her far beyond the bounds of the street.

Seeking refuge by sitting inside the shelter of a bus stop, Mia scrambles for her phone, getting up her call log, and tapping on the screen before lifting her phone to her ear. The dull tone beeps in her ear, and again, and again, and again, and again, and she hears the soft crackle of ambient noise, followed by a calm and cute voice calling, "Hi, Mia? What on Earth makes you call me at this hour?"

Heart racing, Mia heavily breathes as she replies, "I'm running away from home, and need somewhere to stay. Please, Daisy? I really need this. I can't go back. I can't go back. I can't go back," starting to hyperventilate.

Daisy sweetly says, "Of course you can stay with me. I will wait for your arrival. It's all going to be just fine."

Mia worriedly asks, "You really think so?"

Daisy assures her friend, "I really do. You need me right now, Mia. I'm not going to let you down. Our friendship means a lot to me, you know?"

The bus approaches, and Mia tells her friend, "I know. The bus is here. I'm about to get on."

Daisy urges Mia to, "Stay on the line."

Mia nods, taking a deep breath as she steps onto the bus, scrolling through her phone for her monthly ticket, and she scans it under the scanner on the register. Accepted, she turns to see people sparsely sat around the bus; all men, with a musty odour of booze hanging in the air, and their heads crane to fix their attention on Mia like vultures eager to pick at her carcass.

Hurriedly walking to the rear of the bus, Mia sits down, and places her phone to her ear to inform Daisy, "I am on."

Daisy says to her, "Very good. I will stay with you."

Mia admits quietly, "I'm scared," and watches as one of the men watching her stands up, finding his balance as the bus moves in transit, and he stumbles his way up to the rear. Mia quietly whines as she winces at the shambling man, "Daisy, there's someone coming up to me."

Daisy expressly says to Mia, "Stay on the phone. I will help you if anything happens. I'm going to come out and meet you at the bus stop at mine, but stay with me."

The approaching passenger mounts the seat in front of Mia, leaning on the backrest with his arms crossed, and resting his chin on them as he gruffly says, "You are a beautiful one to be out at this hour. Going anywhere fancy?"

Mia looks up at the man out of the corner of her eye, and she clutches the phone tight to her ear as she tells Mia, "He's talking to me."

The strange passenger asks, "You got a friend who wants to join us, baby? I don't mind sharing if you do."

Looking out of the window, Mia informs Daisy, "Three stops away."

The strange passenger purrs a gruff groan in his throat, and reaches a hand out to Mia, saying as he touches her arm, "It's rude to ignore someone who is talking to you," grabbing her sleeve and hoisting her up from her seat, closer to his sour stench as he growls, "I can teach you and your friend some manners."

Mia screams, crying for, "Help! Get this man off me! Help!"

The strange man gloats, "What's wrong? You not having fun? I'm going to teach you so many fun things tonight."

Another man shouts, "Hey! Let her go!"

The strange passenger throws Mia down on the seat, and he turns to say to the other man, "This has nothing to do with you. Unless you want to join in with us?"

The other man confidently walks up the bus to the strange man, and he grabs the collar of his coat, holding him firmly as he threatens him, "Leave her alone. She's scared, you piece of shit."

The strange passenger taunts the other man, "Takes one to know one," and the other man headbutts him, popping his nose to burst with blood as their collision causes a crunchy cracking.

The bus stops, and Mia hears in her ear, and also from down the bus, "Mia, come on!" Mia bounds up from the seat, clutching her phone and her backpack, and she brushes behind the helpful stranger, hurrying to follow Daisy off the bus, flying into her arms for a hug.

Daisy May, 24, embraces her friend, watching the bus pull away, letting her friend know, "You're safe now. It's going to be better now," feeling Mia shaking in her arms, but not from the cold, as she invites her friend to, "Come back to mine. You can fill me in on everything."

It takes barely a couple of minutes to walk to Daisy's apartment, with Mia sheltered under her arm to shield her from the horrors of the world. The duo enter into the safe confines of Daisy's apartment, with the host offering to her guest, "Please, take a seat. Is there anything I can get you to drink? Tea, or coffee, something cold?"

Mia sits on a sofa in the small sitting room, beside a book shelf filled with romantic novels, erotic novels, and some DVD's of classic romance films, glancing a look at the selection of hot entertainment as she gives her answer to her friend's offer, "No, thanks. I'm not in the mood for a drink. I just want a rest, and hope it's all a bad dream."

Daisy sits next to Mia on the sofa, and asks her, "What did happen?"

Mia recounts, "I had to get out of there; home, I mean. I don't feel safe anymore. His drinking has always been bad, but, now, he really crossed a line." Mia takes a deep breath, and Daisy listens intently as her friend continues, "He was angry as usual, blaming everyone and everything for how his life is; nothing new there. What is new is, he came to my room after I finished studying for the night, and he decided to... to... force himself on me..."

Daisy mentions, "I noticed your lip," seeing the scab of dried blood forming, and the bruising on her friend's chin around it. She asks, "Is that what happened? He beat you again?" Mia stares in shock, and Daisy asks again, "What happened?"

Mia echoes what her father told her, informing Daisy, "He said he was the man of the house, and I was the woman of the house, and, there are things he implied were expected of that relationship, and... he... put himself inside me, and... he... he..."

Daisy looks incredulously at her friend as she listens to her, confirming with her, "He put a baby in you?"

Mia laughs shakily, almost crazed with a wide-eyed stare, as she says, "I did Sex Ed at school. I know what happens when that happens, and it happened. I feel so dirty, so unclean inside. I can feel him inside me, growing into our baby."

Daisy springs up from the sofa, and pulls Mia up to her feet, bringing her to the bathroom. Once there, she digs around in a draw, and pulls out a box, and from the box, she removes a pregnancy test. Daisy passes it to Mia, and says, "Use this."

Mia takes the plastic stick, and asks, "Now?"

Daisy hastily responds, "Yes, now."

Mia looks down at the pregnancy test, and worriedly explains, "But, I don't need to go."

Daisy stubbornly tells her friend, "We stay as long as it takes. If I have to fill you up with water, and run the taps to make you go, then that's what I will do, until you pee on that," indicating the pregnancy test in her friend's hand.

During the wait, Mia thinks on her feelings at the time, and confesses, "I think I enjoyed it."

Daisy enquires, "Enjoyed?"

Mia clarifies, "The... time with Dad... It felt good when I was brought to... It came as such a relief... If only for a brief moment..."

Daisy asks, "Did it feel good cumming for him, or just cumming?"

Mia ponders this question, and recalls, "I... did feel good, but I wanted it to stop after I came. It was sickening after that. I puked on him when he put himself in my mouth."

Daisy smiles a little upon hearing this, supposing, "You didn't enjoy him so much as you got to feel an orgasm. You won't ever want it to stop with the right person," and she leans forward to tell her friend with sincerity, "You don't have anything to worry about, or be ashamed of. And, fuck him, you puked on him, so I bet that gave him something to think about."


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