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Together Ssn 07 Ch. 03 - Let's Have Our Fun

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Girls just wanna have fun.
3.5k words

Part 64 of the 88 part series

Updated 10/26/2023
Created 02/15/2022
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***All sexually active characters are of age, 18 years old at least, and all sexual activities are consensual. Enjoy!***

Whilst Carrie Harper, 19, is staying at her mom's house, she has her friends over, Tracey Garret and Lillie Pratchet, 19. Sitting around the kitchen table, Carrie's mom, Julie-Ann Harper, 42, asks Lillie, "So, I hear you're sleeping with my husband?"

Lillie plainly states, "He's not your husband."

Julie-Ann raises her voice, "He will always be my husband."

Lillie calmly suggests, "Surely not. You divorced, even if you kept his name."

Julie-Ann explains, "I kept the name to make it easier on Carrie. I certainly didn't expect him to be sleeping with someone her age; let alone one of her friends."

Lillie quietly defends herself, "She's fine with it."

Carrie concurs, "I really am fine with it."

Tracey adds, "It was Carrie that talked about it."

Shocked, Julie-Ann scolds her daughter, "Carrie! How could you? That is entirely inappropriate."

Carrie opens up to her mom, "I'm just so fed up of you two arguing with each other instead of moving on. Like, it's long past the point where you should both be happy with someone else and just stop with this bullshit... Fuck!"

Julie-Ann chastises her daughter, "Language!," but hears to what she said, settling down a little to say, "What would you know, anyway."

Carrie suggests to her mom, "You still love him."

Julie-Ann raises her voice again, "I do not love him. I hate him," bitterly barking at Lillie, "Do what you want with him? See if I care."

Carrie raises her voice defiantly, "Mom! That was not nice. You say you're sorry, now!"

Julie-Ann shouts, "Don't take that tone with me, young girl!"

Carrie warns her mom, "If you don't apologise to Lillie, I'm going to live with Dad full-time, and you will never see me again."

Julie-Ann's nose wrinkles uglily, itching to call the teen's bluff, but not willing to risk losing her daughter, so she says to Lillie, "I'm sorry. It's none of my business what you do with him."

Carrie remarks her mom, "There. Was that so hard? Anyone would think you were the child."

Julie-Ann shouts, "Don't push it, young girl!"

Carrie coolly says, "You know what, I am going to go back to live with Dad, until your mood gets better. Come on, girls."

The trio of girls leave Carrie's mom bitter and angry, gathering the teen's things and setting out on the long trek to her dad's like she said. Stephen Harper, 42, is surprised by the sudden visit, not expecting them, asking, "What's up?"

Carrie explains, "Mom's being a bitch because she can't admit she still loves you, and was mean to Lillie about you two."

Stephen says, "Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," asking Lillie, "You doing good?"

Lillie shrugs, "I'll live."

Stephen asks Tracey, "I suppose you were in the middle of this?"

Tracey jokes, "Like watching a soap-opera."

Stephen invitingly beckons Lillie, summoning her alluring presence to him to share a kiss. Carrie and Tracey share in laughter at the couple's expense, mocking them with kissy-faces and sexual moans, miming their closeness with each other, mimicking them.

Taking things into the living room, Stephen points to the TV cabinet in the corner, announcing, "I got that games console working. How about we play a few games? Four-player on SilverShade, and take-in-turns two-player on Ritual Combat?"

Carrie suggests, "Strip? Every time someone is killed, they lose something they're wearing."

Stephen plays along with his daughter's suggestion, "You won't be seeing me naked. I used to dominate my friends as a kid."

Tracey reasons with the father and daughter, "You two are really ready to see each other naked?"

Carrie chuckles, "Relax. It's just some harmless fun."

Stephen remarks, "Nothing I haven't seen before anyway."

Lillie offers her opinion, "I'm in. I've spent way too much time playing these games."

Giving in to the consensus in the room, Tracey sighs, "I see where this is going. I'm not chickening out of this. I just hope you're ready to see more of me than you're prepared for, because I'm not good at these games."

Carrie pats Tracey on the back, telling her, "It'll be fine."

Stephen states for Tracey's sake, "We're not going to be touching, or anything, so just relax. We're all adults here. It's all for a good time."

Tracey responds to Stephen, "If you're having a good time, do it with Lillie, and leave me out of it."

Stephen says, "What do you think is going to happen? We're just playing a few games. I think someone is shy."

Tracey assures Stephen, "I'm literally the most confident out of the three of us."

Lillie teases Tracey, "I think someone likes Stephen more than they're letting on."

Tracey asks, "Can we start playing already?"

Whilst Stephen and Lillie sit together on one sofa, Carrie bounds across to the console, plugging in the cartridge for SilverShade and turning it on, handing a controller each to Stephen and Lillie, and bringing herself and Tracey another pair of controllers to sit together on the other sofa. Stephen turns on the TV to the console's source, seeing the loading screen for the game. Carrie feels Tracey's nerves next to her, asking concernedly, "You okay?"

Tracey wants to know, "What are the controls?"

Carrie teaches Tracey, "Sticks move and look, A interacts, B cancels, X and Y toggle weapons, L to aim, R to shoot. D-Pad is strafe left and right, down to duck, up to jump. You'll get it."

Stephen sets-up the game: all weapon spawns, last man standing, on Incursion.

Game begins, and Stephen rushes straight towards the rocket launcher spawn. Lillie forces him into hiding with a few shots of the shotgun. Stephen follows the path down to the grav-lift, ascending in the green glow to the upper level. He drops down to the rocket launcher, picking it up, turning to face Lillie one-to-one as he continually jumps backward. Carrie shoots her dad with the pistol, concealed by stealth camo, catching him in a crossfire with Lillie, eliminating him from the game. Lillie judges Carrie's position from the flashes of when she was shooting Stephen, and clips her with the shotgun, bearing down on her until she's dead. Tracey has an energy shield, and grav-cannon, finding Lillie to try and shoot her, but Lillie evades the heavy moving projectiles, jumping up to blast Tracey point-blank to claim the win.

Lillie quietly boasts, "I told you, I have played a lot."

Carrie takes off her shirt, and Tracey reluctantly relieves herself of her trousers, looking to Stephen to see what he chooses to take off. He cleverly chooses, "It's just a sock," taking off one of them, leaving the other on.

Unimpressed, Carrie argues, "You can take the other one off as well. It's a pair of socks. You have: a pair of knickers, a pair of trousers, and a pair of socks; one item. Take it off. Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!"

Giving in to the pressure, Stephen says, "It doesn't bother me. Some people love feet. If that's what you're in to, then..."

Carrie watches as her dad peels the other sock from his foot, chuckling, "Better."

Stephen proposes, "Let's even the odds with some same-weapon-type games. That way, those of us who know the maps won't immediately have an advantage." He sets-up: grav-cannon only, last man standing, on Satellite.

Game begins, and Tracey begins on opposite platforms over a void from Lillie, firing her grav-cannon. Lillie immediately ducks down into the passageways and gantries, far from danger from Tracey. Soon, Lillie happens upon Carrie by luck, disintegrating her with the grav-cannon. Stephen spots this, waiting to ambush Lillie, but Tracey blasts him in the back. Tracey advances forward, but Lillie drops down from above, dissolving Tracey's body before landing where she stood.

Lillie shrugs as she states, "I win again."

Carrie removes her bra this time, whilst Tracey takes off her socks, and Stephen slips off his trousers. Tracey seems distracted by her friend's bare bosom next to her, and Carrie notices, smirking, "I hope you won't lose focus," getting giggly from her naughtiness.

Stephen selects for the next round: silver shuriken only, last man standing, on Redacted, citing, "Lillie; you fancy yourself an assassin, let's play Shinobi with Silver Shuriken," explaining for Tracey's benefit, "In this game, the silver shuriken is one-shot, instant-kill, so make it count. This could be over quick."

Game begins, the players funnel through tight corridors of an intelligence agency headquarters; almost labyrinthine, and disorientating for the uninitiated like Tracey, quickly becoming turned around as she struggles to remember where she came from, and where she's going. Carrie is tracking Tracey, choosing not to engage, instead following her, peeking from behind walls so as not to be noticed. Stephen comes through a fork in the corridors behind Tracey, not noticing Carrie behind him as she toggles her shuriken for an unarmed strike to knock him out. Lillie turns a corner up ahead from Carrie, eliminating Tracey in a similar unhanded manner to Carrie beating Stephen, and the two throw their shurikens at each other, both ducking and rolling with a strafe, then engaging in hand-to-hand combat. Lillie just about beats Carrie with one hit-point remaining, winning another round.

Stephen sighs, "I guess you're just too good at this game, Lillie. Congratulations," taking off his shirt, with only his boxers remaining, as he suggests, "Let's switch games to Ritual Combat," getting up to change the cartridge.

Whilst the game is being changed, Carrie removes her pair of leggings, leaving her in panties and socks, and Tracey removes her shirt, leaving her in bra and panties. Lillie is enjoying everyone's nudeness, especially Stephen's, looking relaxed and at home with her controller in hand, biting her lip and sucking on it.

Stephen proposes, "Winner stays on for this one. We keep going until only one of us is wearing something. Start with Lillie having the most clothes. Who do you want to play?"

Lillie answers, "I'll play you, so I get you to take off those boxers."

Stephen readies the game, going into versus mode, allowing them to select their fighters.

Round one... Fight!

Stephen and Lillie inch back and forth, both trying to stay out of harm's way as they attempt to gain the advantage. Lillie manages to back away from Stephen's grapple, sliding in with a leg sweep, jumping on top of him to follow-up again and again, until Stephen rolls back and ducks under Lillie to trade places. Lillie lands an uppercut, leaving Stephen with only a sliver of his health bar, but he blocks her follow-up attacks, countering with a combo of his own: mid, mid, mid, mid, high, low, mid, uppercut, then juggling Lillie's falling body, keeping it up in the air until he wins.

Lillie is wearing a leather corset and skirt with a pair of tights, so she chooses to reach under her skirt to remove her knickers, pointing out, "You can't see anything anyway, especially if I cross my legs."

Carrie offers, "I'll go next," as her dad resets the game, allowing them to choose their fighters, and...

Round two... Fight!

Carrie goes in strong, with a flurry of attacks, all blocked by Stephen, who takes his chance to counter attack with a grapple, grabbing Carrie in a headlock, punching her repeatedly, then kicking her in the face for significant damage. Carrie gets back to her feet, blocking Stephen's next attack, knocking him off-guard with a series of backflips, and kick to the chest, evening things up. Carrie has Stephen backpedalling away from her, but he darts forward with a corkscrew kick, knocking her back a step, and finishing with a punch to the head.

Whilst Carrie takes her socks off, Tracey says, "Guess it's my turn," asking her friend as she sits back, "What's the controls for this one?"

Carrie explains, "D-Pad for left and right, which is backwards and forwards depending on which way you're facing, and X and Y are your fists, left and right, and A and B are your legs, left and right. X and Y together is a grapple, but just keep pressing buttons until you win."

Stephen resets the game again, choosing their fighters, ready, and...

Round three... Fight!

Tracey is attacking as she's pressing buttons, but not yet in distance. Stephen sweeps her legs to bring her to the floor, but she rolls back and hits Stephen as he chases her with a combo: high, high, high, low, high, mid, following with a grapple, hammering down with headbutts and a knee to the jaw. Stephen only has a sliver of health remaining as he stays back, trying to find his way to counter. He slides in to buckle Tracey's legs from under her, but she rolls into him and punches to the groin. Tracey wins.

Surprised, Stephen is gobsmacked that Tracey won, but no-one is more surprised than herself. Stephen graciously takes his boxers off as the girls cheer for Tracey's win, and laughs at the father's expense at his humiliation of being the first to be fully naked in front of everyone. He sits back, pressure of the contest off his shoulders as he resets the game, with Lillie taking her turn next against Tracey.

Round four... Fight!

Tracey comes in fast for a flurry of attacks, but Lillie blocks, grappling Tracey into an arm drag, before backing away. Again, Tracey goes in for another flurry of flying fists, but Lillie ducks and strikes with an uppercut, knocking Tracey into the air, and she is juggled helplessly until Lillie wins.

Humbled, Tracey admits, "I never had a chance. I just got lucky with Stephen," taking off her bra, sitting back with her arms folded.

Stephen teases Tracey, "You, 'got lucky,' with me?"

Tracey quickly states, "Not what I meant. I mean... fuck... I'm going to shut up. Ignore me," slinking back onto the sofa, embarrassed as she holds her tits in her hands.

The game is reset as Lillie prepares to take on Carrie...

Round five... Fight!

Cautious, with only her panties left, Carrie watches for Lillie, blocking her initial attacks, with both competitors feeling each other out. Carrie finds opportunity for a combo: mid, mid, low, mid, low, mid, high, blocked by Lillie and countered with a combo of her own: high, low, mid, low, high, mid, mid, into a grapple, crushing with a bear hug into a suplex, before a stomp on the ground for a finishing blow.

Carrie concedes, slowly taking off her panties, keeping her legs together modestly to conceal as much as she can from her dad in front of her friends.

Only Lillie and Tracey remain, and Tracey submits, "I'm not going to be much competition. Let's hurry things along," taking her knickers off too.

With all the skin on show, Stephen is noticeably aroused, stiffening and inflating to an erection. Tracey shields her eyes shyly, and Carrie coyly cuddles up with her friend, peeking a look across at her dad as she chuckles. Stephen openly says, "I'm not going to be shy about this. It's perfectly natural."

Tracey astonishedly asks Carrie, "Why do you keep looking? He's your dad."

Carrie cheekily replies, "It's right there. Like, of course, I'm gonna look. I'm not going to touch it or anything, so what's the big deal? But, I think you like it more than you are letting on," clasping her hand to her friend's crotch.

Tracey gasps with terror, "Carrie! What are you... mmm, ah," as her friend feels how wet she is. Outed, and unable to hide, Tracey opens up, "I guess, I do find Stephen attractive. I'm sorry."

Stephen shrugs, "No need to be sorry. As I said, it's perfectly natural."

Lillie suggests, "We are all friends, so," hinting at Stephen with raised eyebrows.

Stephen intuits Lillie's suggestion, offering, "Oh, yeah. It's all in good fun. Nothing serious."

Tracey reasons, "You want us to... have a threesome... with your daughter here?"

Carrie encourages her friend, "No need to be shy. You three have fun, and I'll be, like, over here, minding my own business, playing single-player."

Tracey is stunned by everything that has emerged, but is enticed by the openness of everyone. They are all friends, after all, and, they're all adults; consenting. She gets up to cross the room, legs feeling like jelly wading through treacle, cuddling up to Stephen on the other side from Lillie.

Lillie leans down to suck Stephen's cock, licking it up and down the length, letting her lips slip loosely around the hot meat. She sits up, holding it at the base, signalling to Tracey with a look to try it herself.

Tracey takes the length in hand, licking the cock from the tip to Lillie's finger wrapped around, taking it inside her mouth, pushing her lips down past the head, scraping against her tongue.

Watching her friend sucking her lover, Lillie unties her corset, revealing her breasts, and shuffles her skirt off, exposing her luscious figure for her friend's father. Tracey sits back as Lillie straddles Stephen, lowering herself onto his cock, sliding it inside her slowly.

Stephen twists his body over to Tracey, suckling on her tits whilst she sit's next to him. Tracey feels herself becoming uncomfortable, needing to reach a hand to touch her delicate flesh with a tease, throbbing inside her like never before, trapped in desperation. Her fingers glide and press, a little bit sore from their workout playing the games, but eager to play nonetheless.

Carrie cradles the controller, fingering the buttons with adept fidelity, mindlessly bashing her way through the video game. She glances a look out of the corner of her eye, spying on her teen friends with her father, seeing how they are all enjoying their time together.

Unable to control herself, Carrie puts down the controller, freeing her hands to pull on her pussy lips, tapping frantically at her clit just like how she tapped the buttons on the controller, softening herself up for a finishing assault. Her fingers caress and claw inside her hole, poking and pulling with a quivering moan.

Tracey hears Carrie from across the room, watching her with her mind numbed from her own play, giving herself over to the thrall of pleasure. Tracey plunges her fingers into her pussy, barely past the first knuckles, twisting her hand however she can to tickle the flesh frantically.

Lillie feels herself getting hornier as she rides Stephen, staring down at how he laps his tongue on Tracey's tit, lifting his head away in her hands to look him in the eyes as their lips lock. She feels her abdominal muscles clench, and her thighs squeeze as her pussy creams on Stephen's cock, holding him as she sits for a while to collect herself.

Stephen asks, "Where would you like me to cum?"

Lillie lights up as she suggests, "Cum on her tits," turning to look at Tracey, as she dismounts Stephen's lap to sit beside him.

Stephen stands up, hoisting a foot onto the seat cushion, stooping over Tracey as he strokes his cock with thunderous speed for the teen. She looks down at herself whilst he does this, with him groaning as she spatters his thick spunk all over her tits.

Carrie moans contentedly as she cums herself, collapsing her head against the back of the sofa to stare at Tracey as she edges closer and closer to finishing.

Stephen kneels down on the seat cushion next to Tracey, gently pulling her hand away from her crotch so he can slide in his fingers, pumping into her fast and deep, much deeper than she's ever gotten, being a sudden shock to her. She gasps and scrunches her face under Stephen as he brings her to a shuddering quake of an orgasm, crashing through her core leaving a creamy treat.

Settling down, everyone slumps onto the sofas to relax. The atmosphere shifts from arousal to awkwardness, as Tracey asks, "What just happened? I wasn't expecting this."

Lillie gulps as she gasps, "I'm fine with it.

Carrie continues playing the video game, calling across the room, "We all had a good time, so don't worry about it."


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