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Together Ssn 08 Ch. 10 - In Favour

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Vested interest paying off.
3.5k words

Part 83 of the 88 part series

Updated 10/26/2023
Created 02/15/2022
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***All sexually active characters are of age, 18 years old at least, and all sexual activities are consensual. Enjoy!***

At Castle Cummings, Domhnall and Gracie Cummings, 69 and 60, are entertaining a special guest, Harriet Washburn, 27, who is a lawyer they've invested into her training in the profession, setting her up with prestigious opportunities these past years. They have Harriet around to discuss protection they have legally against any actions Irvine and his wife and daughter may take against them.

Concluding their business, as Harriet packs up her laptop and notepad, Domhnall reiterates to her, "Irvine has proven to be vindictive, and has far to go to salvage any scrap of trust or respect from us. If we need any legal help, we will avail ourselves of your services."

Harriet warmly expresses, "That will be a pleasure; I mean, it will be nice working with you officially, but he's still family to you, so I want to come across respectful."

Domhnall assures the lawyer, "He deserves no respect from any of us."

Gracie keeps a level-head as she says, "Domhnall, please, simmer down," saying to Harriet, "We appreciate the meaning of your sentiment. You are very respectful, and professional, and that will not go unpaid."

Harriet suggests, "You're already helping me so much financially, for which I'm exceedingly grateful, but, perhaps there're other ways in which we can conclude business?"

Gracie enquires, "What would you have in mind?"

Harriet sits back, crossing her legs and pushing her chest up, offering, "You two can do whatever you want with me. I'm sure anything you would do would be gratefully received, and would be reciprocated in kind."

Domhnall gasps, "You make a compelling argument, Miss Washburn."

Harriet winks at Domhnall, as Gracie offers her opinion, "We're both very open to your proposal. You would honour us as our guest this evening, dining with us, and staying the night."

Harriet replies, "I didn't bring a nightie."

Gracie assures the young woman, "You won't need one."

Harriet says, "I have no plans for this evening, so it will be my pleasure to stay for the night."

Domhnall probes, "Do you have anyone at home you need to make aware of your absence? A boyfriend, girlfriend, housemate, perhaps?"

Harriet cutely answers, "That would be a no. I haven't had time for such entanglements. If anything, I'm bound to my profession; married to my work, as the old idiom goes, but I prefer the more kinky meaning of the word, 'bound,' because this job takes from me so much, in body and mind, but I still do it because I love it.

"I used to put myself out there, hoping for some well-off gentleman to be my benefactor, and all I got were crappy dates with men who don't look after themselves, but I threw myself their way because I was desperate for anything, so long as I got what I wanted. Then, I met you, and my fortunes changed, and I'm not talking about you supporting me, which I will always appreciate, just so you know. I no longer have to compromise on what I want, but, time is ticking away, and I'm not getting any younger."

Gracie asks, "Who would be your ideal partner?"

Harriet quickly and confidently replies, "Your daughter, actually. She is everything I would want from a partner: so sexy, so strong, so eloquent, and always knows what she wants, and what her partner needs. It's a dream to be understood so deeply by someone. I always watched her streams, and now I watch her studio."

Domhnall tells the lawyer, "Pleasant would be flattered by you."

Gracie probes further, "So, you like pain?"

Harriet corrects Gracie, "It's not that I like pain, but, I want to feel like I'm not in control. I'm always so connected to what I'm doing in my life: making schedules, and plans, and organising everything, and making sure everything that needs doing is done, timely and efficiently. To have someone deprive me of that, to make me feel helpless, that I have to rely on them, that is what keeps me up at night, longing for."

Domhnall says to his guest, "We will do what we can to accommodate."

Gracie agrees, "Yes, we want to ensure you get everything you need from us."

Harriet suddenly feels nerves setting in, as she says, "You both do so much for me, I don't want to impose and overstep my bounds."

Gracie assures her guest, "You don't need to worry about that. You want anything, and I mean, anything, all you need do is ask, and you shall have it."

Harriet asks, "Why are you being so good to me?"

Domhnall responds, "That is a very good question."

Gracie offers her point of view, "I guess, I see in you what I wanted my youngest to become, and, so I live vicariously through you. I hope that doesn't offend you."

Harriet is quick to say, "No! Not at all. I mean, I'm honoured that you feel that way about me. Like a daughter? Wow!"

Domhnall enquires, "This makes you uncomfortable?"

Harriet pokes her cheek with her tongue, mouth agape as she says, "I think it's incredibly hot, and, it's not like I'm actually your daughter, so I see nothing wrong with that. Your youngest is Pleasant?"

Gracie nods, "That is correct, yes. It wasn't our intention to imply anything distasteful, or otherwise illegal with our assertion though. I merely meant that you live the kind of life I always wished for her."

Harriet winks, "Understood. Don't worry about a thing. I certainly didn't mean to allude that you have something going on with your daughter."

Gracie smiles, "Just so we're clear."

Harriet says, "As crystal."

The evening continues with a meal in the great hall, grazing on gourmet mouthfuls with exquisite garnishes, whilst sipping on rich wine, and indulging in sparkling conversation.

Finishing with their meal, Harriet slouches back in her seat, fondling the stem of her wine glass, idly moaning, "I couldn't eat another thing. You certainly are living the good life up here. This place is magical, and I feel as if I'm in a fairytale."

Domhnall raises a glass, assuring the young woman, "This is very much real, Miss Washburn."

"Harriet, please," she requests, "If it's not inappropriate, or anything."

Domhnall tips his glass to the young woman, "Of course, Harriet."

Harriet casts a look at both of her hosts as she asks, "If it's not inappropriate, I have spoken at length about my desires with your daughter, but, would it be too much to say that I also desire the two of you?"

Gracie stares straight into the young woman's eyes to reply, "That much was obvious, and our hope you would be open and forthcoming about such a thing."

Harriet sips some more wine, fanning herself with her hand as she says, "Goodness, I'm really not very good at this, am I?"

Domhnall attempts to ease the girl's nerves, "You are delightful."

Harriet laughs through her nerves, breathing as evenly as she is able, invited by Gracie, "Perhaps we should get you laying down before you faint, you poor thing," ushering Domhnall to join her in escorting the young woman to their bedroom.

Once in the bedroom, Gracie sits Harriet on the end of the bed, holding her arms, stroking them sensually. Harriet feels her nerves melting into the ether, compelled to turn her head to see Domhnall undress before her eyes. Gracie turns the young woman's attention back to her, losing themselves in a heartfelt kiss, with heavy breaths shared in exchange.

Nude, Domhnall sits himself on a wicker chair in the corner, feeling the weave criss-cross under his weight, but settling softly. At first, he sits proper and upright, but as he watches his wife and the young lawyer enjoying each other, he sinks into enjoying himself, slipping from his posture into relaxed form. With feet planted squarely on the carpet, he idly strokes his crotch, holding the base of his manhood fully-engorged.

Harriet glimpses from the corner of her eye over Gracie's shoulder the sizeable hard-on pumping full, and her kissing blossoms to be even more lustful. Gracie knows where the young woman's focus is, gripping her throat, and pushing up under her chin, turning her head to face her, telling the young woman, "I want you with me. You only do as I allow, and only when permitted."

Grinning, Harriet replies, "Yes!"

Gracie pushes her hand up against the girl's throat harder, eliciting a groan as she asserts her dominance, "That would be, 'yes, Madame."

Harriet feels her throat stretched so much, she is almost lifted from the bed, but she bravely says, "Yes, Madame."

Gracie bunches up her skirt in her free hand, demanding of the young woman, "If you would be so kind."

Harriet hungers for this, answering, "Yes, Madame," having her throat released as she hops down to the floor to face her host's crotch. She pulls the knickers off her, before having her head held by her host, smothering her face against her crotch. Her nose nestles just above her clitoris, and her lips pucker upon the labia, soaking up sweat.

To Harriet's surprise, she is hoisted up from behind by Domhnall, and thrust onto the bed beside his wife, bent over as he comes up behind her. Gracie relaxes back onto the bed, stroking the young woman's cheek, feeling the greasy sweat around her mouth before picking a pubic hair off her, telling her, "You be a good girl, and let him do as he pleases."

Harriet feels Domhnall's hard-on slipping up her butt before being pressed down against the hole, then pushed down lower to find her pussy, taking it inside her as she nods and answers Gracie, "Ah-hah, yes, Madame, oh..."

Gracie uncovers the young woman's breasts, peeling away her dress down her arms, with Harriet lifting her arms out of the straps in turn as she dress is brought to hang around her belly. Gracie watches the pendulum swinging of the young woman's heaving breasts as they hang freely beneath her, complimenting her, "To look at you when you're dressed, you appear so unassuming, so it is a nice surprise to discover these now."

Harriet gratefully replies, "Yes, Madame-ah... Thank you, Madame-oh..."

Domhnall massages the young woman's back, reaching his hands to her shoulders. Harriet lifts her head back, arching her back up, then flops her head down, flattening the curve of her spine. Domhnall collects the young woman's hair in one hand, yanking her head back up, bringing back the arch with a moan from the young woman.

Gracie slaps the young woman across the cheek, asking her, "Are you enjoying that?"

Harriet answers, "Hmm, yes, Madame, yes-oh, fu-ugh..."

Gracie sits up on her knees, shuffling in front of the young woman, right up to her face, holding her hands around her head into her bosom. She shuffles her dress down her arms, allowing her bosom to bulge, spilling out to cushion the young woman's head.

Domhnall poses the question, "Where should I finish?"

Gracie suggests, "You should do so on this pretty face," holding the young woman's head as she pushes her off the end of the bed to sit afore her husband, watching as he plasters the youthful visage with his tribute. Gracie hungrily stoops down to smear her tongue all over the young woman's face, mopping up her husband's mess into her mouth.

Domhnall steps back, returning to the wicker chair, watching as his wife spits his seed into the young woman's mouth.

Gracie orders the young woman, "Swallow it."

Harriet does as she is told, taking a gulp, then again to be sure, answering, "Yes, Madame," opening her mouth wide-open to show it empty.

Gracie congratulates her, "Good girl," sitting up to shuffle her dress off her, laying back before inviting the young woman to, "Come here. I would have you have me."

Harriet answers, "Yes, Madame," mounting the bed, making her way to feast her face between the mature, motherly legs, ascending up her deceptively toned belly to caress her bosom, then coming face to face with her for a deep kiss. Harriet stops to say, "If I may be so bold, this is the best I've ever had, and would love to show my appreciation to you, Madame?"

Gracie coos, "Was that a question?"

Harriet wonders aloud, "Is that alright?"

Gracie gives her answer, "Of course, my dear."

Harriet tickles her fingers inside Gracie's pussy, delighting at watching Gracie attempt to maintain her composure as her hormones build and swell. She teases, "Am I being a good girl for Madame?"

Gracie braces herself by gripping Harriet's shoulders, tensing her body with greater and greater tightness, lifting her head off the bed to meet Harriet, straining her face as they kiss, until...

Harriet feels the immense pressure inside Gracie, removing her fingers as her orgasm is expelled, gushing up her arm and down her belly, dripping off the young woman's crotch.

Gracie settles herself down, gasping for breath, catching it before saying, "That was good... You're a good girl... You're a good girl..."

Harriet winks, sweetly kissing Gracie before sitting herself on the edge of the bed, asking, "What do we do now?"

Domhnall proposes, "There's no need to send you off to bed, Harriet. Perhaps if you stay a while and enjoy watching a stream with us?"

Harriet loves the idea, beaming, "Yes, of course! If I'm not imposing?"

Gracie sits herself up against her pillows, patting her hand beside her on the middle of the bed, assuring the young woman, "You're not imposing. You stay as long as you like. Now come here, and settle yourself in."

Harriet joins Gracie, and Domhnall takes his place beside her, sandwiching the young woman between himself and his wife. He taps and swipes on his phone, bringing up a stream on the TV on the opposite wall.

Strapped up to an X-shaped rack, Frankie Reid-Cummings, 27, is at the mercy of new recruit to camming, Lillie Pratchet, 20, as Lillie whips her superior, making Frankie moan, "Ah, ah, ah-hah! Oh, across the tits... yeah, that's it, more... more... mmm, and don't forget the belly... oh, oh, oh, oh yeah-ah, ah, mm-ah, oh-ah, mmph, oh, gonna make me gonna... gonna make me... cum just from this!" Legs parted as her ankles are locked to the cross, Frankie stretches her thigh muscles, desperate to rub her legs together, but is unable to as she trills, "oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho... ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha... mmm-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-hah..."

Lillie cheekily licks the leather up between Frankie's legs, and the shock from this spills her juices straight down onto the floor with a splash, spraying up around Frankie's feet. Soon after, another contraction ejects another strong orgasm, dropping from her as if from a tipped bucket off water, then once more.

Frankie shakes with every fibre of her being, catching her breath to moan with utter satisfaction, "I haven't cum like that in so, so long... I hurt so good... sharp and not dull, shaking and not still... I feel so alive," feeling adrenaline pumping through her, and a tinge of fear, making her giggle manically with such excitement, gleaming at Lillie, "I'm very impressed."

Lillie seems unamused, standing slumped and casual as she shrugs, "Sure."

Frankie instructs her, "Get the clamps... the ones with four on..."

Lillie does as she is asked, and she attaches a pair of clamps to each of Frankie's nipples, pinching them so tightly her breaths become painfully short for a moment as she adjusts, and another pair hook onto the labia near the clitoris, with the pinching aching the flesh near that sensitive spot.

Frankie asks with quickened breaths, "I want you to take the chains around your fingers, and go back as far as you can go, and I want you to pull them clean off me. I don't want to know when it's coming either."

Lillie suggests, "I can blindfold you?"

Frankie loves the idea, "Yes, do it," watching Lillie rooting around a drawer in a cabinet for a blindfold, and returning to plunge her into darkness. She giggles, "Oh yes, this is going to be so much fun," heart racing with fear mounting in every fibre of her being shaking with anticipation of the unknown now instead of the heady highs of her orgasm.

From quite a distance away, Frankie feels a soft tug on her nipple clamps, and hears Lillie ask, "I'm not going to be ripping your nipples off, or anything, am I?"

Frankie giggles, "It'll be fine. Don't let me know when it's coming!" She waits, feeling a tug on her nipples, and stretching her tits straight out from her body before dropping back with a slap. She feels her labia strained too, aching her clitoris hotter and hotter. She moans, "Oh-ho-ho-ho, that feels great, oh!"

Lillie yanks the clamps as hard as the can, flinging the clamps to her, and making Frankie hurt so much she can't even find the breath to scream, with her body convulsing and her mouth as wide as it goes. Concerned, Lillie asks, "You okay?"

Frankie catches enough breath to squeal, "Aaaah-you bitch," having the blindfold removed by Lillie. Glaring into her eyes, Frankie giggles, "I think I'm in love."

Lillie looks deeply unsettled with wide-eyes, responding with unease, "Are you drunk on the pain, or what?"

Frankie laughs with more manic intensity, replying, "No-one else dares to go as hard as you, so thanks for that, Lillie. You're a real fucking bitch, and that's a good thing, and you're great at it. Now, get me down."

Lillie opens the clasps, and Frankie collapses on her, pushing herself off to stumble to the bed, clambering on it with no grace whatsoever. Frankie spots the camera, saying, "Shit! I was having so much fun I forgot I was live to thousands of people. Hi, again, everyone."

Lillie comes over to the bed, spooning her mentor, idly stroking Frankie's figure and planting kisses on her cheek, brushing her hair from her face. She tells Frankie, "My vibrator has been buzzing a lot during that."

Frankie scrolls back up through the chat, noting astonishedly, "Some of these are huge donations. You really must've been feeling it good, huh?"

Lillie shrugs, "It felt fine."

Frankie giggles, "You're allowed to look like you're enjoying yourself, you know."

Lillie shrugs, "I know... So what..."

Frankie takes that as a challenge, reaching for a drawer to fish for an app-controlled dildo; and a really big one. She brings it back, removing the egg vibrator from Lillie's pussy, swiftly replacing it with the dildo, announcing, "Keep those tips coming, guys! We're going to make her cum so good," giggling as she poses Lillie with her legs splayed nicely for the camera, and sitting by her side so as not to obstruct the view.

Lillie lays back, staring up at the rafters, receiving some small vibrations, not doing much for her, followed by some moderate ones, buzzing longer, but not really getting her excited. Suddenly, she gets some very intense alternating patterns, and they go on for a good while, making her sit up, sucking air sorely as she adjusts to the feeling.

Frankie quips, "Oh, she likes that one! Keep 'em coming, guys!"

Lillie feels the vibrations steady into lower settings, barely feeling them for a moment, before a shocking return to the former alternating pattern. They make her clench her abdominal muscles and her buttcheeks, with her thighs channelling the vibrations.

Frankie delights in watching the cool-headed young woman losing her composure at the control of their viewers, who in their craving for sexual satisfaction pump in more and more tips, sustaining their play.

Lillie collapses onto the bed, writhing around, lifting her butt off the bedsheets, rolling her hips in mid-air under Frankie's supervision, and as the internet watches on. She swears she's already cum, but she's buzzing so much she is hardly sure, but she whimpers as the tips continue to pour in, and she proceed to pour out her juices, flowing around the dildo as Frankie digs it as deep as it will go.

Frankie twists the dildo, and stirs it around inside Lillie's pussy, giggling at Lillie's leaking, so she pulls out the dildo, saying, "You've had enough of that," and Frankie braces the young woman's leg back, baring her butthole for her, with Frankie shoving the dildo inside, giggling, "Take this instead."


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