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Tom, 2 T-Girls & More Vegas Baby

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Tom goes to Vegas and hooks up with his T-Girl friends.
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Tom, Cyndee, 2 Trannies and More Vegas baby!

This is part of an ongoing story over multiple Categories with common characters.

Marcus called me one day and said "Tom my, man. I'm in Vegas. How long would it take you to get out here?"

"From here, about two and a half hours." I replied. He called me and didn't text so something was definitely up.

"How about doing me a favor and come out here, make some introductions to those lady friends of yours."

Oh, I get it. Marcus wants to try some tranny cock and prefers references. I understand that; that's why I owed Frank one.

"How long you going to be out there?" I asked.

"Two days tops. Just blew in, cut a deal and have to take off."

"You free tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, after ten," he said.

"Let me make some phone calls and I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks man, later," Marcus said and hung up.

Well, well, well. I hadn't planned a trip to Vegas, but could get away for a day or two. Who to call?

"Kelly, this Tom," I said. "Not sure if you remember me."

"Oh sweetheart, yeah I do," she said. "Frank's friend. We had good times. What can I do for you?"

"I have a friend in Vegas, a first timer that wants to be with a lovely lady like you," I said. "But not you; I mean it could be someone else."

"You're sweet," she said with a laugh. "Actually I'm out of town, but you remember Susie and Leah right?"

Oh yeah I did, my cock began to tingle. "Yes, Susie and Leah, I remember them."

"Which one do you think he'd want to see?"

"Can't lose either way, you're call," I said.

"Will you be in town yourself?" she asked.

"Yes, I will," I replied.

"I can set you up with one or both, then you guys can decide, or you know; have a party."

"You know, I really wanted to see you," I said. "I'll be in town, just set up my friend Marcus."

"None for you?" she asked.

"No, maybe next time; when you're in town," I said.

I got back to Marcus and we sorted things out. He said he would probably have both of them. I'm sure he could. Now what was I going to do? I didn't want to set him up then not show up, just in case he needed something. Figured it would be better for him if he had an intro to Susie and Leah.

It was time to make some phone calls. It was the middle of the week so I wonder who might be available to go. Might as well make it fun.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry. Dave's really busy and I can't get any time off on such short notice," Lori said. "I can set you up with Ellen."

"Oh no, no. I wanted to be with you," I replied. "Thanks though. Have any plans this weekend?"

"Well I kind of hoped to spend some time with you," she said.

"You got it, I'll be back in time" I said. "Set it up and let me know. For you, anything."

She laughed, "Be careful what you wish for."

"Like I said, anything for you," I replied. "I'll be there."

I thought about some of the guys, but they'd want to do the tranny thing and for me it was about Kelly in Vegas.

Then I had an idea, I called Cyndee. Okay, I didn't say a good idea, but she was fun to, uh, be around. I called her and she was in.

"Want to bring Kathy?" she asked.

"No baby, just you," I replied. I picked her up and we headed out on the two and a half hour drive. On the way I got a text from Edwin.

Edwin - "Heard you're coming to Vegas. Come on down to the restaurant. Piranhas. Same name."

I figured Kelly must have told Alexa about us coming out. Uh, actually she told her about me coming out. This could turn out to be pretty interesting.

We got into Vegas and I contacted Marcus. He had set us up with a pretty nice suite at a pretty nice casino hotel. I texted Susie and Leah for the when and where; we'd all get together at Marcus' suite at 10.

Next I texted Edwin and after a bit he got back to me.

Edwin - "Dinner tonight?"

Me - "That'd be great, but I have a friend with me."

Him - "Dinner for two. 8 work for you?"

Me - "That's more than kind."

Him - "No worries. Alexa can't wait to see you again. Problem?"

Me - "Not at all. Looking forward to seeing you both again."

Him - "See you then."

"This is wonderful "Cyndee said as she looked out of the window. "I've never stayed in a place like this. How can you afford it?"

I smiled, "I have friends."

"Really? These kind of friends; you have these kind of friends?"

"Yep, you'll meet them tonight," I said. "Now how about we go down to the pool for a bit? I have couple massages set up at 6 so we've an hour or so to kill."

She walked over to me and slipped her arm around my waist and said "I can think of another way to kill time if you want."

I slid away and smiled, "Oh babe, we'll have plenty of time for that, let's just relax."

"I'll hold you to it," she said.

I smiled and thought you have no idea, sweetheart.

It was the middle of the week, but Piranhas was doing a good business. We walked in, told the hostess our names and she took us to a booth.

"This is a nice place," Cyndee said and it was. The décor and vibe was real upscale; but not pretentious. Our waitress took our drink orders and we looked at the menu.

Cyndee looked over at me and said, "These prices are, uh, high?"

I laughed and said "Compared to the smaller one back home, you're right, but this is Vegas, no worries.


I turned around and saw Edwin, in his chef whites, coming towards us. I got up, extended my hand; he shook it, pulled me close and we exchanged hugs. "Good seeing you again my friend."

"You too," I replied. "The place looks great; doing well I bet?"

He laughed; "A bit more work than I want to do, but yes, cannot complain. Who is this lovely lady?" he asked looking at Cyndee.

"Hello, I'm Cyndee," she said. "Tom and I go way back."

Edwin grabbed her hand gently and kissed it, "My pleasure. I must me going, but order, enjoy. Maybe we can get together later?"

"That would be great," I said. "I'll text you after 10 30 or so? Will that work?"

"Perfect; I'll be out of here and maybe the four of us can get together for a drink."

"Sounds good," I replied. "Tell Alexa I'm looking forward to seeing her again. And thank you."

Edwin smiled and headed back towards the kitchen. I looked at Cyndee and asked "Have you decided?"

She looked at me with a "What the hell is going on" look and said "You know this guy? He seems so nice and he's the chef here?"

"No, owner and chef," I replied looking at the menu.


"Yeah; this restaurant, the small one back home and another one in San Francisco. I think that's where the other one is. What are you going to have?"

She shook her head and went back to the menu.

Dinner was great, that was a given; Edwin knew his stuff. The waitress came by and cleared the last few plates and said "It's been a pleasure serving you, take care and come back again."

I left a twenty under my cup and we got up to leave. Cyndee grabbed my arm and whispered, "It's much more than that; what are you doing?"

I smiled and said, "That's her tip, dinner was on Edwin," we headed to the door and into the casino hallway.

"Hey babe, its 940 and I have to meet someone for something," I said. "Let's go to the room and you can relax while I take care of it."

"Can't I go with you?" she asked.

"I guess," I said, "But just watch and don't ask questions. We won't be there long; I just have to take care of something."

She leaned in and asked "Are you buying drugs? You know pot's legal here."

I laughed, "No babe, not buying or selling drugs. Just making some introductions; so c'mon with me, remember no questions"

She looked at me with a furrowed brow, but agreed with me; no questions.

Ten o'clock came round and I spoke with the security guard on the main floor and he sent us up on the private elevator. Were reached the floor where Marcus' suite was and went to his door.

After a minute, he answered.

"Tom, my man," he said with a big smile. "Good to see you."

"Likewise bro'" I said. "Hey, this is Cyndee; she's a friend of mine."

"Marcus smiled and nodded, "And a very pretty one too. Glad to meet you."

"Glad to meet you too," she relied. "This is a lovely place."

He smiled and replied. "Okay, thanks."

Knock, knock.

"I'll get it," I said. I looked through the peep hole and saw Susie and Leah. Opening the door I said "Ladies."

Susie move forward and pulled me close, hugging and giving a couple of kisses on the cheek. "Tom!" Leah said. "Kelly said you'd be here!"

"Leah! How've you been?" I asked.

I spent the next ten minutes doing the intros between Marcus, Susie and Leah. All went well and I told Marcus I'd have to be going. As Cyndee and I left, Marcus had an arm around Leah and Susie and thanked me.

"You guys have fun," I said. "Take care.

"Oh Tom; I almost forgot," Susie said. "Kelly said she was sorry she missed you and hopes to see you again."

"Tell her I'll get in touch with her soon," I replied and Cyndee and I left.

"I don't even know what to say," Cyndee said as the elevator door shut and we started down. "Who were those people and how do they know you?"

I looked at Cyndee and tried to figure out what and how much to tell her. It went from "not a fucking thing" to "Here's everything". I settled on something in between.

"Marcus is a partner that helps market my business and Susie and Leah are high class escorts that I was introduced to by a friend of mine back home."

Cyndee didn't say anything as the elevator kept going down. Then she stepped up to me, leaned in, grabbed my cock, and said "That is so fucking hot." I pulled her head back by the hair, said "You don't know the half of it," and kissed her deeply; at least three floors worth as the elevator would ding as it went past a floor. We pulled apart and turned to face the elevator door as a couple walked in laughing. We smiled at each other, did some nonchalant chit chat, and we reached the lobby.

As we went down the hallway I whispered, "By the way; Marcus would love to have a three way with us."

That was it; she stopped in her tracks and said, "What?!"

"I said Marcus would love to have a three way with us," I repeated.

"You, him and me?"

"Yep," I said as we walked along, me pulling her to get her going.

"You, you talked about this?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah," I said with a smile. "We're kind of close."

She stopped again. "How close?"

I laughed and said "Grownups doing grownup things."


I got a text from Edwin.

Edwin - "If you guys are free, come up to my place."

Cyndee was kind of stunned, processing or trying to process, all I had said. I asked her "Want to go to Edwin's place for a nightcap?"

"Sure, why not," she said matter of factly. "Whatever you want."

I texted Edwin back.

Me - "Sounds great. Where?"

Edwin texted me where he was staying; actually back at the casino where Piranhas was. We walked back and caught the elevator up.

"You okay?" I asked Cyndee.

"Yeah, why?" she replied.

"You've been kind of quiet," I said.

"Well, I'm trying to process what you said; about the threesome," she said. "You'd do that?"

"Oh hell yes," I said truthfully. "You are hot and Marcus would be a good time."

She smiled and asked, "You still think I'm hot?"

I pulled her close and kissed her gently then said, "You are the hottest woman I've ever been with. There is nothing I wouldn't do with, to or for you."

"The same for me Tom" she said.



We'll see.

We got to Edwin's suite and knock on the door. Alexa answered, smiled and gave me a hug and kiss saying "Kelly said you were coming to town. Good seeing you again. And this must be Cyndee." Alexa gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, "So wonderful to meet you."

Cyndee smiled back as we entered, Edwin was in the kitchen and waved.

Edwin came out with a plate of hors d'oeuvres and some wine. We sat and talked for a bit; thankfully Cyndee and Alexa seemed to connect well.

"More wine?" Edwin asked, holding up the empty bottle. "Tom, lend me a hand," he said as he headed for the kitchen. I followed him Cyndee and Alexis continuing their conversation.

"So my friend," Edwin said. "This Cyndee; your girlfriend?"

I tilted my head from side to side and replied "Not really; but we are still very close."

"I see," he said. "She was the one you had the three way with? Then broke up?"

"Yep, good memory," I replied. "Then they moved in together, but it didn't work out, soooo..."

"You are back together?"

"Friends with benefits," I said.

Edwin nodded his head and smiled. "The reason I asked is that Alexa and I had such a good time together with you and we were wondering if, well if we could."

"I was wondering that myself," I replied. "I chose to bring Cyndee out here as everything has been on the table sex wise with her. So maybe we could. I'll ask her and see what see says."

We went back out to the living room as I was wondering how to ask Cyndee about this opportunity. Wasn't necessary; Cyndee and Alexa were on the couch kissing and groping each other's tits.

"Edwin, isn't that a lovely sight to see?" I asked.

"Indeed it is, what could be nicer?" he replied.

"You could join us," Alexa said. Grabbing Cyndee by the hand Alexa led her towards the bedroom; stopped, turned and continued "Gentlemen," motioning the way.

Cyndee looked at me and had a big smile on her face, eyes flashing. As we walked by them Cyndee said, "Excuse me dear," to Alexa and pushed me to the side while Edwin and Alexa went in the bedroom. Cyndee leaned in and whispered, "She says she has a cock; she's a tranny."

"And a very fine one at that I can attest to," I replied. "You okay with this?"

"Okay? No; fantastic. I'm going to take something off of my bucket list tonight." She grabbed my cock and said. "Let's do this lover."

We all took our clothes off. Seeing Alexa and Edwin's hard cocks brought back good memories as my cock got very, very hard. I looked at Cyndee, she was wide eyed, smiling and on a mission. She went right to Alexa, grabbed her hand, and pulled her onto the bed.

Having seen this, Edwin came to me and pushed me back into the chair. I settled in with a perfect view of the two girls. I lay back and took it all in as Edwin dropped to his knees.

Cyndee had Alexa on her back, was caressing her breasts as they kissed. After a bit Cyndee started kissing and licking Alexa, starting at her neck on the way down. He hands rubbed along Alexa's stomach, inching lower as did her mouth. When Cyndee's kisses reached Alex's hard nipples, her hand, wet from Cyndee licking it, reached her hard cock. Forming a circle with her thumb and forefinger she circled Alexa's cock and stroked up and down.

I reached down to Edwin, nodded in the direction of the girls. He looked over there, looked at me and smiled, kissed my cock and said. "We do this later; let's watch the show." So we did.

By now Cyndee was kissing Alexa's stomach, slipping lower, her hand still stroking, but now with a full grip, still up and down. Alexa moaned in anticipation when Cyndee reached her crotch. Out slipped Cyndee's tongue, wet and soft onto Alexa's throbbing cock. She took the head into her mouth.

By now Edwin and I were stroking our cocks, not vigorously; just to stay hard, as if the site of our girlfriends going at it wasn't enough.

Cyndee had Alexa's cock halfway down her mouth, hand fondling and caressing Alexa's balls. She looked up, Alexa, raised and on her elbows, watched as Cyndee sucked.

"You're so damn hot, Cyndee," Alexa said quietly.

"You inspire me my dear," she said quickly, going back to sucking Alexa. By now she was all the way down, nose to crotch, cock all the way in Cyndee's hot wet mouth. She started to suck in earnest, up and down, from bottom to top, from top to bottom. Cyndee sped up; Alexa began to move upwards as Cyndee sucked.

"Oh, oh, oh!" cried Alexa, she was so close. Cyndee knew it and ... stopped. Pulling back she moved quickly, straddled Alexa then spun about. Grabbing Alexa's hard cock, Cyndee slipped it inside her hot and wet pussy. Reverse cowgirl; Cyndee started to go up and down, leaning forward to tighten the grip her pussy had on Alex's thick cock.

"Holy shit," Edwin whispered as Cyndee looked at him and motioned him forward. "In my mouth Edwin, I want your cock in my mouth." I pushed him forward, but if the truth be known, he needed no encouragement.

I watched as Edwin stood in front of Cyndee as she moved up and down on Alex. His cock going in and out of Cyndee's mouth, her grip on his cock locked to her mouth. I must admit, the girl was talented; probably why she got away with so much with me.

"Oh fuck! Oh! Oh!" Alexa yelled as she blew her first large spurt up inside Cyndee's hot, skillful pussy. "Oh!" she said over and over as her second, third and fourth spurt of cum drenched Cyndee's already moist cunt.

As Alexa dry fired, then lay motionless, Cyndee took her mouth off of Edwin and pulling him by the cock, twisted and pushed him to the bed. Getting on her knees at the edge of the bed, she went down on him, saying before she did," Tom! Come spit roast me!"

I was there in seconds, my cock sliding into her cum wet pussy. I grabbed her hips and started to bang away as she moved her head faster up and down on Edwin's cock.

Soon it was Edwin that was moaning loudly, quickly followed by Cyndee saying "That's it Tom! Fuck me! Fuck me!" as I pounded her tight pussy taking effect. After a bit she started to cum, her body beginning to shake in rhythm to the pulsing of the orgasm that she was having. She pulled her head from Edwin and leaned forward, just screaming," Oh shit! Oh fuck!" as I continued to pound her.

I stepped back and flipped her over onto her back. Motioning to her, I said to Edwin, "Help yourself to this fine pussy, sir." He quickly took to it, climbing on Cyndee, pulling her ass up as he slid his dick into her. He started pounding her at a good pace, the time for foreplay being far removed.

Cyndee looked him in the yes and said "Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me!" the third time with emphasis.

"She's insatiable Tom," Alexa said. She was standing next to me. Her cock was hardening up.

"You are pretty hot yourself my dear," I said looking down. She grabbed my cock and moved me to the edge of the bed. She turned us sideways, dropped to her knees and said "Cyndee! Look! I'm sucking your boyfriend's cock!"

Then she did. I looked over and sure enough, Cyndee was watching Alexa as she slipped my hard cock into her wet and hot mouth. Up and down she went, fast and determined.

"Cum in her mouth Tom," Cyndee said. "Cum in her mouth for me, please!"

This was insane, Edwin was moaning real loud, Alexa could be heard slurping my cock, and Cyndee was moaning with each deep pump of Edwin's dick.

Cyndee started to cum again! I could tell that she truly was. Edwin blew his load, he yelling as well, pumping forward into Cyndee with each spurt and then, I blew.

Alexa took the first spurt into her mouth, then used her hand to milk me dry, my cum landing on her face. As I pulled away she wiped some of it from her face to her fingers and slid it into my mouth. I licked and swallowed it hungrily, falling back into the chair.

Edwin backed away and Alexa moved quickly to Cyndee, dropped to her knees and began licking Edwin's cum from inside Cyndee, which coincidently also had some of Alexa's. Anyway, as Cyndee whimpered, too tired to move, as Alexa licked her clean I looked at Edwin and gave him a thumb's up gesture. He nodded and did the same.

After Alexa had finished we relaxed, trying to regain our strength. We talked for a bit then as each of us recovered we paired off, Edwin and me, Cyndee and Alexa, then me and Alexa, Cyndee and, well after a while it became a blur of four grownups doing grownup things to each other in a variety of combinations. Eventually we drifted off into sleep until the morning.


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