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Tommy's Girl Pt. 01

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Siblings separated by parents' divorce reunite years later.
14.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/24/2019
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I lay looking across the love of my life as the soft glow of early morning began to peak around the edge of the curtains. He doesn't have big pec's or broad shoulders, he does have a hairy chest, no six-pack abdomen nor squared off Paul Bunyan jaw, he's just... Tommy... but he's mine. He has all the mature features of an early thirties man, he's not plagued with the confusion or bewilderment of the world around us. He's intelligent, and unlike many of the educated idiots we know, he has balance and common sense, he errs toward the simple instead of the complex, he always seems to find beauty where others see none.

To this day I don't know how he ever saw beauty in me. I was scrawny and frail looking, I had no pronunciation to my ass to speak of, it just existed like a tiny bulge hanging off my lower back. My breasts were anything but voluptuous, no triple Z watermelon sized momba's with one inch nipples on this girl, I was told by the lady who sized me at the women's store I'm a solid A, bordering on a B cup. Since they don't make an A and a half size I varied between an A or B depending on the cut of the bra, if I wore one at all.

My face didn't have the symmetrical features that lend to natural beauty, long and narrow, if the girls at school were feeling extra mean they'd call me "horse face", a name sure to boost any thirteen year old girls self-image and confidence. Being skinny and frail looking with ugly glasses was compounded by the fact that I'm also tall, shit, I mean 5'11" tall. No, I was never coordinated enough to be athletic, I chose to be a book nerd who lived within the world of her mind. I'm smart, but not scary smart like my parents. My one and only complimenting feature is my hair, long, thick, and naturally shiny.

Maybe you've heard the phrase that too much knowledge can be frightening, well my folks are so damned smart they're a frickin nightmare. Let me tell you how frightening those two are, when I was 14 and my brother was 16, dad was offered a position at a college in Washington State, the liberal bastion of the northwest. Since we lived in Georgia where he and mom were professors at Georgia Tech, in their minds the only thing to do was make the logical decision and divorce, my brother would go with him and I'd stay with mom. Yes, that's how literally fucked up my parents are.

Tommy was similar to me without the homely face, 6'2", skinny, glasses, nothing special about him. No massive body, no extra special features, just another pimple faced boy trying to be cool and failing miserably. I followed his example of living vicariously through books and studying, in today's vernacular we'd be called "nerds". Thus, Tommy and I were separated, the family got together at Christmas when I was 16, dad wanted us to visit them because there might be snow for the holiday. Having never seen more than a snow flurry or two I thought it was good idea.

During that visit Tommy and I slipped into our own nerdy world, discussing the latest books we'd read, going to the mall and hanging out. Mom and dad slipped back into their old ways, we barely saw either one other than Christmas day. Dad had remained celibate after they divorced and mom decided to fuck him into oblivion while they were together, in their screwed up minds they were still married, and in some sick messed up way I guess they were.

Tommy was on an accelerated learning schedule and had graduated with the December group, I wasn't sure what that was about, at my school we had one graduation and it was in June. He would be starting college as soon as the holiday break was over. My brother, in college, at the age of eighteen, I was so proud of him.

Fast forward two years to my senior year while I'm sitting at the breakfast table with mom.

"So, Margaret, who are you going to prom with?"

"Let's see mom, that would be NOBODY because NOBODY has or will ask me to attend prom with them. After all, whom wants a date with "horse face"?"

"Oh now honey, you're being too critical of yourself, somebody will ask, just wait and see."

"Well they'd better do it damned quick mom because prom is in three weeks."

I sat crying in the girl's bathroom, thinking I was all alone, then I heard an all too familiar voice outside the stall, a soft caring voice, my best and basically only friend Bonnie. Bonnie was my complete opposite, short, heavy but not obese, and not all that smart, she did okay, but she was never honor society material.

"Margie, are you okay? Can I help in some way? Did somebody say something mean again?"

I stood, opened the door and hugged her, she seemed to be the only person who knew and understood me. I whimpered about not having a date for prom and began to cry again. As she held me the door opened and in walked my nemesis, Sandy Stone, miss perfect.

"Oh my God, are you two lezzies now? Holy shit, wait until I tell the other girls."

I was pissed and mentally off balance as I lashed out.

"We aren't lesbians you stupid cow, if you knew how to do anything but fuck half the boys and teachers in school you might know sometimes a person just needs a hug. Then again, the only time you have your arms around anyone else is when you're pushing your pussy onto their cock. You're a disgusting slut."

I threw my wet paper towel in her face, took Bonnies hand and stormed out of there. Her shit had started when we were in eighth grade, after five years of taking her verbal abuse I had finally snapped and told her where to get off. I figured the rest of my day would be an onslaught of nastiness but was pleasantly surprised that not one disparaging word was uttered in my direction all day. I walked home thinking I should have done that five years ago. On my way I stopped in the corner park and sat for a few minutes, I was not in the mood to hear anymore of mom's badgering. Just then my phone sounded with the ring tone for my brother's texts.

Tom: "Hi sis. You doin ok? Not sure why, but I had this sudden urge to text."

Marge: "You're a life saver, I need to hear a welcoming voice, call me right away."

Thirty seconds later we were talking. I explained that mom was on my ass about going to prom but there was no way I was going to be asked. Heck, even Bonnie had been asked by the tubby kid she had as an advanced chemistry partner. Old horse face would sit alone with a book another year, telling myself it didn't matter, when it really did.

"Why don't I take you then? I'm off for two weeks for spring break at that time, I'd be proud to take you to prom."

"But you're my brother, I'd be the laughing stock of the school, even more so than I am now."

"They don't know I'm your brother. You and mom moved the same time dad and I did, you're over forty miles from where you grew up, none of your classmates have ever met me, I doubt they know I exist. I'll fly home for what mother will think is a visit, and we'll go to prom."

"Are you serious Tom? You'd really do that for me? I would love to go to prom with a handsome college guy, Sandy Stone will shit a brick."

It was settled, Tommie would be taking me to prom, I would simply tell mom I had been asked and we needed to get my dress and all that went with it. At supper I told her the good news, she wanted to know who had asked and I said it didn't matter. I knew what kind of dress and shoes I wanted, where we'd find them, and, I wanted new underwear to go with it. She balked at that, but I stood my ground, it was a Sandy Stone moment all over. Just like Sandy, mom backed down.

I was super stoked and called Bonnie right away telling her a college guy had asked me to prom, she didn't know him, but I told her I'd bring a picture the next day. Later that evening I asked Tommy to send me a selfie, which he did right away. Though we talked and texted often it had been two years since I'd seen him. Holy shit, this wasn't the guy I remembered. He was still thin but had filled out, gone were the boyish features, his face had matured, he'd let his hair grow just below his ears and kept it combed back, he'd switched the glasses for contacts and gotten his teeth straightened. Shoot, no denying it, even if he is my brother, this guy is cute.

We had decided I wouldn't tell anyone he was my brother, as far as they would know he was my long distance boyfriend, the one I talked or texted with every few weeks. And he was, in my heart he was the one person I was closest to, closer than my mom, at least he understood me. In order for you to fully grasp the dynamics I need to tell you how he and I came to be. Yes, we have the same parents, but how we reached that destination is different at best. I told you earlier my parents were dysfunctional, well they were all of that and a box of pop-tarts.

Dad was a twenty five year old teacher at a college, mom was 19 and in one of his classes. There was a no fraternization rule in place on that campus so when mother became pregnant by our dad she had the baby out of wedlock, listing the father as unknown. They didn't marry because it would have ended dad's employment, a job they desperately needed with a new baby. A year later dad was offered a position at Georgia Tech, he accepted, and they moved, marrying before they arrived on campus. I was born a year later, and here's where it gets really screwy.

Because mom was unwed with Tom, she listed his last name as her maiden name, when I was born, I was listed with her married name, so while we are brother and sister, we have different last names. (Just writing about this stuff makes my head hurt.) You'd have thought once they were married dad would have adopted Tom giving him his last name. Nah, not in my parent's world. He was their son, they knew it so why spend all that money for an adoption procedure. How mom described the two pregnancies was also weird, because she was unwed with Tom, she said she'd gotten knocked up, but since she was wed when she had me, she got pregnant. Did I mention my parents are seriously fucked in the head?

Bonnie and I were in the girl's room when I showed her the selfie, she grabbed her crotch, squeezed and shuddered.

"What the hell was that Bonnie? Did you just cum?"

"Oh my God Marge he's gorgeous. Yes I came, don't you when you look at that picture? My panties are soaked, I'm gonna have to pretend I'm sick and go home or I'll smell like sex all day. I have enough issues being overweight, I don't need people to say I smell like pussy."

Her eyes were closed as she grabbed her ample tit and squeezed, pulling on her nipple through the blouse.

"Oh shit, I need to go home and play. Sorry Marge, I gotta go or cum will be running down my legs."

With that she was out the door without me realizing she'd scanned my picture onto her phone. By early afternoon Bonnie had shared it enough times that I was the talk of the school. Margie had a boyfriend in college, he was cute, and she was probably putting out for him, why else would he date her? I was initially upset, then calmed down as I realized I had the advantage. Let them think I led him astray with my womanly charms, let them think he was screwing me into the mattress, let them think I had a playground between my legs, let them think these little titties were enough to satisfy my hunk, let them think he was pounding against my little ass as he rode me like a bitch in heat. Yes, let them think all of it, I could care less.

When Tom and I talked that evening, I told him what had happened with Bonnie, he didn't want to believe me at first, then realized I wasn't handing him a line. I also told him I had informed mom what dress I wanted, the shoes to go with it and that I was getting new underwear as well, something sexy, no more full briefs and utilitarian bras.

"Are you getting the pretty panties for me sis?"

"No, you aren't going to see them anyway. I'm getting them for me."

"Here's an idea sis. Why don't you get a garter belt and some sexy stockings? Then you could let me feel the straps through the dress, it would be almost like letting me see you in your undies. You were smokin hot when I saw you two years ago, I gotta believe it's only gotten better."

"What drugs are you on Tommy? I'm still the tall skinny girl with no ass that I've always been. There's no smokin hot about any part of this body."

"You see Marge, that's where you're wrong. There are guys who like chubby, guys who like normal every day average, guys who think it has to be perfect, and there are guys like me who like tall and thin. There's somebody for everybody, the reason most don't find that somebody is they're looking in the wrong places."

I was flabbergasted and unsure how to respond, being true to my nature, I said nothing.

"Margie, are you still there? Did I scare the shit out of you? Talk to me sweets."

"I'm... I'm still here. I was not prepared for what you said, that's all. I've never thought of life like that, but it certainly makes sense. Anyway, I need to go, mom's hollering supper is ready. Love you, bye."

As we ate mother carried on with her usual small talk that I cared nothing about but listened out of courtesy. She always tried to trick me by asking if I needed more pads for my period, which made no sense because I bought my own feminine products, and I hadn't used pads for almost two years. I would stop her in her tracks every time, and yet she'd do it again and again and again.

"Yes mother, I'm a still a virgin. Why don't you just ask instead of this game we play every few months?"

"Honey it's a delicate subject, that's all."

"Oh, but asking if I'm on the rag isn't? Sometimes I wonder about you mother."

Then the real reason for our longer than usual banter surfaced. "Margaret (she's the only one who ever calls me that) I've been thinking and I'm not going to let you get any slinky underwear, what you have is just fine."

Now I was pissed but maintained my composure. "Well mother. I'm buying new undies whether you pay for them or not, I have plenty of my own money, I don't need yours. I simply thought you'd want to a part of the new me. I'm not going to prom in old full briefs and a tacky white cotton bra that has been washed so many times it's almost grey."

I have money because my dad tries to diminish his level of guilt by direct depositing $200 a month into an account in my name only. I never use the total amount, there's always plenty of money at my disposal. Mom backed down but stayed in a pouty mood the rest of the night, I thought to myself, she needs to be taken over someone's knee and spanked for her behavior. Tom played on mom's heart strings until she volunteered to buy his plane tickets, he had money just like I did and for the same reason, but if mom wanted to spend some of hers. You bet, go for it. It wasn't like she didn't have plenty in the first place.

As expected, I was the topic of discussion at school for about three days and then it went away. Bonnie on the other hand told me she was getting off every night looking at Tommie's picture imagining him fucking her into oblivion. Mind you, neither of us had first hand knowledge of what being fucked into oblivion entailed, but we'd heard others say it, so it must be good. Tom and I were talking every third or fourth day and texting in between. I told him my dress was a beautiful shade of burgundy with cream colored piping as an accent, he had no idea what I was talking about but listened anyway.

Giggling I told him I had bought a garter belt, stockings, and a lace panty/bra set. Then I whispered, (I don't why, it seemed appropriate), "you can see through them." What had come over me I wondered.

"See sis, I knew you were hot, you're making me excited to see you. Will I get to see you on them?"

"What? You mean like without my dress?"

"Yup, that's what I mean."

My mind was spinning like a whirligig. My brother wants to see me without my dress on? I was both excited and appalled. I quickly noticed I was flush and my hand had drifted to my breast, I was squeezing and pinching the nipple.

"Well Tommy. I don't know, maybe I'll lift my dress up far enough for you to see the garter straps, but not my panties. I mean, you can see right through them, even my... you know."

"Do you mean your bush Marge? I think that's one word for it, muff is another, pussy fur is yet another, regardless, it's pubic hair on your mons venus, perfectly natural. Just don't go shaving it off like some of the girls do."

"Oh my Tom, no one has ever talked to me like this. I want to be disgusted, but I'm not, does that make me a slut Tommy?"

"No Marge, sluts screw any and everything with a dick, that aint you honey. Hey, listen, I need to go, this homework won't finish itself. Did I tell you I'm on track to graduate a year early? Gotta go, love you."

I shut my phone off and sat on the bed bewildered. No one had ever talked with me about sex or any parts of it except mom and that was all factual information. She called my nether region my vagina, of course I knew it wasn't, my vagina was inside, what she was referring to is what I call my mound. Because I'm so thin mine is prominent, it looks like I have a bar of soap in my panties with certain pants and skirts, I avoid those. I have hair, but it's not thick and bushy like I see on some girls after gym, mine is not very wide, extending three or four inches above the apex of my thighs.

No, I wouldn't be shaving anything, it wasn't wide or thick enough to stick out the sides of my panties. While I shopped for undies to wear under my dress, I also bought several pair of new panties I intended to wear from now on, along with bras that were lace and feminine. I tossed the old ones in the trash, when mom brought it up, I told her if she wanted them, she was welcome to them, because they weren't going on my body any longer. It seems turning 18 did more than make me a year older, it also made me a bit braver.

Tom had gone to a major men's store to be fit for a tux, they in turn contacted the local branch at our mall and his tux was waiting when he arrived. Mom and I met him at the airport, she got hugs and a kiss on the lips, you know, a mom/son peck sort of thing. I was expecting the same when he scooped me in his arms and planted one on me that lasted a bit longer than a brother/sister kiss would. He also patted my bottom as he let go of me. I was swooning when I heard mom.

"Okay you two, knock it off. You act like you're 14 again."

Ah, 14, the year Tommie moved away, but before he did, he taught me how to kiss and felt my flat chest through my blouse. Yes, those were the good old days and when mom made mention of being 14 again Tom and I burst out in laughter. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. We stopped at Red Robin on the way home, then went to the mall to pick up Tom's tux. Holy shit, talk about handsome, no he wasn't buff, but he was damned sure handsome.

When I thought about being escorted to prom by this nearly 21 year old college cutie I decided then and there I was not going to tell another soul he was my brother, not even Bonnie knew more than he was my date. Tom had ordered a corsage for me via the web and had it waiting at a local shop for his arrival. I was at school the next day giving him plenty of time to run around and do his thing. We arranged for him to drop me off at school so he could take my car, then he'd pick me up after school.

As we pulled up, I asked him to do me a favor.

"Kiss me when you stop to let me out. Please."

"You bet Marge, let's play this up as much as we can. Time for a little pay back."

As he stopped, we leaned over the console and our lips met, he wasn't going to let it be a peck, his hand was at the back of my neck holding me while he kissed me softly. We parted, then he gave me another quick kiss before sitting up with a huge smile. That was the very first time I ever felt my panties get damp, I was confused, had I cum or was this what arousal felt like. I determined to google that as soon as I had a minute. Our hands were entwined, as I opened the door to exit, he said loud enough for the group of girls standing there to hear him.

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