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Too Sweet Pt. 02

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Kit and Teddy get closer. Ben and Ira are too close.
20k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/13/2024
Created 05/09/2024
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Author's Note - About the Spanish parts - I speak Spanish about as well as Kit does, which is to say pretty poorly. I did my best with the grammar, but please forgive any clumsy sentences.

Trigger warnings - discussions of domestic violence (not perpetrated by any main character), self harm, substance abuse, suicidal ideation, negative self talk, and mental illness. I try to handle these topics with care, but please remember that these are characters talking about themselves. They are not always going to be as careful with their language as I would be talking about mental illness in any other context. If you find any of it too hard to read, please click off and know I have no hard feelings <3

These chapters include some more explicit drug use, as well. No noncon or dubcon involved with that at all. All sex in this story is consensual.

If you are or someone you know is struggling call or text 988 for the Suicide Lifeline in the US. For other countries, dial your local emergency number for local resources. Take care of yourselves!



I don't know why I agreed to go to Rose with Ira and Teddy. It was once the kind of club where you had to wear something cool enough to get in the door, but I hadn't been there in years. It was also nearly an hour away in Nashville.

Unlike most places in Nashville, I wasn't going to slip in with the tourists by donning cowboy boots and a pink hat with a minidress. This place was well off Broadway, on Church street with the other queer clubs and bars.

"Do you ever go to Rose?" I asked Ben a few days later. He arched an eyebrow at me.

"Sometimes. Why?"

"What are people wearing there now? I agreed to go with Teddy but, um, I haven't been in a while."

"Teddy wants to go to Rose?" Ban said doubtfully.

"Teddy agreed to DD Ira there and somehow sweet talked me into going along."

"That makes more sense," Ben nodded thoughtfully. "Well, they don't keep the door like they used to. You'll be fine with your casual punk rock thing. Tell Theodore not to dress so straight, though. When are you going to Rose?"

"Friday night. Some band called Idyl is playing," I answered with a shrug. I had no idea who that band was.

"Idyl? Can I tag along?" Ben asked. He looked excited. For a moment, that curated bored barista look was gone.

"Um, I think that's up to Ira," I said carefully.

"Then I'll ask Ira," Ben nodded and tapped at his phone.

We both had to get back to work as the afternoon crowd started rolling in. Among them was Ira, who waited until the line died down to lean on the counter and smirk at Ben.

"So, Benji wants to go see Idyl," Ira said, sounding bored but he was still smirking.

"You're a pain in the ass," Ben chuckled and handed Ira a drink he didn't order.

"Yes, of course I am," Ira agreed and sipped the coffee with a contented grin. "I mean, I was going to ask you anyway, but you can definitely come after this perfect breve."

"Order one from Kit next time," Ben said. "I've heard through the grapevine that she makes better coffee."

"I don't give it away for free, though," I added.

"Except to Theodore," Ben pointed out.

"I paid for that," I said and shrugged.

"Maggie's meeting us at Rose," Ira said as he checked a text.

"Does Ted know that?" Ben asked.

"Probably not," Ira said. "I just asked her this morning and she just answered. She probably won't tell him, though, because she'll be there with David."

"Who is Maggie?" I asked.

"Teddy's sister. They're usually close, but she's been dating this piece of shit that Ira absolutely shouldn't be inviting along to a club," Ben said pointedly.

"I didn't invite David. I invited Maggie. She loves Idyl," Ira explained. "I didn't think about David tagging along."

"Ah, fuck," Ben groaned. He pulled out his phone.

"Teddy is working right now," I said quietly. "Don't text him that while he's working."

But Ben ignored me. A flurry of replies lit up his and Ira's phones. A few minutes later, Ira's phone rang.

"Dude, I just asked her this morning," Ira said into the phone. "I didn't think she would bring him." He paused for a moment to listen. "Yeah, I don't want him drunk and high around her, either. But we'll all be there to watch her." He waited to listen again and winced. "We'll bring Foster, then. He'll come for Maggie. And Ben's coming." There was another pause. "Ok. Yeah, love you too. Bye."

I blinked at that. I hadn't expected Ira and Teddy to end a phone call with "I love you". Ira looked at me and his eyes widened.

"It's not like that," he stammered. "He's like my brother. It's hard to explain."

"I know, Teddy told me," I said and held up one hand to stop him. "It's good. I'm glad he has a family that loves him."

Ira relaxed a bit and nodded.

"We love both of them. Maggie is just young and not interested in her big brother's opinion about her shitty boyfriend," Ben explained.

"She's not interested in any of our opinions," Ira sighed.


In the car on the way to Rose, Ira offered me a little, chalky white tablet.

"Um. You do know my boss is sitting next to me, right?" I asked and jerked my head at Ben. We were crammed in the backseat of Ira's car with Ben in the middle. Foster had kindly offered me the front seat, but I couldn't imagine how he would fit his giant self back there at all much less with Ira and Ben. Ben grinned at me and popped his own molly tablet in his mouth.

"I don't give a fuck. Just don't bring it to work," he said and shrugged.

I took the tablet, but I just held it in my palm and glanced at Teddy in the driver's seat. Ira hadn't offered Teddy or Foster any. I knew Teddy didn't do any drugs at all even when he wasn't the DD. Maybe Foster was the same.

"Would you rather have an edible?" Ira asked me.

"Or nothing at all if that's what she wants," Foster said pointedly.

"Yeah. Or that," Ira said and rolled his eyes. "I'm not pressuring her. I'm being nice."

"Um, let me think about it," I said and handed the tablet back to Ira. I thought I saw a little smile on Teddy's face. That was enough to convince me for the moment.

Rose was as strangely opulent as I remembered. It had a lot of purple and gold and big, gaudy chandeliers.

Ira and Ben were rolling already. Ben had his hands in Ira's hair, rubbing the buzzed sides and twisting the long parts on top. They both begrudgingly accepted a bottle of water that Teddy forced on them instead of the drinks they asked for when he got back from the bar.

"If you two fuck each other out there, just keep it to yourselves," Foster groused.

Ira mumbled something to Ben, who cackled and let go of Ira's hair. They wandered off to the dance floor to wait for Idyl to start their show.

I sat on the tall stool and sipped the drink Teddy handed me. I don't know what it was, but it tasted like a fancy mule of some kind. Teddy stood behind me. I leaned back on his chest and smiled up at him. He looked distracted as he scanned the crowd at the door for his sister, but he leaned in to kiss forehead.

"There," Foster said grimly, pointing out a tall young woman with dark curls like her brother's. "And there's the dickhead."

A man was with her. My first thought was that he was far too old for her. I guessed late 30s at the youngest to Maggie's very early 20s. My second thought was that Foster and Teddy were going to kill him.

Maggie spotted her brother and made her way through the crowd with David tagging behind her. She sidled up to the table and sighed.

"Well, you two look like murder. David, you remember my brother Teddy and his friend Foster?" she said to the man behind her. He glanced between the two of them and nodded tightly.

"Maggie, this is Kit," Teddy introduced me.

Maggie smiled broadly at me and scooted around the table to sit next to me. David looked supremely put out to be forced between Foster and Teddy. Teddy was tall, but Foster dwarfed him in both height and width. I imagine David felt like he was stuck between two different but still particularly dangerous predators with the way the two men eyed him up. Maggie ignored all of it.

"So you're the mysterious Kit!" Maggie said. "Teddy hasn't dated anyone in ages. He was all 'I have to finish school first!' and, 'There's more to life than dating, Maggie!' but then Ira told me Teddy was losing his head over you."

I wasn't sure how to respond to that. Teddy broke his vigil of staring down at David long enough to butt into the conversation.

"Sometimes I'm a hypocrite," he chuckled. "But if you met someone like Kit, you would have broken all your rules, too."

I felt my face flush. I sipped my drink and tried to not react to Teddy's deep blue eyes twinkling with mischief at me.

Maggie looked between us and giggled. She leaned over the table to send David to the bar. Then she arched her eyebrow at Teddy and Foster.

"You two stop," she demanded. "He hasn't done anything!"

"He did enough already," Foster growled.

"He was drunk. It won't happen again," Maggie argued

"You just sent him to the bar," Teddy pointed out.

"For me! He's getting a drink for me!"

"If he steps on fucking toe over the line tonight, I will kill him," Foster promised darkly.

"You're not even related to me," Maggie said sourly.

"Yes he is," Teddy said quietly. "He and Ira are family."

"I know," Maggie said softly. She looked up at Foster apologetically, "Sorry, Foz. I know you're trying to look out for me."

Foster shrugged and waved off her apology as David returned with a drink for Maggie. He slid it across the table and kept his eyes off Foster and Teddy.

Maggie grabbed the drink and put an arm around me, "Come dance with me?"

I shrugged and took my own drink. I stopped at Teddy's side to pull him down and kiss his cheek. He grinned at me and leaned close to speak in my ear.

"You ok out there without me?"

"It's EDM, worst thing out there is Ben and Ira feeling each other up," I giggled.



I kept my eyes on Maggie and Kit as they slipped to the edge of the dance floor. I knew I would lose sight of Kit the moment she stepped into the crowd, but Maggie was tall enough to stand out.

"Why don't you just go hover over them?" David said and rolled his eyes.

"You really want to pick a fight with us?" I asked David, astounded. Foster chuckled meanly on the other side.

"Maggie is an adult. She can make her own decisions," David said. He was only looking at me. Between the two of us, I guess I'm a less threatening figure than Foster, but David was still a lot smaller than me.

"If you ever hit her again," I started and leaned down to crowd David back into the wall of Foster's body behind him. "No one will ever even find you."

David went quiet and sat down. Foster grinned at me over David's head. That grin looked bloodthirsty.



I didn't love molly. The come up in the car had been rough. It helped having Ira there, subtly stroking my arm and distracting me from that weird way a full body high creeps up on you. Ira knew how much I hated getting there. He never seemed to struggle with it, but the chills and the racing heart felt uncomfortably close to a panic attack to me.

The first time I tried MDMA, I didn't know it would feel like that before it felt good. No one warned me. I don't know how far I walked, trying to get the itchy feeling of panic out of my blood, but Ira and Ted found me somewhere alone downtown after they realized I had wandered off and talked me back down. I only did psychedelics if I knew Ira or Teddy would be around to keep an eye out after that.

I was firmly past the bad part, though, and the music felt great. Ira was with me on the floor and his hands felt electric. Someone else, a woman, I think, pulled me off of him at one point and ran their hands up through my hair, tugging on the locs and sending bad bad bad signals through my haze. Before I had time to figure out how to recover from the repulsive, full body shudder that ran through me, Ira had me again. He shoved whoever that was off, shouting something about my hair being off limits, and pulled me protectively closer to his chest. It should have felt silly. I was so much taller than him, but I loved the way his arms felt so safe.

I groaned his name when his hands finally touched me again. I tried to let that feeling chase out the weird, wired feeling I got from the stranger. Ira tilted his head up and kissed my neck, just below my ear.

"You ok, Benji?"

"Fucker pulled my hair," I whined.

"Yeah, I know. You can pull mine if that makes it better?" Ira offered.

It didn't make it particularly better, but I took the offer anyway. Ira's hair was soft and fluffy, like how I imagined a chinchilla must feel. The shorter sides felt nice scrubbing against my palms. I shivered and sighed.

"Stay close," Ira said into my ear. "And keep touching me."

I didn't need him to ask twice.



The night was strange. The band that played sounded no different than the recorded music that had been playing before, but the crowd was wild.

Maggie and I danced in the flashing lights and pulsing crowd until we found Ben and Ira with their hands on each other and lost in their own world. We left them to their trip as we clawed our way back out of the crowd.

Foster and Teddy were alone at the table now, drinking soda and laughing. Teddy pulled me to his side, tucking me in where I fit so perfectly.

"Where's David?" Maggie asked.

"He left. Sorry," Foster said and shrugged. "We'll get you back to your apartment when this is over."

"Oh," Maggie sighed, but she didn't look surprised. "Yeah, I told him not to come. He doesn't like Idyl. I'm surprised he didn't come get me to leave."

"He tried. We told him not to," Teddy said. "Did you see Ben and Ira out there?"

"Yeah, they're actively groping each other. I thought they stopped hooking up?" Maggie said.

"Only if one of them is in a serious relationship," Teddy said and shrugged. "They're both single right now."

"And they're both high as hell," Foster added. "That's always a factor."

I was drawing a map in my head to plot out how everyone associated with Teddy's house was related. Ben and Teddy dated in highschool. Teddy lived with Ira's family, but it seemed like they never dated. Ben and Ira were at least fuckbuddies. The only question I had left was Foster. Was he straight? He didn't go to highschool with the others and he seemed to be several years older. How did they even meet?

My musings were interrupted when the band played a song that sent Maggie to the moon. She jumped up and, to my surprise, grabbed Foster to drag back to the floor. He shot a helpless look over his shoulder at the table where Teddy was laughing at him.

"Is Foster straight?" I asked Teddy.

"As far as I know, but he doesn't date much," Teddy told me. "Why?"

"Just trying to figure out where he fits in the puzzle," I told him.

"Ah, he inherited the house from a great uncle and was looking for roommates. Ira and I moved in there right out of highschool. He's like our big brother now. When he met Maggie, he adopted her too. He's just like that."

"What did you two do to David?"

Teddy's guilty grin was too cute.

"I just let him know that Foz and I had our eyes on him," Teddy said, then he sobered and lost his grin. "David hit Maggie a few months ago."

"He did fucking what?" I said, outraged.

"Yeah," Teddy nodded in agreement with my anger. "She says it was just a mistake. I can't make her leave him, so I'm just making it clear that I won't forget it even if Maggie forgave him."


The night at Rose ended eventually. Teddy drove Maggie back to her apartment in Ira's car with me in the passenger seat. We left Foster behind to babysit the molly twins at the closest restaurant to the club. We got back to find Ben sitting in Ira's lap and Foster half way through a plate of hot chicken.

"Were we supposed to stop you two from hooking up again?" Teddy asked Ben as we slid into the booth.

"Who says we're hooking up?" Ben laughed and leaned back on Ira. Ira rolled his eyes and pinched Ben.

"Right," Teddy chuckled.


I stayed with Teddy that night. We both fell into his bed, grateful for the quiet room and soft sheets. I was nearly asleep when I felt Teddy's fingers slide down my stomach to play delicately with the patch of red hair down there.

"You asleep, beautiful?" Teddy whispered.

"Hmm, depends on why you're asking," I answered.

"Because I want to kiss you goodnight and make you moan my name again," he murmured into my ear. I shivered and groaned as his fingers trailed lower to slip inside me. "I want you to fall asleep with that cute smile you wear after you cum on my tongue."

"Fuck, Teddy," I moaned shakily.

"Yes, moan for me just like that," I could hear the grin in his voice. "Good girl."

I whimpered and let my legs fall open to him. Teddy gripped the back of my neck firmly with one hand and curled his fingers inside me. I clamped my hand over my mouth to stop my sounds.

"Can I finger fuck you to sleep, beautiful? Can I lick you until you're shaking and squirting on my face?" he growled. I nodded, swallowing a needy sob. "Come on. You can use your words," he teased me.

"Please," I whispered.

"Good girl," he chuckled and moved down my body to run his tongue over me. I felt him laughing as he increased the pressure of his fingers and began licking firm, urgent patterns into my skin.

"That's it. Just like that," I gasped when the combination of Teddy's tongue and fingers suddenly sent tingles down my limbs. Teddy listened, focusing on those spots until I was quivering on the edge.

"Good girl," he murmured into my skin with his voice husky and rough. "Cum for me."

That broke me. I bucked against his fingers and tried to stay quiet. I must have been too loud, because Teddy slid up my body to capture my lips and swallow my moans even as his fingers still pulsed inside me. He kissed me until I calmed down and then withdrew his fingers.

"Fuck, Kit," he whispered reverently. "Do you have any idea how beautiful that is?"

I grinned sleepily at him, still riding the fuzzy high of my climax. I reached for him, but he shook his head.

"No, beautiful. That was just for you. I just want to hold you and sleep now," he pulled me close to his chest and kissed my neck until I settled in his arms.

He murmured sweetly to me, telling me how beautiful and good I was, until I fell asleep.



"You got it right the first time," I told her. We were in my room with our sketchbooks open. I tried not to be too excited about drawing with Kit, but she was smiling fondly at my antics so I was maybe failing at that. "I'll do just about anything if you'll praise me for it."

"Oh, good, because I like to lay it on thick," Kit grinned. "Limits? Interests?"

"I'm not big on pain. You can pull my hair and pinch me, maybe slap my ass, but that's about as far as I go. Normally I hate tickling, too, but I'm willing to try for you," I told her.


"Sure, as long as you'll still call me pretty and let me know I'm your good boy," I said and shrugged.

"Denial? Humiliation?"

"Eh, edging ok. Total denial? Not a fan. I don't mind a bit of humiliation, but nothing too mean, too gross, or too personal," I answered. "What about you?"

"I do like pain. You can be rough with me. Pull my hair, slap me, bite me. Just don't break any bones or leave scars. Choking and toys aren't off the table, but they will need a separate conversation first. I'm usually pretty open to most things."

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