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Tori Tumbles 01

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Tori takes online classes. Jeff is Tori's study partner.
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Tori Tumbles 01

I had been dressing for my friend Jeff for so long that I actually got good at it. In the beginning, I wasn't sure what he actually got out of it, but he asked nicely, so I dressed like a girl for him when he would stop by to hang out. I suppose that he had his suspicions about me anyways, so maybe he was giving me a chance to dress in the presence of another person or maybe he secretly needed a way to let his gay freak flag fly, who knows. I never really asked and he never really said, so we just carried on and I think it's safe to say that we both got a little something out of our evenings together. It was never more than I could handle and the same seemed to go for him.

Hi there, my friend Jeff calls me Tori Tumbles. I think he began to call me Tori so he would feel better about hanging out with a boy that he knew, even though he asked me to dress like a girl for him. And I didn't mind the name Tori. It's sort of close to my real name of Terry, so it seemed to fit and if that made him feel better about occasionally brushing up against me, then sobeit. He would brush, I would brush, he would stroke my arms and legs, I would make my arms and legs available to stroking and we enjoyed a couple of months of consensual educational evenings together. And by educational, I mean we learned a few things about sex together because neither of us knew jack about that stuff. And don't read too much into that last statement. Details to follow.

LOL, it was also Jeff who later added "Tumbles" to my name when he lost control during one of our position practice sessions and he tumbled me out of the bed while we were trying to replicate a reverse cowgirl position. So, Tori Tumbles was born. And please take note of the phrase "position practice" sessions. I mean, you can learn to fish without ever catching a fish. LOL, insert a better phrase here if you have one.

Anyways, my story starts out just before I tricked Jeff into asking me to dress for him when we hung out at my place. I was a student and I had been taking college classes online. That's what I told people anyways. I still had a cross dressing secret from most people, so I never told anyone that my online classes were actually Tranny fashion and makeup tutorials, which are very well produced shows, by the way. And as many who surf around Chang know very well, there are pop up ads all over your laptop screen and one day I came upon a class that I had to add to my course load.

I'll tell you right now that I have a little freak in me and when I came across someone I knew online, well, I couldn't resist hitting the blue star and marking it as a favorite. Again, wow, not only someone I knew of, but also knew where she worked. Blue Star I tell you.

But I needed Jeff. I needed a partner, a lab partner if you will. I mean, some bikes are built for two and most sex acts are meant for two, right? And even if you're flying solo, well, there's probably someone in your head, you know, smiling and posing just as you imagine them to do.

And because Jeff had been a very willing partner in our freaky little "TV on the couch" adventures, why not see if he would be willing to get freaky in the lab, right?

Oh, I barely got the question out of my mouth when I asked him if he join me in my latest online class. I mean, LOL, he heard porn although all I said was a loving couple who was willing to share their bedroom experiences for a small fee. LOL, he also heard that he could take the course in his boxer briefs, which I was going to offer him anyways, but I gave him that one. I mean, there I was in my silky soft jammies, so why not, right? Fair is fair.

"So, Tori, let me make sure I understand this correctly to avoid any issues. We watch the instructional video for a while and somewhere in the middle we pretend like we take the experiment into the lab and then you act like a crash test dummy and I get to practice doing stuff and we get to take this online class from the comfort of your bed? Is my understanding correct?"

"Pretty much, but just remember that crash test dummies don't respond back. Oh, nor will I be wearing black and yellow checkered patterns, not to mention that there will not be wires attached to my body. Crash test dummies take in information and find areas of improvements."

"And there's no embarrassment? I mean, you know, right?"

"Absolutely no embarrassment. I already put old sheets on the bed and I placed a few towels close by the bed. I know that you are a healthy young man, but your boxer briefs stay on as do my shorts."

Oh no, I'm not that stupid, but I figured I could win that battle for a while. I mean, he should let me win for a while because he kept looking at my new hair style and I think my frosty tips have him in a trance.

"OMG Jeff, stop with the funny looks! I promise, no embarrassment, no posting, no secret video, no homo, add the no in front of any other word you like and then some. Just two consenting young adults who want to learn some jack stuff about sex behind closed doors.

"Alright, you said, no kissing, so when does class start?"

Ah, snap, he got me on that one, not that I planned on kissing him, but the point of taking an online class is to practice what they preach, right? Ah, whatever, he got me.

Anyways, the first few classes went pretty well. I mean, he was shocked as hell during our first class, but after that it was all fair game learning. LOL, he was not expecting to see such a well-known local lady pop up on my flat screen TV after he made his donation with his credit card. Oh, and by the way, it was like the speed of light. I mean, I hit enter and boom, there she was, doing stuff with her hubby.

Well, hells bells and by that, I mean SOB hells bells! This freaky thing I had in my mind about being a super tease in the bed was one thing, but it never occurred to me how a 21 years old guy looks in just his boxer briefs. Oh, ring the damn bells and cover all that up with the blankets, please.

Anyways, after a few moments of embarrassment for both of us because it was the first time either of us had been in a bed with another person, things settled down. I mean, not his boxer briefs, but we calmed down and got cozy. Oh snap, those bells were ringing.

And then, hah, it is very fair to say that we both agreed that it was the best college online class ever offered.

"SOB Tori, I hope you don't get pissed, but SOB, do all women that age have an ass like that? Wait, OMG, OMFG, is that Dana from the grocery store? Holy middled aged sexy ass snap, OMG, you have to give me a free pass here!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Well, she's Lady Dana online, but she does jog every morning, so yes, she has an ass like that. Which tells me why she is such a popular cashier. Now, pay attention the course material and the movements, there might be a pop quiz later."

"Ah, I thought crash test dummies don't sass back? Prop up your hips a little please."

"One last thought please before I go all crash test dummy radio silent. Ah, Jeff, did you seriously just remove your boxer briefs under the covers? Mine are staying put, by the way."

"That's sassing back, so shut it, Tori. And why can't we just pull them down just this once? I mean, you're wearing plenty of other stuff."

"Like what? You pulled my PJ camisole off already and that just leaves my PJ shorts and my protective undies!"

"Well, you're wearing the good hair tonight, you're wearing a sexy shade of lip gloss and you're wearing blue eye shadow like nobody else can. Also, I think you need another class on applying eye shadow."

Hah! Well, a couple of things he said were nice, no that he had to all funky on my funky eye shadow skills, but still, right? So, I lifted my hips a little, I buried my face in the pillows a lot and OMG, Jeff was getting his money out of Lady Dana's video and his crash test dummy.

Like I said earlier, he's young, he's healthy and I fully expected him to leave a nut or two behind each night we were practicing our sex positions and movements. And that's how the next few weeks went. LOL, I almost miss fooling around on the couch and I definitely miss some of my TV programs, but I did learn some stuff. Here's what I learned from our online sex class.

The roleplaying T-Girl should lay on her belly, be on her knees or get on all fours, moan pleasurably every now and then, take it, shut it and moan pleasurably at the end. Also, Jeff recovers quickly and has a lot of stuff to dump.

Hah, I'm really glad that we could that class together because here is what I learned from the Tranny community on Chang before I first decided to crawl into bed with Jeff.

The roleplaying T-Girl should lay on her belly, be on her knees or get on all fours, moan pleasurably every now and then, take it, shut it and moan pleasurably at the end. Also, some guys recover quickly and have a lot of stuff to dump, so be prepared to rinse and repeat.

As you can imagine, LOL, Jeff was ecstatic. He had a personal invite into my bed, he had all kinds of sex position practice, he left so many messes behind and I was ready for the final exam and to declare class dismissed. Hah!

Jeff came over and he had the final exam in his hand. That sneaky SOB noticed that Lady Dana had a small catalog menu box in the corner of her page and I think he did a little homework before he came over.

"Oh, I'm sorry Jeff, but I think Lady Dana is off tonight. But my cooking show is on, so we can sit on the couch like the good old days, right?"

"Or we can go with her on-demand videos. We should study her reverse cowgirl instructional tutorial."

Well, I had never been on a horse before, so he had my interest. He also had a lot nerve lately because he's down to his boxer briefs before we even get into my bedroom. And by a lot of nerve, I mean the boxer briefs come off before I can close my bedroom door.

So, I may not know how to ride a horse, but he doesn't know all that much about horses either. LOL, he knows about the position because he had me place in a wink of an eye, but he thinks all horses are bucking broncos and he ended up bucking my butt up and off of him and onto the floor.

"Damn it, Jeff! Your bucking made me tumble to the floor!"

"OMG Tori, are you alright? Hey, wait a minute, I tumbled you, right Tori? So, Tori Tumbles! How's that? Tori Tumbles."

"OMG, can you please help me get back in the bed before we discuss your conquests?"

Yup, I climbed right back on. I mean, someone once said, if you fall off of the horse, then pull your undies aside and climb right back on the horse. Or something like that.

"Hah, keep pushing Jeff, it won't go in. You understand the difference between wet and dry, right?"

Oh, so, I never thought a guy releasing from just pushing against something. And by pushing, I mean push and push and huff and puff and one grunt and I could feel his warmth.

"Jerk. Now I need that towel. Watch Lady Dana's butt move all around while I clean up, jerk."

My undies and thighs were soaked, so I had to change and dry myself off and I don't mind telling you that I smiled when I caught him peeking at me while I removed my wet undies. I was always prepared for him to drop our class if he ever got a peek at my equipment. I hear that some guys are all go, go, go until they see what lies beneath. Well, be just laid there and watched me.

I was also prepared for him to head for the front door when I didn't put on clean undies and I just crawled back into bed with him naked as I resumed my reverse cowgirl position. Also, hell, I don't know reverse cowgirl from front cowgirl, but I was sitting on his limp dick.

'Alright Jeff, now that you're spent and limp after two dumps, is class dismissed and you're going all guy on me and you're out?"

Oops, I forgot about that silly "recovers quickly" thing.

"The only place I'm going is deep, Tori Tumbles. I mean, you crawled back into the bed all naked and stuff, right?"

"Smart ass, but it still won't go. But you've been a good student all semester, so how about a gold star? I'll trade you a lubricated condom for a worthy kiss. You game for that? I'll assume whatever crash test dummy position that you wish. Oh, by the way, the condoms are right under your head, under the pillows."

"Hmmm, define a worthy kiss."

"At least 8 seconds, you can keep your lips closed so you don't kill yourself for being all gay, but I get to attempt to break your seal lips with at least three tongue stabs or massages. Also, if you open your lips, then I will blow you on the front porch because you have some kind of "in public" freaky stuff going on in your head."

Hah, he's was thinking about that, although I already did that a week ago, but maybe he had too many beers to remember. Also, it was the back porch, but he had too many beers to know the difference.

Well, getting back to those bells in hell, I never thought to ask the community what it's like to watch a guy roll a condom on! Oh, I was not prepared for that! I mean, snap, that was up close and very, very personal and, LOL, he knew it. But I took it as another crash class course and watched it roll down all the way and OMG, the shine from the lube, right? I mean, it was like a damn mirror disco ball, and LOL, he knew it. But his grin was just as captivating.

"So, Tori Tumbles, on your hands and knees?????"

"Hah, I knew that was your favorite Lady Dana position. I mean, I promised not to be a sass back crash test dummy, so whatever you want and however you want it."

As I was still fixated on the shimmering shine of his wet wrapped hard on. And oh, I moaned and groaned alright, but not the same as he was. I mean, he was all gaga and stuff and I was about to cry, but it was our final exam and I wanted an A+ as badly as he did. Also, he got two A's because SOB, he can recover quickly and often.

And then I had to change his grade to an F because the SOB tricked me! He took advantage of the trance I was in while he slowly, OMG, so slowly roll those condoms down his ever so pink cock and the SOB never gave me my worthy kiss!!!!!!!!

Tricky and horny guys, right? Hah, class dismissed, for a while anyways. I'll see him in summer school.

End Tori Tumbles 01

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ShortyMacShortyMacabout 2 years ago

Hmmm very kinky story. More please

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