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Town & County Confidential Ch. 02

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The Team pursues the case; the Iron Crowbar pursues a woman.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/23/2021
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This story is part of an ongoing series. The chronological order of my stories is listed in WifeWatchman's biography.

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racism, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.


This story is written for 'The 2021 "Hammered: an Ode to Mickey Spillane" Author Challenge'. It is based upon the characters in my 'Iron Crowbar' Detective series. Please read 'Film Noir' for more on Russ Ferrament.

Part 8 - Ambush

Slugs were flying all over the place, and I was standing in the middle of it, depending on dames to save my slugs in my bourbon flask. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and there was indeed hell to pay when it came to these women...


The men looked to their right to see the tall, broad-shouldered redhead in all black with a beige trenchcoat, a beige Tilley Hat on his head, and a red crowbar in his hand.

Barney and one of the men went for weapons, and the third looked back at the woman he was about to kill, resolved to successfully finish the job.

*POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *BANG!* *POW!*

Having been distracted, the men did not see the three women in front of them in the tall grass. Cindy Ross lit up one of the men with her M-4 rifle; he died instantly. Nextdoor County Police Chief Molly Evans perforated the second man with her powerful service weapon; he also died instantly.

Puerto had dived to the ground behind the women and had avoided being killed. As Police Officers came forward, he suddenly sprang up and threw his switchblade knife at me. "Die, you cabron!" he shouted.


Puerto's head exploded as the accurately fired bullet tore through what little brains he had. Everyone looked over at me, and saw that I had caught his switchblade on the fly. Then we all looked at his shooter... FBI Agent Melina Allgood.

Melina was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever known. Her body was the perfect hourglass shape, like Teresa's but more so. Her breasts were large, her hips saucy, her ass a perfect heart-shape, her thighs firm, her calves curvy, and her feet and hands exquisite. Her hair was raven black, lustrous and long.

She also had a dark past. She had one child and rejected it, and now the father Todd Burke and his wife Teresa Croyle were raising hem. She had been a 'wet boy', an assassin for the CIA, and she was the best, most accurate shooter with any weapon that I'd ever seen. She'd transferred to the FBI as a 'Dark Agent', with a secret license to kill, which she exercised on occasion.

People said she was emotionless, and icy death to anyone who drew her ire. But I knew her better. She was married to Town Mayor Daniel Allgood, and she adored him and their two children... and their dog Dorothy. She looked not unlike my wife.. no surprise there, considering that she was my current wife's full-blood sister. And her ex-husband was... me, Your Iron Crowbar.

"He was trying to kill you." was all Melina said.

"You left the world no poorer." I replied.

"All right, guys," Chief Molly Evans said to her Officers. "Take these women to our Headquarters, and get them immigration lawyers before you call ICE."

As the women were about to be led away, Maritza said to Cindy "Gracias! Gracias!" Cindy took the sobbing woman in her arms in a warm hug.

"We're going to find your brother, too." Cindy said. Maritza nodded, then allowed herself to be led away.

"Thanks for your help." Cindy said to Molly, her sister.

"Least I could do for the Green Crowbar... and the Iron Crowbar." Molly said with a grin. Not only was she the Green Crowbar Cindy's sister, she was the mother of two of my sons. Yeah, I spread my seed around, but that's another story.

Molly said "So you had Maritza swallow a transmitter?"

Cindy nodded. "I had a big-time vibe when I heard Nance was coming over to arraign the women. I suspect he was paid off to deliver them back to the Cartel, so they could be executed. So I told Maritza the judge was corrupt, and to swallow the transmitter so we could follow her. And it worked, thank God."

"Yeah it did." I said. "And very well done on your part, Green Crowbar. Quite an awesome last case before you transfer out to the Sheriff's Department."

"One last moment of fun." Cindy said.

"Cindy," Molly said, "do you really think you can find her brother?"

"No." said Cindy. "And neither can you. "But this guy?" She pointed her green crowbar at me as she said "He can. He's the Iron Crowbar. He can solve any mystery."

Hoo boy, I thought to myself...

Part 9 - Media Malfeasance

I turned on the television monitor, and saw nothing but trouble. Redhead, as usual. This dame looked good on the outside, but was pure ugly filth on the inside. She made bad dames look good, and there was nothing that could redeem her. After all, she was a journalist, one of the three most despised professions, along with telemarketers and politicians.

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the redheaded MILF reporterette at 7:00am, Thursday, October 8th, from the KXTC studios. "The Town & County Police raid businesses in the Hispanic Community!"

After the 'hard charging' music intro, Bettina began: "Town & County Police raided several bars last night, targeting and arresting Hispanics exclusively. Channel Two News has learned that several prostitution rings were broken up, and that many of the women requested protective custody and political asylum."

Bettina: "Superior Court Judge Harry R. Nance released some of the women without bail, remanding them to the custody of their sponsors. Other women, as well as men that were arrested, are being turned over to ICE for processing and possible deportation."

Bettina: "Sources tell Channel Two News that the Federal DEA had been investigating Hispanic gangs in the area, and that Commander Donald Troy's action in raiding the Hispanic businesses has harmed their operation and wasted hours of Federal manpower and work in interdicting drug operations. Commander Donald Troy has studiously not responded to multiple requests for comment by KXTC Channel Two News."

Bettina: "And the Town & County Police have made no progress in apprehending the criminals that executed a series of robberies of convenience stores in the Town & County. Let's go to Pat Stellum with more on this important story. Pat!"

"That's right, Bettina!" said the Al-Capone-'ish' Pat Stellum, from in front of a convenience store at Riverside and Jefferson. "Store owners, especially in the Hispanic communities, are scared of future crimes, and they say the Police are doing nothing to reassure them. Roll tape."

Tape rolled, showing convenience store owner Pablo saying "We are all very scared. Someone could be killed next time, and Commander Donald Troy is doing nothing about it. If anyone dies in future robberies, their blood will be on his hands."

Another alleged shop owner said "Commander Donald Troy does not care about black or brown people, so he is doing nothing about these crimes in our communities."

Back to Stellum live, smiling brightly as he said "Commander Troy has not responded to repeated requests for comment about his inaction to solve the serial robberies in the Latino community. Apparently, just as that shopkeeper said, he doesn't care about black and brown people; he only cares about rich white Republicans like Mayor Daniel Allgood. Back to you, Bettina!"

"Thank you for that important story, Pat!" said Bettina. "And now let's go to Amber Harris, with an important story on the top levels of leadership of the Town & County Public Safety Department. Amber!"

"That's right, Bettina!" said the athletic blonde reporterette. "Channel Two News has learned that Sheriff's Chief of Staff Charles T. Oswald is retiring at the end of the year, and will be replaced by Police Deputy Chief Cindy Ross. Deputy Chief Ross will formally retire from the TCPD before assuming the role of Chief Deputy with the Sheriff's Department, which is considered a lateral transfer."

Amber: "However, sources are telling Channel Two News that the lateral move was in lieu of Commander Ross being demoted and fired in a disciplinary action, after Commander Ross obstructed the investigation of murder of the husband of her gym partner. If true, that just shows how Donald Troy protects his family and the TCPD covers up for its high-ranking officers, while good Officers like Sergeants Toole and McCombs are harshly disciplined. And Commander Donald Troy has not responded to numerous requests by Channel Two News for comment on these issues. Back to you Bettina!..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"It must be true." said Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle as she, Sheriff Griswold, Captain Muscone, Chief Moynahan and I drank coffee in the Chief's Conference Room. "You aren't responding to their requests for comment. They only said it three times."

"Must've slipped my mind, to call them back." I said as I sipped coffee from my Airborne School mug.

"I'm a lot more worried about that fat asshole Stellum trying to paint you as a racist." said Chief Moynahan.

"That was clearly staged." growled Sheriff Griswold. "Tell me, how many people on the street are going to specifically mention Crowbar by name? unless they were coached?"

Teresa said "And Pablo's shop was already hit. So why is he so worried about another one at his place? I agree... that was staged, and scripted."

"I'm more worried about the leaks than anything else." said Sheriff Griswold. "I'm convinced we've done all we can to keep the Press from finding out about what we're doing. That issue with Commander Ross's transfer, for example. How do the bastards keep finding out that stuff?"

"I don't know about that, Sheriff," replied Teresa, "but it's pretty clear to me that a disgruntled DEA Agent leaked that about the Feds being upset with our raid on The Eighth Street Latinos last night."

"I entirely agreeeeee." drawled the Chief.

"Me, three." I said agreeably.

"Come on, guys." Tanya said. "Do you really believe they leaked that in a fit of pique over our operation? Jack's not like that, and I don't think Dwight Stevens is, either."

Teresa said "If not Stevens, who?"

I said "If I do give him the benefit of the doubt, and I'm not, I'd say it could've been DEA Agent Kevin Pitts, who has worked with Martin Nash and Lindsey Black in the past. Or it could be DEA Special Agent In Charge Rutherford Lyndon, Dwight Stevens's boss. Or any other Federal Agent with knowledge of what the DEA is doing... knowledge not being shared with me nor the TCPD, I might add."

"I'm curious." said Tanya. "Just why did we conduct that raid last night? What purpose did it serve, besides to shut down a few prostitution stables?"

I was not fooled, and I let my Captain of Detectives know it: "In other words, did I do that raid just to show the DEA who's the alpha-dog here? No, it was for other reasons. First, to leave The Eighth Street Latinos my calling card, and let them know I don't appreciate them bringing prostitution, including forced-labor prostitution, into my County."

"Second, to gain intel on the gang's operations." I continued. "Unfortunately, thanks to Judge Nance we had to interdict and blow away some of the Cartel members. I'd have loved to interrogated Puerto further, but 'C'est la vie, c'est la guerre.' on that. But we still may have picked up some information."

"And third, as a distraction." I went on. "The Press has been trying hard to focus on the robberies of the shops, and I need their attention distracted so that we really can go in there in and do something about those robberies. But as we saw in the broadcast this morning, the Press is truly fixated on these robberies, and are making them a racial issue as well as taking cheap shots at the Police over them."

"So it's not to mess with the DEA?" Tanya asked. It suddenly became very quiet in the room.

"Captain," I said, turning to face Tanya and staring her down, "if I wanted to fuck with Dwight Stevens and his fellow Federal Agents, I could very, very easily totally destroy them and their careers. If I wanted to. Don't ever forget that."

It was a warning, clearly conveyed. Tanya said no more about that, but a moment later she put her wheelchair into motion and said "If you'll excuse me..." Teresa was a little too fast in getting up and opening the door for Tanya, who drove through it and out of the Chief's office suite into the main hallway...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Hello and welcome to Fox University Sunrise!" said the blonde and pretty Catrina Pierce at 8:00am sharp from the KFXU studios. "I'm Catrina Pierce, and with me are Meredith Peller and Priya Ajmani. Hello ladies!"

"Hello, Catrina." said Priya, an (India) Indian beauty with a hot body and a gorgeous smile.

"Hello, ladies." said Meredith Peller, who was blonde and pretty in a 'suburban housewife' kind of way. "Here's what's in the news today. The Town & County Police made a rare but major raid on several places of prostitution in the mainly Hispanic areas of the County last night. A large number of women, their pimps, and other men that were in the strip joints at the time were arrested."

Priya: "Many of those arrested were questioned and released, but some of the men, believed to be part of the gang known as The Eighth Street Latinos were detained for further questioning, and may be turned over to the DEA for interrogation about possible drug activities."

Catrina: "Judge Harry Nance, known for very activist, anti-Police, pro-criminal rulings, released a number of the arrested women into the custody of their sponsors, despite the women's desperate pleas that their lives were in danger. Judge Nance forced them to leave with their sponsors, who Commander Cindy Ross of the TCPD said were not sponsors, but Cartel attorneys."

Priya: "Fox Eight News has learned that after those men illegally took the women out of our County and into Nextdoor County, they attempted to murder the women in a field near AGC Trucking, but Police intervened in time to save the women's lives, killing the perps after an exchange of gunfire."

Meredith: "The women were turned over to ICE, and were provided lawyers to help them make their appeals for asylum. Obviously they can show they are in danger of their lives after what happened this morning."

Catrina: "Commander Donald Troy issued a statement exclusively to KFXU Fox Eight News, praising his Police Officers for their efficiency and professionalism in making the raids on the bars and houses of prostitution. No one was killed nor wounded in the potentially dangerous raids, and Commander Troy praised Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle and SWAT Lieutenant Robert Kalsu for their training and preparation of the Officers."

Priya: "And we congratulate Sheriff Department Chief of Staff Charles T. Oswald, whose retirement was publicly announced yesterday. Chief of Staff Oswald will stay on until the end of the year, shepherding the Public Safety budget through the Town Assembly. We also congratulate TCPD Deputy Chief Cindy Ross, who will retire from the Police Force and then be hired to replace Chief of Staff Oswald, technically a lateral move for her..."

Part 10 - Making Plans

9:00am. Chief Sean Moynahan, Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle, and I came into Classroom 'E' for a meeting. Waiting for us were Captain of Detectives Tanya Muscone, and Lieutenants Mary Milton, Jerome Davis, and Micah Rudistan.

Chief Moynahan started us off: "First, I want to commend all of yoooooo for the excellent oper-ay-shunnnn last night. I've sent an email to everyone, but I want you guys to convey my admiration and appreciation down your chains of command. I also want to commend the Intel Branch for gathering the data we needed, the Detectives for their work getting information from their C.I.s, and Commander Ross and yoooo, Commander Troy, for saving those women's lives and rubbing that dirty Judge Nance's face in his own dung."

"Team effort, sir." I very correctly replied.

"Yezzz." said the Chief. "Okay, Mister Crowbarrrr, let's get this meeting go-innnng."

"Yes sir." I said. "While those raids were going down, I know that the Intel guys and some of the Detectives were casing the most likely convenience stores. What did y'all get from that?"

Lieutenant Mary Milton said "We got some good information, sir. First, I'll just make a little observation that there were no robberies last night. Maybe the perps got word of the raids... or maybe they were arrested in those raids."

"We have no data to support that." Tanya Muscone said.

Teresa said "I'm sure they heard about the raids and laid low. We had the cleanest third shift duty logs we've had in months."

"Okay, let's keep going." I said, trying to get the meeting going before the Chief got bored, or worse, irritated.

Mary had plugged her computer into the dock on the table, and brought up several videos on the 5x4 matrix of monitors. "Our Detectives as well as a number of street cams got some good footage of four vehicles that were seen near six of the fourteen stores. As you can see, these two bright, shiny black SUVs showed up frequently on our cameras, and you'll notice they had Federal Government rosa-blanca.ru on them... which confirms to me that the Feds really are that stupid."

"You got that right." Teresa said cattily.

"Excuse me?!" Tanya exclaimed, her face growing red with anger.

"Hold on, Captain." I said, quickly moving to interdict this brewing catfight before it really got started. "Lieutenant Milton, I get your point, but I'll make the observation that the Feds are anything but stupid. Those easily-spotted vehicles are their 'loss leaders'. They wanted us to spot them... and be distracted by them."

"But why, sir?" asked Jerome Davis in the silence that followed.

"They are hoping we look at what their proverbial right hand is doing, and not see what their proverbial left hand is doing." I replied. "You said there were two other cars you spotted, Mary?"

"Yes sir." said Mary. "Their plates are from our State, and are registered to addresses in Southport. The names associated with the car rosa-blanca.ru are 'John Smith', employed by the Greater Southport School District, and 'Tim Hogue', who owns a restaurant in the Dagny Piers economic development zone."

"And there you go." I said. "Wow, they don't even have the decency to use addresses a bit closer to us than Southport. Which locations were these vehicles casing?"

Mary Milton brought up a map, with dots representing the 14 locations they'd identified as likely targets, then said: "The cars with the spit-shines and Federal rosa-blanca.ru were in the 'Southwest Crescent', and drove through predominately Black Community areas as well as Hispanic areas. The POVs (privately owned vehicles) were on the Southside, and drove around Hotel Row, Southpoint Mall, and up towards the Tenderloin District."

I nodded. "What about the Northside, the northwest Hispanic areas, and the Mall up north? Did you find anything at all up there?"

"We did look, sir," said Mary, "and both Uniformed Patrols in Police cruisers and Vice Detectives Hardy and Drew in an unmarked car went through there a lot, especially after the raids on the Southside started. If there was a Federal presence there, sir, they succeeded; we didn't catch anything at all."

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