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Toxic Attraction Ch. 15

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Lester punishes Dan with another twisted date for Sarah.
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Dan sat in the chair in their bedroom, unable to move his body. His gaze was still transfixed on Sarah's soiled wedding dress on the floor. He had just watched Lester repeatedly power fuck his wife in front of him without a condom. Worse, Dan himself had wanted to see his vile roommate take his wife unprotected and finish inside of her. Even though the room was quiet, the shared screams of the two lovers still echoed in his head.

Another soft moan seemed to ring out through the sounds of the shower punctuated by a splash of water. Dan shook his head, trying to regain his bearings. This hadn't been what he wanted. When he came back to Middleton, he hadn't planned for this. He needed to push through and try to regain his footing.

Dan stood up and pulled on a pair of sweatpants. He strode warily across the bedroom, taking special care not to step on Sarah's discarded wedding dress. He reached the bathroom door and turned the knob. He exhaled, relieved it wasn't locked. Dan pushed open the door and stepped into the steamy fog of their master bathroom. His breath caught in his throat.

Lester's ugly, squat body was sitting on the bench in the shower, his face buried in Sarah's ample chest. His tongue was lapping at her breasts as she stood before him, offering herself, her hands bracing herself against the wall as the hot water hit her back. Steam billowed out of the shower. Lester's rough hands were groping her ass and back as his mouth tasted her breasts.

"Uh," Another soft moan escaped Sarah's lips. Her eyes were closed. Neither of them had seen Dan enter yet. Sarah shifted and put her foot on the bench next to Lester, seeming to ready herself for him again. Dan tightened his fist, trying to hold back his depraved fantasy from overtaking his rational brain. His own dick swelled in his pants, and he willed it from getting any stiffer.

Lester's hand found the back of Sarah's neck and pulled her face down towards his. Sarah's lips immediately opened and pressed against Lester's. The two shared a long passionate kiss before Sarah's hand ran down Lester's chest, past his flabby stomach until it reached his cock.

Sarah gasped and started to stroke his cock, "I can't believe you are already hard again. Fuck."

"How could I not be with you right here in front of me." Lester grunted as he started to kiss her neck. Sarah's body leaned forward and seemed to melt onto Lester, her hand never leaving his cock as she stroked it.

"Mhmmmm," Sarah moaned as she lowered her body onto Lester's thigh. He was arching his leg while she began to tease herself, grinding her sensitive pussy on it, "Uhhhhh."

Dan steeled his nerves and breathed deeply before exhaling through his nose. He opened the shower door, reached in and turned off the water.

Sarah seemed to snap out of her trance while Lester looked up at Dan with an annoyed look. She put her raised foot back on the shower floor, but her breasts were still in Lester's face. Sarah looked flustered and slightly disappointed that things had ended while looking ashamed because of Dan's reaction.

"Date's over," Dan said. He felt shaky but used the same voice he had countless times at work: "It's time to go, Lester."

Lester didn't budge. He sat there looking up at Dan while Sarah's breast was pushed against his cheek. Lester held his gaze for several seconds. Without looking down, all three of them were aware that Lester's cock was still firmly pointing straight up. Dan felt like Lester was challenging him to see which of them would back down first. Dan felt his cock throb. Thankfully, having just emptied his balls, he could think clearer than he had a few minutes ago.

"Now," Dan added sternly. Sarah stepped back out of Lester's reach, leaving the troll-like man sitting there alone with his hard-on.

"Fine," Lester grunted as he stood. Dan took a step back, allowing the awkwardly shaped man to pass. Without asking, Lester grabbed one of the towels hanging on the wall and dried himself off. When he was done he dropped the towel on the floor.

Dan kept his eyes on his roommate as he followed him back into the bedroom. As Lester began to dress, Dan registered the state of the bed. It was in complete disarray. Dan could feel Sarah's presence behind him. He turned and softly said, "Go finish your shower in peace. I'm going to walk him out."

Sarah nodded and shut the bathroom door. Dan heard the lock engage before hearing the shower start again. Lester finished getting dressed. He left the bedroom without a word or a look in Dan's direction. Dan followed him through the hallway and down the stairs to the front door. Smelling a freshly showered Lester as he followed him was odd for Dan. Their mutual exhaustion made it almost like they were leaving a gym after a workout.

He felt slightly awkward standing there, watching Lester put on his shoes. Lester's movement was casual, as if this were a regular occurrence. Dan felt the need to say something to ensure his roommate understood that he was closing the door to him ever coming back here. "See you back in Chicago," Dan said as Lester started to open the door.

Lester turned to him with a half-smirk. "Right," he drew the word out slowly before walking out of the house down the driveway to his car. Dan stood in the doorway watching Lester until his vehicle drove off out of sight. Sighing, he closed and locked the door, knowing that he needed to go upstairs and figure things out with his wife.


Lester pulled his SUV into the parking lot of a 7/11. He gritted his teeth as his fingers dug into the steering wheel. He thought he had finally broken Dan, that his acceptance of letting him cum in his wife while he looked on was the nail in the coffin of his defiance.

He heaved himself from his car and walked into the convenience store. After walking up and down the aisles, he found what he was looking for - a party-size bag of Cheetos. He navigated to the back of the store to fill up an extra large Big Gulp. Whenever it seemed like he'd finally broken Dan down and had gotten him to submit to his whims, the idiot would suddenly grow a spine. Perhaps breaking a man down vs a woman was not as similar an undertaking as he'd considered. He knew there would likely be some differences, but it's not like this was something he could Google for answers.

This was something he would need to consider more. With women, they would inevitably develop some kind of emotional connection that Lester could leverage. With Dan, he wasn't as sure. Maybe his ego was the thing getting in the way of his submission. Still wanting to be the man in the bedroom and not wanting to be supplanted. Or at least not once he came and began to think clearly. Would he respond better to Lester leaning in to replace him, or would it be easier to manipulate the man if Lester appeared to let him take the lead?

With his Cheetos and Big Gulp, Lester paid the clerk and deposited his goods into his car. Lester had a long drive back to Chicago with a mind full of ideas and scenarios to run through. He smiled as he pulled his car onto the street, thinking about the surprise Sarah might be discovering at work.


Dan checked his watch as he ascended the stairs. It was getting late. Sarah and Lester had fucked for longer than he expected. A lot of things had happened differently tonight than he expected. He would figure it out. Right now, he had to focus on what was right in front of him.

He stifled back a yawn as he opened his bedroom door. For a moment, the scene from hours earlier flashed in front of him; his wife bent over in ecstasy, repeatedly slamming herself back against the monster they'd let in. Reality reestablished itself - Sarah was sitting on the bed in just a towel as she dried her hair with another one, "I wasn't planning on a shower tonight. Wanted to take one in the morning. And now I can't sleep until I dry my hair."

"Why not use the blow dryer?" Dan asked as he stepped into the room. He had to admit that his wife looked good with just a towel wrapped around her. He looked to the floor and saw that Sarah's dress was no longer there. She must have hung it back up.

"I'm going to take it to get dry-cleaned tomorrow," Sarah said, noticing where Dan's eyes had gone to. "And I'm not using my blow dryer yet because I wanted to hear you come back up. I didn't want to miss you. I feel like we should talk."

"What gave you that idea?" Dan said, reservedly crossing his arms and leaning back against the door frame.

"Don't be like that," Sarah said, giving him a flat look. "I knew something was wrong when you burst into the bathroom and threw Lester out. I thought you wanted him in there at first, or else you would have stopped him, so I went along with it. I didn't think you would be upset. Now that I know you are, I just want to check in and see how we are doing."

Dan pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled. "I think we are okay. It's just that things got a little carried away. More than I was expecting."

"Like the wedding dress?" Sarah asked, leaning forward with a concerned look, "I know that was a bit of a surprise. It was a surprise for me too, I just - "

Dan held out a hand to silence Sarah, "It's not, yes, it is the wedding dress, but it's also more than that. The whole multiple broken condoms thing and then letting Lester, y'know cum inside of you."

"That wasn't just on me, Dan," Sarah said, "Yes, I admit I got lost in the moment, but I looked at you and asked you what you thought I should do, and you told me to keep going."

"I know," Dan said, pushing himself off the wall and walking over to the bed, "I know I did. It's just in the moment, seeing you like that, with that fire, and then especially hearing you ask me in such a sexy voice, it's like I'm powerless to say no."

"I still feel like you're making this my fault, Dan and that isn't fair," Sarah said as she broke eye contact and focused on drying her hair, "In the moment, you want it, but then afterwards, it's like you get buyer's remorse and take that regret out on me."

"Let me start over," Dan said, holding his hands up, "It's not just about you. When things are heating up and escalating, it's like my mind glazes over, and all I can think about is seeing it happen. All reason and everything else goes out the window. It's like I can't say no, and then it scares me."

After a few moments, Sarah stopped drying her hair and placed one of her hands in Dan's, "I know what that's like. I get the same way once things progress past a certain point. It's like my body and mind are disconnected. Like my body is in control and my mind is locked in a closet somewhere. I can hear its muffled protests, but it's not in the driver's seat. In the heat of the moment, I can't think of anything else, but afterwards, I can't understand why I did what I did."

"Exactly," Dan breathed. "When I see you with him or think about you with him or, Christ, or with others, it's like another part of me takes control and just wants to see it happen, damn the consequences. And yesterday, before things started, I know we talked about doing it together and being in it, but once it started, I just felt like I wanted to melt into that chair and just watch."

"Would you...want to get involved next time?" Sarah asked. "Like with Lester and I?"

Dan shuddered, "No, I don't think that's something I need to experience. I don't think I want to be that close to Lester, especially during something like that. It's just a strange idea - it seems wrong. What I mean is I felt like we both kind of forgot about each other. You seemed focused on him, and I'm not, like, upset at you because I also did the same thing - I focus on what he's doing to you. I got so lost in the events that I forgot about you and what you wanted. I just needed to see it happen. And I feel like shit that I left you in the middle of it and went downstairs."

"I was wondering about that. What happened? I'm not going to lie. I was surprised to look up and see the chair empty. Where did you go?" Sarah asked.

"I just needed to get out of the room. I splashed my face, then grabbed a drink of water. It felt like the room was closing in on me, and I couldn't breathe." Dan said.

"That worries me," Sarah said, caressing his hand, "What do you think caused it?"

"I don't know, probably my mind wanting and yet not wanting to see what was happening. At war with itself. Using up too much brain power and oxygen fighting with itself. I don't know if that's a thing." Dan shrugged, looking into his wife's eyes. "I'm a mess."

"Well, I feel like a mess, too," Sarah shrugged. "Sometimes I feel like this powerful woman in the workplace, strong and independent, and I somehow balance being a mom and dealing with all these stresses that we have, financial and otherwise. When it comes to Chicago and Lester, it's like an outlet to put those things in a box for a while, you know? At first, it was just a fantasy, but now it's become something more. I love seeing your reaction. I feed off of it, but now it feels like we're doing something else, something different."

"I get it," Dan said. "I get it. I do. I just don't know what we do going forward. It's not like we can call things off and just pretend he doesn't exist. He's my roommate, and I'm stuck there right now until we can figure out another source of income."

"Yeah. With him covering your rent, it's making a big difference financially but there are other costs associated with it. Like my time with you in Chicago is split with your roommate. And we're also dealing with all of this stuff we've just been talking about." Sarah laid her head on Dan's shoulder. "Here I was trying to be sexy for you tonight, and it seems like I just ended up torturing you."

"It's not that bad," Dan breathed, "You did look incredibly sexy. And the whole thing did turn me on. It's just that I can get a little lost in everything. Honestly, sometimes I think I need you to protect me from myself."

Sarah leaned up and looked at Dan, "Is that something you actually want me to do? Like if I notice things going the wrong way, do you want me to pull back and put a stop to things?"

"I don't know," Dan said, not wanting to admit what he wanted fully. He did need it. He felt like a sex addict needing his next fix. Unfortunately, his wife was in the passenger seat with him as he was speeding towards a cliff. "I don't know, maybe? Maybe we just need to check in with each other and make sure we are both okay and that we're making decisions together."

"It might be hard, but I'll try. Just don't get mad at me if things don't happen as neatly as we want. Like I said, I can get lost in things too." Sarah smiled and kissed Dan's cheek. "Should we have some kind of safeword?"

"Safeword? Like the phrases kinky couples have?" Dan asked.

"Yes, and not to judge, but I think we've officially crossed the line into becoming one of those kinky couples," Sarah playfully pushed on his shoulder, "What I'm thinking is that in the moment you said it's hard for you to think straight. Your body doesn't respond because it's fighting against your mind. Maybe with a safeword, all you need to do is say that one thing, and it'll stop. That way, it's clear to me or you that we both need to pull back without either of us having to go into it."

"Okay, I think that's a good idea," Dan said. "What should our safeword be? Pineapple?"

Sarah laughed hard and rolled onto her back, "Pineapple? That's not sexy at all." She couldn't stop laughing and buried her face in her hands.

"I didn't think it was supposed to be sexy," Dan said, grinning from ear to ear, "That's the whole point."

"Sorry," Sarah said, sitting up and wiping tears from her eyes, "You're right. Probably best it isn't sexy. 'Pineapple' it is."

"That doesn't have to be it," Dan said, rolling his eyes, "It was just the first thing I could think of."

"Well, I like it. 'Pineapple' stays," Sarah smiled warmly, and Dan felt his heart flutter the same way he had when they'd first been dating. It was clear to him that no matter what they went through, he would always love her, and she would always be crazy about him.

"I was thinking," Sarah bit her lip, and her eyes flashed that dangerous, seductive look, "Back to yesterday when we mentioned wanting to do this together. Let's think up some fantasies, scenarios - and other situations that we want to explore. Even if Lester is there, it's something we can do together. For each other. Lester doesn't need to know. It'll be between us. Something private, secret to keep us connected in the moment. Just for us."

"I like that," Dan said, "Even with Lester around, it's like we can take control of it and have the events be something fulfilling just for us."

"Exactly," Sarah yawned. Dan felt the pull of sleep then, too. Now that they seemed to be back on the same page, it felt like their bodies were winding down and ready for rest. He couldn't blame her, given the events of the night. Sarah held her hand over her mouth as she finished yawning, "So what fantasy do you think needs to get fulfilled next time I'm in Chicago?"

"Hmmmm, That's hard. I think I need to make a list first." Dan smiled and thought about all the fantasies he had dreamed up over the years. The ones he had told Sarah about and the ones that he had kept to himself. "You know, I will say that I'm a little jealous that I missed out on your escapades in Lester's SUV. I think I'm owed a do-over."

"Are you now?" Sarah said, leaning forward and kissing Dan's lips. "Well then, as your wife, I think I need to make that happen for you."

"Oh yeah?" Dan grinned back, blinking as his eyes began to feel heavy, "What if Lester says no and wants something else?"

"You forget how persuasive I can be," Sarah said, "Besides, I think it's time Lester remembered that women hold all the power in relationships."

"Hmmm, I like the sound of that," Dan yawned as he put his head back onto his pillow, "And maybe some dirty talk while you look at me."

"That I can do," Sarah stood up and walked back to the bathroom, "Just let me blow dry my hair, and I'll join you in bed." Dan nodded as Sarah went into the bathroom. The sound of the blow dryer started, but the partially open door obstructed his view of his wife. Soon, the white noise from the blow dryer lulled Dan's mind off to sleep.


"Shit, Sarah," a voice said from close by. Sarah didn't want to open her eyes. She needed more sleep. The bed was warm. Her eyes couldn't open anyway. She could just sleep a bit more. She didn't have anywhere she needed to be. "The hospital's calling."

"Ughh," Sarah's eyes begrudgingly opened. She looked up at Dan, standing beside the bed with her phone in his hand. He was already dressed and looked too handsome for whenever it was in the morning. It wasn't fair.

"Uh, what time is it?" Sarah asked as she extended her hand for the phone.

"It's just after nine, but I think your phone was on silent. I think they've already called a couple of times," Dan said, crossing his arms and moving across the room to give her some privacy. He would still listen in but likely didn't want to make any noise while she was talking to her workplace.

Sarah swiped the answer button on her phone, "Hello, this is Sarah."

"Sarah," After a few seconds of her brain fog clearing, she recognized the voice as Jerry from their IT department, "It's Jerry. We've been trying to reach you. The board called an emergency meeting for all senior staff and department heads this morning. You need to get in here fast. The meeting is at ten."

"Sorry, yeah, Jerry, I'll be in. See you soon. Thanks for letting me know." Sarah hung up the phone and let it fall onto the bed. She closed her eyes and felt the pull of sleep reaching back to her.

"What's going on?" Dan asked. Sarah opened one eye and saw Dan's concerned look from across the room.


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