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Train Riding

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Train ride takes a turn for the weird.
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I'm still working on part three of Muscle Mature, so stay tuned for that. For now, enjoy a sex fantasy I've had for a while. The grammar is a little bad and some spelling may be off, I'm sorry about that, I rush to write these. Depending on how this story goes I'll decide if I make more of this story. Stay weird folks!


I was a tourist exploring Chicago for the first time, and decided to head down to the suburbs to get a better view of the lake. I heard The L was the fastest way to get around so I gave it a whirl. I was a single college student, but it never bothered me, I wanted some alone time by myself in a city I'd never been to before. I was about 130 lbs. and pretty skinny, not too tall either, about 5'8. My theory as to why I was single wasn't my looks, it was more my shy nature. Women always made me nervous, I'm not sure what it was really, I just had a hard time being confident around girls. Anyway, exposition aside, this is my experience the first time I rode The L.

I walked into the very back car, and was actually pleasantly surprised to see it was relatively empty. There were about six people, three young asian guys looking down at their phones, a businessman coming home but dead asleep, and a couple sucking face in the very corner. Everyone seemed enveloped in their own world, which was fine by me, so I took my seat at the other end where there was nobody. I stared out the window for about ten minutes before we hit the other stop. The couple stepped off and a woman got on. Something was different about this woman though, she was huge. She stood about 6'2, and looked like she was in her late thirties.

The woman had big lips, big boobs, and a big ass. She had long black hair, and a stern looking face. Barely any wrinkles on her face though. She was wearing a black sweater, and blue jeans. What caught my eye the most though was her muscle size. Her arms, hands, thighs, legs, and shoulders were ripped as shit. She looked like she could kill someone with one hand. Despite her features, she frightened me.

She looked around the train while standing and holding onto a pole. Then she made direct eye contact with me, and I looked down immediately, embarrassed. She was still looking at me though I could feel it, I just didn't look, I kept my ear buds in and looked at the floor. I heard a chuckle come from her, and then heard footsteps come towards me. I began to feel nervous. She sat right next to me, her ass rubbed right up against mine, hers was huge. I pressed myself deeper into the corner of the train, and I felt her scoot closer to me. I began to sweat a little bit, and I was getting paranoid. What did she want? What did I do? Is she mad because I stared? I glanced over her direction and saw her looking straight ahead, expressionless, with her hands on her thighs. Maybe it was nothing, maybe she just likes close company...

"Hey." I heard next to me, and I looked to the right again to see her turned slightly looking down at me with a smile.

"H..hi." I replied.

"You a tourist?" She inquired.


She giggled a little bit, "Haha I can tell, you've got that green look."


"You know, green, like you're unfamiliar with everything."

"Oh, yeah sorry, I'm from Tucson."

"Tucson? Wow city must seem huge to you."

"A little bit haha."

"Where you heading?" She asked.

"Just down to the suburbs, I'm getting a better view of the lake."

"Ah, I'm heading down there myself, I've got an apartment by the lake."

"Wow, that must be beautiful!"

"It has it's moments, what's your name?"

"Todd, yours?" I stuck my hand out.

"Mine? Sarah. Sarah Jenson." She smiled and shook my hand.

I was surprisingly comfortable with this woman, she seemed actually really nice. We talked for another ten minutes. I noticed a few things about her though, she kept her arm reached behind me, and would occasionally caress my shoulder. She would also look at my crotch a lot. She was clearly hitting on me. The more we talked, the closer she got to me until her hand was on my thigh, rubbing it up and down. I was getting increasingly more nervous, and she noticed.

"What's wrong honey? You look scared." She asked.

"Uh...nothing, you're just...getting a little handsy is all, haha." I replied.

"Oh honey I'm sorry, its just a quirk of mine, I'm a little flirty in my behavior, it puts a few people off." She explained.

I was weirdly relieved to hear that.

"It's fine." I said.

"You must have a girlfriend back home, are you this shy around her?"

The question took me off guard a bit. I explained to her that I was single, and naturally just shy around women. She raised an eyebrow and asked about my relationships more. I stared and explained to her once again that I'd been single a while, I was still a virgin as well. At that response she got even closer, and I got nervous again.

"Ms. Jenson? You're a little too clo..." Before I could finish my sentence, she shoved her tongue in my mouth. I was in utter shock, I didn't kiss back, but that didn't seem to stop her. Her long, big tongue was working it's way around my mouth. One hand was on the back of my head, the other went under my shirt and started rubbing my chest. She continued for another minute before I snapped out of my confusion and tried to pull away. She simply kissed me harder, and pressed into me. I was immobilized, her body pressed me into the corner. Her hand went down to my limp crotch and began squeezing and massaging it. I couldn't help but squeak a little bit. She pulled back, breaking the kiss, and I tried getting up. All I could say is that I needed to go, as we were approaching the next stop conveniently. As soon as I stood up, she got up right behind me, and pulled me close to her. One arm wrapped around my waist, the other over my shoulder, her finger circling around my nipple through my shirt. She leaned in close to my ear.

"You know Todd, you're just my type. The perfect boy for me. I don't think I've seen anyone as cute as you in a while. We're gonna have some fun today..." She whispered into my ear, and then drilled her index finger in my mouth, I instinctively began sucking on it. Then she jammed her tongue in my ear, moaning and breathing into it. Nobody on the train was even noticing this. I was shuddering, and I was extremely uncomfortable, I kept squirming.

"Don't be afraid baby, just let this happen..." She resumed licking my ear, and her other hand cupped my balls again. As the train stopped, she sat down and pulled me onto her lap. I began to moan slightly. She giggled into my ear, and then pulled my shirt down. She started giving me a hickey on my neck, and licked it up and down. I began moaning louder and her hand clasped over my mouth.

"Shh honey, we don't want them hearing us now."

I was in a trance state, I wanted to leave, but my body wouldn't let me, this felt too good. I felt something big and hard bulge against my ass. I began to realize what it was. This was no ordinary woman. She started grinding her bulge against my ass, with me still on her lap.

"Feel that honey? That's Momma's dick." She grinded against me harder, slightly bouncing me. "You and it are gonna get well acquainted. You're gonna be mommy's fucktoy tonight..." She breathed into my ear.

I began to panic, and my trance broke. If I didn't get away from her now, I was going to be subject to her. As soon as I began to move though her arms began squeezing the air out of me, as they wrapped around my stomach. I couldn't breathe, and then she leaned back into my ear.

"...And if you even think about running either one of three things is gonna happen. One, I scream rape, and this whole train thinks you're a dirty little perv, and they lock you up. Two, I have chloroform in my purse, I drug you, and take you back to my apartment, and then I'll fuck you 'til you bleed. Three, I fuck you right now, in front of everybody. It's up to you baby, you're coming back with me, either way. Now what do you want to do Todd? Tell me."

Dear god, this couldn't be real. All three of those options sound equally as terrifying. I may as well comply, she could kill me if she wanted to.

"I'll...go back with you."

"With who? To where?" She asked, grinning.

"With Mommy, to her apartment..."

"To do what?"

"To be...Mommy's fucktoy..."

She smiled even wider, "Good boy! I noticed how you were staring at me when I first got on, don't pretend you didn't want this..." She resumed licking me, and rubbing my body up and down.

I was dreading this, I wanted to just go home at this point. Fuck the lake, fuck everything. There has to be a way out of this. I began panicking more and more. She told me we were two stops away. The next stop was ten minutes away. She said she wouldn't "waste it". She stuck two fingers in my mouth, then three, then four. I began choking on her fingers, then she pulled them out of my mouth, a trail of saliva trailing off them. Then she put her palm close to my face, and told me to lick it. I complied, fearing what she would do if I didn't. Her other hand unzipped my pants, and forcefully dug my cock out of my pants. My face turned bright red, all of my five inches for the train to see, with me on her lap still. She pulled her hand away, and began viciously stroking my dick with her wet hand, the other hand fondling and playing with my balls.

"I wanna see you cum before we get off, I wanna see my boy thank his Mommy when we're done."

I couldn't help but moan more, but I couldn't cum, I couldn't let her have her way. She's done enough, I'm not gonna cum in front of all these people. It felt too good though, she knew exactly what she was doing. She kept on stroking my cock, while licking my neck again, and licking my ear. Then she said, "This is taking too long". She stuck two fingers in my mouth again, while still jacking me off. Out of nowhere, after probing my mouth for a minute, she jammed her two fingers up my ass, furiously rubbing my prostate. I screamed, louder than I probably should have, because the hand jacking me off immediately covered my mouth. She didn't stop rubbing my prostate though, she was clearly enjoying this. A feeling came over me, out of nowhere I exploded the seats across from me with cum. She giggled in my ear. She told me that I really liked it up my butt as it turns out. She took her index finger and took the dripping cum off my cock and fed it to me. Her fingering going in and out of my mouth like before.

"Say thank you." She demanded.

Me panting, I let out a weak, "Thank you."

"Thank you who?"

"Thank you...Mommy."

"Good boy."

We got off at her stop and grabbed an uber to her place. She lived in the penthouse of an apartment overlooking the lake. I had to admit it was an amazing view, and an amazing apartment. She would squeeze my ass and touch me the whole way over. She even groped me through my pants until I nearly came in the uber. When we got in the elevator, she was all over me. She grabbed and smacked my ass and immediately began making out with me. I couldn't help but kiss her back. Her tongue ravaged my mouth like before. Her hand traveled up my shirt and began tweaking a nipple. I whimpered a little bit.

She smiled and said, "Mmmm, I want more of those sounds when we get home baby..."

We got to her door, and she pushed it open. The inside of her apartment was massive. She had a giant living room, attached with a kitchen, marble tyling in the kitchen. The living room was covered with white fluffy carpet. She had a workout room, and a giant king size bed, with big windows giving a great view of the lake. All of the sudden I heard the door click lock behind me. I turned around in fear, and saw Ms. Jenson stalk towards me removing her shoes. She came up to me and kissed me with force again, and picked me up by the ass. She forced me to wrap my legs around her, she walked me to her big white couch and put me down roughly. She climbed on top of me, and started removing both of our clothes. She was still wearing her jeans but was completely topless. I was completely naked. She was kissing me all over, and I couldn't help but moan again. She shifted me so I was sitting up, and she lowered herself between my legs and started sucking. Her mouth felt so hot, and she jammed her fingers up my ass again. She was sucking my dick so hard, and was rapidly fingering my ass. My lower half felt like it was melting. I was moaning louder and louder with pleasure, until I erupted into her mouth. She swallowed my entire load in front of me, then put me on the floor. She sat proudly on the couch, her arms extended across the couch. She stuck her foot out and pushed it in my face.

"Lick." That was all she said.

I began to lick her up and down her foot. Her foot tasted foul, it was sweaty. As I licked she guided her toes in my mouth and started forcing me to suck on her foot. She kept going until I was choking. She pulled out her foot. She stood up, and told me to get ready. She unzipped her jeans and pulled them down, she wasn't wearing underwear. Her jeans were holding a thick, girthy, 8-inch penis. She slowly began stroking it. I could only look in awe and fear. Her dick rose, and stood at full mast. She sat back down, looking down at me with a look of pure lust. She spread her legs apart.

"Suck me baby..." She said, and i looked up at her with a look of reluctance. She replied with a death stare and exclaimed, "Boy, if you don't make me cum right now, I'll force my dick in your ass, understand?!"

I nodded rapidly, and moved towards her throbbing member. The closer I got, the bigger it seemed. I licked the head, and the shaft. I tried playing with her balls like she did me, and looked up to her for approval. She looked down at me with a smile.

"That's good honey, but it's not enough, I said suck, not lick."

"I...I can't, it's way too big..."

"I believe in you honey, just relax your throat..." She said sitting up and grabbed the back of my head.

She forced her cock in my mouth, and pulled my head all the way to her base. Tears were pouring out of me, as I gagged and choked. She told me to relax my throat again. I did and she started guiding my head back and forth on her shaft. She began to laugh a little bit and moan at the same time. She was enjoying the position she was. A brand new fucktoy, chocking on her thick cock, this was a dream come true for her. I kept sucking, and she kept grunting, with her hand still on the back of my head. Then she grabbed my head with both hands, as her grunts got louder. She looked down at me.

"I'm cumming soon baby, you'd better swallow all of Mommy's load.."

I was afraid what would happen if I didn't. With both hands on my skull, she thrusted her hips upwards rapidly, throat fucking me. She kept at this grunting like an animal for three minutes. Then I felt her dick swell to maximum size. She exploded thick, hot ropes down my throat. She could hear me swallowing, as she kept cumming and cumming down my throat. I felt full, he cum just kept flowing. Her balls completely emptied into my mouth. She screamed with pleasure and held my head in place.

"OOOOOH FUCK YES!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

She pulled her cock from my mouth, the full flaccid length flopping out of my mouth. I coughed, and a little bit of cum followed. She smacked her hand over my mouth, covered my nose, and told me to, "Swallow all of Mommy's load". I complied and gasped for air.

"How was that baby?" She asked. I looked up at her silently. She shot a death stare back, I meekly said, "It was good Mommy".

"What do you say to Mommy?"

"Thank you Mommy..."

She chuckled, and looked down at her submissive fuck boy. She crooked a finger to come to her. She pulled me on top of her, my legs on either side of her thighs. Her flaccid dick resting between my cheeks. She grabbed me by the hair and shoved her tongue in my throat again. She kissed me passionately for ten minutes then broke it. She drilled her index finger in and out of my mouth once again.

"Mmm, look at you so fucking cute. I'm gonna get inside that ass tonight I hope you know. You're spending the night with Mommy baby. By tomorrow morning I'm gonna have you craving my dick. You're gonna start visiting Chicago a lot more now, because you're gonna miss Momma's dick so much. You'll call me and I'll be right over to fuck the living shit out of you. Hell maybe I'll pay a visit to Tucson a few times, and ravage that pussy back there. Every chance I get, I don't even give a fuck if there's people watching, I'm gonna make you my fuck boy. Your bitch ass was meant for me you toy."

I didn't know what it was, her speech, or just everything, but I sported a raging erection. She saw, and her mood increased tenfold.

"Oh? What's that? My boy's starting to enjoy this?"

I looked away in shame, as I did I felt her dick rise between my cheeks.

"Feel that baby? My dick's ready again, it's time to plug up that other hole of yours. I'm gonna mold that pussy real well."

She started shifting my body, forcing me to grind her dick between my ass cheeks. She groaned and then pulled me off. She grabbed me by the dick and guided me to her bedroom. She lay down on the bed, and told me to ride her.

"N..no..." I said shyly.

She sat up immediately, "...What?"

"N..no, I...I can't, I don't want to..." I said looking down.

She stood up and walked over to me, her towering over me, "It's not about what you want baby." She grabbed me by the hair, "It's about what I want."

She said it so calmly, but her actions were too forceful. She dragged me by the hair and tossed me on the bed, she pushed my head down into the covers, while my ass faced her. I was screaming for her to stop and let me go, but it went unheard. She grew tired of my screaming and balled up my boxers and shoved them in my mouth. She started grinding her cock on me again and leaned into my ear and whispered to me.

"You know I have cameras set up all over this apartment." She said, and I froze, "It would be a shame if the footage of you sucking Mommy's dick got out. I saw your license I know where you live, and I know where you go to school. Don't try any shit with me baby, otherwise you're fucked. "

Dear god, you've gotta be kidding me. I can't get out of this. I'd never felt the feeling of defeat so prominently. She could tell she had broken my spirit. Tears streamed down my face at the thought of what was about to happen. She saw everything and she was loving this.

"Now you know your place honey." She said caressing my face, "Just let it happen sweety it'll feel good I promise."

I had nothing to reply with, I just let her have her way, I wanted to resist, but I couldn't, there was no avoiding this. I felt her spread my ass open as she knelt down.

"Mmm such a cute butthole, let me get you loosened up first".

She dove her face right into my ass, she licked and kissed her way inside my asshole. She made wet, loud, sounds as her tongue wriggled its way inside me. I gasped, I couldn't help it. She smacked my ass and then rubbed it, she repeated this as she continued rimming me. She was diving her tongue viciously inside my asshole. Her hands were firmly clamped on my ass. Even if I wanted to get away, she held me in place firmly. My dick began to rise into an erection. She noticed, and without saying a word, she started stroking me violently as she rimmed my ass. I couldn't hang on for long. I was still recovering from my last orgasm. This was starting to feel amazing, but I didn't want to satisfy her more than I had, besides I knew what was about to happen after this. She continued moaning and rimming me for five straight minutes until finally pulling back. She gave my ass one final smack, I let out a yelp, she laughed and rubbed my reddened ass cheek.


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