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Trans Man Bred by Sister's BF

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Blindfolding prank goes too far.
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**1) I use words like clit and pussy to describe the trans character's body in this story. These terms felt most appropriate for this character for this time in his life and are not intended to apply to all trans guys.

2) (added thanks to a reader's suggestion) This story features transphobia from the main character's family as motivation for his revenge

3) Finally, the story also features a non-consensual situation

With that in mind, I hope you enjoy!

Feel free to leave me a comment or message too ;) I love reading them.**

For his whole childhood, Jay had been the doomed troublemaker. His sister, by contrast, was the perfect daughter. Melanie could convince their parents that everything, from her spilled juice to her late homework, was Jay's fault. Throughout his teen years, Jay had set out to get on his parents' good side. It had been working, right up until he made the mistake of telling them he was trans and wanted to start taking testosterone.

At 21 years old, he had one more semester in his community college program and was living at home to avoid taking out student loans. However, when his parents refused to accept him as their son, he knew he had to move out. His sister was renting a house across town with her boyfriend Mike and she immediately agreed to let him stay in the spare bedroom.

Jay hadn't come out to his sister yet, but he was hopeful she'd be supportive. After all, she had a couple of trans friends. When Jay sat down for dinner with Melanie and Mike, however, he learned that he'd walked right into a trap. Their parents had already called Melanie to warn her about Jay's "troubles," hoping she could provide a positive feminine influence. Melanie related this information with a smug smile on her face that made Jay nearly gag on his lasagna. She offered to take him shopping that weekend, and to bring him out to brunch with her girl friends. He started to tune her out. He realized that Melanie's opinions on trans people didn't matter, not when mommy and daddy's approval was at stake. Disgusting.

Alone that night, Jay scrolled through rooms for rent, cursing himself for not keeping his identity pushed down inside at least until he had a job. He couldn't afford even the cheapest places, not for more than a month or two. For the time being, he'd have to stay here.

It was a small solace that Melanie worked most evenings managing a restaurant, so she was gone when Jay got home from classes. Mike was usually home but kept to himself, obsessing over carpentry projects in the garage. As Jay tried to focus on his homework, his anger toward his family often distracted him. His mind replayed the upsetting conversations over and over again, wondering how he might have made his family understand. It was during these fits of anger that he came up with a plan for revenge against his sister.

His excitement about the scheme spurred him into bed, where he pulled his vibrating dildo out from under his pillow. As usual, he laid on his back with his legs spread open and started massaging his clit until he was dripping wet. He slid the dildo inside himself and pumped until his head went blank. Alone in the dark, he tried to last as long as possible, listening to the suction of his pussy on the silicone as pleasure washed over him. He forced himself not to touch his clit, knowing it would send him over the edge. He watched the clock on his nightstand go from 10:20 to 10:42. Finally, he was desperate. He thrust the dildo deep inside himself and bit down on his bed sheets as his pussy pulsed and his whole body trembled. It was far from the last time that the potential for revenge would get him off.

Jay bided his time until he had a job lined up and a place to stay. He would need to escape before he could face the consequences of his actions. It was the first weekend of summer, and Melanie was off to go camping with their parents. Though Mike got along great with their parents, he hated camping and had elected to stay home.

With a sample of his sister's handwriting in front of him, Jay labored over the note. His fifth draft finally looked passable. It read: Surprise! I'm just gone for the day. When I get home tonight around 9 I want you in bed wearing only this. I'll shower then come find you, xo. Jay attached the note to a simple black blindfold and tucked it neatly into a paper bag.

It was just after noon and Jay descended the stairs with the bag in hand. He set it on the kitchen island and started making himself a turkey sandwich. Topping up his plate with potato chips, he sat down at the counter and waited for Mike to come inside from the garage. The door opened just as Jay was finishing his last few chips.

"What's this?" Mike asked, picking up the bag with his name printed on the outside. His faded red shirt was flecked with sawdust and safety goggles perched on top of his brown hair.

Jay shrugged. "Dunno. Melanie told me to give it to you."

Peering inside the bag, Mike extracted the note. Jay saw a subtle blush come across Mike's cheeks. He disappeared around the corner, and the bag rustled as Mike removed the blindfold. Jay listened to Mike's footsteps as he ascended the stairs. When he came back into the kitchen, his face was neutral. He didn't look over toward Jay as he opened the fridge. It seemed step one of the plan had gone off without a hitch.

Despite feeling full, Jay retrieved the bag of chips from the pantry and dumped more onto his plate. He hadn't spent much time around Mike and wanted an excuse to keep observing his mark. In front of the stove, Mike cracked a few eggs into a bowl and started to make himself an omelet. Mike was in his mid-thirties and, though his hair was still perfectly brown, his stubble had started to go gray. His cheeks were round and pudgy, and he had a small belly. He wasn't the type to go to the gym, but his forearms and hands were strong from his woodworking hobby. Jay assumed that Melanie could be with a much hotter man her own age, but there was something about Mike that had kept her with him for three years. Jay guessed he would have a much better understanding of just what that was after tonight.

The afternoon and evening passed with excruciating slowness, but eventually 9:00 arrived. The house was quiet. Jay tiptoed downstairs and opened the front door. He tossed his set of keys on the entryway table, kicked a pair of shoes aside, and rustled the jackets. Then he stomped upstairs and opened the door to Melanie and Mike's bedroom.

After his eyes adjusted to the light, Jay could see Mike lying on his back, stroking his half-hard cock, the blindfold covering his eyes. Without speaking, Jay walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. As he shampooed his hair and washed his body with his sister's soaps, the reality of his plan started to set in. Jay was the same height as Melanie, wore the same size bra, and had their haircut in similar enough styles--chin-length and wavy. He had even gotten a bikini wax because he knew that's what Melanie would have for summer. But Mike would know Melanie's body well, and there was a chance he would catch on before anything happened. Jay's stomach churned at the thought. He reminded himself to keep his mouth shut, so Mike wouldn't recognize his voice. He told himself it would be okay. It would be worth it.

Still under the water, Jay pictured the scene the next day when Mike woke up alone, when the real Melanie returned from her camping trip, when they started to talk about the mix up and discovered exactly what had happened. Jay would be off to his new address, safe and secreted away. He felt himself smirking. God, how he wanted this revenge. His body felt electric.

Jay turned off the water and toweled himself dry. He brushed his teeth and used some of his sister's lotions and face creams. He even spritzed the room with a bit of her perfume, walking through its thin cloud. Then, ready as he would ever be, he emerged into the cool dark bedroom.

"Goddamn, you've been testing my patience," Mike said as Jay kneeled next to him on the bed. Mike's cock had grown harder in his own hand, and Jay reached over to take charge. When his hand clasped around Mike's shaft, the firmness and girth of it surprised him. He inhaled sharply and hoped Mike didn't notice. Jay had been with two cis boys during high school, but hadn't touched a cock in a couple of years. Even if his memories had faded slightly, he knew his high school hookups hadn't been nearly this well-endowed.

As Jay stroked Mike, Mike reached out and cupped Jay's c-cup breast, palming it and squeezing, then twisting the nipple between his fingers. The stimulation perked up Jay's clit and he could feel wetness pooling at his entrance. He bent down and took Mike's cock inside his mouth, licking around the head with his tongue and sucking hard with his lips. Mike gave a small moan and started playing with Jay's hair. "That's it," he said, pushing down slightly on the top of Jay's head.

Jay opened wide and tried to swallow more of Mike's length, but he wasn't even close to the hilt when he felt his gag reflex activate. He pushed against the pressure of Mike's hand and coughed wetly as soon as he had Mike's cock out of his mouth.

"Oh, babe, I know you can do better than that," Mike purred, coaxing Jay back to his cock. With his eyes still watering, Jay took Mike between his lips again. He worked the bottom of the shaft with his hand while his tongue and lips played with the top half. This time, he lowered himself down more gradually, letting himself move up slightly when he feared he was about to gag. At long last, he felt his lips graze Mike's pubic hair. His jaw was aching and he felt pressure in his throat, but he reminded himself why he was here. He stayed as calm as he could and breathed in and out through his nose.

"That's my good girl. That's right," Mike said, continuing to play with Jay's hair. Mike brought one hand to each side of Jay's head to hold it in place. Then, before Jay knew what was happening, Mike started to thrust his hips up into Jay's throat. His body wanted to gag, but Mike's cock was in the way. He started to panic. Breathe. Breathe! He told himself. Mike was groaning loudly, thrusting again and again. "Fuck, take it. Yes, fucking take my cock!" Just when Jay thought he might pass out, Mike released his head and let him sit up.

Before Jay could truly recover, however, Mike was rolling him over onto his back. Letting Mike be in charge hadn't been part of the plan. He spread Jay's legs wide and kneeled between them. Even without his vision, Mike knew exactly what he was doing. He held his pulsing cock in his hand and bent forward until the tip made contract with Jay's clit. The sensation sent sparks through Jay's head. "How's that feel?" Mike asked.

"Mmm," Jay moaned, hoping that would suffice. Mike pushed his cock harder against his clit and he couldn't hold back. "Ohhhh god," Jay whined. "Yes, yes, mmm." It felt so good, and yet Jay found himself fearing what was about to happen next. Mike had the girthiest cock he'd ever seen, and Jay's modest dildo paled in comparison. If he was too tight, Mike would be suspicious right away.

"Tell me what you want," Mike demanded, now bracing himself on either side of Jay's shoulders and leaning down close to his face. He parted Jay's lips with his tongue and kissed him hard. Jay kissed him back, surprised at how hot it felt to inhale the slightly sour taste of Mike's breath. Their tongues curled up against each other, and Jay felt a strange sense of intimacy with this older man. He realized this wasn't entirely about revenge anymore. He needed Mike deep inside him. He needed to be ravaged. "What do you want me to do to you?" Mike asked again.

"Fuck me," Jay said, whining again. He could feel his pussy throbbing and dripping between his legs. "Please fuck me."

"Mm, that I can do," Mike replied, sitting back up. He latched onto Jay's legs and pushed them and back until his palms were pressing down on Jay's hamstrings, spreading him wide open. Jay could feel his pussy pulsing with anticipation. He moaned as Mike slid his shaft across his slit, teasing him. Then, Mike poised himself at Jay's entrance, his head slipping and sliding around, making Jay writhe beneath him. "Beg for daddy to enter you," Mike cooed.

"Please don't make me wait any longer," Jay pleaded, too desperate to realize he was speaking way more than he'd ever planned. "Please, daddy. I need your cock."

In the next moment, Jay felt the pressure of Mike's head entering his pussy. He was so wet that it didn't hurt, but he could feel himself being stretched to the limit. Mike took his time, using his body weight to glide all the way in. At last, Jay felt Mike press up against his cervix. He had no space left, but Mike still wasn't all the way in. He pressed a little more, and again Jay's body stretched itself to help Mike fit. Mike let out a long sigh. "Damn, you're gripping me tight today. I fucking love it."

With that, Mike began pumping his hips back and forth. Jay watched him grit his teeth and furrow his brow as he focused on finding the right rhythm. He slid in and out of Jay's dripping wet pussy with ease, and Jay gradually felt the pressure building into warm pleasure. At one point, Mike briefly drew back to feel around for two pillows and put them under Jay's hips. Mike returned his hands to the backs of Jay's thighs, pressing down so that Jay's cunt was wide open and angled up toward the ceiling. Now, as Mike thrust, the assistance of gravity made his cock drive into Jay's pussy with even more power.

Jay splayed his arms out with and gripped the sheets on either side of him. "Oooh, oh, ohhhhh," he whined with each of Mike's thrusts. His tits shook forward and back on his chest, emphasizing just how hard Mike was drilling him. He felt himself starting to lose touch with reality, with anything that existed beyond his pussy and Mike's cock inside of it.

Huffing above Jay, still in his blindfold, Mike's cheeks were growing red. Drops of sweat were appearing on his chest. "I'm going to fill you up, baby girl. Are you ready to take my seed?"

"Yesss," Jay moaned without thinking.

"Daddys' gonna give you that baby you want. Gonna knock you up real good. But first I want you to cum on daddy's cock. Can you do that for me, baby?" Mike asked.

"Yes, I'll cum for you. I'll be your good girl," Jay replied, totally absorbed in his body's needs. His pussy was hot and on the edge of orgasm.

Eager to feel him tremble, Mike moved his hips with a new desperation. "Cum on daddy's dick, cum on my dick," he murmured. Jay's thighs began to tremble under Mike's hands. "Oh, fuck, I need to see my good girl cum," Mike said. Without interrupting his stroke, and just as the walls of Jay's pussy started to pulse, Mike whipped off his blindfold.

The panic of the moment only intensified Jay's orgasm. His pussy clamped down on Mike's cock again and again and again, too many times to count, as rays of heat and pleasure shot through his belly and out into his extremities. He arched his back as his eyes cinched themselves shut. His head felt full of helium and his fingers tingled as if they'd gone numb. His ears started to ring. Then, he opened his eyes to see the look of horror on Mike's face.

"What the fuck?" Mike hissed. His cock hadn't quite caught up with his brain, so he was still inside Jay's pussy, being gripped by the final few waves of Jay's orgasm. "What the fuck?" Mike said again. "What did you make me do!?"

It was only when Mike pulled out that Jay realized the full extent of what had just happened. It was more than just his own juices coating the inside of his pussy. He felt Mike's load starting to drip from his hole. His sister's boyfriend had shot a giant load inside him, and Jay wasn't on any birth control.

"I'm sorry--" Jay began. He tried to push himself up to sitting but his head was still spinning and his limbs were weak and jittery.

"You little freak," Mike muttered, still kneeling on the bed. "You're so selfish you can't even let your sister have her boyfriend's own baby? You needed to take that for yourself too?"

"I--Melanie never told me she was trying to get pregnant," Jay sputtered. "I thought you would..." he trailed off, realizing just then that Melanie had been on the pill for years, and she and Mike probably hadn't ever used condoms, even when she hadn't wanted to get pregnant. Fueled by rage, Jay's plan had been lacking logic. Subconsciously, he must have always suspected that Mike would fuck him raw and cum inside him. Subconsciously, he must have always wanted that. Maybe it was never about revenge at all.

"I just wanted to get back at my sister," Jay claimed, as if this explanation, even if it were true, would help the situation. Mike's thick white cum was still leaking out of his pussy and onto the bed sheets.

"And now you've fucked up," Mike said, his expression unreadable.

Jay nodded, his body frozen in place.

"You're going to need to be punished," Mike continued. "To learn from your mistake." He paused. "On your hands and knees for me."

Surprised, Jay did as he was told, his ass sticking up in the air, his tits dangling down toward the mattress. Mike momentarily left the bed then returned with metal clacking in his hands. He cuffed Jay's wrists together, then his ankles. He felt Mike's tongue in his hole, licking up his own cum.

"What are you doing?" Jay asked, even though it was quite clear Mike was going to fuck him again.

"I'm going to have my way with you," Mike said in between licks. "All night tonight. I'm going to fill you up, knock you up, then lock you up downstairs so you can't run out for any plan b. You're going to have to live with the consequences."

Jay felt himself shudder at this proclamation. He couldn't tell whether he was scared or turned on. Then, as Mike's throbbing cock slid back inside his sore pussy, he decided it was both.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Oh my god, this is so hot and twisted; I love it. I’d love to see a continuation of this where Jay gets pregnant. Especially if Melanie can’t. I really dig the family dynamics at play here. And I love how Jay didn’t realize that Melanie was trying to get pregnant and the kinky sex life she’s led.

benaround16benaround168 months agoAuthor

Thanks to those who have pointed out the need for new TWs for the story. I have submitted a revised draft to go up for this story, but it takes a few days to process and be updated by the Lit editors. Hopefully the revisions will be up soon.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Hot story concept, although the ending felt a bit rushed and sudden. Also, Jay literally rapes Mike in this story, and there was no non-consent tag. There definitely needs to be a TW or at least a tag for rape if you're going to have a rape story outside of the non-consent/reluctance category.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Hey Ben, this is a hot story but I agree with the guy below: pls add a TW for misgendering and impregnation. It’s one thing for a story to be about breeding but pls add that it leads to possible impreg

benaround16benaround169 months agoAuthor

Thanks for the feedback, anon. I will make sure to note that upfront if I write something similar in the future!

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