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Transcripts Ch. 07

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Disiplined for staring at women's bottoms.
12.5k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 03/31/2024
Created 08/20/2023
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Tuesday afternoon, I was in the now familiar surroundings of Jenny Appiah's consultation room. It had only been yesterday since I was last here. Then, that was to clean, polish and give the floor the once over with the vacuum. I had only arrived ten minutes ago, early as usual. Janet, the receptionist had told me to go straight through, take a seat and make myself comfortable. It felt like the past seven days had flown by. I thought back to my first evening working here as the cleaner. How I was surprised by Den's offer of work, although he hadn't given me much choice. Either I become the evening office cleaner, or I give up my regular therapy sessions with Jenny. I had been struggling to pay the bill, so this was the solution. Over the past six weeks I had become dependent, addicted both physically and emotionally to the humiliations that were dispensed in this room by Jenny. I couldn't just give up on that. So reluctantly I had agreed and accepted Den's terms.

I remembered, how I felt after my last encounter with Jenny, closing the door behind me, dragging my feet along the carpeted corridor. I was completely under her control. I realised that deep down, that this was what I really needed in my life. I was embarrassed when she ordered me to strip down to the panties, that I wore at her insistance. She had ordered me to my knees to give her a foot massage, and how grateful I was when she finally granted me permission to masturbate. I had this submissive craving to be treated like this for years. Now I wondered just how far this would go? It seemed to be more than I had ever bargained for?

Jenny had presented me with a pink tabard apron, to wear while I worked. I thought back to the reaction that I had from Janet and Linda, over my embarrassing attire. They had broken their conversation as I approached, regarded me with amusement. Janet, the receptionist was wide eyed. Linda, turned away and stiffled a laugh with the back of her hand. "Oh wow, you look like you're about ready for work. I love the hot pink your're wearing. You look so cute and sweet."

Janet looked me up and down through her glasses, nodded in agreement. "Don't worry too much. She's just pulling your leg. Nobody here is going to make fun of you." She gave me a tight lipped, reassuring smile, "It's only for an hour or so, the time will fly by." I had thanked them both, looked down at myself, feeling ridiculous dressed up like an old washer woman.

"Follow me, I'll show you the ropes," Linda said, as she led me through to the narrow hallway by the staircase. At the far end of the hallway was a pair of dark wooden doors. She opened the first, switched on the light that illuminated a small storeroom, that was packed full of cleaning equipment. A red 'Henry' vacuum cleaner was parked tightly next to a mop and bucket. Propped against the rear wall, below a shelf stacked full of cleaning products were a pair of yellow warning signs that read, 'CLEANING IN PROGRESS'. There was also a broom, and a dust pan and brush. "Everything you need is in here, make sure that you put it all back neatly after you finish." She said.

Behind the next door was a compact, little kitchen. "I expect the floor to be mopped daily, the oven and microwave wiped down, and the washing up done, dried up and put away. I suggest you start with the washing up then come back and dry up later, when you've finished your other chores." Linda said, handing me a fresh dishcloth. She stood back to make room for me, observing me with her arms folded across her ample breasts. I pulled on a pair of yellow rubber gloves and filled the sink with hot water.

As I washed up the cups and dishes, Linda bent over to open the refrigerator, I couldn't help glance around to stare at her curvy arse cheeks. She wore a pair of tight jeans, that didn't leave much to the imagination. "You need to check there is enough milk in the fridge for the staff and clients, also coffee, tea bags and sugar," she said, frowning at me, aware that I was eyeing up her peachy bottom.

I left the washing up to dry on the draining board and followed her back along the hallway to the foot of the stairs. Linda stopped, turned to me and said "The first floor is unoccupied, but you will need to clean up there once a week," she paused, "The top floor office is to be cleaned every evening. Mr. Ampofo is upstairs right now, so leave that floor until later. Always remember to knock before entering, you don't want to disturb him and get on his bad side." Linda had referred to Den formally by his surname. I was apprehensive and took her warning seriously.

"Go and fetch the mop and bucket, bleach and a yellow warning sign from the storeroom, and hurry up," Linda ordered. I thought she sounded just like her bossy sister. This pretty, young woman, half my age, certainly seemed as dominant as Jenny. The way she spoke to me, authoritarian and business like. I felt even more embarrassed as this wasn't in the privacy of the consultation room. This was out in the open and in public.

I picked up the items from the storeroom and carried them through into reception. "Put those things outside the toilets. Then come back over to me," she pointed towards the corridor then returned to her conversation with Janet, who was preparing to leave work. As I complied and went past the desk, I overheard Linda saying something about her boyfriend moving into her flat. She glanced around at me, lowered her voice to whisper something, which must have been funny as they both laughed out loud.

As I returned to the reception area, Janet was putting on her coat, looking amused. "Goodnight I'll see you tomorrow," she said to Linda, then turned her attention to me. "I hope everything goes well, just follow Linda's instructions and you'll be fine. Take care."

I watched her depart through the main door, "Goodnight and thank you," I said, thinking that I had found someone sympathetic.

"Right, before you start on the toilets, I need to explain that you also have to give the office and both consultation rooms your attention," Linda, pointed towards a pair of doors that led off the reception area. "These are in constant daily use. You will also be responsible for keeping the building next-door tidy. There is the photographic studio and shop on the ground floor. My apartment is up the stairs at the side of the property."

My recollections from the week before were interrupted as the door opened and Jenny swept confidently the room. She stood for a moment, gave me a warm, friendly smile, "Good afternoon Tony, it's nice to see you again. How have you been?" She asked, placing the file she was carrying under her arm, on the coffee table. She then bent down to put her handbag and shopping bag on the floor beside the armchair. "Have you been waiting long?" She added.

I returned her smile, looking her up and down, wondering what surprises she might have this time in that carrier bag. Today she wore a short, figure hugging, pale blue summer dress that buttoned up the front, and reached her mid thigh. She always liked to show off her dark toned legs. I noticed that she had changed her hairstyle, her hair was once again black, braided and was tied back with a red ribbon.

"Hello, I've been fine. I've been busy, working here and doing my housework," I responded, straightening myself in the plush, leather armchair. "How about yourself?" I had only seen her briefly during the previous week, occupied carrying out the chores that her sister had set me.

Jenny seated herself opposite me, relaxed back and crossed her brown, shapely legs. "I'm good thanks, do you like my hair? I had it done yesterday," she said while she turned her head from side to side, running her fingers through the thick dark braids. I thought she looked amazing. Her African pendant gleamed between her cleavage as it caught the sunlight, that streamed through the window.

"I love that style it really suits you, I won't be able to tell you and your sister apart now." I said jokingly. Jenny and Linda were remarkably similar in looks, there was a strong family resemblance especially the almond shaped eyes. I thought Linda had a more rounded, fuller face and dressed more casually in jeans and low cut tops. Jenny was glamorous, always wore high heels. Today, she wore white stilettoes, the same shoes that I had removed from her dainty feet last week, before I had given her a foot massage.

Jenny laughed, "I'm always told that we look similar. We both look a lot like our mother. I do have another sister, a little younger than me who takes after my father," she said while playing with a strand of hair, sweeping it back with her painted fingernails. "How's it going working here? I hope my sister hasn't been working you too hard? Linda can be rather demanding."

"She has been ok, I just keep my head down and do whatever she asks, although I'm worn out by the time I get home," I said, then inquired, "Are you the eldest in your family?"

Jenny smiled, "No, I have an older brother in Ghana. He runs the family business. I've not seen him for over a year, but we keep in touch," she paused, "I haven't had much opportunity to talk to you, whenever I've seen you this in the past week."

So Jenny and her sister were Ghanaian, I had often wondered about their origin, but hadn't got around to asking. I thought about the previous time that I had seen her. Usually by the time I had arrived for my evening of cleaning she had already left. It had occurred to me that Jenny might be avoiding me.

There was only one instance last week, where our paths crossed. I closed my eyes momentarily and thought back to last week. Linda had me clean the Gents toilets, that first evening.

Linda and I were standing outside the door to the toilet. "Right, firstly you have to make sure that you put the sign up before you start cleaning," Linda explained. "It's health and safety regulations." I stooped, picked up the yellow warning sign, opened it up and placed it on the carpet by the door. "I'm going to leave you to it. I will be back in five minutes to check up on you," Linda said as she turned to walk back towards the reception area.

l had scrubbed the toilets in both cubicles, washed the urinals, rinsed out the basins and was just about finished mopping the floor. The door opened, I turned expecting to see Linda, but it was Den, who stood with his broad shoulders filling the doorframe. "Hey how's it going?" He inquired, in his deep accented voice. "Linda didn't want to come in here. So I volunteered to check up on you instead, and see how you are getting on."

Den strode over to the first cubicle, pushed the door open and leaned in. "Looks okay, I don't know anything about cleaning up shit, myself," he said, before examining the second toilet. I moved over, leaned on the handle of the mop, out of his way. I felt intimidated by his height and size as he inspected the basins and urinals. He nodded his shaven head with approval, "You're doing a fine job," he smiled down at me, with his wolf like grin. "You don't mind if I....?" pointing towards the urinal. He then turned his back, undone his flies and took out his cock to relieve himself. I heard the deep sound of his stream of piss gush against the porcelain, that I had scrubbed clean only moments ago. I stood back against the sink basin, embarrased and tried not to look in his direction.

Den finished urinating and shook himself dry, with one hand on his hip. A few drops of pee splashed onto the still damp tiled floor. He then turned to face me with his large, dark cock on view, held in his hand as he slowly stuffed it's length back inside his pants. "I think you missed a bit," he said, pointing down towards the floor between his feet. He leered at me as he strode past me, briefly rinsed his hands before heading towards the door.

I was shaken and hurried to finish mopping the floor. When I exited the Gents, carrying the bucket. Den was along the corridor, talking quietly with Linda. I moved the warning sign along to the Ladies toilets, next door. Just as I was about to push open the door, Den put up his hand to halt me in my task. "Wait right there, Jenny is in there at the moment. You shouldn't disturb her."

Jenny interrupted my thoughts."Oh yes, you were waiting outside the toilets. I was in a rush last week, Den was taking me out for something to eat," she said, smiling broadly. "I asked you if you thought I looked good. You stood there, looking downcast and mumbled something."

I waited outside for her to finish. Meekly standing with my hands clasped in front of me. When Jenny emerged, she walked past, without any acknowledgement of my presence. Her perfume lingered in the air as I caught her scent. She walked straight into Den's arms, then standing on tiptoes reached up to kiss her towering lover. They both were preoccupied, kissing passionately. I thought she looked so attractive in his embrace. She had changed into a little black, figure hugging dress, her make-up had been freshened up. I thought her she had a real glow about her.

Jenny stepped back from Den's arms, smoothed her dress down with her hands "Well how do I look?" She asked.

Den smiled, "You look delicious, as always. Let's go and get some food, I'm starving," he said.

She turned to me and gave me a twirl, "What about you, Tony? Do you think I look presentable?"

I watched her turn on her heels, taking in her curvy hips and bottom in the revealing, tight black dress. "Yes you look really nice," I stuttered and mumbled, feeling awkward. I don't think they heard what I said.

Den looked seriously at me, "Cat got your tongue? Get on with your work, and always knock before you enter the Ladies." He checked his watch, said to Jenny. "Come on let's go, leave Linda to supervise." He held his arm out for Jenny to hold.

Back in the present, Jenny said. "Oh yes, I did talk to you briefly, Den and I were about to go out for a meal. I asked you what you thought about my dress but you didn't say anything."

"I did say that you looked nice, I'm not sure if you heard me. I didn't know what to say as you were with your boyfriend. I was speechless and distracted. Did you have a nice evening?" I asked.

She laughed, pouting her ruby red lips, then adjusted the hem line of her dress, brushing it her hand downwards to her dark thighs. "It's fine, you seemed embarrassed by our show of affection. I'm sure Den wouldn't have minded if you had given me a compliment. He doesn't see you as competition, why would he? Jenny asked. "We went for a drive in the countryside, stopped off for a meal at an old fashioned pub," Jenny said. "It was so peaceful sitting in the garden afterwards. We stayed and watched the sunset over the hills." She paused, smiling. "Changing the subject. Have you met Mr Henderson from next door? What did you think to him?"

Mr Henderson had the photographic studio next door. "Yes, I met him first on Wednesday. My first impression was that he seemed kind of creepy," I replied. He appeared to be in his mid sixties. Tall and lean with a pair of thick rimmed glasses perched on the end of his long, beak like nose. His thinning, white hair was pulled back severely into a tight ponytail.

While I cleaned his shop Mr Henderson stood silently watching me with his hands clasped behind his back. "He was so serious and just stared at me at first. Then he showed me around his studio at the back of the premises, he got quite agitated that I might interfere with his equipment and told me that the basement was off limits as it was his dark room. I thought that he might be into pornograthy or something."

"I'm not sure exactly what he does in there. Linda and I try to give him a wide berth. One of my clients does a bit of modelling for him, but that's her business. I don't really talk to him myself. Den deals with him, says that he is a good tennant and always pays the rent on time. Personally I would rather not have my little sister living upstairs from him."

"Linda said she is weary of him, while I tidied up her flat. She didn't say that he might be some kind of pervert," I replied.

Linda lived above his shop, her apartment was immaculately furnished and spacious with two ensuite bedrooms. Joshua, her boyfriend stayed over most nights. When I was introduced to him he seemed oblivious to my presence as he lounging with his feet up on the sofa, while I cleared up around him.

"Talking of perverts, have you been following the rules I set you?" Jenny asked, mischievously. "Are you still refraining from masturbation? How are you getting on having a butt plug up your arse?" She smiled.

I was caught off guard by her questions."No, I've not played with myself. The last time was a week ago, while I was here with you. I'm wearing the plug as you requested," I replied, aware of the black rubber butt plug inserted in my rectum.

"Good boy. You can get undressed now, down to your underwear. Then make yourself comfortable on the couch. I'm just going to get something, I won't be a minute." Jenny pushed herself up to her feet from the armchair and turned to leave the room.

I stood and made my way over to the high backed wooden chair by the window, I knew exactly what was expected of me now as I watched Jenny closed the door behind her. I turned my attention to the garden view through the window. Making sure no one was outside spying on me.

I started to undress, feeling envious of Den's relationship with Jenny. Seeing them kissing had sent my heart racing. I hadn't felt this way about anyone for years, not since I had been with Amy. I couldn't understand the reason I was now having the same gut wrenching feelings for Jenny.

I stripped down to my red lace panties, I had picked out especially, hoping to impress Jenny. I stretched myself out straight and clenched my arse cheeks, felt the plug pressed up firmly inside me. I pulled at the waist band of my knickers, gazed down at my flaccid penis. I knew that wouldn't impress her much, Jenny was definitely used to much more than I could offer.

I folded my jeans and t-shirt, then placed my trainers together neatly beneath the chair. Stepped over to the examination couch, closed the curtains behind me. A length of paper towel already covered the cold leather surface. Everything was in it's place, the trolley at the end of the couch, the waste bin on the floor beside it.

I climbed onto the couch, laid my head back, closed my eyes and thought about my experiences of the past week. I wondered what Amy might have thought if she could see me now? What would have been her reaction? As I reclined, I began to feel myself becoming aroused as I thought about the humiliation I had suffered. My hand went down and I started to rub my penis through the soft fabric of my panties.

I heard the door open as Jenny entered the room, I moved quickly and folded my arms across my slim, hairless chest, before the curtains swished back. Jenny stopped and looked down at me, frowning. "Looks like you're excited to be here again, I hope you haven't been playing with your little willy while I was gone?" She said and pulled the high stool over to perch her peachy bottom on.

I involuntarily covered my genitals with my hand, "No I wasn't playing, I was just thinking about what to talk about today. What happened next with Amy," I said, flushed with embarrassment. "I've been a bit caught up with my chores here."

Jenny put a finger to her lips in thought, sat back crossing her legs. I couldn't help but take a peek again at the smooth dark skin of her thighs. "You're blushing!" She laughed, "I'm looking forward to hearing about what happened next. I've read your transcripts further, I find it interesting that you aren't still together in some capacity. By the way, I like your choice of panties, very pretty." She paused, took a deep breath. "Before we start I want to make sure that you are following my instructions. Can you lift your arms up over your head for me? You know the drill by now, absolutely no talking."

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