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A ridiculous story of forced fem, trans top, milking, etc.
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The room seemed to swirl as Paul opened his eyes. His head ached from the alcohol he had consumed the night before.

"Fuck me," he groaned as he checked the time on his phone. He could have just lied there, stayed in bed, and slept the day away, but the haunting memories of the night before turned the wheels in his brain, and wouldn't let him rest.

Before last night, Paul thought he had it together. He had a decent job, a decent apartment, and a beautiful girlfriend with an insatiable appetite in the bed. Barely a day would pass that he wouldn't be fucking her from every angle as her words filled his head and drove his desire.

Walking in on her fucking his old buddy though hadn't helped. Seeing his big fat dick pounding her pussy in a way that made her squeal made it worse. Neither saw him standing in the doorway, only made aware by the slamming of the door as Paul left.

"Maybe if you didn't have a thin little pecker, I wouldn't have to go looking for satisfaction elsewhere..." The words of her justification echoed in his head.

He was average, or at least that's what he told himself. Sure, it didn't look like much when soft, but he was at least 5.5" and sure, it was thin, but....she didn't seem to complain before.

"Fuck that bitch," he muttered as he got up for coffee. He filled the water, scooped the grains into the filter, and hit start.

A few ibuprofen helped his headache fade, but didn't mend his heart. He knew sulking around the house wouldn't help, so he texted a few friends to see if anyone was free.

"Hey!" Paul's friend Mark waved him down from the patio table of the nearby coffee shop. "I got you a coffee and a bagel. Sounded like you needed it."

"Thanks man. I did."

"So what's up, buddy? You look like hell," Mark said in response to Paul's groggy and disheveled appearance.

"Fucking Amy....caught her cheating last night."

"Oh shit, dude. Fucking bitch!"


"I didn't think she would be one to pull that kind of shit. You seemed to be getting along quite well."

"That's what I thought."

"Damn man, I'm so sorry. That really sucks."

"Yeah. I feel like my whole life just fucking flipped upside down."

"So did you find texts? Or catch her out with some..."

"I walked in on her getting fucked."

"Holy fuck, man!" Mark exclaimed, and shook his head.

"Even worse, it was Adam she was with..."

"Oh god! That's a serious double dose of betrayal man. I can't believe it. Fucking asshole!"

"I just can't wrap my head around it." Paul's eyes became moist and his voice quivered as he spoke. He took a sip of his coffee trying to swallow his emotions down.

"You deserve better than that, man. On the bright side, you know she's a bitch now and you can move on. Take the opportunity to have a little fun..."

"I don't know. This is all too fresh for me."

"It'll take some time...but you just got to hang in there buddy. And Adam...I'm so gonna kick his ass."

Mark was a pretty sizable dude, at 6'4" and built like a brick wall. Adam was about 6'1" and pretty skinny. Mark could crush him. The thought gave Paul a moment of joy, as he could just imagine the beating Adam would take.

"I can't believe he'd betray you like that. Motherfucker!" Mark growled, his fist clenching as he spoke.

"Yeah. Me either."

"Well fuck dude, maybe we should do drinks later? Go hit some bars?"

"Yeah, I may be up for that."

"Cool, I'll shoot you a call later. But I need to get moving along for now. Too many things I need to get done today."

"Sounds good. Thanks for hanging out, man."

"Of course buddy, keep your head up, and try to keep your mind off those assholes."

Upon entering his apartment, he noticed how messy things were, and spent some time tidying up the place. The image of Adam's long fat cock sliding out of his ex girlfriend's dripping pussy, while she squealed, wouldn't leave him alone. Despite his anger and hurt, his cock swelled at the thought.

Making his way to his bed, he dropped his shorts and began rubbing his hardon through his boxer briefs. He pulled the waistband down and wrapped his hand around his member, and began pumping it. The head barely peaked out of his hand.

"Yeah? You like seeing a real man fuck me? Does that make your little weenie hard? You pathetic little bitch, stroking your pencil while I talk about how deep he goes, and how much it stretches my pussy?" Paul couldn't help but imagine the degradation spewing from her mouth.

It didn't take long for Paul to blow his load all over himself, coating his hand and briefs in his cum. Flopping back on the bed, he murmured to himself, "Fuck, I'm pathetic," his softening piece of flesh still dangling in his cum coated hand.

Once he caught his breath, he wiped himself off, and went back to tidying a bit. As he was putting things away, he noticed a few pairs of panties in his dresser drawer as well as some other clothing items. Initially he started pulling them out to throw away, but without really knowing why, he put them back in the dresser instead.

The day quietly and uneventfully crept along. Spurts of mental reprieve were scattered throughout the hours, interrupted by others of grief and anguish.

The sun slowly dipped beneath the horizon leaving a splash of colors across the sky. Paul flipped on the shower, with the goal of making himself a bit more presentable for going out later. Using his electric trimmer, he shaved his pubes short, and groomed his legs. Then with his razor got his balls silky and smooth. He even shaved the stubble from his face.

He grabbed a nice black button up shirt and a pair of gray slacks. Maybe with some luck he'd get laid tonight...a lot of luck.

Paul could hear the music from outside the bar. From the looks of it, it was pretty hopping inside. He sent a text to Mark to announce his arrival and went in.

Mark was at the bar counter.

"Hey man, how are you doing?" Mark asked.

"About the same man."

The bartender set down two shots in front of them and two beers.

"I figured I'd get the first round," Mark said.

"Thanks man!"

Mark raised his shot glass, "To things looking up!"

Paul clanked his glass with Mark and they both shot it down the hatch. The whiskey warmed Paul's throat and insides as it went down.

Looking around he saw what looked like decent prospects. There was a cute little blonde joking with her friends nearby, a brunette with a nice rack and a juicy ass sitting down the line, and a few other eye catchers.

Mark, seeing his friend eye the scenery, said, "There's some cute ones here tonight."

"Yeah, but can't say I tend to get lucky on catching people's attention."

"Aww, man, give yourself more credit than that. You just need to have a little confidence."

"I guess," Paul replied. However, confidence was hard to muster when the image of a good friend plowing his girlfriend with a much bigger tool kept flashing in his mind.

They continued their small talk, while surveying the landscape of the bar. A few drinks in, Paul was in need of a piss.

"I think I'm going to need to break the seal. Be right back."

"Don't fall in," Mark joked.

Being pretty crowded, Paul had to carefully navigate through the walls of people, looking for openings to slip through. He had almost made it to the hall for the restrooms when his foot caught something and he tripped, stumbling on to the floor.

As he gathered himself he felt a hand take his and begin pulling him up. Looking up to see who was assisting him, he saw a tall, dark haired woman standing above him. She had long strong legs and arms, looking like she could be a fitness model. She must have been at least 6'2, and had medium size rack.

"Aren't you a pretty little thing," she said in a sultry and slightly husky tone.

"Thank you, for lending a hand."

"Not a problem."

"Erh...I...." He stumbled over his words, and pointed to the bathroom.

"Oh, yeah, the little boy's room...." She laughed. It seemed appropriate as she towered over him, him standing at 5'6".


"Well, don't wait for me," she said and pointed toward it as well.

Paul made his way to the door and pushed his way in. Luckily the bathroom had dividers between the urinals. So many of the bars just had troughs and it always made him nervous and gave him a hard time peeing. He had always been pee shy.

Pulling out his unimpressive tool, he pointed it toward the bowl and took a deep breath. The seal broke and a stream splashed onto the porcelain.

When Paul returned to his seat at the bar, they ordered a few more shots and beers. The whole time Paul felt like a pair of eyes were on him. He shook it off, and let the alcohol take his mind from it.

At Mark's suggestion, he ordered a beer for the little blonde a few seats down. When the bartender delivered it, Paul took the opportunity to go say hi.

"I couldn't help but notice you over here..."

"Oh, hi. Thanks for the beer." She said, a lack of luster in her voice. It was obvious by her tone she was just being polite.

"So, out with friends?" Paul tried to start a conversation.

"Uh yeah...," she said, glancing around, "oh, speaking of which..." she got up, taking her beer, "Thanks for the beer again," and she walked towards her friends who were dancing in the middle of the room.

As Paul shook off the rejection, he turned to make his way back to Mark. His eyes met with the tall dark haired woman from across the bar. Her gaze was intent and unsettling. A smile formed at the corner of her mouth.

He tried to pretend he didn't notice.

"That didn't look like it went well," Mark sighed.

"No, pretty much never even started. So what, I guess I like buying drinks for girls who don't want to talk to me," he laughed.

They continued their banter, drank down another beer and killed the time. A little bit later the cute short brunette

with the decent rack, had come up to the bar next too Paul, to order a drink.

Paul turned toward her and said, "Busy night."

She looked at him, and her face made it clear that she was disinterested, "Yeah." Then she turned away and ordered her drink. Her finger tapped the bar, again making rejection quite visible. Paul looked around pretending to be unphased.

Again, two dark eyes were honed in on him from across the bar. He shifted his gaze away quickly from the intimidating woman who kept her attention pointed toward him.

"It's alright buddy. Maybe better luck another night. Just isn't in the air," Mark said, before standing up and announcing, "I need to piss, be right back."

Waiting for his buddy to return, Paul drew with his finger on his glass of beer, cold with condensation. The chilled glass was a dripping series of squiggles from his finger.

A large hand on his shoulder startled him from his drawing.

"Help a guy up, and he doesn't even offer you a drink," the familiar voice said.

Paul turned to face the powerful woman behind him.

"Oh, I'm sorry...uh...yeah....what'll you have?"

"Preferably you," she said, "but I'll take a scotch on the rocks for now."

Paul felt completely outclassed by her. He ordered her drink with the bartender.

Unsure what to say, as this situation was completely new to him, "So do you come here often?"

She laughed at his awkwardness, "Not really. Every once in a while maybe. New to the area, but I may have too frequent it more often if I'm going to keep running into cute little things like you." She winked.

He felt odd being referred to as "cute and little," but compared to her....

"You?" She asked.

"Uh, sometimes. Mainly when hanging with a friend."

"I'm going to guess, from watching your failed attempts earlier, that you're single?"

"Yeah, pretty recently single I guess."

"Oh...that kind of situation...," she said as her hand touched his thigh. Paul was a bit surprised, still not sure what to make of this very attractive, very tall, and very forward woman.

"Yeah, guess she liked my friend better."

"Sorry for you, but guess it's my lucky day," she licked her lips.

Mark came back, looking at the scene before him and smiled, trying to decide whether to let them be, or sit back down. Deciding on the latter, he approached and said, "Hey!"

Jolted, Paul replied, "Hey," and then looked at the women and said, "uh, this is my friend Mark. Mark, this is...uh..." realizing they hadn't exchanged names.

"I'm Vanessa." She filled in his blanks and smiled

"I guess I haven't introduced myself either. Im Paul"

"Well, hi, Paul." She laughed.

Mark, seeing her interest, strange, but evident, decided to remove himself from the equation.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Vanessa. Paul, I'm going to skip on outta here. I'll catch up with you later."

Feeling left out to sea, Paul replied, "Uh, yeah...ummm...catch up with ya later."

Vanessa waved as Mark laid his cash on the bar, and strutted off. Paul's glass was almost empty, and she wasn't going to let that become an excuse. Looking at the bartender, she hollered, "Two shots of whiskey, and whatever he was drinking," pointing at Paul's glass.

Paul was already feeling the alcohol, but after the other night, a little extra tipsy couldn't hurt, and despite the oddness of it, he was drinking with a beautiful woman none-the-less.

She raised her glass, and clanked it with him, "Bottoms up!" She chuckled a bit as she said it, and tossed it back.

The whiskey made him suck his cheek a bit, and then he followed it with a sip of beer. He could feel his bladder complaining again, and excused himself, "I think I'm going to run to the restroom again. I'll be right back."

"Don't have too much fun."

Paul shuffled through the maze of people to the bathroom. To his dismay, every urinal but one was being used. Walking down the line, he found the unoccupied one at the end and pulled out his dick, taking a deep breath, and waiting. The sound of piss hitting porcelain splashed around him, but his own dick retracted and failed to unload.

Finally the urinal beside him was empty, and his bladder unleashed. With a sigh of satisfaction, a feeling of relief washed over him.

When he returned, and sat, Vanessa said, "Took a bit...shy pee-er?"

Paul's face turned red, as he stammered, "Umm."

"It's okay. Lots of guys are. You don't have to answer that."

"There was a bit of line."

"Tell yourself whatever makes you feel better," she chided.

Waving down the bartender, she ordered two more whiskey shots.

"To that cute little ass of yours," she raised her glass to him.

"Uh, my cute ass." They tossed the shots back and he followed it with a sip of beer to reduce the sting.

Paul almost jumped a little when he felt her large hand rest on his upper thigh. She leaned in and whispered into his ear, "Oh the things I would like to do to you. And oh how I'd make you beg for more."

Again Paul's face turned red, as his cock stiffened in his pants, knowing she'd feel the rise in the fabric. He searched for words to respond, completely conflicted. Here was this gorgeous, very confident woman who could likely snap him in half, apparently wanting him, and yet she was quite intimidating in his mind.

"Oh yeah?" Was all he could muster out.

"You have no idea," she said as she grabbed his unimpressive tool through his pants, all of it enveloped by her hand. A little gasp escaped his lips. "I think you should finish your beer and join me at my place. We can have another drink there."

Paul's mind raced, unsure of whether to duck and run, or follow his cock's lead, as it pulsated in his trousers.

Seeing his hesitation, she whispered in his ear again, "Don't think too hard on it," again giving his little dick a squeeze. Her words seemed to circle in his head like an echo, and for some reason a sense of ease washed over him. His body shed it's tension, his mind stopped racing, his breathing slowed. "That's it baby, just relax..."

He took another swig of beer, leaving about one third of it left.

In a hushed tone, she asked, "So you're girlfriend, she left because of your little dick didn't she? It's okay to say it. And your friend had a nice big cock to satisfy her didn't he? It's alright, I don't need my playthings to be big in that department."

Unsure of why he answered so unabashedly back, without hesitation, "Yes, she left me for my little dick that didn't satisfy her, and he had such a big cock that pleased her so much better." He couldn't believe he had said it.

"It's okay baby. Mommy likes your little dick, and you want to make mommy happy, don't you?"

Again, his blank mind seemed to completely succumb to her words, "Yes, I want to make Mommy happy with my little dick."

"What a good pet," she chuckled.

"What the fuck?" A little voice in his mind cried out. Why the fuck was he telling this random woman about his little thin dick, and how he couldn't please his girlfriend. But for some reason the voice quickly faded to some distant corner of his mind.

"Take another sip of your beer, Paul," she said calmly and flatly.

He followed her instructions, sipping at his beer as if a new thirst had swelled in him, until the glass was empty.

Feeling like he was on autopilot, waved the bartender down, and paid his tab, and she did the same.

She then looked him in the eyes. As his met hers, he seemed to just fall into her dark brown orbs into some black hole, teasing him in.

"Come, I'll call us a cab."

"That sound's good."

The cab rolled up to the street and sat on the curb until she opened the door for him, and followed behind.

She had already given the cab the end location before she rested her hand on his thigh, and leaned in.

"I can feel your hard little dick just begging to be let out," she whispered in his ear seductively, before giving it a quick squeeze through the fabric.

The ride to her place was short. They walked up to her house, she unlocked the door, opened it, and pushed him inside.

Then pressing him against the wall of the entryway, she grabbed him by the balls, and said, "Mmm, mommy's going to have so much fun with you..."

Paul wasn't sure why, but he was suddenly feeling a little light headed, and while being pressed against the wall, began to fade to black.

Without knowing how much time had passed, Paul's eyes opened slowly to a dark room, surrounded by candles that were lit all around him. He was on some sort of bench, his hands bound behind him and his legs strapped to it's base. He glanced down over his body that was naked except for a red pair of panties with his shriveled member tucked inside. They were lace so you could see his dick through the fabric. He felt like crying out for help, wondering what had happened. How did he get himself into this?

The familiar sultry voice spoke up from across the room. Vanessa was wearing a black robe. "Mmm, did my little pet wake up?"

"What the hell have you...." He began to yell at her.

She grabbed him by the jaw and looked into his eyes, "You are mine now. You will do whatever brings mommy pleasure. You're little dick will always get hard for mommy."

Again, Paul felt his mind go calm and blank, as he said, "I belong to Mommy, and my little dick wants nothing more than to please her." Somewhere inside a voice cried out, trying to jolt him from whatever this was, but it seemed to hidden behind some door, locked away in his psyche.

"Mmm, that's such a good pet." She stepped back after saying it, and turned to a table and opened a book, and began recanting some strange words from the text in some language he didn't know.

Next to the book was a cup of sorts, that she poured a pink liquid into, then sprinkled something on top, all why reciting something in the strange language, and waving her hand over top of it.

She took it and carried it to him, tipping his head back and pressing it to his lips. His mouth just opened, and she poured the warm fluid down his throat.

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