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The hostess greeted them and led them to their seats. A perfect table for two was tucked away in a corner of the restaurant, creating a private little nook for them to enjoy their meal. Their server approached.

"The special tonight is seaweed crusted lamb shank served with a well seasoned vegetable medley topped with a mushroom sauce. May I start you with a drink?"

"I'll have a glass of your Chianti," Vanessa replied.

Paul ordered a pale ale.

As the server went to get their drinks, Vanessa chimed in, "Order whatever you'd like, dinner is on me. I like my boys taken care of."

Paul jumped a bit as he felt the toe of her foot run down the crotch of his pants.

"Thank you, Vanessa, you don't have to do that."

She licked her lips, looking hungrily at him. Then glanced down at the menu.

The server returned delivering their drinks, and gave them another moment to decide on their dinner choice.

Paul, furiously sipped at his beer, trying to quell his nerves, downing it by the time the server had returned.

Vanessa ordered the sea scallops, he the lamb shank and both another drink.

"You are such a cute little catch," Vanessa said as she looked him over.

"Um, thank you."

"And I love to see how you nervously squirm to my advances. Do I make you nervous, Paul?"

"Um, you are...a little out of my league, I suppose."

"Oh, you mean that what I pack dwarfs that little bean in your pants? Or that I make you such a vulnerable little puddle in my presence?"

Paul wasn't even sure how to respond to this type of talk.

Seeing the way he stumbled to find words, she just laughed, "It's okay, baby. You can just follow mommy's lead." Her foot ran up and down his thigh as she spoke, causing his dick to tent up in his pants. A little spot of precum leaking through the panties and making a wet spot on his jeans.

The server arrived with their plates shortly after, and they ate in silence for the most part.

With a stomach filled with food and beer, Paul excused himself to use the latrine. It was empty. Walking up to the first urinal he undid his fly and pulled out his limp dick. Closing his eyes and looking up, he let out a deep breath and the stream started to flow. The feeling of relief washed over him.

As Paul made his way back to the table, Vanessa's eyes followed his every movement, a thirst in her gaze. While he was in the restroom, she had paid the check.

She stood, asking, "Ready?"

"Yeah," he replied, then questioned if he truly was, and for what.

She wrapped her arm around the small of his back as they walked out. Her hand slyly shifted down and cupped his ass, giving it a squeeze, once again, opening the door for him before taking the driver's seat.

On the drive her hand made its way to his thigh, kneading at it gently, causing his cock to stir a bit in his panties.

The car pulled up to her place, or at least he thought it was her place. Much of his memory of their night before was hazy.

"I figured you wouldn't mind coming over for another drink," she said.

"That sounds nice." He couldn't help but admire the way her legs and ass swayed as she walked to the door, unlocking it, and opening for them.

He followed her down the entry hall to the kitchen, where she pulled out a bottle and poured shots in two small glasses. Then she opened the fridge, grabbed two beers and two glasses from the cupboard.

Paul was glancing around, taking in the normal looking and comfortably large kitchen. His examination of the abode was interrupted as she set the two glasses on the island in front of him, and her hand grazed his ass cheek. Then she went and grabbed the other two glasses looking him in the eye and smiling as she strode back over to him.

She lifted the shot glass. "To my sexy little man," she said as she used her thumb and index finger to pinch at his semi inflated penis. Her words and actions felt degrading, but his cock started to twitch none the less.

They tossed back the shots and took a swig of the beer.

Then she stepped forward, pressing into him, looming over him in stature. Her large breasts almost face level. He could feel the bulge below pressing against his stomach.

"Do you like being my little plaything, Paul?" Her arms wrapped around him, her hands palming his ass and pulling his waist in tighter. A little gasp left his mouth.

A barely audible, "Yes," escaped him.

"Good. I like that you wore your panties for me. Do you like wearing panties for mommy?"

The alcohol was starting to put a haze over Paul's brain.


She let go of him and side stepped, taking another swig of beer.

"Good," she replied.

He followed suit and took a swig himself.

Vanessa grabbed his shirt, lifting it over his head. The action caught Paul off guard. Then she yanked his trousers down, leaving his body completely exposed except the pink lace panties tightly containing his now throbbing erection. She placed her long index finger on the shaft, "Ooo, is this for me?"

His cock jumped to her touch. A weak "mhmm," was all that came out. With her other hand she reached over and ran her finger around the rim of his glass and muttered something unintelligible, then stepped in and planted her lips on his.

Reaching around him she grabbed him by the ass with both hands and lifted him up on the island, then handed him his beer glass. Her hips pressed forward causing her bulge to press against his. He gulped the rest of the beer until it was gone and set down the glass. She leaned back in, splitting his lips with her tongue, pulling him by the ass into her stiff pole, and plunging into his mouth, overtaking it. Her tongue invaded him, and he sucked lightly at it.

Paul was suddenly feeling very light, and very....

Time seemed to have folded in some type of void, and when Paul opened his eyes again, he found himself surrounded by candles again. Vanessa stood across the room, wearing her dark robe, hood up over her head. She seemed to be looking down into an old leather bound book with yellowed pages and muttering something.

Paul felt his arms and ankles restrained to an oddly familiar bench.

Vanessa turned around, showing off her beautifully toned stomach, her breasts in a black see through bra, and panties with a cut out where her large dick swung freely from. The same chalice as before was in her hand. She sipped from it, and then looked at him intently in the eyes, the irises of hers, almost glowing bright green.

She smiled a devilish grin and spoke, "Has mommy's little toy woken up?" She swung her hips, causing her appendage to move like a pendulum between her legs, as she moved towards him.

His body felt limp and weak as she placed the chalice to his lips and poured the strange, thick liquid down his throat.

"Mmm, that's right baby, drink it down."

As the last drop rolled down his throat, her large hand grabbed his dick and balls at the base and squeezed, making him squeak like a little mouse.

His dick was hard in his little pink panties, although definitely unimpressive.

"Oooh," she exclaimed as if unsurprised, "this seems to be even smaller than I remember."

Paul thought back to earlier that day when he noticed the same thing.

Reaching underneath her robe behind her back, she unclasped the bra, and let it fall to the floor, before taking his cock between her fingers and massaging it through the panties. She leaned in and pressed her nipple against his lips.

"Suck," was all she said, and of course Paul obliged.

As he was desperately sucking at her tit, she lowered the waistband of the panties and he could feel her place something over his cock. When she leaned back, he saw the cylinder with a tube running out the end engulfing his member. She knelt down, and fiddled with something. The tube began pumping and vacuuming on his dick like before.

"You're such a good boy for mommy. Such a good, tiny little dicked bitch, that lets mommy do whatever she wants. You like mommy doing whatever she wants don't you?"

"Yes mommy," the words came out of his mouth, without him really even thinking about it.

"And little dick boys don't need get to use their baby pricks for pleasure..." Vanessa laughed and unclasped his ankles from the restraint. Her strong hands took hold of his legs and lifted them up over her shoulders. Grabbing her large swollen dick, she began spanking the bulbous head, oozing precum, against his balls and exposed asshole.

A moment of fear popped into Paul's head...that little voice locked away somewhere in his brain was screaming again, muffled by the haze. "You like pusssy!" It yelled. But his mouth watered, betraying him, as he looked at the member that seemed to have grown even bigger than before.

Vanessa reached in her robe and pulled a small bottle, opened it and thrust it against his nose. "Breathe it in deep, and hold it for a few seconds...."

He was already feeling hazy, but as he exhaled, his body felt like it was sinking through the floor.

Vanessa pushed her giant rod against his lubed up asshole, and his rectum began to stretch, trying to accommodate the invader. A pulse of pain ran through his body as her purple head popped through his opening. A gasp left his lips. In response she grabbed his nipple and pulled at it, saying "just relax baby and it will feel so good in a second..."

The muscles in his ass began to relax around her hard rod, and she began pumping slowly, then pushing a little deeper. "Oooooooohhhhh," he moaned in response as he sank down on her cock, leaving him feeling so completely full inside.

"Mmm, that little boi pussy feels so tight, and so good around mommy's big dick. You were made for this weren't you, you little slut? You like being my little slut don't you?"

"Ah-aaahh," Paul wailed trying to answer as her cock plummeted into his body, "yes, mommy."

The cylinder pumped at his cock, sucking off copious amounts of precum dripping from his slit.

"You like feeling like a helpless little bitch, don't you? You like feeling like your girlfriend, getting pounded by a real cock?"

"Mmmmph, Yes mommy, ooooh, fuuuuuuuuucccckkk!"

Vanessa slapped his face, then twisted his left nipple, driving her beast hard into his ass.

"Yeah? Do you want to be mommy's little girl?"

The voice echoing in the back of his mind wanted to scream, "NO!" However, "Yessss," was all that came out.

"Mmmm, fuck, what a good little bitch," Vanessa moaned as she plowed into him.

He could feel the pressure building, heat rising inside his core as her cock pistoned against his prostate. Little effeminate coos left his mouth as his small dick endlessly leaked into the tube. Vanessa groaned, feeling the muscles in his ass tightening around her member, and watching his eyes roll back in his head.

His body began to shudder, running from his core out down his legs, to his toes, as the cylinder sucked endless ropes of white out of him.

As the convulsion caused his asshole to spasm around Vanessa's cock, she cried out, "Oh fuck, that's it baby. Take my fucking load you little princess," and spurts of jism began unloading into his ass.

His body convulsed for what felt like ten minutes, before going limp. He closed his eyes for a moment as he felt her large unit slip from his taint, cum dripping out and over his crack.

Spent, and feeling completely weak, he opened his eyes to see Vanessa with her back turned, chanting and waving her hand over the chalice. She turned around, took a sip from it, and then brought it over and pressed it to his lips.

Still feeling as if in a trance, he offered no resistance as she poured it down his throat. The salty taste of cum coated his tongue. The cup was very full, making him swallow several times to drink it all down.

"What a good girl," Vanessa said tenderly as she stroked his face.

Then the fog set in.

Paul found himself on his hands and knees on a bed. Looking down he noticed how small and dainty his hands were, fingernails painted pink. His arms were thin, and locks of hair cascaded down his cheeks.

Paul was caught off guard as hands grabbed his ass, then pulled what must've been panties down. He could feel the weight of his chest as he glanced noticing considerable cleavage rocking below him in a little blouse. The hands flipped his skirt over his back and off his ass.

"What the..." Paul began to think before getting interrupted by a sensation he didn't quite understand. Something pressed into him, beginning to stretch an opening he didn't know he had.

A familiar voice growled as Paul let out a moan from feeling his insides being invaded, "You like that cock? I know you've been craving a real man's cock to please you, instead of your boyfriend's useless little pecker."

Paul began to feel panicked as he recognized Adam's voice behind him...or her...or..."what the fuck..." but before he could think another thought, waves of pleasure cascaded over his whole being, as he felt Adam's large member plummeting in and out him, and the squeaky little voice came from his mouth, "Oh god, yes! Fuck my tight little cunt, Adam. Fill it full baby! Your dick is so much fuckin bigger than his..."

Paul couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. He closed his eyes, overcome with sensations, before opening them and looking over to see...him? There he was, sitting in a chair off to the side, stroking his small pencil dick.

"You like watching a huge cock pleasuring your girlfriend. Owning her in ways you never will?"

Paul was flabbergasted at the words he spoke, as he clenched his breasts to his chest and pinched his nipples.

His body began to shudder as an orgasmic wave ripped through him, squeezing on Adam's cock, causing it to pump his pussy full of his seed, and himself on a chair in the corner blowing loads all over himself watching, coating himself in cum.

Paul jolted, his eyes opened, and there he found himself waking from a crazy dream, in his own bed. He could feel his aching erection. Glancing down he noticed that it was even shorter than the day before. Like it had lost an inch overnight. It was thinner too.

He reached down, stroking it with two fingers and his thumb, as that's about all it took. His ass felt sore, and as he traced his fingers down his crack he could feel the dried crusted cum from the night before around his little hole. Lost in a horny daze he furiously tugged at his minuscule unit and ran his other hand up to his chest, taken aback by what felt like little mounds rising to tender nipples...

"What the fuck?" Paul said aloud, as his little dick blew its load over himself.

Paul grabbed a sock and wiped the cum from his chest and stomach, tossing it aside, and then made his way to the bathroom. Upon seeing himself in the mirror, he just stopped and gawked. His eyes widened into large globes as he stared back at a face that was smooth and soft. His lips looked full and pouty. His hair seemed to have grown longer overnight, hanging down over his shoulders. His stomach seemed to be flat and softer, his hips a bit wider, and..."what the fuck..." he had small tits. Perfect little cuppable breasts hung from his ches with quarter sized pink nipples. Below, his small shriveled dick turtled post orgasm, though a small bead of wetness gathered at it's slit.

Paul, taken aback, completely lost in how to process what was happening to him, blinked his eyes, and tried shaking his eyes, hoping to jolt from some strange dream, but instead, found himself staring at the same image in the mirror again.

Still shaken by the whole change, Paul quickly turned on the shower, almost as if he could wash the transformation away. As he lathered his body with soap, he couldn't help but fondle his new found chest, tracing the areolas with his finger and pinching at the nipples. His cock dribbled and leaked as he did. Catching himself, he stopped, rinsed off, and shut the water off.

Stepping out he toweled his now more feminine form off and proceeded to get dressed. He was thankful that he was off from work this week, taking a mental health break. However this was not helping his mental health at all.

Picking up his phone, he glanced and saw an unread message.

Vanessa had texted, "How's my little girl this morning?"

Did she know? She had to know? The whole thing was just off. It was all so strange.

"What the fuck did you do to me?" He screamed in his head while he typed out the message.

"Whatever could you mean?" She replied with a winking emoji. Then followed with, "Maybe the universe just corrected itself for giving you such a pathetic little clit."

" I swear, whatever kind of strange magic you used, you need to change this all back to the way it was!" Paul demanded.

"Oh, I can't do that princess. But maybe I can help in some way. Why don't you come over and we can see what we can do about all this..."

Paul was fuming. He grumbled to himself, realizing he sounded like a angry little bitch, with the voice of a girl, not his own.

"Whatever this is..."he tapped away with his thumbs, " ...we need to meet and talk this out."

"You should come over," she texted back.

Paul grabbed a pair of boxer briefs from his drawer, and slid them up his legs. Next a pair of jeans, though they didn't fit the best, as his form had changed some. Last, he threw a tshirt over his head. Looking down, he could see his small pert nipples showing through the fabric that didn't hide much of his now, quite lovely rack.

Having not planned for breasts, he had no bras to contain them. At least he didn't have to go anywhere else today, just deal with this and Vanessa.

He hurried out the door and to his car, putting in the address that Vanessa had sent. He couldn't remember how to get there from the previous nights that had been so hazy.

Paul's mind raced, rehearsing the potentials of what he would say to Vanessa. This wasn't right, and she was going to have to fix it.

Once there, Paul rushed out of the car storming up to the door in a huff and a puff. Furiously, he pounded at her door, despite the doorbell conveniently next to it.

Vanessa opened the door, looked Paul up and down, smiling, "Well, there's my beautiful little girl."

Paul stepped inside, slamming the door behind him. "What the fuck Vanessa?!" He tried to sound menacing, but his squeaky, girly little voice didn't quite pull it off.

"Mmm, you are quite cute when you're in a tizzy, " Vanessa said, calm and collected in her demeanor.

"What the hell? How did you do this to me? I've got fucking breasts!"

"They look quite nice from my perspective..."

"That's not the point!"

"So you do like them then?"

He sputtered, "I...well...that's not the point!"

"So what is the point Paul? You weren't happy, you were left, the universe handed you a bad hand...and now, you have sex, you get off, you are sexy as hell..."

"But I can't just suddenly be a girl!"

"Well doll, you aren't really a girl. You still have a dick."

"Don't twist this around on me!"

"I'm not twisting anything, just stating the obvious."

Paul paused, looked down, and saw that his dick was tenting in his jeans.

"Look, so I worked some magic. Can you complain?" She asked as her hand grasped at the bulge under the skirt she was wearing.

"You shrank my dick...you..you ..."

"It's quite hot on that sexy little body of yours."

"I just want my life back!"

"Oh, the one where your 'good friend' fucks your ex deeply as she leaves you because she was never satisfied with you? Or the one that your friends feel kinda bad knowing that no girl wants what is between your legs? From my perspective, Paul, that's hardly working out well for you."

"And so you made it even smaller?" He was so angry, as the swells of emotion caused little tears to form at the corner of his eyes.

Vanessa stepped towards Paul, pushing the hair away from his face, and pushed his little body against the wall. Lifting his chin she leaned in and started to kiss him passionately. His hands started to push her away at first but his resolve caved as she kissed him. One hand reached down and began squeezing at his cock, kneading his balls and tugging at them. A little moan came out.

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