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Transformations - Travelers Ch. 03

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The Frat Party. Larry's Coven. Eric Awakens.
14.4k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/25/2022
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Off the coast of North Carolina

The Eros IV airliner turned southeast over international waters and throttled up. Off to the southwest, a tropical storm was creeping northeast from the deep south.

The crew of a fishing boat bobbing in the swells below looked up in time to see the Eros IV go supersonic, the sound reverberating like a thunderclap as the big aircraft disappeared in the distance.

Onboard Flight 118, no one other than the pilots and stewardesses knew anything had happened.

High above, spy satellites watched Flight 118 closely. To most people, the Eros IV was nothing but a flying brothel, but military intelligence saw it as the largest transport aircraft ever built. It had more carrying capacity than any aircraft in history, capable of landing anywhere without requiring a runway. Soon, it would be upgraded to nuclear power giving it an effectively infinite range.

It had an almost non-existent heat signature.

The airframe was nearly invisible to radar from its shape and the mystery metal that formed its skin.

In darkened rooms in the Pentagon, generals read the reports of its capabilities and shivered.

The flying brothel was the most terrifying aircraft ever built - not for what it did, but for what it could do.

In the crystal spires of the Cathedral of Morpheus in Havana, Sister and her followers saw the Eros IV as a crowning achievement.

Had they looked closer, they too might have shivered.


In her New York penthouse, the adorable blonde wearing black plastic glasses without lenses stared at the spiral notebook on the table. Columns of numbers were written on one side, beside those, a column of locations.

"Flight 118 is where?" She asked in her pink bubble gum voice. "Off the course of North Carolina heading south. Gotcha," she repeated the words of the Air Cuba ticket agent speaking to her over the pink plastic Bluetooth in her ear.

The blonde's formal name was Bubble Brain Brittney di Marapova, personal assistant and official snuggle bunny of Mistress Maria Anastasia Marapova di Morpheus.

However, increasingly the moniker "Bubble Brain" was inaccurate. Once she had been a lawyer and a very good one. Something Maria had done had changed that, changed her.

She would be angry if she didn't know that Maria was totes sorry about how things had worked out.

And, of course, there was also the fact she was head over heels in love with Maria Marapova.

You are her memento mori, a voice whispered in her head. Well, a memento humani, I suppose.

"I don't know those words," Brittney whispered.

Sure, you do.

"Memento humani... a... reminder of being human?" Brittney whispered.

Yes, you remind her she is still part of the human race. That's important for a goddess... a demi-goddess anyway.

"That's for sure. She'd break a lot of things not meaning to if I didn't keep an eye on her," Brittney said.

And, by things you mean people?

"Yep." She liked talking to the voice in her head. She had to be careful not to let Maria hear her because... well, she'd sound like a nut.

And, Brittney knew she was simply talking to herself. Just Bubble Brain Brittney having a discussion with the genius Britt Conners.

Britt hadn't liked Brittney at first, and Brittney had been intimidated by Britt.

But, they were slowly merging into one person: a genius lawyer with impeccable fashion sense and a taste for sugary, pink suckers.

She stood up and stretched, balancing on the stilettos. She twisted left and right in the tight pink latex unitard. Then she grabbed a pink sucker from the desk and popped it in her mouth - a sweet reward for finishing her report.

She skipped on the perilously high heels into Maria's home office. She slid to a stop when she saw Maria standing with her back turned.

Brittney's goddess was staring at the drawing on her wall - of all the enigmas of Maria Marapova, Brittney was most intrigued by the picture.

It was a nude and obviously of Maria. The artist had been behind her and her back and buttocks were expertly rendered in charcoal. The curves were softer but still perfect, the muscles not so well defined but still impressive - a previous version of Maria, not the goddess she had become but the woman she had been.

The hair was different - still white as snow but the style was older, something from the early twentieth century.

The eyes, though, the eyes were timeless: almond-shaped and dark with a touch of sadness looking back at the artist over her shoulder.

"Did I hear you talking earlier?" Maria asked softly without turning.

"Nope," Brittney said.

"Are you sure?"

"Geez, Maria, you think I'm talkin' to myself or somethin'?"

She gave Brittney a sideways glance, a smile that she saved for times when the two of them were alone. "My report?"

Brittney handed it to her. "Can I ask a silly question?"

"Better than anyone I know," Maria said as she looked at the page of flight numbers and locations.

"Very funny. Why am I keeping track of these planes every day? We could just pull it up on the Internet."

"I'm old. I like pen and paper reports." She ran her finger down the page. "Flight 118... this is the flight with the gift for Senator Craig?"

"Yes, Maria."

"Very important flight."

"Maria, why am I doing this every day? Why do I make this list every single motherboinging day?"

"Because I asked."

Brittney pouted. "You're frustrating."

Maria reached out and touched her honey blonde hair. "I need to know where the planes are at all times. All of them."

Brittney frowned. "Ok, but you make me call instead of looking online... and you make me call through that phone spoofer thingy..."

"Darling? I don't want people to know I'm watching."

"But, why? It's just sex flights..."

Maria kissed her tenderly and, like always, Brittney melted.

Maria smiled. "Nothing is ever as it seems, my love. I need to know where the Eros IV's are at all times... lest they be needed."

Brittney and Britt smiled.



Flight 118

Off the Coast of North Carolina

Stop me if you've heard this one: a slutty cougar, an oversexed and possibly possessed coed, and a nearly eight foot tall succubus with a horse cock walk into a bar, Nancy thought and giggled.

The three of them stood outside a door marked "Observation Bar".

A sign on the door said, "NO ADMITTANCE - PRIVATE PARTY."

There was a raucous party going on inside and the sound of someone "laying down the bass" made the door rattle.

Baphista sniffed the air. "I smell... college boys. I want them." She ran an onyx claw down the door and scratched it.

"You mean for sex, right?" Nancy asked. "Not... you know... for food or something?"

Baphista smiled and showed her fangs. "I want to fill them with my master's dark lust. I want to devour their souls and leave them as evil, corrupting servants of Satan. After I have molded them? They will leave horror and perversion in their wake across all of creation."

Terri's pentagram eyes grew wide. "Golly, I just wanna fuck 'em."

Baphista shrugged. "That too."

Terri reached out to knock on the door. "We should knock, I guess?"

"Wait!" Baphista said. "You both know our story, correct?"

Nancy rolled her eyes. "Terri's my stepdaughter and you've turned us into possessed sluts... it ain't Shakespeare. Nobody is going to believe I'm old enough to be her stepmother."

"Oh, no, my real stepmother is only three years older than me. Daddy's a real dog," Terri said.

"Eww, really?" Nancy asked.


"Stop saying that," Nancy said.

"What's wrong with totes?"

Nancy frowned. "It makes you sound dumb."

"I think it's cute... totes cute."

Nancy started to say something.

"Quiet whores! Focus on your roles!" Baphista growled.

Nancy turned and poked the succubus in her massive, latex clad right breast. "Bitch, giant or not? I will beat the living fuck out of you if you use that tone with me again."

"I..." Baphista looked around. "I'm sorry... I'm just trying to stay in character."

"Your character is about to get her fat ass kicked!"

Terri got between them. "Hey! Don't you dare hurt her!"

"My ass isn't fat," Baphista whispered.

"No, it isn't." Terri glared up at Nancy. "You tell her that her ass ain't fat, Nancy! Right now!"

"For fuck's sake, she's got more trunk space than a 1977 Cadillac El Dorado..."

Terri gasped. "Nancy!"

Baphista whined.

Nancy sighed. "I'm... sorry. Look, I'm being blackmailed into this. You two are willing participants."

"They ain't blackmailing you that much," Terri said. "Look pretty willing to me and Baphista."

Baphista nodded.

"Yeah, okay, you're right. I just... I feel like I've been through the looking glass since I got on this flight," Nancy said.

Terri smiled. "It is pretty weird, huh?"

"Totes," Nancy said and burst out laughing.

Terri and Baphista started laughing as well.

Terri took Nancy's hand and Baphista's. "We gotta stick together. Okay?"

"Okay," Nancy said. "Baphista, your ass is not fat - I mean, you got some back but... you could bounce a quarter off it."

Baphista beamed.


Monica and Paul

Paul was much more relaxed than he had been right after Hannah had told him about his transformation into an Inseminator - a transformed stud bull built to breed human women with the transformed.

He smiled at Monica a lot more and his posture seemed much more relaxed.

And that worried her.

"You're okay?" Monica asked.

Paul smiled and nodded. "I've literally never felt better in my life. Part of that has to do with you."

"Me? What do you mean?"

"Well... I'm in love with you," he said with a slight smile.

Had he been this handsome before? Monica shook her head. "We just..."

"Met, I know. But I'm head over heels for you, Monica."

Monica blushed. "You're... pumped full of testosterone or something."

He nodded. "No doubt. But, that doesn't explain why I felt this way before they pumped me full of stud juice." He was staring intently into her eyes.

"Stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"Stop... being charming. I can't tell if this is really you or..."

"It's me," he said. "Yeah, okay, I'm under the influence of whatever this stuff is but... I adore you. The old me wouldn't have had the confidence to say that. The new me can just say what he's thinking."

On impulse, she leaned over and kissed him.

That was a mistake because she could smell him even more when she got closer. "Jesus," she murmured.

He nodded. "You feel it too. I know you do..."

She pulled back. "I... I don't know."

His eyes shifted to look at the aisle behind Monica. "Oh, no."

"What is it?" She turned to see a tall, slim brunette in a micro dress walking past.

"I'm sorry," Paul said.


"Can't you... smell her?" He jerked his wrists in the restraints.

She looked at the brunette as she passed heading toward the restrooms. "Oh, no. Is she fertile?"

He smiled and nodded lowering his head and staring at the woman like a wolf eyeing his next meal. "I have to." He jerked harder and the restraints began to give.

"Paul! No!" Monica said.

It was too late. The restraints gave way and he leapt to his feet.

The woman turned with her back to the restroom door as Paul overtook her. He put his lips by her left ear.

The woman's expression went from confusion to lust in an instant.

Paul was still naked from the waist down and the brunette wrapped her slim hand around his prick.

Monica sat motionless in her seat, too shocked to move.

Paul whispered something else to the brunette and she dropped to her knees. She wrapped her lips around his cock and took it deep.

"Oh, Paul," Monica whispered.

She should be furious, and she was - but not with Paul. Hannah. Hannah and Diane had done this.

The brunette lay down on the floor on her back and pulled her knees against her chest.

Monica wasn't surprised that the woman wore no panties.

Paul dropped down and pushed his long cock into the brunette's pussy.

"Fuck me!" The brunette screamed as she thrashed her head from side to side.

Paul was thrusting, driving his dick deeper with each lunge from his muscular hips.

"Breed me! Fuck your baby into me!"

Paul laughed. He held her ankles together in one hand, pressing her legs tighter against her breasts.

She screamed in orgasm again and again, all the while Paul continued to laugh and thrust even harder.

Then Monica heard him groan and his hips stopped with his cock deep inside the brunette. She could see his cock throbbing as he emptied his balls into the woman.

He rolled off her.

Then he slid his arm under her hips and lifted them.

Paul roughly ripped open her dress, exposing her right breast. He began nursing at her right nipple.

"Sucking her breast causes her abdomen muscles to spasm. It helps draw his cum deeper into her," Hannah said.

Monica jumped at the sound of Hannah's voice - she had been so enthralled by Paul and the brunette she had completely missed the fact that Hannah had knelt by her seat.

Monica sobbed. "How could you do this to him? He's in love with me..."

"I know," Hannah said.

"You've made it impossible for us to be together now!"

Hannah nodded. "Not in a typical relationship, no, luv." She took Monica's hand. "But yours was never going to be a typical relationship. That die was cast when you bought your tickets."

Paul stood up and stumbled back to his seat, cum dripping from his glistening cock. "What... have I done?"

The brunette stood up and straightened the hem of her dress. Her breast was still exposed but she seemed oblivious to this. She smiled at Paul and went on into the restroom.

Hannah knelt in front of Paul and re-attached his restraints.

Then she held out a package of wet wipes to Monica. "Clean him."

Monica took them from her hand as Hannah walked away.

"I'm so sorry," Paul whispered.

Monica stood up and then knelt in front of him. She opened the wipes. "It's not your fault."

"God, how can you...?"

She pulled out one of the wipes and began washing his still turgid cock. "We didn't ask for this. But it's what we have now."


Larry and Gretchen

Gretchen skipped along on her high heels beside Larry. "Golly, I haven't skipped in forever and ever," she giggled.

Larry shook his head. With every skip, Gretchen's twin torpedo breasts rolled and churned like ships in heavy seas. The men stepping out of the peep show booths on the club level did double takes as they passed.

Gretchen tried to start up conversations with a few of them, but Larry kept her firmly moving forward - she could fuck johns later.

Right now, he needed to find the other two members of their coven - his wives Sammi and Tammi. He had sent them down to work the peep show and be transformed but they should have been back hours ago.

Now that he was a Whoremaster, he wanted to bind them both to him as quickly as possible.

The Church forbid the concept of marriage, but the concept of true love was the basis of Whore Caste - and he was in love with the two pregnant sluts.

"Where the fuck do you think they are?" Gretchen asked with her little fists on her bulging hips.

Larry smiled. Sammi and Tammi weren't the only ones he was in love with.

He grabbed Gretchen and pulled her giggling off her feet.

It was hard to believe the jiggly bimbo was the same perverted spinster who had tried to 'take advantage' of him as he was being transformed.

She was a walking wet dream.

"Are we going to get a house on the beach?" Gretchen asked as she covered his face with kisses from her thick, pouty lips.

"What? You don't want to go back to our trailer?"

"Trailers suck. A beach house would be totes amazing."

"You haven't seen our trailer."

"Fuck trailers. A beach house is better."

He set her back on her feet and slapped her ass through the latex skirt.

They continued toward the front of the club level.


Nancy, Terri, and Baphista

"Holy fuck, it's a fucking devil woman!" A frat boy said as the trio entered the airliner's forward bar.

The nose of the aircraft was made of the strange transparent metal and provided a panoramic view of blue skies, puffy clouds, and the blue waters of the Atlantic.

"It's a succubus you fucking neanderthal," a short, thick frat boy said. He was sitting in a padded chair naked from the waist down.

Two identical hookers were sitting between his thighs, one sucking his balls while the other inhaled his shaft like a sword swallower.

Nancy did a double-take when she realized the hookers on top of being identical were also very, very pregnant.

"Suck-you-what?!" The first boy asked. He smelled of beer - as a matter of fact the entire bar smelled like the inside of a brew vat. His eyes refused to focus as he struggled to stare from Baphista's high heels up to her smiling, demonic face.

"Succubus," Baphista said. "A female demon sent by Satan to lead you down a path of ruin and damnation."

"Fuck yeah," he said and burped.

"I can already smell the ruin," Nancy whispered.

Terri giggled and poked her in the ribs.

"These sluts are Nasty Nancy and Terrific Tits Terri," Baphista said as she tugged the girls' leashes. "Once an innocent step mother and daughter but now through the perversion of Satan's lust? Lovers."

Oh, for fuck's sake, Nancy thought. This thought was stifled when Terri wrapped her arms around Nancy and kissed her deep, driving her tongue into Nancy's throat.

Fuck, the girl knew how to kiss!

She grabbed the little slut's ass and pulled her even closer.

One thing was certain, if she couldn't turn over a new leaf with her husband Eric? Girls were going to be added to the potential lovers list.

Terri turned around and faced the boys as Nancy held her from behind and let her fingers travel down to the hem of Terri's red latex mini-dress. Nancy lifted it and gently fingered the girl's wet quim.

The room of frat boys broke out in cheers.

Despite herself, Nancy was actually having fun. And, why not? Nancy didn't just like sex and kink - she lived for it. Her lovers were, in the end, only objects to her. She was about to have sex with a room full of college boys about half her age and, when the plane landed? It would be nothing more than a memory.

The only thing keeping her from truly enjoying herself in this fantasyland was Eric. She loved him... didn't she? This whole trip had been about their relationship... wasn't it?

The boy being sucked off by the twin pregnant hookers was smiling at her. "Hey, Pole, come here."

A tall, painfully skinny boy with a massive mop of curly blonde hair walked over from where he had been looking out through the panoramic window. "Yeah, Tucker?"

Tucker nodded toward Nancy and then whispered to Pole.

The boy stared at Nancy and went pale.

Two frat boys began fondling Terri and pulled her free of Nancy's grasp. Terri laughed as they half-carried her back to their table, stripping off her latex dress as they did.

Nancy felt naked as Pole and Tucker stared at her - Tucker in amused lust and Pole in embarrassed curiosity.

"Come here, Mama," Tucker said.

Nancy walked toward them.


Nancy whirled as someone slapped her ass.

It was Baphista. "Work that ass for your customers, slut!"

Nancy's eyes flashed with anger.

Baphista's stern expression evaporated. "Please?" She mouthed.

Nancy almost laughed. The terrifying looking demoness was actually gentle and timid as a kitten - and Nancy was beginning to adore her for it. She shook her finger gently at Baphista. "Fine." She turned back to Pole and Tucker.

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