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Trapped, Trained and Twisted Pt. 03

Story Info
Bound abducted girl is brainwashed and learns about edging.
6.9k words

Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/16/2021
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Chapter Four: Further Training.

I felt like I was being stabbed in the head over and over again. My puffy eyes popped open and for a brief moment I forgot where I was. As if the events of the past couple days were terrible nightmares that I was finally waking up from. Much to my chagrin however, the worn lime green shag carpet remained beneath my naked and chained body and I was still a prisoner to a sick pervert. Ten seconds passed and another painful jolt found its way directly into my brain.

I quickly moved my little body up and got on my knees, spread my thighs wide, arched my back and cupped my firm little breasts. I stayed in that position for what seemed like forever, once again feeling my thighs go numb and my arms burn and once again when my position strayed too far from what was acceptable, I received a brutal reminder to correct my pose. I had no concept of time in that basement room. No clocks, no windows to tell me if it was day or night, no idea whether five minutes had passed or five hours since the nasty collar woke me up and forced me into the proper kneeling position.

Finally I heard the echoing sound of footsteps slowly coming down the stairs followed by him entering the room while carefully carrying the now familiar stainless steel dog bowl in one hand and his phone in the other. He placed the bowl in front of me and I immediately moved into the eat position. "No! Bad cunt!" he said with a surprisingly gruff tone. I closed my bright blue eyes and braced myself for a brutal shock. "Get back into the kneel position this instant!" I quickly scrambled back up to my knees, pressing my heels into my naked rear and cupping my breasts wondering what I had done wrong. "What is the Cunt's fourth rule?"

I cleared my throat and my voice was shaky as I answered. "The Cunt will maintain its position until ordered otherwise by its Master."

"And did your Master order you into another position or give you permission to stop kneeling?"

My body was still visibly shuddering out of fear of punishment as I parted my crimson red lips and answered "no Master, you didn't give me permission to stop kneeling or change position."

"Have you learned your lesson or will the Cunt require punishment in order to remember this rule?"

"I've learned my lesson Master and I will remember the rule," I hastily spouted as tears slid down my cheeks.

"Good girl. You have permission to move to the eat position, but remember that you are not to begin eating until I give the command."

I moved back into my eat position, my hands on either side of the gleaming container, ass pointed up; back arched and my firm little breasts touching the floor. My face hovered over the metal bowl and I could smell the chicken broth which at this point seemed like a gourmet meal to me. I was literally salivating like a dog, waiting for the command. He purposely drew this out, watching my body rise and fall with each breath, teasing me, knowing how hungry I was. Finally he opened his mouth and gave me the permission I was waiting for. "The Cunt may eat."

As I greedily began to lap up the broth with my soft pink tongue, he turned toward the whiteboard and added a new rule. Within a couple of minutes my bowl was empty and once again I was sliding my tongue along the metal sides to retrieve every delicious drop as he finished his writing and stepped to the side. "That's enough, The Cunt will resume the kneel position," he commanded, clearly pleased at the enthusiasm with which my tongue had thoroughly cleaned the bowl.

I moved my body back into kneel position, my delicate hands cupping my little breasts as I looked up at the whiteboard and read the new addition.

Rules for The Cunt

1. The Cunt will never speak unless spoken to.

2. The Cunt will obey every command from its Master without hesitation.

3. The Cunt will always display its body without modesty.

4. The Cunt will maintain its position until ordered otherwise by its Master.

5. The Cunt will always address its owner as Master and others as Sir or Ma'am.

6. The Cunt will always thank its Master.

7. The Cunt will speak completely, repeating back what Master has said.

8. The Cunt is not a person, it is a thing and will only use third person.

He glanced over my naked body, noting the stiffness of my puffy pink nipples in the cool basement air. "Did The Cunt obey rule number six after it was fed?"

Once again my skin burned with shame and fear. "No Master. I'm very sorry and I'm thankful for the food Master."

He nodded and gave a slight smile. This marked the second time he showed mercy on me and opted not to punish me for my infraction. I took a deep breath and nervously dug my fingers into my breasts. "Rule number eight is there to remind you that you are not a human. You're an object. Only people use first person when they speak and that doesn't apply to a thing now does it?" I kept silent thinking it was a rhetorical question and fortunately I made the right call. "From now on your collar will give you a level two shock anytime you use words like I, me, my, myself and any other variations. You will refer to yourself as 'The Cunt' or use the pronoun 'it' to describe yourself. I know this one is complicated, but I think you're smart enough to figure it out. It's not like you're going to have a lot to say anymore anyway. Does the Cunt understand?"

I slowly nodded my head and thought carefully about how I would answer without disobeying the new rule. Finally I replied "yes Master, the Cunt understands that it will only be permitted speech in third person."

"Excellent," he said enthusiastically, clearly pleased with my response. "You have very nice udders, you know. Girls have boobs, women have breasts, whores have tits and animals have udders. What are you? Are you a human girl? A woman? A whore? Or a worthless animal?"

He used the term udders to describe my breasts and I knew he was looking to degrade and dehumanize me so the correct answer, at least in his mind, seemed clear. "The Cunt is a worthless animal Master," I answered in a weak voice.

"That's right. You are a worthless animal. You are nothing. You are inferior to everything and everyone. You would do well to remember that," he imparted as my cheeks turned a bright shade red from the humiliation of what he said and the words he forced me to utter from my own lips. "You have a new position to learn. This one is called 'greet'. It's very much like the eat position except you'll have your forehead on the floor and your hands behind your back. Go ahead and try it."

As much as I abhorred following this creep's commands I hated the punishments even more and I knew that I just had to bide my time, play his game and look for a weakness, an opening, anything that would help me escape. In the meantime, I had to put on a good performance, not only to earn his trust in order to gain greater freedoms and opportunities but also to keep from having my brain fried. I slowly moved into the eat position, raised my firm rear, curved my spine downward as my forehead pressed to the floor and pulled my slender arms behind me as I interlocked my fingers together. "Lift your hips more. The hole of your ass should point toward the ceiling, and spread your thighs more as well, your whore hole must be on display and accessible," he instructed. I shuffled my knees, hearing the clattering of the heavy chain that held me in place and raised my hips further, hoping it was enough to satisfy him.

I watched his black leather shoes through my peripheral vision as he stepped around me until I knew that his gaze was fixed upon my exposed anus and vagina. He stood back there for the longest time, no doubt just staring at my vulnerable position and I wondered if this would be the moment in which I would be raped. Nevertheless, I kept my forehead firmly planted on the rug and did my best not to move a muscle. I could feel his eyes boring into the abyss of my tight puckered anus and gaping at the pink flesh of my bare vagina.

The rape that I was expecting never occurred however. Quite the contrary, he didn't even lay a finger on my naked body. When he was finished taking in the exhibition of my lithe frame, he stepped back around me until he stood directly in front of my head. "This position is called greet. You will remember it and you will get into the greet position whenever you are commanded to do so. Is that clear?"

"Yes Master, the Cunt understands that this is the greet position."

"You may return to the kneel position now."

I pushed my weight onto my hands and slid my knees forward and arched upwards, pressing my heels into my rear, spreading my thighs and cupping my breasts as before."

"Next I have a little audio recording project that I want for you to complete." He pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket, opened it up and held it in front of my face with one hand. I blinked several times to try and focus my tired, swollen eyes on the long list of phrases that filled the page. "You will read each phrase slowly in an even tone of voice."

I nodded and replied "Yes Master, the Cunt will read each phrase as you instructed," as his sausage-like fingers fumbled to hit the record button on his phone. Finally he was ready and signaled that I was to begin. "You are the Cunt," I said, feeling shame upon hearing the words escape my pouty cherry lips. "You exist only for your Master," I continued. "You are devoted to your Master. You are nothing without your Master. Obedience is pleasure. You feel aroused when your Master praises you. You feel pleasure when your Master is pleased with you. You want to please your Master."

There must have been a couple hundred such phrases and my despicable abductor forced me to say each and everyone one of them. I had no idea why he wanted me to say such things. Was it simply to degrade me or did he have some other nefarious plan in mind? I kept telling myself to be strong and that I was going to get through this and that everything would be just fine. It made me feel better to grasp on to such thoughts, but a part of me wondered if I wasn't simply lying to myself and clinging to false hope.

Chapter Five: Deterioration.

My life had become a routine of reciting my rules in a countless loop as well as reaffirming my standing as the Cunt and my perverted captor's status as my Master. I also was forced to practice moving fluidly from one position to the next on command. Occasionally he would fill my shiny steel dog bowl with cold chicken broth or sometimes cold oatmeal. In a fit of generosity he even gifted me with a second dog bowl that he topped off with water from time to time. I tried to remember my friends and family but my mantras and training easily drowned out such thoughts which were dismissed as quickly as they entered my foggy head.

I couldn't say how long I had been holding the pee position for. My smooth thighs and shapely calf muscles pressed together in a squat as I arched my back, thrust out my little breasts and gripped my delicate pink labium between the thumb and forefinger of each of my small hands, spreading myself wide. It was certainly long enough for my legs to burn and my body to shake, but I had learned the lesson well to maintain my position lest the cruel overlord around my neck provide me with a painful correction. The itchiness in my scalp was driving me crazy but I dared not move my fingers to scratch. It was just one more layer of torture that I was forced to endure

Every so often the man who forced me to call him my Master would allow me to sleep, though it was never for very long and lately it was always with the recording of my own voice playing softly in the background, the reminders of my intended place in the world seeping into the far reaches of my addled brain. Even now as I held position waiting for him to return I heard my own voice echoing through the room on the recording followed by the scratchy whispers of my own voice repeating the words as Master commanded me to do.

"You are the Cunt," my voice said on the recording.

"I am the Cunt," I repeated.

"Your Master owns your body."

"Master owns my body."

"You are lucky to have such a generous and caring Master."

"I am lucky to have such a generous and caring Master."

And so it went for an indeterminable amount of time. Over and over, hearing and repeating every word and every line until they were practically a part of my being. As I heard his footsteps clopping on the stairs a sense of relief flowed through my little body. He entered the room and I immediately bowed my gaze to the floor as he had taught me. I could sense him staring at my naked body, his eyes piercing through my spread vagina, noting the curve of my ass as I shakily held my squat.

"You may greet your Master," he commanded.

I moved into the greet position as quickly as my numb legs would allow with the heavy chain that secured me to this place rattling loudly as I did. I pressed my forehead to the surface of the moldy lime green rug, lowered my firm little breasts to the floor, arched my spine and raised my bare ass before hooking my delicate fingers together behind my stretched back. "Thank you Master for allowing the inferior cunt to greet its Master," I said exactly as I had been taught and had rehearsed countless times in his presence. He took a step forward and pushed his black leather shoe under my forehead. This had become a more recent addition to our greet routine and one that I was still adjusting to. I lifted my head, placed my full crimson lips on the smooth leather and kissed it in a show of submission.

"Very good, you're getting better at that," he praised me. "No hesitation at all this time. You have made your Master proud. Get into display position."

I turned around, rolled over on to my back and raised my slender legs in the air, grabbing my ankles and spreading them as widely as I while pulling my feet up near my ears. My lower back and rear arched off the floor presenting my puckered little anus and the delicate folds of my vagina in full view. He visually inspected me further, every inch of my naked little body visible as I lay still, feeling a slight strain in my legs from the stretching and thankful for all of the yoga classes I attended prior to being abducted by this wicked beast.

He waved his hand in front of his nose and made a face. "You smell disgusting and you look even worse. You should be ashamed of yourself for being this repulsive. Your hair is a mess, your body smells like garbage and your breath is revolting." My skin burned with shame and humiliation at his words even as he exited the room leaving me on full display. I knew he wasn't wrong. I had no idea how long it had been since I was kidnapped, but I was acutely aware that I hadn't bathed since it happened. I was always so hygienic, taking great effort to care for myself which made my current filthy condition all the more degrading. He returned a few minutes later with a large mirror that he set up on the floor near the whiteboard well out of my reach. "You may kneel and view yourself."

I got into my kneel position, spreading my thighs and cupping my firm breasts and stared at my reflection; I barely recognized myself. My hair was a wild matted mess, my eyes were puffy and bloodshot, my cheeks were red, my skin was blotchy and my ribs were prominent; no doubt the result of receiving such little sustenance. I wondered how much weight I had lost; at least ten or fifteen pounds and even my breasts looked a cup size smaller.

I continued to gaze at myself for several minutes until Master returned with a stainless steel bucket filled with water, a bar of soap and a bottle of shampoo all of which he deposited next to a drain in the floor of the cold, hard concrete that covered most of the ground except the small patch where the rug was located. "The Cunt will come here and resume its kneeling position," he ordered. I had learned that when ordered to come, it meant crawl as if I were an animal. I got on all fours as I had been taught, arched my back, raised my ass and crept onward slowly on hands and reddened knees, swaying my hips with each movement forward until I was off the rug and on to the rough cement floor. I reached the drain just as my collar chain began to pull taut against my slender neck where I resumed my kneel position.

"You will bathe yourself thoroughly whenever you are commanded to do so, is that understood?"

"Yes Master, the Cunt will bathe itself when its Master commands," I replied as I had been trained.

"You may begin. I expect every inch of you to be clean or you will face punishment. And don't worry about getting your collar wet, it's water resistant." Once again Master left the room and after a moment to collect my thoughts I realized that this was the first time in recent memory that I wasn't holding a forced position while awake. I poured a small amount of water over my rotten head until my long dark locks were soaked. I used the shampoo to thoroughly scrub my tresses before giving it a good rinse, and proceeding to use the soap to scour my little body. My lean right leg was glistening with a combination of soap and water when Master returned with a box in his arms which he set down near the wall, within my reach.

"In the box you will find shaving implements, a toothbrush and toothpaste and a hairbrush. You will ensure that there is not one single strand of hair or stubble on your body below your collar, including between your legs. You will be inspected and you will be punished thoroughly if you do not pass inspection, is that clear?"

"Yes Master," I said as I repeated his command back to him.

"As with bathing, you will brush your teeth and shave whenever I, your Master, command it. I will be back shortly and I expect for you to be presentable upon my return."

"Yes Master, thank you for your generosity Master."

He nodded and once again left me in solitude to cleanse my body and contemplate what this latest development might mean, if anything. After scrubbing the filth from my delicate skin, I lathered up my legs and used the Venus razor to make them silky smooth again before carefully lathering and shaving around the delicate folds of my pussy and perineum all the way back to my little puckered anus. Finally I removed the patch of dark hair that graced my pubic mound. I vigilantly inspected myself, noting how different I looked down there now. I was so bald and hairless, so exposed. I couldn't help but to think about how in keeping with my rule number three the new look of my pubic area was; the Cunt will display its body without any modesty. With no hair to cover or protect my sex, indeed any modesty that may have existed between my legs was now gone.

After brushing my teeth I twisted and wrung my hair over the drain and brushed out the tangles until the long wet strands hung in straight lines down my back before planting my rear on the cold cement floor. Droplets of water dripped slowly down my goose bump covered skin. Even my nipples were hard as they jutted off my small breasts. Lacking a towel, I had no choice but to sit still, drawing my knees up to my chest as I shivered in the cool air. I wasn't sure if it was the lack of sleep or food, or the sound of my voice convincing me that I was just a piece of property known as the Cunt, or if there really were drugs in my food, but lately I was feeling a lot more docile, calm and relaxed. As I sat naked and dripping, I wondered if perhaps this was fate. Maybe I was meant to be here and existing as the Cunt was what I was supposed to be all along.

My life continued on as it had, my time spent almost exclusively on holding positions, reciting rules and repeating a litany of mantras but with the added bathing commands that were thrown in every once in a while. It was after my third bath that I noticed my throat becoming painfully sore. Not long after that, my nose began to run and my eyes started watering. I knew I was getting sick but how could I possibly communicate that to my Master? Would he notice on his own and even if he did, what if anything would he do about it?


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