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Trapped With A Centaur

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A mercenary duo become stuck inside a cabin together.
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It had been two weeks of traveling for the mercenary duo, Lila and Tyremus: an arduous journey through a snowy mountain pass to reach the small town of Davensbrook on the other side. The client requesting their services there was said to be a portly bald man with missing teeth but very full pockets teeming with gold. Getting to the town had been more of an annoyance than the two suspected the actual job would be. Poor weather, sleepless nights, and a variety of monster attacks all stacked together to make the journey quite miserable.

The mercenary company Lila and Tyremus were a part of sent them specifically because they had complementary skill sets. While Lila was skilled in the use of a variety of magics, Tyremus was an adept warrior who specialized in melee combat -- specifically with a spear.

"Is it much farther?" Groaned Lila, whose knees felt like they were about to crumble.

"No. It's just up ahead." The burly centaur Tyremus responded, the slightest hint of annoyance in his voice.

Much like the two had different specialties, their appearances were vastly different as well. Anyone who spotted the unusual duo walking side by side tended to either gawk or quirk a brow. Some were simply prone to moving away quickly from them, afraid of the two unfamiliar races.

Lila was an amalgamation of a human and a lioness, the unusual result of a spell gone awry. Her head was feline, similar to a lioness, including everything from a muzzle to sharp white fangs. But her soft hazel eyes -- a remnant from when she was fully human -- were inviting and betrayed her body's rather animalistic nature. Most of her entire hourglass-shaped figure was covered in soft, short white fur, and swaying behind her was a long tail that often helped with feats of balance. Despite being an oddity among human folk, she still had no difficulty entrancing men with her curvy form, including her lush breasts and shapely backside. This was especially true when she often playfully goaded them on with some suggestive body language.

Tyremus was an uncommon humanoid as well, and not completely unlike Lila's fusion of two species. But he was instead born a centaur, which most could immediately recognize as a combination of horse and man. The species was known as generally being rather reclusive in their ways, keeping to themselves in the deep forests and living off the land.

Tyremus himself was particularly imposing even among centaurs, tall and stocky, with a hair-dappled barrel chest covered with various scars from battle. His face looked like it had been chiseled from granite, framed with shoulder-length black hair and a full thick beard. Many would find themselves trembling beneath his stoic gaze, his vigilant eyes unceasing in their search for impending dangers.

His lower half was entirely equine, albeit most horses would have difficulty matching up to his chestnut brown, burly form, which exuded raw strength. Resting along his back and haunches was a long grey caparison that housed multiple attached bags as well as served to cover his genitals from prying eyes.

The duo was trekking along a snow-covered road, surrounded by rows of pine trees and further beyond the unyielding walls of the mountain pass. Above them, the setting sun dictated a sense of urgency, lest they be caught traveling in the dark with both the frigid temperatures and unfriendly wildlife to deal with.

"Now you said you owned this cabin, right?" Lila asked, bundling her arms across her chest to alleviate the cold. Even with fur and her oversized coat, the still air nipped at her flesh.

"It was a gift." Tyremus began, his voice deep and authoritative. "A human I helped many years ago gave it to me as recompense." He turned his head down to look upon his ally as they walked. "Of course, we had to make some adjustments to better suit it for a Centaur such as myself..."

The two turned the corner of a wall of trees, revealing an unassuming little cabin nestled beneath a snowy hill. It seemed ordinary enough, composed of many stacked logs and having a few frost covered-windows embedded between the walls. A little chimney poked out from the top of the blanket of snow covering the roof. Perhaps the most striking feature was the metallic front door, which took up the majority of the wall and looked entirely out of place.

"...Such as the entrance." He stifled a chuckle and transitioned into a trot towards it.

Lila smirked and followed behind him quickly, needing no incentive to escape from the cold. She didn't care what the cabin looked like so long as it offered shelter and comfort, both things that their journey so far had lacked.

As the two drew closer to the massive door, an arrow suddenly sliced through the air over Lila's head, sinking into a snow bank nearby.

She jerked her head back, eyes widening at the sight: a pack of scowling, unkempt men had emerged from the cover of the trees and were closing in on them. Many were armed with swords or daggers, but a few of them carried bows that were poised to fire.

"Bandits! It's an ambush!" She shrieked at Tyremus and rushed to his side.

Tyremus whirred around to face them immediately while drawing the iron spear from his back. Lila ducked behind his massive frame, her head poking out behind his caparison to keep the bandits in sight.

"I should have known this pass would be prone to robberies. It does see frequent travel by merchants," Tyremus muttered. Tightly holding his spear in front of his chest, he was ready to strike at a moment's notice. He glanced from bandit to bandit, sizing them up both in armaments and physical appearance, planning out his attack.

"We're good in a fight, but not that good!" Lila stated with a panting breath. "We should retreat into the cabin. I have a spell that should be able to hold them off!" Her hand jabbed inside one of the small bags attached to her companion. It rooted around inside it for a moment before pulling from it a simple silver key.

Another arrow was loosed, soaring towards Tyremus this time. It was precisely aimed, but he twirled his spear gracefully and deflected it with ease. A few of the bandits exchanged worried glances as the muscled Centaur grew continuously more intimidating by the moment.

"Hmph. I think we could take them." He huffed. "But I will follow your lead." He began stepping back towards the door, still acting as a shield for Lila. More arrows flew at him sporadically but were unable to breach his adept handling of the spear.

Lila turned to unlock the door with as much haste as she could muster. She knew it was only a matter of time before the bandits with melee weapons surrounded them, and she wagered that when it got to that point even Tyremus and all of his skill wouldn't be able to appropriately defend from multiple angles.

Her slender fingers were nearly numb from the cold, but still able to unlock the door nonetheless, prying the massive iron construct open partially with a metallic groan. But upon hastily removing the key from the hole, it slipped between her fingers and fell into a small, icy crevice.

"Shit." Lila cursed, giving a glance down at the key which was clearly beyond her reach.

She ignored it and slipped inside the cabin, pushing the door further open so that her larger ally could follow suit. Tyremus glanced behind him to verify the way was open before nimbly hopping backward through the opening Lila had created. Safely inside, he slammed the door shut with both hands, blocking another flying arrow that struck against the metal exterior and fell limply to the ground.

Loud, commanding shouts rang outside between the bandits from different directions as they all began to swarm the cabin. Tyremus clutched the hefty door handle tightly and looked at Lila with gritted teeth.

"Best hurry it up with whatever it is you were planning!" His muscled arms flexed as he felt the first attempt at a bandit trying to pry open the door. But the single man was simply no match against Tyremus' robust form. A dozen bandits combined, however, would likely be a problem.

Lila nodded, weaving her hands through the air in a dazzling display of blue magical energy. After a moment, she slammed both the palms of her hands into the floor with a booming crackle. Blue tethers of the energy radiated outwards along the cabin's floor and collided with each of the walls and ceiling, radiating through them in an ominous glow.

There were faint sounds of the confused bandits outside conversing over what this sudden development meant when they were interrupted by the thunderous crack of ice shattering, which rang out from the cabin's walls.

Thick spires of ice rose from the exterior of the dwelling, shooting up into the air like thick daggers and surrounding the cabin like that of a prison cell. The few bandits who had set upon the structure narrowly managed to stumble away in time to avoid getting impaled upon the jagged arching ice.

Tyremus peered out from one of the nearby windows to watch the magic unfold. He quietly observed how the bandits fled from the ice like they had experienced being caught in a mage's spell prior. It wasn't long before the window itself was blocked by one of the many ice spires, obstructing his view and leaving him disappointed. He had hoped to continue watching the unprepared highwayman in their likely futile quest to overcome the magical obstacle.

The distinct sound of cracking ice faded shortly after, the traces of blue energy fading and signaling the completion of the spell.

"Will it hold?" He turned from the window and gave Lila a stony gaze.

She stood up from her crouch and looked up at him, face weary from both the exhaustive spell and the journey. "Unless they happen to have their own practitioner of magic hiding among the trees, I would say yes." She dusted her hands off and turned to examine the interior of the cabin. "The ice won't break by conventional means." She continued. "That includes to man-made steel or fire."

The centaur gave a silent nod. He vaguely heard the sound of someone outside trying to hack away at the ice, before cursing loudly and shouting at his allies. Tyremus ignored this, and joined Lila in appraising the state of the cabin's inside; it had been a few years since he had last visited.

The interior was rather simple and did not contain much in terms of decor. It consisted of one large room, with an empty shelf against the back wall, a sizeable bed against the side, and lastly an old fireplace sunken into the wall opposite. Next to that was a wide archway with a deep blue curtain stretched down over its entrance. Finally, the last noteworthy piece to keep the main room from looking rather barren was the large, black bear skin rug stretched out in front of the fireplace and accenting it nicely. The room was dimly lit by the fading light outside, which struggled to breech through the thick ice spires barricading the windows.

Being rather surprised by the lack of furnishings inside, Lila was additionally curious about a few other things she couldn't help but notice. "I didn't think a centaur would need a bed..." She said, taking a seat upon it. The bed had been neatly made with a wool blanket pulled over the top to a simple pillow, but both smelt rather old and musty.

"Hmph. We don't." Tyremus replied. His ears perked up at the sounds of the bandits growing more distant. After a silent pause to listen he resumed talking. "It's just one of the things I decided to leave in here when the cabin was passed on to me."

"Well, I'm not complaining!" She gave a weak little laugh and sprawled out onto her back tiredly. Her tail flicked to and fro as she snuggled against the worn pillow. She could feel her eyes shutting on their own accord, pleading for the opportunity to finally rest. "It's still kind of cold in here though." She slipped her coat off and loosely set it to cover her legs.

Tyremus appraised her with a watchful eye. He gave a subtle sweep down her neck and the creamy white fur covering it, before moving past. His gaze arrived at her cropped linen top, where he lingered on her prominent cleavage for a long moment before he shook his head away and scolded himself internally for starting to develop inappropriate thoughts.

"I'll start a fire." He turned away to trot across the rug to the fireplace. Next to the alcove in the wall were a couple of wooden logs and a bundle of twigs that he had previously placed with foresight. He lowered his hulking equine body down to begin preparing the kindling. "We'll leave at sunrise tomorrow."

Lila's eyes snapped open instantly. She leaned up from her position and began to say something, before stopping herself and further hesitating. She didn't want to tell him the bad news but felt that not telling him might be even worse. "Well... actually, that ice spell I used..." She bit her lower lip. "It's going to last a bit longer than that."

Tyremus' back stiffened. He tilted his head back to look over his shoulder, his face hardening. "How much longer?"

She swallowed the lump in her throat and

reluctantly met his cold gaze. "Uhm. About another day's worth..."

The reaction in Tyremus was immediate and startling. He stood up and spun around to face her, his lips curling into an enraged snarl. "You've trapped us inside here for more than a days length?! We were supposed to meet the client tomorrow you reckless fool!"

She was at a loss for words. The repercussions of casting the spell were something she had been aware of. But she was more interested in selfishly taking an extended break from the endless walking, damn the consequences. So what if the client had to wait a bit longer? They would still get the job done and do it with ease.

Lila averted her eyes from him. "Sorry." She muttered with reluctance.

But Tyremus wasn't going to let the issue drop so easily. His hooves stomped across the wooden floor, making the room feel like it was shaking until he reached the bedside and towered over Lila like the behemoth he was. His eyes flared with a heated, uncontrolled rage for the briefest of moments. But then he leaned his head and upper body down towards hers and spoke quietly yet firmly. "I expected better from you." Then he turned away and stormed off to his prior position at the fireplace alcove.

For a moment Lila thought he was going to strike her with one of his brawny hands. Just one good, firm smack to punish her poor choices. Maybe she deserved it. She could feel her heart pounding against her chest and she had to take a long breath of relief when he moved away. Lila had never seen him so angry. Although, she had never seen him display much emotion in general. Throughout their travels he had always been like a stone wall, forever blocking her attempts to get to know him better. Finishing mercenary work was the only thing he ever seemed to be interested in, and even then he remained rather apathetic.

But another part of her mind was strangely piqued by her centaur companion, just now. For a moment there when he was looming over her, fuming, she felt the briefest pang of unfettered lust, despite the situation being anything but erotic. She couldn't lie to herself: Tyremus' burly form shadowing hers while he huffed in anger had been quite arousing. There would be nothing to stop him from deciding to pin her hands and body into the bed while he mounted her with his equine form.

The preposterous idea of it was disturbing... and yet tantalizing. But she quickly dismissed such thoughts and rolled onto her side. A good night's rest was all she needed right now. She nestled her head against the pillow once more and gave in to the throes of sleep. The last thing she heard before her consciousness faded was Tyremus giving a satisfied grunt as flames crackled to life before him.


Lila's sleep was far from uneventful. Her head spun with visions of an unsettling dream, one that she had never experienced before.

In this dream, she rests face up on a bed outside, in the warm sunlight, and completely at peace. But suddenly Tyremus materializes from nowhere, his form blocking out the sunlight while he stares down at her with a furious scowl. She looks down and notices that her clothes are missing from her body, leaving her entirely nude, her lush breasts and pink slit exposed before the menacing centaur. She wants to cover herself but each limb feels frozen in place. Her struggle against the invisible binds that hold her is futile, and she looks back up to Tyremus, who is now grinning down at her vulnerable body, his eyes filled with a crazed, lecherous hunger.

In what feels like slow motion, he begins propping his front legs up over Lila and against a wall, sliding them higher and higher while shifting closer with his back half. His slanted underside shadows her form as his lower body comes into view. Bobbing between his lower legs is a huge equine penis, including two sizable balls dangling beneath. It stiffens excitedly as he draws his hindquarters down lower and lower, his flaring cock aiming directly for her unprotected opening! She can only watch helplessly as the thick organ draws closer, and closer, the fat glans about to press hard into her puffy lower lips and --

Lila blinked her eyes open with an alarmed gasp. A loud crackle from the fireplace had startled her awake, and she felt the typical lapse of disorientation run its course while she got her bearings by glancing about the room.

Her head tilted down to her body, wondering why she felt damp with arousal. But then the unusual dreams popped back fresh into her mind, including all of their filthy details. Had she just imagined having sex with Tyremus? Again? The thought had never crossed her mind before... until today. He always seemed far too distant and emotionally void for her to think of him as anything other than a disciplined soldier with the singular goal to serve as a mercenary. And he was a centaur. A very large centaur. Which was a fact she had decided was becoming more appealing by the minute.

She let her mind lewdly ponder on how their two bodies might fit together. An image of the captivating cock from her dream flashed in her head. Surely he couldn't actually have something like that tucked underneath his equine body. The prospect of answering that question made her subconsciously begin salivating. She simply had to know!

Leaning up from the bed, she finally realized that Tyremus wasn't in the room. She glanced about to look for him, but there wasn't exactly anywhere to hide, given his size.

Her head turned to a window. The strong glow from the fireplace warmly illuminated the interior, but the contrasting darkness outside the icicle-barred windows made it clear that it remained quite late and that they were still both very much trapped inside.

But then her eyes turned and came across the archway in the wall veiled by a blue curtain, which led somewhere she had not yet investigated. A bathroom?

Her suspicions were confirmed when the distinct sound of a stream of liquid splashing into a container rang out towards her; Tyremus was relieving himself.

The first reaction Lila had to this realization was to just roll over and go back to bed. Giving him some space after their little spat seemed like the best idea. And getting some proper sleep felt like an important priority. But as she continued listening to that annoyingly loud sound emanating from behind the curtain, lust reared its head once more. It clawed itself into her thoughts, wrapping around her brain, pulling at her to sneak over and sate the newfound curiosity about what a centaur penis might actually look like.

It was an idea too tantalizing to ignore.

She quickly sat fully upright and stared over at that simple blue curtain by the corner of the room. It was now or never. Just one quick peek, she thought. He would never even know she was there.

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