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TRC - Lord of the Glass Desert Ch. 34

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Worked up. Strategy. Sportsmanship.
9.9k words

Part 34 of the 42 part series

Updated 03/26/2024
Created 09/03/2020
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The monster girl camp and magic fighting arena were located on a long but shallow hill to the north of Sayaka. The higher elevation gave Ichiro, Kal, and Kashka an excellent view of the massive human camp and the arenas in the southern fields as they walked back toward town. The three nearly made it to the edge of the monster girl's camp before the pika-girl, who had been riding the eldest brother in Zakku and Dioga's bath, caught up to them.

"I'll cheer you on," she said while struggling to pull her shirt down over her damp breasts.

Kal knew from experience that Dioga could leave you completely dry if given only a few seconds. The girl must have jumped out of the tub to follow them.

Ichiro gave her a questioning look. "Are you certain? I'm not sure I should trust your motives. The sooner I lose, the sooner you get what you want."

"You have a good point, but I don't mind waiting if I get to be with one of the winners after Ikuno has her way with you. Especially if what you said back there is true, and you don't mind giving out daughters to us monster girls," she said, running her hands over an imaginary pregnant belly. The pika pulled a bright white armband from a belt pouch and slipped it on. Last night Dioga began cleaning the monster girl contestants' clothing and strips of fabric for the armbands. She didn't particularly care for being a laundry but agreed that the monster girls deserved to look good as they competed, even if they came from slums or lived alone deep in the forest. "Plus," the pika continued, tapping the armband, "maybe later you can cheer me on."

"You're fighting?" said the brother

"I may not be strong, but I am very quick."

"If you've never fought a monster girl, don't underestimate them," Kal told Ichiro. "They often have abilities and weapons we humans don't. I'm curious what hers is."

The eldest brother gave him a look like Kal had said the most stupidly obvious thing in the world before turning to the rodent-girl next to him. "You can't shoot lightning out of your tail, can you?"

"What? No. Where would you get that idea? Besides, have you seen my tail?" the woman said, twisting her rear toward them and pointing at a tiny lump at the top of her shorts wiggling back and forth. "The mage is right, though. But you'll have to watch me fight if you want to see what my secret weapon is."

"Maybe you two could do some sparring?" Kashka suggested.

"We're both fighters. Sparring with him would be foreplay," said the pika with a mischievious grin.

The mage and assassin shared a knowing smile. "Fair point."

"I'll admit I didn't expect your company beyond the bath. Could I know the name of the woman cheering for me?" Ichiro asked, giving her a half bow as they continued walking toward his camp.

"Yua, daughter of Yui, the mountain pika," she replied.

"And I am Ichiro, first son of Junichiro Mori, head of the second house of Soma."

Kal bowed his head toward her. "I'm Kal, the Runesmith of the small western town of Telsin."

"My name is Kashka. I'm Kal's bodyguard and servant," the cat said with a wave.

"And lover," Kal added.

Yua dipped her head in response to each of them. "That explains why you didn't let any other girls sleep with you yesterday," she said before looking back at Ichiro. "Second house of Soma? You're a noble?"

Ichiro nodded.

"But no entourage? Bodyguards?"

"Bah," said the brother with a dismissive wave. "I leave the strutting about like a cock with new feathers to the other nobles. I'll get more than my fill of posturing and displays of power once father passes on. Until then, I plan on enjoying my freedom from that life and traveling the lands of Azumbaho with my brothers."

"You don't worry about an assassin's dagger?" asked Kashka.

"I do, and that's why I rarely travel alone. Nao is the only one who doesn't seem to care, but he also has magics to protect himself, which is why we left him at camp this morning. Also," Ichiro pointed into the ocean of tents, "we don't leave ourselves completely unprotected."

Following the line of the brother's finger, Kal made out a small camp with three men standing guard over three rectangular tents set in a triangle. Light smoke rose from a campfire in the middle.

Kal glanced over at Ichiro. "You didn't have enough packed on your horses to have three tents that size."

"You're one to talk," the brother shot back.

"You have a point, but my tent is magic and folds up into a tiny square that fits in a pouch."

"And whose to say my brothers and I don't?"

Kal shrugged. "True. I've seen others that fold up in a similar manner."

The brother laughed and clapped Kal on the shoulder. "I'm only joking. While I do enjoy traveling with just my brothers, for an event like this, we send our men ahead to secure a spot and set up camp. I'm not much for the bowing and scraping of nobility, but I will use my family's riches to make my life a little easier if I can. If I could get my hands on a tent, or three, like yours, I would be willing to pay good coin for them."

"Sadly, mine is not for sale. The woman who gave it to me may want it back when she gets here."

Ichiro looked sharply at Kal. "The woman who...? Kal, did Ikuno give you that tent?"

"I said nothing of the sort."

"No, but I can see in your eyes I've hit close to the truth. I'm getting the feeling there's more to your and her story than just helping your mother conceive. Ah... there's that look again. If I'm not right, I'm very close."

"You're entirely too perceptive, Ichiro," said Kal trying to keep his face impassive.

"Your warning about not getting our hopes up if we win makes more sense now."

"What do you mean?" asked Yua, looking between the men in confusion.

Kashka leaned forward as they walked. "It might be wise to stay in the dark about this. It doesn't really affect you and could cause an uproar if word gets out. Less chance to slip up and say something you shouldn't."

"But you know what they're talking about?"

Kashka nodded. "Kal and I have a magical bond that lets us see each other's thoughts."

The pika's eyes lit up. "Ohhh, that sounds interesting. Does he ever have to ask you to fuck, or do you just bend over in front of him whenever he gets hard? Wait... does this mean she can help you during your matches?"

"That feels like cheating," Ichiro chuckled. "But magic is allowed for their fights, so I imagine it will pass."

"While we are on the subject, do you know what is and isn't allowed as far as magic?" Kal asked.

"Nothing long range and nothing that causes destruction over a large area. But combatants are supposed to be using magic to enhance their battle prowess, not lobbing spells at one another. If there are any other rules, you will need to ask Nao."

"Maybe I just need to go by the stable and get a refresher on all the rules before I accidentally make an ass of myself or get disqualified."

They chatted until coming upon the prostitutes with painted faces.

"Disgusting," Ichiro muttered.

"I have some very good friends who are whores," said Kal, his voice terse.

"Oh, I have no issue with them plying their trade but to paint their faces in such a manner." Seeing Kal and Kashka's confusion, he continued. "My father occasionally hires women to come and entertain him or a visiting noble. These women are of the highest quality. They can play many different musical instruments, have wonderful voices, are experts in calligraphy, and more. During their performances, they paint their faces and do their hair similar to those women," he said, gesturing toward the human women who were stoically ignoring the two men walking with monster girls. "That common whores would mimic suck fine women is what I find disgusting."

"I guess I can understand you not wanting your entertainers thought of as prostitutes."

"Make no mistake, the women I speak of are prostitutes. Men will give a small fortune for the pleasure of breaking one's maidenhead. However, as with their performances, their skills in bed are unmatched."

"And you've slept with one of these women?" Yua asked.

Ichiro nodded. "A gift at my coming of age ceremony from my father to keep my eyes from wandering toward women like you."

The pika peered over at Kashka and flashed her a grin. "I feel challenged," she giggled.

"Not until after the tournament," the brother warned as they left the prostitutes behind and approached the road that brought them into town yesterday.

As they crossed the road, a haze of campfire smoke hung in the air carrying the smell of various cooked meats and vegetables. People carrying bowls formed lines leading up to large cauldrons filled with meaty-smelling broth. For two coppers, a nearby table put cooked noodles in your bowl before filling it with the soup. Logs split in half became makeshift benches as contestants, supporters, and staff alike sat around slurping broth or bringing the noodles to their mouths with two bamboo sticks while chatting excitedly about the upcoming matches.

After weaving through the tents, the mage and his companions finally arrived at the three brother's camp. The guards by each tent's entrance dipped their heads toward Ichiro before continuing to scan the area for threats. Kal wondered how they could hope to determine what was a threat amid such a multitude of people.

"So, you can't get off until you win or lose the tournament? But you can still do everything leading up to it, right?" Yua asked Ichiro with a sly grin as they turned toward his tent.

The brother's expression was unreadable as he stopped and stared at the woman. Ichiro's hand lashed out, streaking toward her face. Yua deflected the punch just as fast, grabbing his forearm. It took some help from Kashka's point of view for Kal to realize Ichiro never intended to hurt the pika and aimed his punch slightly to the side.

Yua didn't share Kal's doubts and slid her hand up and down his arm suggestively. "Foreplay?" she asked, licking her lips.

Ichiro's hand opened and snapped to the back of her head, grabbing a handful of hair. The pika gasped, but her eyes showed no fear as he pulled her head back. The eldest brother spun and marched the woman the rest of the way to his tent. The guard standing nearby nonchalantly pulled the flap covering the tent's entrance to the side as Ichiro roughly tossed Yua inside. The pika hopped and spun like a dancer before falling onto the large, soft pad of Ichiro's bed.

Yua landed on her bottom and rolled backwards, kicking her legs up into the air she pushed up into a handstand as Ichiro entered the tent behind her. The pika lowered her head to the pad and swiftly unfastened her shorts while maintaining her balance. Bending at the waist, Yua pulled her shorts off as she rolled toward Ichiro. She came to rest on her back with the garment hanging off her foot and kicked them to the side before spreading her legs invitingly. Yua smiled in anticipation as Ichiro yanked his pants down and dropped to his knees on the pad.

"This morning was fun," she snarled as he rubbed his cock over her sopping pussy. "But I bet your soft entertainer women can't fuck like a fighter."

"Oh, you are a treat," he growled before slamming his cock into the woman. Yua let out an ear-splitting squeak as their hips came together that made Kal, Kashka, and even the guards wince.

The cat and mage glanced at the guard still holding the flap open as he now peered inside to watch Ichiro viciously fuck the pika-girl. His eyes met theirs for a brief moment.

The man shrugged and said, "Perks of the job" before looking back inside.

Kal glanced around and saw the other two guards were also watching Ichiro try to fuck the pika through the cushion of his bed and into the ground below. He couldn't blame them. It was quite the sight and was having no small effect on him and Kashka.

The pika shoved Ichiro away, and Kal could feel the anger of denial radiating off the man.

"Now go out there and win," she said, staring him in the eyes.

Ichiro took a deep breath that he let out as a growl directed at the pika. Yua shivered from the sound as her mouth split into a wide grin.

"I need to wrap my arms and legs first."

Yua stripped off her shirt as she stood up. "I'll help."


When Ichiro and Yua emerged from his tent a short while later, the man looked ready to murder. They had heard the pika moan in obvious pleasure at least once and heard a few instances of vigorous sucking after the guard let the door flap fall back into place.

"Remember, killing your opponent is an immediate disqualification," said Kal as they made their way to Sayaka's southern fields and the roped-off fighting rings.

Ichiro glared at Yua before saying. "It might be worth it if I get to fuck her sooner."

Kal was taken aback by the man's vehemence but noted the pika's face glowing in triumph behind him.

The eldest brother had gone shirtless and changed into a pair of blue shorts with his family crest embroidered in silver thread. He explained that the shorts and lack of shirt gave grappling opponents less to grab on to.

His hands, forearms, and lower legs were now wrapped with strips of linen. Ichiro bumped his knuckles together. "The wraps maintain proper wrist alignment when punching, reducing my chances of breaking a wrist. They also keep me from skinning my knuckles or shins during the fight. Since I'm less likely to hurt myself, I can hit harder."

Kal maintained his physique during his travels since strength spells enhanced the natural strength you already possessed. But compared to the brother's toned body, he felt almost flabby.

They eventually made their way to the arenas, where six lines of contestants queued for inspection.

"Notice how many fighters also have their arms and legs wrapped?" Ichiro asked as he stepped into a line. "The judges are checking for enchantments or weights beneath the wrappings. I don't think they'll find much. Getting caught breaking the rules from this point and beyond gets you disqualified, and there are no appeals."

"Has your brother ever gotten thrown out of one of these tournaments?"

"Asahi? Never. But Nao has a few times. More for being an ass to the judges than because of something he actually did wrong."

"I'm less than surprised," said Kashka. "Does he usually sleep in? I heard him rustling around in his tent when Yua squeaked, but I think he fell back asleep."

"He hired one of the prostitutes last night. Nao kept her up late, and it didn't sound like she was enjoying herself. This morning one of the guards said she was walking funny when she left, and not in a good way."

"How do you tolerate behavior like that?" she asked.

"Nao is his own man. I'm his older brother, but at the end of the day, I have no say in how he lives his life. Only my father has the means or right to punish him for his actions."

"And your father is okay with acting and treating people horribly?" Kal asked.

Ichiro chuckled. "I told you when we met my father was a bastard, and he and Nao are very alike. If my little brother is not damaging the family's name or reputation, my father won't bother to speak up. He doesn't care if Nao, or any of us, get rough with a common whore."

"Kal!" yelled a familiar voice. Kal and everyone around him turned to find Ming floating toward them over the heads of the crowd. A few people pointed up as she passed over, sometimes getting a friend's attention as they caught a brief flash of the lantern girl's sex and bottom.

"Ming! I was wondering where you were this morning when I didn't see you with Zakku and Dioga," said Kal as she landed beside them.

The lantern girl's face was glowing almost as bright as the flame in her torso. "Some men came and recruited me to help with the tournament!" she gushed.


"I'm a Watcher!" the woman proclaimed, then looked worriedly at Kal and Kashka's blank expressions.

"Do you not have Window Makers and Watchers at your western tournaments?" asked Ichiro.

"We may, but this is the first I've ever been to," Kal replied.

"That explains much. You will hear everything I am about to tell you a second time before the matches begin. Above the rings there will be a magic window. It's merely an illusion, but they have tied the illusion to the sight of a Watcher. Only Watchers are allowed in the outer area of each ring but cannot come inside the inner ring unless invited by one of the judges. Everything the Watcher sees will be shown in the magic window. It's often a little blurry, but you can still make out what is happening during the fight from a fair distance."

"That sounds extremely useful," said Kal, imagining his face floating over Telsin's town square as he made an announcement.

"It is, but the mages who make them warn everyone before each fight to look away if you start feeling sick or dizzy from watching the magic window. A good watcher has steady eyes and can stay focused on the fight. But they often pick watchers from the crowd, and too much head shaking by the Watcher can turn your stomach if looking at the windows. I imagine they picked your friend because of her ability to float."

"I can float over the ring but can't get too close. I have to stay out of reach of the fighters or their weapons," said Ming.

"I'd like to speak with these Window Maker mages after my match," said Kal, looking hopefully at the lantern girl.

"I'll introduce you tonight if I can."

"Are they paying you for this?" Kashka asked.

"Oh yes," she replied with a dopey grin and wiggle of her hips. "Three times this morning. Plus a couple of silver a day, but I don't have pockets, so I'm not sure what to do with them."

"Could you sew some in?" asked Yua, looking at her robes.

Ming shook her head. "My clothes are a part of me. Even if I sewed a pocket on, it would fall off in a day. Belts and pouches are okay for a little while, but eventually drag me to the ground. I usually let my friends Zakku and Dioga hold onto any of my belongings. Zakku can create pockets in her body to store things."

"That's an interesting ability. What kind of monster girl is this Zakku?" Ichiro asked.

"A mimic," Kal replied. "She was the tub you were sitting in this morning."

"That may explain why my seat was so comfortable."

When only one person remained between Ichiro and the inspectors, Yua stepped in front of him. Using her body to block the view of those around, she slipped a hand into his shorts and beneath his protective wooden cup to grab his cock.

Stroking Ichiro to hardness, she whispered up at him, "The faster you win, the faster you get to empty these," her hand dove deeper to cup his balls, "inside me."

"That feels more like an incentive to throw the match," he growled, making the pika shiver.

"Oh, no. I'll be watching. If I think you're throwing the match, you get nothing," she said sliding her hand up and down his shaft. Yua drew her hand out of his shorts then licked a trail of clear liquid off her palm before stepping aside.

Ichiro growled again at the woman from deep in his chest as he stepped forward for inspection. The pika answered with a quiet moan and sexy wiggle of her hips. From behind, Kal and Kashka could see the monster girl's stubby tail vibrating beneath her shorts.

A mage stepped up to Ichiro. He held a wand made of a dark wooden rod with a fist-sized brass ring on the top and a brass end cap on the bottom. The magic-user waved the ring all over Ichiro's body, paying special attention to his wrapped arms and legs. Once finished, the mage nodded to the next inspector before stepping to the side and waving Ichiro onward.

The second man performed a manual check of Ichiro's wrappings, looking for metal weights or plates hidden beneath the fabric that might give him an unfair advantage. He then had Ichiro pull his shorts down to his knees as the man checked his wooden cup and even under his balls. The inspector was visibly unimpressed with the state Yua left the brother in as his half-hard cock popped out from beneath the cup. Though unhappy with the prick slowly wilting in front of him, the man nodded his approval and indicated Ichiro step to the side to get his cup and shorts back in place before joining the rest of the contestants.

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