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TRC - Lord of the Glass Desert Ch. 40


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Seeing Kal and Kolas, Scarlet forced a grin. "It looks like the man of the hour has arrived." She apparently had some of the same misgivings as Hesta, but the mage assumed she was more worried about the ship and crew than Kolas's safety. "We'll give you as much privacy as we can."

"Thank ye," said Kolas.

"I'll be staying until I'm finished with my tea," said Ikuno.

"Don't mind her" said Kal. She's a voyeur and just wants to watch."

"He knows me so well," the oni laughed as a hand slipped under the leather covering her sex and started making small circles. Only Kal and Kashka knew that Ikuno wasn't touching herself and decided to stay nearby if the situation deteriorated.

Kal forced a chuckle and turned back to the kraken's avatar. "One last thing, Poco. If things go well with you and Kolas, I may visit you later, but not as part of the deal with Scarlet and Ratt. Instead, I would like to get some of your ink."

The kraken again looked confused. "You also would be with me willingly."

"If you prove you are no danger to me and don't mind giving up some of your ink, then I don't see why not."

"If ye were goin' to do the woman anyway, you could have saved me the talk I just had with Hesta," Kolas grumbled.

"No, I couldn't," said Kal, clapping the man on the back. "This is between you, Scarlett, Ratt, and Poco. The deal for the ink is only between me and her. Besides, we both know you have your own reasons for volunteering."

"Aye, don't remind me."

"Come," said the mage, holding his hand out to the squid girl, "the word on deck is that some crewmen are giving your friends a good pounding belowdecks, which means you're missing out."


"I hope ye don't mind if we skip the preliminaries," said Kolas, fumbling with his belt as his hands shook with nerves. The man paused and looked at Ikuno, "Could ye use your mind magic to call the mage back? I understand he has magic that can help a man... uh... stay strong, and I feel like me todger needs a little help in that regard."

"Todger? Haven't heard it called that before," Ikuno chuckled as she leaned forward. A magic circle formed in front of her outstretched hand and pulsed with magic. "Who do you think taught him the spell?" she asked, leaning back and sipping her tea.

Kolas noted that her hand did not return to her sex and that she didn't appear remotely aroused. Considering the big blue woman seemed to live ready to bend over for Kal or bury her face in another woman's quim, the oni's lack of excitement seemed unusual. The former Captain's lips curved into a faint smile. He'd have to thank the mage later for leaving his woman there. Kolas doubted she could do much against a kraken, but the insurance still put his mind at ease, if only a little.

"I don't understand what you mean by 'preliminaries,'" said Poco. Her voice lacked tone or emotion, but from his experiences with monster girls lately, Kolas had the impression it was more from lack of conversation than actual coldness.

The former Captain paused before answering to take in the woman before him. She wasn't pleasant to look at but wasn't utterly repulsive either. Poco looked like a woman who tried to be beautiful, then drowned. The avatar's pale skin had a faint blue-green hue from the kraken's blue blood, and streaks of green algae ran through her long, strangely thick black hair. Poco's skin had an unnatural sheen as if pulled too tight. Kal warned him that her skin might feel strange as it had to weather the harsh salt water and constant pummeling as the kraken dragged its avatar around. Kolas assumed that was also why she only had hair on her head. In other ways, her body was mostly normal and even attractive. Her breasts weren't enormous, and the blue-green nipples were interesting, but she had nice wide hips and long legs, which he appreciated. Poco's face could have been pretty if it weren't for her pallid, tight skin.

"I imagine you don't," Kolas replied, opening the front of his pants and fishing his cock out. "But maybe that'll change over the next few months." He placed his hands on Poco's hips and lifted, but the avatar didn't move. "Work with me, would ya?" he asked, lifting again. Poco rose up into the air, and Kolas directed her backward until her bottom rested against the deckrail beside the forward ballista. "Lean back," Kolas instructed, pressing on her chest.

If it weren't for the ship-killing squid floating in front of the bow, Kolas might have been able to enjoy the novelty of what he was about to do. As things were, he silently thanked Ikuno for the spell keeping him hard.

The kraken laid back as instructed. Kolas thought about one of Kal's suggestions on the brief walk from the galley and forced his mind not to think about the tentacle attached to Poco's back, holding her in position. She gripped the deckrail after a moment's confusion about what to do with her hands, then opened her legs. Except for the dark blue color instead of pink or red, the woman's quim looked normal enough as she presented her sex to him. There appeared to be familiar-looking lighter-blue circles around the entrance. He swiped his cock up and down her slit to gather some moisture, and sure enough, the circles clung to his prick, feeling like little sucking kisses. He also noticed her pussy was cooler than just about every woman he had been with.

The avatar's body jerked when his cock rubbed over her pearl. She looked up at him in surprise.

"Never felt that before, have ya?" he asked.

Poco shook her head emphatically. "Do it some more."

Kolas obliged and spent the next minute rubbing the kraken's pussy with his cock until her cheeks flushed blue and she began breathing heavily. The added color helped her look slightly less like a drowned human and more like a monster girl. When the avatar was nearly panting with desire, he placed his cock at her entrance and pushed. Rows of soft, sucking discs grabbed his prick and drew him the rest of the way into her cool depths, then began undulating up and down his prick. Kolas rested there momentarily, enjoying the sensation before trying to withdraw. A ring of muscle clamped down on the base of his cock, preventing him from pulling out.

"Oy, I can't fuck ya proper if you don't let me move," he growled at the kraken as she shuddered from the feeling of being filled.

Poco blinked a few times before pushing away the pleasure and replying, "Move?"

"Aye, I can't fuck ya proper if you don't let me move. Loosen up a little."

"Hmm," said Ikuno from over his shoulder. Kolas nearly jumped out of his skin, then looked up at the oni, wondering how he hadn't heard her stand up or walk across the deck. "I doubt she's ever had a willing man before," she continued, "and, judging from what I've seen, she sucks the man inside whether he's hard or not and traps him there until he cums. Poco, you need to relax and let him move. I promise it will feel very good if you do."

"But... he might run away."

Kolas shook his head. "I'm not goin' anywhere 'til I've filled your quim with jizz. Loosen up, would ya?"

Poco cast a doubtful look at the oni before slowly relaxing the ring at the base of Kolas's prick.

"I'd appreciate it if ya kept it a little tight," he requested. "Ahh, just like that," Kolas groaned as the ring cinched down slightly. He and Poco both voiced their pleasure as he pulled nearly all the way out and then pushed back in.

"I think she likes that," said Ikuno, taking a sip of her tea while watching expressions of lusty surprise and wonder on the avatar's face.

"Hesta forgive me, she's not the only one," said Kolas as he thrust faster into the woman's pussy. The sucking discs teasing his cock, the undulating walls of the inside of the kraken's quim, and the tight ring around the entrance sent him flying toward his first orgasm far faster than anticipated. Slamming his prick into the kraken's avatar, he buried himself as deep as he could before shooting what felt like an ocean of cum into her sucking pussy.

Poco followed right behind him. The avatar's body tensed up, and her sex drew him in and painfully milked him as the ring again snapped down around the base of his prick. The kraken made odd cooing noises and wrapped her arms and legs around Kolas so she could grind her pussy on his cock while she rode out her orgasm.

The former Captain felt the oni beside them tense when Poco grabbed him. She relaxed a few seconds later as the avatar's arms slipped down to grab the deckrail again, though the woman's legs remained wrapped around his back.

"That spell's usually good for two rounds, Kolas. Going for a second?" the oni asked.

"Ya know... I like that Hesta cums just from my jizz. But I like it better when I get her off without it. I think I might give that a go."

Ikuno asked the avatar, "Sound good to you? Are you ready for another round?" The kraken nodded so vigorously that Kolas worried her head might fly off.

Chuckling at her eagerness, the oni returned to her seat and sipped her tea. "You two have fun. I'll be over there if you need me."


"It feels unnatural," said Ratt, looking up at the furled sails and then out over the sea as it moved past. Poco's long tentacles stretched along the underside of The Scarlet Bitch, occasionally breaking the waterline as the vessel gently rocked. In front of them, the long lateral fins on both sides of the kraken's mantle slowly flapped up and down, powering through the water. Poco's avatar rested beside the forward ballista hanging limply from the tentacle draped over the deckrail. She appeared to be asleep but could be awoken with a touch for any course corrections or sex if a crewman was brave enough.

Whispers among the crew made her think that more than a few of the men were contemplating a turn with the kraken. Some saw this as a rare opportunity to have sex with a kraken-girl, something few men besides Kolas could claim and still live to tell about it. Others were impressed by Kolas's description of his experience with Poco and saw it as a way to satisfy their curiosity and keep the leviathan squid happy.

However, the kraken wasn't as insatiable as most monster girls and claimed to be content with Kolas's effort for the time being. Ratt smiled inwardly. Listening to the former Captain describe sex with Poco made the Captain wish she had the equipment to give the woman a try. But if she suddenly grew a cock, then a certain cat would be first on her list.

"Aye" said Scarlet, "but Poco should save us a day or even two moving across these calm waters" She looked over at the seemingly lifeless avatar. "I still can't believe we have a kraken on board."

"Named Poco... Po-co. I don't know why, but it feels like something as enormous as a kraken should have a more impressive name. So, do we thank Naivoo, or smack her upside the head next time we see her?" Ratt asked.

"Both," Scarlet chuckled.


"You said you want some of my ink?" Poco asked Kal and Ikuno that night.

"Yes. I understand that kraken ink is highly sought after for magic scrolls and runes. I would like to collect some from you."

"But... you know where it comes from, right?"

"I don't know that much about krakens, so, no."

Poco turned to the side but swiveled her hips until her bottom pointed at him. "It comes from there, at least on you humans."

"Your ink is made of excrement?" Kal asked, confused.

"No, my ink is ink," she said, turning to face him again, "but it comes out of there. When I'm trying to escape, something tightens near the opening, and my ink comes out. It's not something I can control very well."

"So, it's inside there somewhere."


"Can you push some out for me to collect? I'm sure I can-"

"Allowing it to mix with seawater would severely decrease its purity and effectiveness," said Ikuno. "Besides, we already need a way to separate the ink from the mucus and don't want to add salt and whatever else is in the seawater to the process out."


"The mucus makes the ink hold its shape in the water so the squid can get away. Otherwise, it would just dissipate," she explained.

"You really want me to swim up a kraken's behind for this, don't you."

"Hold on, this was your idea, not mine. I'm just trying to be helpful and save you a lot of extra work in the future. You've done enough alchemy by now to know that more impurities result in lessened effectiveness and a lower final yield."

"Fair, but that's if she will let me," said Kal, turning back to Poco. "After all, I guess I'm asking her to let me swim into her body."

"You are very small. As long as you promise not to hurt me, I do not mind. To make things easier, I shall bring you to the place where I feel my ink come out," she said as the tip of another tentacle rose up over the bow of the ship.

Kal nodded. "Just be careful. As you said, I am small, and you could easily kill me by accident."

"You can collect my ink when I stop to rest in the morning." A smile tugged at the side of the avatar's mouth as she sat on the deck rail and leaned back, opening her legs in invitation. "You said earlier this was how you planned on trading for my ink?"

"I did," said Kal, unfastening his belt.


The next morning, they learned the kraken received a couple more male visitors during the night. Her voice as she, Kal, Ikuno, and Ria planned to retrieve her ink was still monotone but had a brightness that wasn't present yesterday.

Kal affixed his water-breathing mask in place and wrapped an arm around the tentacle Poco laid over the rail next to her, waiting for him. With Ria following behind, the tentacle lifted the mage and looped over, plunging Kal headfirst into the sea. His strength rune activated just so he could withstand the rushing water as the appendage snaked below the crown of tentacles and the bird-like beak in their center. Beneath the waves, Kal finally saw the full enormity of Poco's body. Her bottom half was white, like her suckers, instead of the dark blue-green she displayed above, and was also where jets of water shot out, propelling the creature's massive body forward. Three of him could stand inside the siphon's opening with hands raised over their heads and barely touch the top and bottom.

Disturbingly, Poco was taking him directly toward this opening. The tentacle, with Kal still clinging tightly, slipped inside the kraken's siphon. The remaining light faded as he traveled deeper inside the monstrous body, and after a few long seconds, the tentacle stopped. Kal released his transport, which quickly retracted. The suction caused by the tentacle leaving sent him tumbling in the darkness for a few moments until Ria caught up with him and gave the mage a sense of up and down. Kal summoned a ball of light and used the mobility magic in the flight rune to swim back up the siphon until he spotted another opening. Poco assured him that the channel would be clean, as it had been months since her last meal, but staring at the portal that would eventually take him to the Kraken's stomach, he couldn't help but worry about what he might find inside. Steeling himself, Kal swam through the threshold of the enormous squid's anus. As Poco assured him, the tube of her rectum was pristine and free of any debris. Thankfully, the large, pale sphincter he sought wasn't far in. Untying Ria's bag of holding from his belt, he looked at the sprite.

"Ready?" he asked. Though she couldn't really hear him through the mask and surrounding water, she seemed to have no issues picking up on his intentions when he touched her bag directly. The sprite just rolled her eyes and nodded before joining the pouch in his hand.

Holding the bag and sprite, Kal wormed his arm into the center of the sphincter and said, "Ria, I need two barrels."

A few seconds passed before a pop of pressure made some of Poco's ink spew out around his arm. Moments later, a second pop followed the first. Long minutes passed with his arm shoved through the ring of muscle as the barrels filled with ink. A tug on his thumb from Ria let him know they were ready for the next step.

"Ria, replace the barrels' bungs, then store the barrels."

After a brief pause, Ria tugged on his thumb again.

"Ria, return to your bag," said the mage. Withdrawing his hand, he found it covered in black, gelatinous goo that slowly drifted away in clumps of darkness. The effect was eerie in the ball of light's glow.

His mission accomplished, Kal began swimming out of the kraken's body.


"Things went well, I take it?" Ikuno asked as Kal floated up over the deck rail before cutting power to the flight rune.

"I believe so. Ria?" Kal called after he stripped off his breathing mask.

The sprite appeared next to his hand. "Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. That was gross."

"But everything should have been clean," said Poco.

"Not that," Kal explained, "She went all the way inside your ink sac."

"Black and slimy and gross," Ria complained. "But the barrels are filled, and I expect a little alone time with you for putting me through that."

"Any time you want."

"Yeah, well, it's hard to ask when you only summon me when you need me for something." She looked over at Ikuno. "Though I can hardly blame you with blue-butt over there taking up your attention."

"Not my fault he's so fond of my blue butt," giggled the oni, spinning in place and mooning the sprite before letting the leather fall and turning back around.

"Do it again, and I'll crawl up inside that cunt and tease you all day," Ria growled.

"Is that a promise?" Ikuno shot back.


"What about my ass?"

"Kinky... I'll think about it."

"Speaking of which," interrupted Kal. "After that experience, I don't think I'll ever think of 'slipping into a woman's ass' the same way."

"What do you mean?" asked Poco.

"Using the back way instead of the front."

"Judging by the confused look on her face, I don't think she's experienced the pleasure of a hard cock sliding in and out of her rear," Ria mock-whispered to Ikuno.

"You can do that?" the avatar asked in disbelief.

Kal nodded. "And it's usually very pleasurable for monster girls."

"Uh oh. I think she caught his attention," said Ikuno. "Someone is thinking about taking our kraken friend's last virginity."

"I blame you for that," Kal shot back.

"That's fair. Should we leave you two alone?" the oni asked.

"No, I think something like this should be taken slowly. I'll come back tonight."

"You're leaving the poor girl curious and wanting? Tease"

"Forgive me for getting up into the guts of a gigantic squid and not being interested in doing the same with its avatar minutes later," he deadpanned.

"Besides, now that Poco knows it's an option, maybe one of the other men can satisfy her curiosity during the day."

"She should wait for you. You know what you are doing and how to make it feel good," said Ikuno.

"I can agree with that," Kashka sent cheerily over the bond.

Kal looked up into the rigging, approximately in the cat's direction, and called, "You aren't helping!"

"If she offers her ass to someone else, they might just shove it in dry and hurt her."

Poco's normally expressionless face held a hint of worry as she looked at Kal. "I'll wait until tonight."

"It sounds like Kal has a date, and I can't start processing the ink until we are on dry land. I wonder what I should do with myself tonight," said the oni, putting her hands on her hips.

"You have a date as well, with me," came Kashka's reply. "Kal, once you and Poco are done, Ratt would appreciate your company."

Ikuno and the mage exchanged surprised looks."Sounds like I have a date as well."


Ikuno sat on a pile of pillows with her back against the inner hull of The Scarlet Bitch. A glowing ball floated above her head as she read the book she retrieved from Ria earlier. The sun had gone down a few hours ago, but so little light reached her part of the hold that even during the day, the magical light was necessary. She looked up and saw a familiar form descending the stairs.

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