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"Oh fuck yes. Please make me come Master." I whimpered in response.

"Come for me angel." was his empassioned response. I tightened like a vise around his cock and felt it expand and explode inside my body. I convulsed with the aftershocks of my massive orgasm. Before sleep completely took over my demolished senses, the last coherent message he said, "My lovely little treasure. I think I shall keep you for some time."

Hours later I awaken and I am home. The sunrise beamed bright into my apartment bedroom, and forced my groggy eyes shut away quickly. I was in my usual sprawled position on my queen sized bed, and buck naked. 'Maybe the whole damn thing was a big fucking nightmare. Yeah, that's it. I had a bad dream from eating all those complimentary chips & salsa the night before. But it just didn't seem right....

Immediately sensing something was off, I noticed that a red, yellow and white rose was left on the pillow next to me, along with a pair of handcuffs, a blindfold, and that diamond collar. A note was left underneath all this, which simply read: "To my treasure". An indentation was left underneath the pillow, and it was still warm, and smelled of sweet alcohol.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Is he going to come back?

redlion75redlion75almost 8 years ago

Yrs let's romanatcise kidnapping and rape

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I truly wish there was more. Grabbed my attention and kept it.

GuyJDGuyJDover 10 years ago
Awesome story

It's a pity that a sequel isn't in your plans for this story. I'd like to see one whereas they rekindle their experience and possibly conceive a child from it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

That was amazingly hot. I would trade places with Tiffany right now! :)

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