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"N-no," Catherine stammered, turning her head away from him to hide the conflict from her expression. This mysterious, beautiful man was touching her in places that she had never been touched before, and actually, at the moment, she had never wanted anything more. But he's a dragon, she told herself firmly, her conviction wavering as he dipped his head down towards her chest and circled her left breast wetly with his too-long tongue, sucking the nipple gently into his hot, wet mouth. She stifled a moan, and he began to work his finger in and out of her with excruciating slowness, pausing before adding another one. She cried out, her breath catching in her chest.

"I don't think you're being altogether honest with me," he said gently, watching her tremble and jerk as he continued to pleasure her slowly with his fingers. His thumb moved upwards to gently rub her clit, and she let out a shaky breath as pleasure coursed through her body like a shock wave. Her blood was turning into honey, running thick and slow and warm through her veins. "The way you're twitching is mouthwatering, and your skin is hot to the touch..." He pursed his lips and blew a thin stream of cool air over the fever-hot skin of her stomach, and the sensation wracked Catherine's nerves like a livewire.

"Yes!" she cried out suddenly, surprised at herself as the word left her mouth. The dragon paused, kneeling very close to her so his lips were brushing against hers with every word.

"Yes, what?" he breathed. She opened her eyes, her body squirming against his. If she was going to die, she might as well enjoy a part of it.

"I want you to fuck me," she whispered, cut off as he suddenly crushed his lips against hers and his long tongue snaked into her mouth. A sudden heat flared up in her stomach as he kissed her, long and slow, and she let out a noise of disappointment as he withdrew his fingers. He pulled away and brushed his thumb between her lips, and she opened her mouth obediently, tasting the tang of his skin on her tongue. He let out a shaky breath and grabbed both her ankles, spreading them apart and pulling her legs up so her feet were resting against his shoulders.

Catherine jumped as she felt something probing against her slick entrance, and her belly did a somersault as she glanced down at him and saw his cock pressing against her. It had to have been nine inches long, and it was so thick-it couldn't possibly fit inside of her.

"It's too big," she whispered, her eyes wide as she stared at him imploringly.

"Shhhh-shh-shh," he said soothingly, releasing one of her ankles to caress her torso with his long, thin fingers. The tips of his nails scraped gently across her stomach, and she shuddered.

"B-but, I've never...ahhhhh," she gasped as he slid slowly and tightly inside of her, pausing after a few inches to let her adjust. Letting out a low groan, he grabbed her hips, angling them towards his, and exhaled shakily as he pushed a little bit further in, not quite all the way. Agony made tears sting her eyes, but at the same time, a warm sensation was uncoiling inside of her. He looked up towards her, and the look in his eyes made her breath catch. "Please go slow," she breathed desperately, and he gave her a mischievous smile.

"I'll take care of you," he promised gently, watching her intently as he pushed all the way inside her, buried to the hilt. Catherine let out a cry as he tore through her maidenhood, but the soreness was short-lived as he braced one hand on the ground and began to slowly, so slowly, slide out of her, until he was barely inside her. She gave a desperate little moan and he pushed into her again, this time a little faster. A twinge of pain coursed through her body, but was quickly replaced by a soft, jittery feeling, like a feather on her spine. He continued, all the while watching her with his half-lidded gaze, and gradually quickened his pace. "Doesn't that feel good?" he murmured, his mouth slightly open, light from the cave entrance playing off his teeth.

"Yes," breathed Catherine, feeling filled to the brim as he pushed back inside of her. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh of pleasure, working his hips a bit faster. He was rubbing against something inside of her, something that was making her tense and shake, something that was making sparks light up behind her eyelids. Her breath was coming in short, quick gasps now, and he opened his eyes to gaze down at her, a wide smile of surprised delight crawling across his lips.

"Are you going to come?" he asked delicately.

"Am I what?" Catherine choked out dizzily. But then she remembered feeling mortified as a teenager when a bawdy, drunk village girl regaled her with tales of her suitor at a tavern. Perhaps this was that feeling she was talking about, where her legs shook and...

Suddenly, he gave a particularly rough, impatient thrust of his hips, and Catherine jerked and let out a strangled gasp as every part of her body constricted and then slowly released in shuddering, luscious waves. Her eyelids fluttered shut and the dragon paused, watching her as she shattered into a million pieces beneath him and writhed in place for a few seconds before going limp. He let out a low noise of appreciation, his grip on her ankle tightening just enough that his nails bit into her skin. "Oh," she whispered, her vision blurry. "Oh my God..."

"You feel absolutely divine when you come," he growled, beginning to move his hips again. She flushed deep red, his wicked words sending a shock of anticipation through her. "Don't worry, it isn't over yet." Catherine groaned as he started fucking her harder, faster, until she was crying out with his every thrust. His lazy expression became one of covetous desperation, and his breath came faster and faster.

Suddenly, he buried his head in her neck and exhaled shakily, nipping the skin lightly with his sharp teeth and collapsing on top of her. Although she may have imagined it, Catherine could have sworn she saw something like scales ripple briefly over the skin of his arms as he gasped for breath, and maybe his nails lengthened even more into claws, if only for a split second. In the throes of exhaustion, she felt him throbbing inside of her as something hot and wet filled her up.

Her arms were nearly numb from the weight of her body leaning on them for so long, and covered with scratches from the hard floor of the cave. Her legs were also becoming very sore from the trek she had been on up the mountain, and she was still incredibly drunk. He stayed inside her for a few moments, his head nestled in the nape of her neck, the long fingers of the arm that wasn't holding himself up idly stroking her waist, squeezing her breasts. They were silent for a while, the cave completely quiet save for their labored breathing.

"Ahh," he finally sighed, pushing himself up off the floor and bringing his face close to hers for a kiss. Exhausted and slightly delirious from wine and sex, Catherine kissed him back, her eyes closing wearily. "You are a treasure," he continued after he had pulled away. She winced as he pulled out of her, the pain in her body becoming much more real now that the afterglow was wearing off. He knelt over her, cocking his head to the side curiously.

"Something the matter?" he inquired.

"I...well..." Catherine stuttered. Nervousness made her hold her tongue-how do you tell your captor, who enjoys eating people of your disposition, that your bonds are too tight? She swallowed. The hell with it. "My arms hurt. A lot. I've been laying on them for quite some time."

"Ah," said the dragon, as if he had forgotten she was bound up for him, straightening up and pulling her up into a sitting position by her shoulders while he straddled her legs. He was still stark naked, and Catherine averted her gaze. He observed the rope tying her wrists expressionlessly before meeting her eyes, the air of closeness about him fading fast. "I see. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to keep you tied up for several nights. As delightful as you are, you women have a wearisome tendency of doing incredibly stupid things while I'm sleeping. Running away, stabbing me with things, pocketing baubles they think I won't miss. I don't miss anything, in case you were wondering. I've fought hard for my treasure, and I've become closely acquainted with every piece."

"I see," Catherine replied slowly, her brows furrowing slightly in puzzlement. When was the eating supposed to happen? Why was he talking as if they were negotiating an extended living arrangement? The dragon regarded her strangely, and then he grinned widely.

"Are you wondering when I'm going to eat you?" he asked silkily. Catherine paused for several moments before nodding uncertainly. He laughed.

"I'm afraid I won't be eating you any time soon-unless you misbehave and rouse my temper, in which case you may be eaten, or at least most certainly die. However, as long as you refrain from doing the three things I mentioned earlier, I have a feeling we'll get along famously."

"Wait," Catherine blurted out. She really should just stop talking, she thought unhappily, but thanks to the wine, insanity just kept pouring out of her mouth unsolicited. "I thought you demanded a virgin sacrifice every year because they were a delicacy. Like roasted peacock. Or wine-filled chocolates." He threw back his head and laughed, and she bit her lip inquisitively. This way playing out damn near the exact opposite way she thought that it would.

"You are a delicacy, but not quite a culinary one." He moved a little closer, and Catherine jerked back instinctively. "Although I wouldn't mind the taste of you on my lips for eternity," he sighed, that too-long tongue rasping across his lips. Catherine swallowed hard, and he stood, pulling her up to her feet. She stumbled drunkenly as her head spun, and he steadied her before hoisting her into his arms and walking with her through the cave. "Ah, I forgot about your current state of mind. You're still quite drunk, aren't you?"

"I do apologize," Catherine said, and she did hear a hint of a slur to her voice, "but I fear that I don't drink very often."

"And why did you change that this day, specifically?"

"My friend gave me a knife to hide in my sleeve," she explained drowsily. She was so very tired, and his chest and arms were very warm, and his voice was oddly soothing. "I was going to use it to cut my bonds so I could do something to escape."

"I see," the dragon replied patiently, making a turn in the winding tunnels. "And how exactly did drinking lots of wine play into your scheme?"

"I don't really know," Catherine admitted. "I hoped it might have made me a bit more brave."

"Ah," said the dragon. "I did see that knife on the floor. It's a fine blade. I think I shall keep it and add it to my collection."

"That's alright. I hope you take care of it," murmured Catherine blearily, nestling into his chest. "It was my friend's."

"Well, if there's anything a dragon is good at, it's protecting precious things. Here we are," he announced, and Catherine looked up tiredly.

Immediately, her eyes widened.

The cavern walls were bright with the reflections of gold and jewels, which were piled high as far as she could see. Chests stuffed full of coins lay open in a corner, and several gleaming swords were stacked up against a stone wall. A silver helmet with a tattered plume and fist-sized diamonds upon it glittered upon a heap of various golden statues, and opulent rugs and tapestries were draped here and there. She stared for several minutes, then glanced up at him.

"All this is yours?" she asked incredulously.

"Indeed," he said. He set her down gently, and the ground beneath her feet rang with the sound of shifting coins. "Hold very still," he continued, moving behind her to root noisily through a smaller pile of treasure. She obliged, and soon felt the rope sliding off her wrists. The dragon moved her hands in front of her and her hopes rose momentarily, only to fall quickly back to earth as she felt a pair of cool, metal cylinders encircle her wrists. She let out a sigh and looked down, only a little surprised to see that the shackles were made of gold. "Yes, the golden chains of King Irithen," the dragon commented cheerfully. "He had a great love for restraints, and his collection was unhealthily large. He was a strange man." Catherine nodded, a little perturbed but far too drunk to care. And a bit chilly.

"Do you have any clothes?" she asked blankly. "It's cold in here, and I fear that you've quite ruined mine." The dragon grinned.

"I'm afraid I don't, but I don't think you'll be needing any tonight, as far as I'm concerned," he replied. She felt her face grow hot, and he let out a short laugh. "You're adorable when you blush. Come here." He took another pair of shackles from the pile and attached one side to his arm and the other to the chain of her shackles, then knelt down onto a nearby rug, pulling her down with him. Laying down behind her, he pulled her into his arms. "Sleep, now. I usually put the girls in their own beds, but you are particularly soft and lovely and shall be sharing my bed tonight." The cool chains of the shackles brushed against her shoulder, making her shiver, but the warmth of his chest was intoxicating, and the beat of his heart was lulling, and she soon felt her eyes flutter shut as she drifted off.

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ShinokageShinokageover 2 years ago

I'm almost done reading this story (I'm in the last part/chapter) - I haven't been able to put it down!! I finally had to because I didn't think my brain could keep reading anymore, lol.

It is not often that I find an author who writes in a way that speaks to my soul (sorry if that sounds weird, but I'm sure you understand what I mean)... someone who communicates in a way that easily fits into my mind & heart. Thank you so very much for this beautiful story!! I don't even care about the sex in it anymore, LOL! (Don't get me wrong, it's nice, but the awesome story overshadows it, in my opinion.)

Once I'm done with this, I'm going to look into what else you have. Also, do you have written works elsewhere on the internet? (If I don't get an answer from you here, I'll use the contact form ;) )

Again, thank you very very much for sharing this story with us.

JadeSparrowJadeSparrowover 3 years ago

This reminds me a lot of I Am Dragon. It was an excellent movie, if somewhat predictable.

RuthLizzRuthLizzalmost 4 years ago

Hey have you ever seen I am dragon?? 🐉 if you haven't I bet you'd love it

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Spoilers in the comment below this one, watch out

The next commenter below me saves their spoiler alert for their last sentence, after the spoilers. Mean.

Ignore that commenter, and enjoy the story. It's a fun tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Thanks for writing and sharing

Thank you author for writing and posting the story.

This basic story structure is strongly formulaic. From the girl, cave, self pitying monster, relationship dynamic growth, epic battle, pregnancy, scare, and happy ending. Nevertheless, it was not strongly derivative or facsimile; given a set of landmarks, there are different paths to each completed journey, some of them unique enough to share even if all taken in the same order. It's more equitable relationship-wise by story resolution, and it's not based on master/slave-servant dynamics, or surprise buttsex. It's weird to have a story updated 2 years later with the last chapter, and having the main character wax lustfully for ass when it was unannounced previously and irrelevant for the last 10000 words. This would not be one of those. It sexual mode starts with physical seduction/reluctance but is primarily consensual. Do not read this comment if you don't want to know the story parameters beforehand.

verbicideverbicidealmost 8 years ago
I liked it

Sure, there are a lot of things to quibble about if you're in the mood, but considering that at least at this point the dragon is fairly benign...as far as dragons go...and Catherine has a bit of fire and brains I'm good with it.

As for the Anon from 8/4, methinks he (or she) is upset this tale wasn't more about physical damage and mind numbing rape. The twisted fucks always want twisted tales, don't they?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Meh, could have been a lot better

Awww, it's so sweet of him to care if she has blood flow to her bound hands and hurting muscles and joints. And it's so sweet of him to care if she's cold or hungry or has to go to the bathroom. And it's so sweet of him to care whether or not she actually wanted to have her life and virginity robbed from her because of him. Real nice dragon, that. Is he hoping to fuck her hard enough to pop her arm out of her shoulder joint?

maddictmaddictabout 8 years ago
My dearest lovely Catherine

Did you have no clue why there were no virgins left inthe village. Ordinary people can at times like this be alittle more in tune with their fate. How ever now I am as certain as you are glad you waited, what a way to lose it, your virginity I mean. Think the old lady knew your fate, getting a gyrl licored up is a time honored tradition

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