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Treehouse 7

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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/21/2024
Created 08/19/2024
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Adam wasn't surprised that over time he had ended up at various times with most all of the girls, but he did notice that Suzie was starting to look at him funny. He figured it was because he hadn't messed with her yet. Janet was the last of the first group he had been with. She followed him one night and curled up with him in one of the treehouses and they took their time and didn't get much sleep, but it was nice. Very nice.

So, no matter what anyone else thought he thought it was his duty to get with the newest group. And that bothered him. Why would it be a duty and even if it was why was that bad. He helped each one of them learn to shoot better. He helped each one of them with traps and ropes. That was a responsibility and that didn't bother him. Why would sex be any different?

After letting it whirl around in his brain while he concluded; it was about trust. They were all attractive to him, and all of them had given him enough hints that even blind to the ways of women he knew they wanted him. Why did he not trust them? He couldn't think of a single red flag. So, it wasn't them, it was him. Why was he holding back?

Again, after playing everything over in his head it came to him. All the first group were slaves he had saved. The newest girls were not. He had saved them, but they weren't slaves. Why would that matter? From conversations he knew all of them had sex before, so he wasn't taking advantage of an innocent girl. No matter how he tried he couldn't understand his reluctance.

One-night Krystal followed him out of camp and asked to speak to him. "Adam, you don't know us, and we don't know you. But in the months we've been here I have seen the way you look at us. You don't want to for some reason, but you do. You feel guilty or somehow wrong to want us. Now I don't have a clue to why or what to do about it. I don't want you to feel obligated to us. You saved us from death or worse, you don't owe us anything. But the 3 of us want you. Not because you're the only man, not because you saved us but because of who you are. IF we had dozens of men around to choose from, I promise you, we would still pick you. Physically, mentally and emotionally you are all we ever hope to find in a man. If it was just us 3, we would still want to share you. The times of one man and wife are long gone. Its family now, numbers don't matter. The other girls have all told us that they will do anything to help but it's your choice.

I know I'm not supposed to come on to you, and that has been tough, let me tell you. I have wanted to get close to you from the very first time I saw you. We don't want to be one of the wives, or lovers, we want to be one of the family. Talk to us, be affectionate with us. We're here till we die either way but I for one would love to have kids. I know we all have 5 and I love them all but the idea of nursing my own child is a dream I'll always crave. If that's all you ever do for me that's fine. But know this, I love you. As family, as friend and as a man. I desire you, not to get close to you, not to be part of the group or any other reason. I desire you as the man I have dreamed of all my life. You own my heart, no matter what you do so don't ever doubt that.

Candice loves you too, but she really wants to just get nasty with you. Use her like a sex toy and she will melt. Suzie, she's in love with you worse than any of us. She longs for you. You're not just her dream, you're her everything. No matter if you ever touch her or not, she is yours. A kiss would have her floating on air. She wouldn't need ropes, she would fly. Whatever is keeping you away don't ever let it be thinking we don't really want you. 8 girls or 30 won't change how we feel about you. Slaves belong to someone until they can escape, we belong to you and there is no escape. We won't leave unless you force us to and I think I'd rather die.

Shit, I was going to keep it simple and now I've probably made it worse. Don't blame the others, this was all me. I just wanted to let you know we love you... crap here I go again. I'll shut up."

She turned to walk away but Adam caught her. "Hold on there little missy, you love me, but you haven't even kissed me yet. I think that's against some law or something. I think you should come over here and sit in my lap and give me a really nice kiss. I want your little boobies all over my chest and your cute little ass squirming all over my lap. I'm gonna cup those cheeks in my hand and make sure you don't fall off. But if your kiss raises the flag so to speak and you accidently fall on it then it's your own fault for being so damn sexy."

She hesitated for just a second, she didn't want it if it was only guilt but then again, who cares why. If he opens the door then she's going in. So, she slowly moved to him and before he could move them she took his hands and held them. "I don't think it's proper for a man to put his hands on my ass till after he kisses me a few times. So, if you just hold my sides or touch my back for now that'd be great." So, he did, he gently held her while she kissed him, then she started rubbing her titties on his chest and her ass started moving.

After a very short time, she pulled her mouth off his just enough to say, "ok, that's enough kisses to be proper, now you can grab my ass cause if you don't, I'm gonna sink on that flagpole. Better yet don't hold it. I'm gonna ride it unless you push me away. I'm sorry, I'm being pushy but damn you feel so good."

He put his hands under her and let his fingers get right up close to her wet pussy. And lifted her up enough to get her nipples in his face then he started licking and sucking all over her. Her neck, her face, even under her arms. He just wanted to eat her up. Then he started rolling to the side, and she said "no, let me be on top."

"Not yet, there is something I've got to do first." He moved her on her back and with his hands on her thighs he spread her and moved his mouth up and down the inside of her legs. Licking and sucking every inch he did everything he could to drive her crazy. After a minute or two of her moaning "no, no, don't do that, I'll scream so loud the whole world will hear!" He finally hit her sweet spot and she indeed got a bit loud. She moved her arm up and bit down to try to contain her cry's. When she had enough, she was trying to get away and with a smile on his face he said. "Ok, now you can get on top if you want."

"Asshole ape-man, I don't have the strength to move now. You'll have to go first, if I have any muscles left after you're through I'll do it then."

So, he moved very slowly and entered her inch by inch. He went as slow as he could, fighting the urge to just hit it but Molly had taught him enough to know when to tease and when to let loose. After hitting bottom and still moving in and out slowly she finally had enough. "Stop teasing me, damn it be an ape you damn ape. Take it, make it yours. Let me feel ravaged like I should. I love the sweet and somedays that might be perfect but for now, on this day, I want to feel my man want me. Lose yourself to the animal inside of you and just take me!!" So, grunting and sweating he pounded her and didn't even try to hold himself back.

When he was done, he held her tight and rolled over on his back. Still inside of her he was still hard enough to feel her twitching. "Ok, done. Now it's yours to use anyway you want." "Adam you're an animal." She moaned, "I've dreamed of all the ways I was gonna do you and now you went and rung me out like a wash rag. I don't have the strength to move much less cum again. It started with your tongue then again with that slow tease and then the whole time you were hitting it. You will have to just cover me up and leave me here. Go tell everyone I'm having a tough day and need some time to myself."

"I'd say you were having a tough day. First you turn your heart out for all the world to hear then you turned your sweet kitty inside out trying to eat an ape-man." Voices from the trees called out.

"I just got here, what'd I miss. I thought someone was dying."

"Oh, nothing major, Krystal set a trap for an ape and ended up getting more than she could handle."

"Yep he turned her every which way but loose."

"Damn you bitches, can't a girl get laid in this jungle without somebody watching?"

"Hell at least we didn't comment until you were done. We could have been offering advice and directions."

"Yea, you did seem a little lost there. I thought you were gonna eat your arm off. It's supposed to be you eating him not your own arm."

"Adam will you be too mad if I accidently throw a few smart ass bitches to the pigs?"

"Thought you were too tired to move?"

"I didn't mean now; I'd wait till the right moment and get em when they weren't expecting it."

"Ok, well that's between all you girls, I guess if you kill each other off then I can always go find some more later when I've got the strength to roam around. How about now you just tie em up and spank them. Make sure and tell me when, cause I want to watch."

"It's not an accident if you plan it in advance anyway!" Adam smirked.

"Oh, shut the hell up, if you hadn't just screwed me silly, I'd be sitting in your lap trying to drive you nuts. I was gonna drive you crazy but no you had to go all ape-man on me and now I'm done."

"Sorry K, but we heard you tell him to do it. He was going to go nice and easy on you and make it last, but you just had to have an animal."

"Whose side are you on? Hell, it's supposed to be us girls sticking together. Girls against guys, come on that's the way it's always been... "

"The viewers are non-biased only. We don't pick sides."

"When I get him, I'm gonna make sure we're all alone."

"Ha, ha, like that's gonna happen. And she was alone till she started screaming, then we came to protect the family. How were we supposed to know you were going apeshit!"

"I give up, go away. I'm taking a nap."

"Good job girls, I admit I never noticed ya'll. Granted I was distracted but still, knowing someone is always around to watch makes me feel safer. Although, I thought the purpose was to watch out, keep us safe. Not watch us, uh, work out our family dynamics."

"I'm doing both, I even saw Suzie over there playing with herself thinking no one could see her."

"I swear I'm gonna poison your food one of these days. Give you the shits for a week or so. I don't mind that you saw me, but crap do you have to tell everyone?"

"I saw it too,"

"Hell, I could hear you from over here."

"Adam, take me on a fence run. Get me away from the nosey turncoat backstabbing sluts that live in this place."

"In girl speak that means she is so jealous she can't stand it and she wants you to give her some of the same."

"Ok that's gone to far, you can't interpret for him."

"Remember straight talk, no girl speak. No manipulating. If you want to get laid you have to just say Adam, please do me!"

About the time 3 or more voices were saying Adam do me, some one smart talked loud enough to override. "Sorry Adam, my bad. I wasn't trying to put you in a spot. Girls if we all pressure him it takes away the spontaneity of it. Let it happen when it happens. Krystal deserves our respect. She approached him and didn't push, just laid it out and it worked out great. So, let's all remember that."

"yep, laid it out there all right. She sure did that."

"Damn girls, do ya'll ever give anyone a break?" Adam asked, "I'm not sure if I'm amused or horrified. I'm proud of all of you, and Krystal did good so give her a break. Or at least wait till I'm out of earshot so I don't have to listen. It makes me wonder if maybe I should keep away from all of you if this is the kind of shit that's gonna happen." Then he took off. He wasn't mad, but they didn't know that. He was just trying to keep it from getting out of hand.

After a bit of quiet someone asked, "Is he gone?"


"Think he's really mad?"

"Nah, I think he's just trying to make sure we didn't piss each other off."

"Damn Krystal, I was so jealous when he started eating you, I wanted to jump down and spread my legs right beside you and hope he would take the hint!"

"I guess guys don't get that talking trash is our way of saying 'you go girl'."

"Most guys would just kill the other one. So no, guys don't talk trash much."

"Suz, when he does do you, I promise to be quiet till he's gone. Then I'll razz you."

"The only way life could get any better is if we had ice cream."

"What's ice cream?"

"Don't really know, but I heard it is some sort of frozen milk with different flavors. And really sweet, like eating pure honey."

"Mom said the guys would sit outside and play with the fire and the women would sit inside and eat ice cream and talk about the guys."

"Sounds boring to me, who wants to talk about guys? Screw em sure but talk about em. Waste of time."

"I would rather be sitting around the fire."

"That ice cream must have really been nice."

A few days later Adam decided it was time for another trip. It never pays to be lax; he had always kept an eye on the outside just in case.

Suzie wanted to go and let the girls know she was going to go with him. That was fine with them, but they knew she was gonna try to get laid while she had him alone. And although they thought it was a good idea it wouldn't be safe to get too busy without backup. The time he ended up doing two of them together was a good story except for the fact that his backup ended up in the pile, so not much of a backup.

So, they told Adam two of them were backing him up and promised they wouldn't get involved. They would stay on watch, a real watch not the spectator kind. The didn't tell Suzie, figured it would be more fun for her.

When Adam and Suzie were about an hour into the trip she asked, "Who's watching our backs?"

Adam smiled, "Smart girl. Who, I don't know but I think it's two? I was told they were going to actually watch out, the correct way. I just hope I can focus and not be watching out to see if I can detect them instead of looking for danger. Can you imagine if they get spotted by someone I miss, and they get hurt? In some ways it was easier by myself, nobody to worry about. If I heard a sound or saw movement, I knew it was danger. Now I worry about the ones who are watching out for me. It all gets so distracting."

"I know you feel responsible for all of us, and that's good and all but you have to let us take care of ourselves. If we screw up its on us. No matter what we do or how hard we try sooner or later someone will get hurt. We have to accept that. Don't have to like it, but that's life. If you had men watching your back would you be as worried? Not because men are better but because you don't really care for them the same as girls. It will be heart breaking when we lose someone, and I did say when. In this world what we have here is paradise. It lets us relax and all that's wonderful, but life is still out there, and life isn't fair. We can't worry about it, just do the best we can and enjoy what time we have."

"You probably get what I feel better than anyone. You took off on your own with 5 kids. Later added a few new friends along the way. You were responsible for all of them. If something happened to Krystal or Candice it would have hurt, you but not as much as if something happed to one of the kids. I figure you would have died to protect the kids. Krystal and Candice would have to take care of themselves. The kids came first. That's logical and I assume they felt the same way. The problem I have is I don't know who to put first. I end up wanting to make all of you first. I need to set my priorities and I can't. Everyone is first to me."

"You got it wrong Adam. It's not up to you to protect all of us. You are first. Without you none of us will be happy. Without you, life is over for us. It's our responsibility to protect you, as an individual. It's your responsibility to watch out for the family. You're the general, we are the troupes. You lead, you plan, we protect. In war people die, and this is war. Its us against the world. There is no government to protect us. I'm betting if we do ever see anyone who claims to be the government, they will probably be worse than the slavers. One leader with hundreds of followers and weapons out trying to save us all! Right, I can tell you this much, if we ever see a large force that we can't hide from. Kill the leaders first. Cutting the head off the snake is always the best option."

"I hope to avoid a big war. No way can we survive that, but I agree with you on killing the leaders if it ever comes to it. I hope all we have to do is survive the slavers. I can't let one of you die to protect me, I lived through that once and it won't happen again. I know logically I'm important, but I can't, I just can't. I think that's why the whole family thing scares me. I don't want to see loved ones die. Me, well I'm not gonna go without a fight but dying doesn't scare me. If I'm gone then I'm gone but I don't want to see family die. And I won't put my family in danger in order to live. I know what you mean though. The family comes first over any of us. Maybe I do need to make a bunch of babies and expand our family so someone can take over when I'm gone. Maybe that's the best long-term solution to keeping this family safe. Grow it enough to be able to keep going if something happens to me."

"Every girl wants to have your babies, me included. So how about we do this. Expand our safe area enough to help us survive until our kids grow up then train them enough to keep them safe after we're gone. And that's enough deep long-term planning so let's get to the now part. Making babies!"

They both were smiling and happy while letting all the deeper thoughts settle down in the back of their minds. Plan ahead then enjoy today. Tomorrow will come no matter what plans you make.

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drycreeksdrycreeks16 days ago

Great story. Chapters seem to b getting smaller. Looking fwd to the next. It has been enjoyed n appreciated

1Sam20231Sam20232 months ago

Liking this. Hope for more additions sooner¿! :)

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit2 months ago

That ‘catty’ after-sex scene was great. Constructive suggestion: don’t end it here. There’s nothing really significant at this juncture except the realization that they’re confused about roles: in sex, relationships, and how they manage their protection. I think your bigger story is how they grow from that last discussion as a family/community. The events of one chapter don’t need to be only days or weeks apart. Babies will be born, some births may not go well, kids will grow, and as Suzanne said, some will die from attacks, you can spin it many ways, but try to drive it towards some goal of your choice: how do you want your characters to be at the end?

AlunCarregTheWelshmanAlunCarregTheWelshman2 months ago
welcome back

god has it been three months since your last ,look forward to the next

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