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Tricia Gets to Ride First Class


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OK, so getting back to that night, me and Vika were watching this outtasight video he put together of surfing and other radical sports and sipping our drinks. He was laid back and not saying much, just letting us get into the film and the great music track that played with it. Derek's a TV writer, so he knows all kinds of stars and musicians out in Hollywood and in New York so he makes a lot of money. But he's just a regular dude. A surfer type, but not a dumbass like a lot of them.

I was on one side of him and Vika was on the other. They started making out and I was feeling kinda weird. Next thing I know, Vika's in front of him doing a strip tease. I gotta say it was pretty hot even though she doesn't have much of a body yet. But she's really pretty and danced so nasty like we do when we're watching BET and VH1 late at night at her house. While she was taking off her clothes Derek began kissing and hugging me. So guess what happens next? That's right, I was up there taking my clothes off, too, bumping and grinding like a hoochie girl. I didn't go all the way to butt assed naked, but just down to my little lace bra and panties. I was pretty dizzy from the beer, since I don't drink and I was on my second or third by this time.

Me and V pulled Derek to his feet and then we sat down and made him strip for us. Holy shit, it was so fucking hot I could feel my ears burning, and my cooch felt like it was on fire. All I could think about was having his hands on me and his mouth kissing me wherever he wanted, and I wanted it to be everywhere.

He's about 30 I guess; maybe a few years younger, like it really matters! He was way older than me and V, and probably only a couple years younger than my parents. Once his shirt came off and I saw what kind of shape he's in it didn't matter. Can you say broad shoulders, a great chest, perfect arms, a stomach that looked like he did a gazillion crunches a day?

Then he began taking his pants off --- I couldn't tear my eyes away, except he was doing it so slow and sexy that me and Vika both reached out at the same time and just about ripped them off him. I felt like if I didn't have him touching me in the next four seconds I was going to explode.

He sat back down and then pulled me into his lap and began kissing me, like he could read my mind or something. God, it felt so good. Then his hands began exploring my body, and I almost fainted I was so happy. It was finally going to happen! After laying awake thinking about it for all those nights since I first made myself climax by accident when I was nine, I was going to let a guy make love to me.

I had dreamed about it even. And in all my fantasies I always came out disappointed because I couldn't think of a single boy I wanted to do it with. They are all such dorks, even the cute ones who I guess I should want, but never have because I bet they'd just fumble around until they got off and then go bragging to all their friends and saying what a slut I was.

My best fantasies were always with a guy like Derek, and even sometimes with an older man in his forties or even fifties. They seem so nice and harmless, but I know they still like sex from the way I see them stare at me and Vika when we're out at the mall, and because they're old they probably know a lot more about it than younger guys.

That's what I really want.... A man with experience who will teach me everything so I can make him happy while he's making me happy.

So Derek was like my ideal fantasy come true. He's great looking, really really nice, and best of all he lives far enough away so I won't run into him accidentally when I'm out with my parents! Just thinking about him makes my mind race and my bod begin to quiver.

Is it bad for me to admit that I'm touching myself down there while I'm writing this, Dear Diary?

While he was kissing and holding me the whole world seemed to stop and I just became one huge nerve. Every touch, sound, smell, taste and sight was the most beautiful thing I could ever hope to experience. I wanted him to undress me all the way, and as I stood before him I could tell Vika wanted me the same way I wanted Derek, and that was beautiful, too.

I smiled at her when she knelt between my legs and began kissing me down there, and I let her taste my honey juice as it flowed from inside me like a river of melting snow. And that's exactly the way I felt --- like I was melting inside. Something frozen and cold was thawing at an incredible rate, like Spring suddenly coming to the high mountains and bringing everything to life.

That's the way I felt the first time I came from someone else's touch. And the weird part is that I'm pretty sure it was from Derek more than from Vika, even though she was working my virgin pussy over like a starving kitten at a bowl of milk. Something about the way Derek touched me. It had a power that I can't describe. Although what V was doing felt pretty damn fine, too.

We had all kinds of sex together that night, and I'm not ashamed of a single bit of it! My body, my mind and my heart were ready, and the way it felt was so good and so intense that there's no way that it could be wrong, like the way my parents or teachers would try to make it seem.

What's cool is that I know I don't love Derek in that movie kind of way, but I really really like him a lot. He can have me any time he wants, but I'm not swearing myself to him like he's my one and only. I think maybe Vika feels that way about him, even though I think she likes girls as much as she does boys. I've been over to his house with V a few more times since then, and it's always a lot of fun.

Sometimes it's just me and him together, which I have to admit I like the best, and sometimes all three of us get the room all steamy. There's even been a couple of times when it's just me and V, playing with some sex toys Derek bought for us to experiment with, and while I don't like eating her coochie the way V loves eating mine, I don't mind getting her off with a vibrator. Derek has one that has two thingies on it, and that's the one V likes best. That girl loves having stuff up her butt! Me, I can take it or leave it.

So I'm a woman now, using an ID I bought from a friend who sweet-talked a night club bouncer into giving it to her. The driver's license is for some chick from Orlando named Carrie Johnson. Nineteen and looks a lot like me, if I was having a real bad day. I'm on my way out to California to visit my grandma who lives in Anaheim. I have to use this phony ID sometimes because I don't have one of my own yet.

I have another ID I use when I think I'm about to get busted for doing something that says I'm still a minor. Sometimes cops will not be so harsh on a sweetie pie like me, as long as I'm underage and pretend I don't know any better. Then I just get the stern lecture, and I act like I'm real scared, when really I'd like to either tell them to fuck off, or maybe grab their cranks and give them a blow job so maybe they'd lighten up a bit.

The other ID is some other girl's, too. We look a lot alike, and her name is Tricia Berke. She just turned eighteen last month, so I need to find a new fake ID for some chick that's still a minor. I like having all these aliases. It makes me feel like I'm some kind of spy or something.

I remember seeing this old-timey game show where a bunch of impostor's tried to fool a panel of celebrities, with all the fakes saying they were the same person. The game always ended with the announcer asking, "Will the real so and so, please stand up." That's how I feel. Some day someone's going to ask, "Will the real Amy Saunders please stand up," and when they do, I'm gonna haul ass or just sit there till I know for sure what they want. That's my real name by the way. Amy Saunders, secret agent, out of Cocoa Beach, Florida.

Grandma Jenna is pretty cool, and I really love her because she's never treated me like a little kid. It's as if she's always seen me as a person and relates to me more like my friends do. She works at the Tragic Kingdom as she calls it, meaning Disneyland, doing something that keeps her there till late at night --- like after midnight. I think she manages one of the fancy restaurants and has to stay late to make sure things are closed down just right.

We hang out during the day until 3PM, then she has to get ready to go to work. I stay in her condo by myself until she gets in. Then sometimes we stay up all night watching old movies on TV on videos and talking about the world and stuff like that.

So I was emailing V one afternoon telling her about Huntington Beach and the scene there (lots of surfers) and of course all she wanted to know about were how good were the waves, as if I'd even look twice with all those hot guys walking around!

Then later on in the email she told me about a website she found that had all kinds of posts, from chat to things for sale, to get this... an erotic listing of people who wanted to meet and do it for money! So I checked it out, and sure enough there were listings for all over the country, including Orange County California and Anaheim.

I couldn't believe how many girls sell their bodies and how much money they make doing it! Some real pretty ones can get $400 an hour, and sometimes even more if they're like built like porn stars and aren't too old.

I started thinking about it, and then got my digital camera out and began taking sexy shots of myself in my bikini, and then later in my bra and panties. Before taking any photos I opened a web mail account that couldn't be traced without a huge hassle.

In the pictures I was careful to blur my face so nobody could see it was me, and then as a dare to myself I posted an ad that said, "Horny schoolgirl 18. Seeks men for incall pleasure. GFE if I like you, no bareback, showers or Greek. $300 hour; $250 half. No haggling. Be discreet. Send me an email that includes a phone number where I can call you back."

I wasn't sure what bareback, showers or Greek meant, but I figured from reading a lot of ads before I posted mine that they meant sex without a condom, butt fucking and yech!, being peed on. Jesus, what kind of skanks let guys pee on them? I put my untraceable email address down with the ad, then uploaded it to the site. Holy cow, within fifteen minutes my email account was getting so many messages I could barely keep track of them all.

After blocking my phone number I answered the first email that wasn't too crazy sounding. I wish I hadn't because the guy sounded drunk so I blew him off saying someone was pulling a prank on me. He was real mean and told me he wanted to come over and show me what happens to bad girls like me. I told him to go screw himself and that if he called back I'd give his number to the cops for hassling an underage girl. That shut him right up.

The next guy I called sounded kinda scared, but real polite. I asked him his name and he said Kevin. I asked him how old he was and what he looked like because a girl like me can be choosy, and if he turned out to be lying when I checked him through my peephole I wouldn't even answer the door. He laughed and said he was in his twenties and was a little overweight and was embarrassed about how short he was.

I told him I would see him, but only for the $300 rate and it had to be within the next hour because the rest of my night was already booked. (This was around 3PM.) He got real excited and said that would be fine and that all he needed to do was take a quick shower and then hit an ATM and he'd be right over. I gave him directions and told him exactly where to park, and this way I could check him out from the window before he came up. If he looked like he described I'd tell him which building and unit number.

I suddenly realized I didn't have any condoms, so I ran to the drugstore two blocks away and bought a box, but not before the ugly hag of a saleslady gave me the third degree. I told her my mom sent me because she was home looking after my six younger brothers and sisters and that my dad was due home that night from serving in Iraq and she didn't want any more kids, thank you very much. It worked, and the witch actually smiled at my story. Hah!

I took a quick shower, too, and actually found myself getting wet with the thought that in just a few minutes some strange man would be stepping into my bedroom and making love to me. I know, it's not really making love, but fucking sounds so coarse and dirty. Even though Derek has taught me to love fucking. I'd be his slave if he wanted, even though like I said, I don't love him or anything. I'm just hung up on his body. And the way he makes me feel.

So Kevin would be only the second guy I've had inside me, and I was pretty damned eager, even if he did turn out to be some fat mama's boy who had saved up some allowance. At least he was going to blow it on me -- while I was blowing on him. Ha ha! If he's lucky. But I'd rather blow him than have him fucking me if he's not cute. At least if I'm sucking his dick I don't have to look at him that much.

I watched as a nice silver Mazda RX7 pulled into the spot I was keeping an eye on. A guy got out who looked the way Kevin had described himself. Not too bad, I told myself, but certainly no Derek. I knew I was going to have to quit comparing every guy to him, but it was hard not to.

The only guy I can think of who is hotter is maybe Brad Pitt. Or Matt Damon. Or Mark Wahlberg. Or an older guy like Tommy Lee Jones, or even Sean Connery. Now those are real men. Whew baby, how many nights had I gone to sleep with my old stuffed teddy bear crammed between my legs dreaming of those guys? Every one I'd say.

My heart was beating real hard when the doorbell rang. I looked through the peephole at him and saw that he was kinda dorky looking. Pretty harmless though, with thick glasses and some zit scars. I opened the door and stood behind it. The dumbass just stood out in the hallway until I whispered loud for him to come the hell in. Jeez, I was probably going to have to everything for this nerd. I closed the door behind him and let him get his first look at me. He broke into a huge smile and then I swear to God, he blushed.

I was wearing a cute little camisole nightie and my naughtiest panties with the pink hearts. My Florida tan stood out against the white filmy material, and my round boobies were standing nice and firm with the nipples pointy and hard. I had pulled my long brown hair into pigtails, and gave Kevin a big brace-filled smile.

"Come in," I told him. I stepped closer to him and inhaled discreetly through my nose. I had told him not to smoke any nasty cigarettes between the time he took his shower and when he got to my place. I swear, nothing says stupid like a cigarette. He smelled OK, so I told him to make himself comfortable as I waited for him to hand over the money.

He stood there shifting from foot to foot, not knowing what to do, so I asked him if he had anything for me in a real sweet voice, looking shy and innocent. He finally got it and dug into his pocket and pulled out a wad of twenties and offered them to me.

"Just put them on the table over there, Kevin," I smiled, motioning with my head toward the nightstand. I had put a low watt bulb in my bedside table lamp and covered it with a blue kerchief that cast the room in a nice subdued light. From my sound system came some soft music that suited the mood I was trying to create.

"Why don't you get more comfortable, and I'll be right back?" I suggested again. I stepped into the hallway to allow him time to undress, wondering if he was so ignorant that when I got back he'd still have his clothes on. If he did, that would be his problem. I'd sit next to him and have a nice conversation, and maybe do a hoochie dance for him, but until he showed me his, I'd be damned if I'd show him mine.

I gave him about three minutes, listening against the wall for any sound of him, and then I re-entered the room. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, butt naked except for a pair of dress socks that came halfway up his calves. I almost lost it laughing, but somehow managed to hold it in.

I came swaying up to him, my hard little body moving gently to the music as I pushed my way in between his knees. He immediately got a raging boner, all of about 4 inches -- and that may be generous. Putting my hands on his shoulders I brushed his face with my tits and let my legs and ass rub all over his inner thighs. He was blushing again as I danced back away and began doing a slow strip for him.

I continued dancing till the end of the song, moving erotically and fondling myself. He hadn't touched himself yet, and I wondered if what he might be what Derek had described as a 'quick draw', meaning he'd come as soon as anything came in contact with his peter.

Derek said he used to be that way, which is hard to imagine. Now that man can last as long as he wants it seems, making me work hard to get him to come. That's my job, and I love it. Making Derek come. I get wet just thinking about it.

I turned and bent all the way over, feet apart and knees locked, pointing my little biscuit right at Kevin, the way I'd been taught. I was so close to him he could probably smell my arousal, and if he thought I was juiced up for him, it didn't bother me. He reached out and ran his hand across my butt cheek, then gripped its firm roundness.

I stood and looked at him over my shoulder, giving him my innocent but naughty look. He groaned loudly. I backed up and sat down next to him. He tried to kiss me, but I pushed him away gently and shook my head. Kissing was off limits.

I lay back and stretched to the drawer of the nightstand, taking a condom from it. I took it from its wrapper and told him to lie back. He did as I ordered, closing his eyes rapturously as I slid the rubber down his little dick. I fondled him for a bit, playing with his balls and jacking him some.

I ran my tongue up the shaft of his dick and he groaned again. This wouldn't take long, I chuckled to myself. He'd paid for an hour, so I'd let him come twice if he was able, or just once if that's all he could manage. The meter was running, and we'd already burned a quarter of an hour with my dance and strip show.

I sucked his dick for a while, letting my hair brush across his belly. I could tell he was getting close, so I slowed down and put a little pain in the mix by pinching his ball sack and nipples and using my teeth on the head of his willy. Not much, but just enough to bring him down from pre-climax levels. Damn, I really owed Derek a bunch for all he's taught me.

I glanced at the bedside clock and saw that we'd past the halfway point. Now I could make him come any time and feel all right about charging him the whole $300 rate. Hell, he was getting his money's worth, I told myself as I went back to slurping his weiner.

"C-c-can I fuck you," he stammered.

"Sure baby, you can fuck me," I giggled. "How do you like it? Doggy style? Missionary? Me on top?"

"Uh, however you like it best, I guess."

I felt like saying I like it best with a much bigger dick, but instead rolled over so I sat astride him.

I positioned my hairless poonanni over the head of his dick, and slowly guided it inside me, making sure to grimace like it was big and that I was having a hard time getting it in. My poon was still wet from thinking about Derek, and I clamped hard on Kevin's dick with my cunt muscles. He came almost immediately, his gasps and moans almost sounding like he was crying. Pitiful, but it was an easy three hundred bucks.

I rolled off him, making sure to keep the rubber attached to his dick by clamping my hand on it. The reservoir held a load of his semen. "Did you like that, baby?" I asked, sounding to myself like a professional courtesan. "Was little Lexi good for Kevin's big dick?" I had decided to use my friend's name since I knew I'd always react to it if someone called it out.

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