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Tricia's New Job

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The secretary gets a promotion and a new responsibility.
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"Tricia, could you come in my office for a minute?" It's the boss calling and it can only mean one thing--you're working late again tonight. You push yourself out of your chair and walk into his office.

"Yes, Mr. Jones?" You watch his eyes as they move from your legs to your hips, pause at your breasts and then continue up to meet your eyes. He always does that when he talks to you and always calls you into his office so he can do it. A simple phone call won't do.

"I'm leaving for LA in the morning to do the presentation for the home office..." "No shit," you think after all I bought the tickets "...and I'm going to need your help getting it done tonight."

"Yes sir," you answer, disappointment obvious in your voice. You'd planned a romantic evening alone with the husband. You'd even worn your best Victoria Secret set under your suit to put you in the mood. Knowing you we're dressed sexy underneath while the outside world saw nothing but your prim and proper business suit always put you in the mood. By the time you got home you were ready for fun and games. The husband usually played it a little safe for your tastes but you always enjoyed it.

"I'm really sorry Tricia, I know it's the third time this week but I promise to make it up to you. Work something out, a few days off, maybe a little extra in the next paycheck," he answers sensing your disappointment. "Ok, go give your husband a call and lets get to work. The sooner we can get this done the sooner we can both get home to our families."

You go back to your desk, hang your jacket on the back of the chair and prepare for another late night of charts, PowerPoint slides, spreadsheets and leering glances. You don't mind the glances so much, in fact they kind of excite you. He's decent looking, nice enough and after 16 years of marriage knowing that another man finds you attractive is a bit of a thrill, an affirmation that you still have what it takes. You've even played it up a bit with him, flirted a little, worn something lower cut or tighter then usual just to see if he notices. You think for a minute, then a smile crosses your face and you unbutton the top two buttons of your blouse. You're in the mood, dressed to kill and he's going to be staring at you anyway why not give him something to stare at, something he can take home and fantasize about when he's fucking that bitch wife of his. You call your husband and explain you'll be late once again.

"Don't worry baby, I'll just blow out the candles and put the wine back in the fridge. Good thing I hadn't started the steaks--then I'd be upset," he laughs.

"I promise this is the last time for awhile. I'll make it up to you honey!" you tell him realizing you're starting to sound like the boss. "I shouldn't be home to late, keep the wine chilled," you lie knowing you'll be lucky if you're home before 1:00. The boss is a terrible procrastinator. Even though you've stayed late twice this week he won't be any further along with the presentation then he was last time. You swear he surfs porn all day and then keeps you late just so he can stare at your tits when no ones around. Well fuck him, tonight you'd give him something to stare at.

"Tricia, could you print out the Q4 financials and bring them in? I need some help comparing them with the current quarter."

"Happy to boss," you answer unconvincingly. You print the files, apply a fresh coat of lipstick, strut into his office, and drop them on his desk. He glances up at you and then looks back at his work.

"Thanks Tricia."

A glance and "Thanks Tricia?" That's it? Where's the leer, the slow slide up your body, the pause on the tits? You decide to give him a little of what he's asking for and he ignores you? It's going to be a long, frustrating night.

The work moves along faster then you anticipated probably because he's really working and not wasting his time staring at you. He keeps you busy with a constant parade of trips in and out of his office but you're lucky if he even acknowledges you.

"I think we're done Tricia!" you hear him call. Great it's only 8:30, you'll be home by 9:00, have a glass of wine, work out some your frustrations. "Could you come in here though. There's one last thing I need to talk to you about." You walk into his office for what seems like the hundredth time that night. "Grab a seat, I'll just be a minute." Getting a reaction from him has become a personal challenge and knowing it's your last opportunity you hike up your skirt as you sit down, showing a little more thigh, and discreetly undue one more button on your blouse. Your breasts are practically falling out of your shirt, your white, lace bra peeking out through the gap. He keeps his head down absorbed in his work ignoring you. "God dammit," you think, "If you're going to keep me late at least pay some attention to me!"

You wait for a few minutes and then clear your throat, "Excuse me, sir can we get started? I'm really ready to head home. It's been a long week."

"Hmmm, what? oh ya lets get started, sorry Tricia." He glances up at you for a second then goes back to his work. You're surprised and a little hurt. Maybe you've misjudged him, over reacted and saw something that wasn't there. Maybe he is just trying to get the work done. This presentation must really have him rattled. Embarrassed, you reach up to button your blouse just as he pushes his chair away from his desk and stands up. You immediately put you hands back in your lap leaving your blouse gaping. He pauses to pick up a paper and moves to the front of the desk. As soon as he rounds the corner you notice the bulge in his pants. You try to hide your surprise. If that's all dick it's the biggest one you've ever seen. You start to smile as it occurs to you that you might had had a bigger impact on him then you thought. He stands in front of the desk, resting his butt on the edge, his arms folded across his chest. The bulge in his pants more prominent then ever and you're having a hard time ignoring it. You feel a little turned on knowing the effect you've had, imaging just for a moment what it would be like to have that cock inside you. The smile returns to your lips. He clears his throat getting your attention and breaking your little fantasy.

"Know what this is Tricia?" he asks, gesturing with the paper in his hand. "No sir." "It's your job description Tricia. It's a list of the requirements and responsibilities for the job you have." you swallow hard wondering where this is going "And you know what Tricia, no where in this document does it list 'cock tease' as one of your responsibilities."

"What!? I'm sorry, what did you say?" You ask shocked, not able to believe what you heard.

"I said your job responsibilities doesn't include being a cock tease Tricia. I'm thinking of letting you go so you can find a job that's better suited for that particular talent. You're obviously very good at it. Practice a lot Tricia?" It takes a moment for what he just said to make sense.

"What?? You're threatening to fire me? I don't think you can do that. I work hard Mr. Jones. And I'm good at what I do. I've always done what you've expected of me."

"Oh I can fire you and I will. Sexual harassment is illegal and I feel that's what's happening. I've noticed the flirtatious behavior, the teasing smiles, the provocative clothing. I mean look at you now Tricia, I can see down your blouse from here, you're skirts so hiked up I can see the tops of your stockings, what am I suppose to think? I feel harassed. I've already discussed this with HR and after tonight's behavior I think letting you go is the best course of action."

"What???" You can't believe what you're hearing. The guy that undresses you with his eyes every time you walk into the room is going to fire you for sexual harassment? Your cheeks flush with anger and then the realization of what he said sets in. He's already talked with HR, if you suddenly pipe up with the same accusation it's just going to sound vindictive. No one will believe you. "I...I'm sorry, Mr. Jones," you stammer, "I was just in a mood and upset that I had to stay late again I didn't mean anything by it. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I thought you'd enjoy it." Suddenly you're scared. What's going to happen when you come home fired from your job for sexual harassment? What's your husband going to say? He'll be crushed, suspicious that you worked the late nights just to throw yourself at the boss. The fear deepens. Lose your job and your family on the same day! God, this couldn't be happening. It was just a stupid prank, you can't get fired over joke, can you? "Please don't fire me Mr. Jones," you plead, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. It'll never happen again, I promise."

"I don't know Tricia. I just don't think I can keep you in your current position after what's happened. I'm sorry."

"Please, please don't. I swear I'll never do anything like this again. Please just let me stay." You plead.

"There is one thing I maybe able to do. There's an opening for a new position that I think you're qualified for. Better pay actually, involves some travel and late nights, and I know how you feel about late nights, but it's the best I can do." The feeling of panic starts to subside. A new position. Sure there's the time away and the late nights but it's better then the alternative and it even pays better. You relax, the fear starting to ebb.

"Thank you Mr. Jones. Thank you so much! I'm so sorry."

"Of course you will have to re-interview for the position."

"Of course sir."

"But you're the only person I'm currently considering so I'm sure you'll do fine."

"Oh," you answer surprised "So I'll still be working for you?"

"Yes, in fact we'll be working closer then ever," he answers, crossing the room. The relaxed smile that had started to form on your lips turns to a frown as he moves to the side of your chair stopping just inches away, his bulging cock almost brushing your check.

You swallow hard, "May I ask what the job is sir?"

"Of course Tricia, I'm offering you a position as my slut."

For the second time that night you can't believe what you've heard. "Your what?! Your...your fucking what?!"

"My 'fucking' slut Tricia," he answers calmly. "It's your choice. Let me fuck you or spend the rest of your working days trying to explain why you lost this job."

"I don't understand. I...I...mean I guess I do but I can't believe it. You're blackmailing me for sex?"

"Blackmail? Not at all I'm just offering you a new position. One you seem uniquely qualified to fill. You're a beautiful, sexy, woman Tricia, exactly what I want for a playmate. It's either accept the position or leave...and I will press charges." You wish you'd kept the blouse buttoned, the jacket on. Hadn't played his game. Uncomfortable you try to adjust your skirt, attempting to cover more of your thighs. He stands over you, looking down your blouse.

You try one more desperate attempt to free yourself. "I can't believe this! I'll tell your wife! I know who she's is. I'll call her and tell her what you're doing!"

"Go ahead" he laughs. "She'd love to hear your stories and compare them to ones she'll hear from me! See, she already knows Tricia. She even offered to come tonight and take pictures of me using you but I convinced her it would be better to wait. So go ahead give her a call I'll even dial the number!" he has you trapped. You have no one to turn to, no one to stop him. You have no choice, accept the new position, let him use you as his personal plaything, or lose everything you've worked so hard to achieve; your job, your career, your family.He has you caught in a trap you created.

He looks down at you, a glint of lust in his eyes. "Nice tits Tricia! I can't wait to get my cock between those! Now let's begin the interview shall we. I think we'll start with the oral portion," he smiles "Now stand up!" You stand slowly not sure what to expect but knowing you have no choice. You want to just walk away but can't. He grabs you around the waist and pulls you tight. You feel his cock pressing against you. His other hand reaches up behind your head pushing it forward, pressing your lips against his. Your mouth yields to his tongue. The kiss is long, passionate, thrilling. You can't believe it as you feel yourself press into him, wanting him to hold you tighter. He slowly pulls his lips away, stares into your eyes. "I think I've found the right person for the job now get down on your knees bitch!" You hesitate not expecting his tone. "I said get down on your knees slut," he commands, pushing you to you knees. He grabs the back of your head by the hair and tilts it up. "When I say get down on your knees bitch I expect you to do it! Understand?" he asks looking down at you.

"Yes," is all you can say. Still holding onto your hair he uses his other hand to unzip his pants and pulls out the biggest cock you've seen outside of the porno movie your husband tried to get you to watch. He slaps it against your face a few times then rubs the head across your lips.

"Lick my cock slut!" You do as he asks, running your tongue over his shaft. Licking it up and down, coating it with your saliva. "So you like to suck cock baby? You're acting like you want a cock in your mouth. Let's find out." He pulls your head forward forcing his dick in your mouth. He uses your hair to work your mouth back and forth over his cock. You realize that he's using you, practically raping you but you can't help yourself. You don't understand. You're confused. You're turned on. Actually more sexually excited then you've been in your life. The animal passion of it, the feeling of total submission, the power and control of this man. You begin to yearn for more You want to feel his cock in your pussy. His tongue on your clit. His fingers tugging at your nipples. You can't wait to submit to him, let him take you, use you, treat you like his whore.

"Like getting your face fucked bitch?" You nod your head, unable to speak with his cock filling your mouth. "Good, cause I'm gonna be fucking these sweet lips a lot!" He pulls his rod from your mouth and steps back, stroking it slowly. "Sit down in the chair." You stand up, move to the chair, and sit down. "Spread your legs." You do as he says, your skirt riding up on your thighs, your white panties the only barrier between his lust and your growing passion. "Move your panties. I want to see the cunt I'm gonna be fucking!" He watches, working his cock with his hand as you pull your panties aside, exposing your smooth pussy. "Oh, nice wax job Tricia! Wouldn't have thought you were the smooth cunt kinda girl. I was gonna make you wax it for me. Thanks for being prepared. I can always count on you to be prepared! Now finger that fuck hole for me bitch." You slide a finger into your wet cunt wishing it was him. He watches for a while, playing with himself while you play with your cunt. You close your eyes, pleasing yourself with your fingers, yearning for his cock.

"I'm gonna have fun fucking you Tricia and something tells me you're going to enjoy you're new position as much as I am. I've been thinking about this moment since you dropped your resume on my desk." he says, snapping you out of your fantasy. "Just a cheap slut that can't wait to be used by a big cock! Now, show me your tits bitch. I want to see those nice fucking tits!" Reluctantly you pull your fingers from yourself and start to unbutton your blouse. He walks toward you still stroking his cock. You finish undoing the buttons exposing your ample bust. "Mmmm, I like what I see." he says as he pauses beside you. He grabs you by the hair again forcing his cock back into your mouth. "Suck it slut. Come on, work it bitch." You suck his rod frantically, eager to please him, eager to be a good whore. As you work his cock with your mouth he reaches down and pulls one of your tits from its cup.

"I love tits Tricia. Love playing with them, sucking them, fucking them!" he pauses for a second, "Bet you've thought about being a whore before haven't you? Submitting to a big cock. Letting a man use you, begging him to pound that slick pussy with his dick! So you gonna beg me to fuck you slut? Are you going to beg me to slide my dick in your sweet cunt? Are you gonna beg me to treat you like a whore? Hmmm, are you?" You're to focused on his dick to respond. He pulls your mouth off his cock "I said are you going to beg me to treat you like a whore, you bitch? Now answer me slut!"


"Yes what, cunt?"

"Yes, I'm going to beg you to treat me like a whore..." and then you add "...like the whore I am."

"That's better bitch! I'm glad we agree on what you are!" he says forcing his dick back in your mouth. He uses your mouth for a while and then pulls out. "Now go bend over the desk Tricia, it's time I fucked my slut."

With the words 'fuck my slut' a sudden wave of conscience overcomes you. What are you saying? What are you doing? You're a married woman and you're saying you want to be his whore! This is insane, you have to stop him, not let this game go any further. Yes you've sucked his cock but you have to draw the line somewhere. It's simply wrong! "I won't do it," you answer with a new sense of conviction. "Do what ever you want. Fire me. I don't care. I can't let you do this to me."

"I'm not asking bitch, I'll do whatever I want!" He pulls you up by the hair and pushes you over to the desk. "Bend over slut. I'm gonna fuck you!" You hesitate, as much as you crave to feel him inside you know it's wrong. You can't let him violate you this way. Once you submit to him you'll never be able to say no. He pushes you forward "God dammit slut! I'm gonna fuck you whether you want me to or not and you know you want me to." He's right,

of course, you do. You want to feel his cock violating you, let him use you, but you continue to resist.

"No, I won't let you! Let me go," you protest, trying to struggle free of his grip. He grabs your hair, pulling it tighter as he rips your panties aside and probes you with his hand.

"You're wet baby! Go ahead say you don't want that pussy fucked I know you're lying! You can't wait to feel a real dick, can you slut?" He pulls out his fingers and you feel the head of his cock push against you. Suddenly he thrusts his hips forward forcing his entire member into you. You let out a gasp and the struggle stops. He pistons in and out of your pussy, fucking his new slut. He leans over you. You feel his hot breath on your neck. "You feel so good baby! I'm loving your sweet pussy. You're beautiful baby, my beautiful whore!" he whispers into your ear. He has you, you've submitted to him. Now you're his slut to use as he pleases. You feel yourself starting to cum as you let go and embrace your new role as this mans whore.

For r.

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pummel187pummel187over 1 year ago


verbicideverbicideover 8 years ago
So incredibly stupid

Spend her days explaining how she lost the job? She's a fucking personal assistant not a goddamn CEO. Nobody is going to give a rats ass about how she lost the job. Oh my god, she's trapped! Yup...trapped in an absolutely stupid plotline that makes porn look like Hemingway.

jerm069jerm069about 14 years ago
Continue please?

I would love to read more of how she is made to submit to her boss and be degraded...going home to her husband with a cunt full of cum and having him eat her out or his cum still on her lips and tongue and kissing him...

can't wait!

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